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Usually, fashion, considered as fads, is extremely changeable. Then, what is actually the fashion trend? In fact, your closet, for example, can answer it. When it comes to the fashion industry, it's a continuously changing world. Even though some trends are considered as ridiculous. Trend is the guide in which something new coming out, mostly implying the growth of fashion in a specific field. Therefore, fashion is the latest evolvement of the fashion industry. Basically, 'WE', the consumer decide which merchandise is hot by making our minds what to purchase, including the hair style, the clothes, the jewelry, etc.
Usually, fashion, considered as fads, is extremely changeable. Then, what is actually the fashion trend? In fact, your closet, for example, can answer it. When it comes to the fashion industry, it's a continuously changing world. Even though some trends are considered as ridiculous. Trend is the guide in which something new coming out, mostly implying the growth of fashion in a specific field. Therefore, fashion is the latest evolvement of the fashion industry. Basically, 'WE', the consumer decide which merchandise is hot by making our minds what to purchase, including the hair style, the clothes, the jewelry, etc.

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