Processing OpenGL Tutorial Video #2- Bubbles! from Andy Best on Vimeo.Interested in performing high-performance, high-quality video processing, computer vision, motion tracking, and analysis? And want to do it in the friendly Processing coding environment - an ideal place to start, even for non-programmers? First, you’ll want to read Andy Best’s introduction to OpenCV posted a [...]
I’m a little incredulous that I haven’t posted about La Blogotheque before. The French crew have been putting out their intimate live music podcasts or “Take Away Shows” since 2006. Their philosophy is obviously something I’m super keen on:Every week, we invite an artist or a band to play in the streets, in a bar, [...]
SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo.When we talk about “digital” process, it’s often mixing real, physical techniques that can make all the difference. In sound, that may be sampling real sounds, or building your own speakers, or finding physical interfaces. In visuals, it’s finding ways of doing things in the domain of actual light and [...]
American director Todd M Duym has put together a tight little multi-camera music video for Curtis Santiago.Curtis Santiago - Annabel from Todd M Duym on Vimeo.The edit is loads of fun. Having worked on a much simpler screen-splitting post production before, I can imagine the post on this piece may have been reasonably time-consuming. Expressions [...]
Examples of OpenCV routines from the Processing library documentation. Of course, it’s up to you to build on these techniques and make art.It’s a relatively easy thing for computers to “see” video, but “computer vision” goes a step further, applying a wide range of techniques by which computers can begin to understand and process the [...]
Herovision is now streaming live from Game On at the State Library of Queensland.This is a test stream, so please forgive any technical issues and dead air you may encounter.Tonight we have Flamingo Crash, followed by Simulcast, and then Herovision. Live!If you’d like to drop in to the chat and say hi, drop in to [...]
I have a confession to make, CDMo(n)sters. I’ve been keeping things from you. There has been so much exciting stuff happening with the Vixid and Herovision over the past months that I’ve been paralyzed. In spite of my “do it fast, release it now” philosophy, I haven’t been sharing things, because they’ve been perpetually not [...]
Friend of CDM Simulcast caught up with Australian video remixers Soda Jerk last year, to talk about their technically intense, epic, narrative remixes.Soda_Jerk are two remix artists who create brand spanking new stories with their compositions. They work across several mediums but are probably best known for their entirely sample based audiovisual films that range [...]
AntiVJ, that projection mapping luminary, has shared some behind the scenes video of a live painting and projection mapping performance in December 2008.AntiVJ - Live Painting: Shackleton from AntiVJ on Vimeo.It’s fantastic to see this kind of process stuff, and a beautiful reminder that projection mapping doesn’t need to be paired with 3D objects to [...]
It’s called “Handmade Music,” but I’m hopeful CDM’s ongoing DIY party in Brooklyn will start to add more visualists. Jay Smith of Livid has made an appearance, and most recently we were able to feature the wonderful, circuit-bent Nintendo console motion art of noteNdo (Jeff Donaldson), pictured above. We have a lovely projector ready to [...]
DIY 3D Scanner from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo.Kyle McDonald sends us a hacked-together 3D scanner. I love that it’s slightly inaccurate in aesthetically-pleasing ways, I love that it’s something you can put together using stuff you already have at the ready, and I love that it’s powered by Processing. The applications could range from 3D [...]
As your options multiply, I think there are few excuses in 2009 not to develop using portable, free and open source, multi-platform, mobile-ready platforms — period. We talk a lot about the Java side of the pond, or even C/C++, but the other reality is you have options for just about any job using just [...]
Hacker extraorindaire Gijs Gieskes has turned your local web browser into an insane, glitched-out audiovisual instrument. He writes:Here is a new project, it involves using webcrawlers to make live visuals with music.. works quite o.k.The music is some of my old recordings on mini disc’s i still had.. mostly 2000 till 2003 i think, its [...]
“Evacuate City-17 at once — if not sooner.”It’s started. Once the domain of big-budget productions, cheap computers (and even open-source tools) now offer more than enough power to enable indie productions to imagine special effects. The remaining gaps: talent and skill. That’s why people actually shouldn’t be surprised that it’s possible to make a slick-looking [...]
Compression Reel from David OReilly on Vimeo.8-bit chip music went mainstream in the last few years. Well, now it’s video compression’s turn. What, you thought crunchy blippy glitch sounds were cool, but that video could only look crap when over-compressed digitally? Too late: even Kanye West is doing it now.First up: the best of this [...]
We love computers. But the idea of a piece of hardware capable of triggering clips has been tantalizing from the beginning. Grab a piece of gear that’s not big and pricey like a Pioneer DVJ, plug it in, and play some clips into your mixer and effects — sign me up!The only problem has been, [...]
Software is increasingly a medium for artists. That to me raises really deep questions about platforms, and whether you’ll have freedom with the platforms you use. A gig’s a gig, and there’s nothing wrong with using these tools to accomplish jobs. But on the other hand, for the same practical (not even philosophical) reasons, the [...]
SND @ Club Transmediale 09 from Wuestenarchitekten on Vimeo.You’ve had those moments in which the dock of your Mac popped up or the mouse became visible. None of us enjoys that. But what about when the interface itself - the UI that’s directly related to producing what you’re trying to express — becomes visible? To [...]
Morgan Packard (music) and Joshue Ott (visuals) at Mutek in 2008. I’m really excited to play with these guys, as I think they have a lot of great ideas about the collaboration between music and visuals. Photo: mutek2007.VJs and visualists are often asked to just make something nice happen behind musicians. What if that relationship [...]
The fantastic brightness of LED screens makes them one of the pinnacles of display technology for large events and installations. However their relative expense and size makes them inaccessible for smaller venues or budgets.Enter Evil Mad Scientist’s Peggy LED board. The Peggy 2.0 board allows the 25×25 LED to be addressed individually, and Jay Clegg’s [...]