3rd Dec Leeds O2 Academy, be cool to see some of the Leeds Mafia there;) Image: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4607/dsschulzweblandscape.jpg
////poor english translation//// Ouananiche is ravenous for films, cooking them up and recomposing them into musical video collages. When PHI...
I will be showing paintings that I integrate with projections at a new gallery in new york city the last weekend in october. I made a trailer for...
There's gonna be a good crew at R&V in NZ this year. 4 stages all with hi-spec beamers, lasers, screens and VJ's. Who else is going? Really looking...
Lab | Isadora focus on mapping 17-18 marzo 2011 Il corso fornira ai partecipanti una base tecnica che permetta loro di sviluppare tecniche...
As part of Flatpack FestivalFlatpack Festival (http://www.flatpackfestival.org/home/) I'm running a 1 day beginners workshop in vvvv, I'm afraid due...
I'm heading out to the LPM this year and doing a workshop and will *hopefully* have some copies of the long overdue Quartz Composer book, I have been...
anyone on forums attending / entering this? WMC VJ Challenge (http://wintermusicconference.com/events/vjchallenge/)
Image: http://i54.tinypic.com/20rle09.jpg Rocstar Events in association with The Drop are very proud to announce- BIG BEAT REUNION BRISTOL...
Transahara 2011 - Sahara Desert - Morocco April 22nd to April 26 Image:...
*SALON FLUX Nr.2* We are thrilled to announce the second instalment of SALON FLUX, a night boasting a wild mix of music, live visuals,...
The next in a series of nights when top class chilled electronica is combined with video. The last one which sold out was extremely well received by...
Hello! I'm proud to invite you to know the artists will be presented on PANORAMICA this year. PANORAMICA is an real-time audiovisual festival...
incite/ live @ Videoformes Festival, Clermont-Ferrand March 17th 2011 @ Poco Loco 10 rue Fontgieve 63000 Clermont Ferrand other audiovisual...
Drop Out Video Arts BYOBWORLDWIDE.COM and W2 Present Drop In / Drop Out: Video Arts Expo at W2 Storyeum Friday March 18, 2011 Image:...
From VJ to VJ, Have you ever thought about VJing in a Planetarium? Yes? So now it´s possible at FULLDOME UK 2011 (http://www.fulldome.org.uk/)...
hi all! This post is mostly directed to the Portugal based so sorry for the portuguese use.. Irei leccionar no próximos dias 5-6-7-8 de Abril...
EMERGEANDSEE media arts festival Berlin 2011 – DEADLINE March 15! /En Détail/ Since 2000 the EMERGEANDSEE media arts festival offers...
3 projected video screens, B&O sound and the best live electronic performers we can wrangle in Adelaide, Australia! Rest of world, wish you were...
http://vimeo.com/21165779 check: http://jetztkultur.de (http://jetztkultur.de/)