International Conference and Publication: Fabricate :: April 15-16, 2011 :: The Building Centre, Store Street, London :: Call for Work — Deadline: September 10, 2010 (online submission system will go online August 16).Central to the aim of Fabricate is to interrogate and disseminate architectural innovation in design and making practices across industry and academia. Submissions [...]
Virtual Connection :: VASA Gallery :: Call for Artworks — Deadline: September 24, 2010.Virtual Connection intends to highlight the relationships, associations, and interconnections unique to virtual communication platforms. Works should be developed for virtual worlds and have been showcased in the world prior to the reflective showing of the work in Virtual Connection. Virtual Connection [...]
Crash 2.0: Robert B. Lisek :: September 10 - October 18, 2010 :: Opening: September 10; 7:00 pm (with an audio performance, SUNUS) :: Galeria NT The exhibition of Robert B. Lisek analyzes the context of a “security” idea based on an example of the Smolensk crash. Lisek analyzes the social processes which, through [...]
[Nam June Paik standing up to greet President Clinton at a White House State Dinner for South Korean President Dae Jung Kim on June 9, 1998] Trickster Makes This World :: August 31 – November 21, 2010 :: Nam June Paik Art Center, 85 Sanggal-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 446-905 Korea.A Trickster is the agent provocateur [...]
David Rokeby, Very Nervous System (1983-) Documentary Collection — From the Introduction by Caitlin Jones and Lizzie Muller: [...] “This artwork is a particularly interesting case study for the Indeterminate Archive for two reasons. Firstly, it offers an unmatched demonstration of the importance of experience in media art. Very Nervous System is, as many audience [...]
Devices that Alter Perception (DAP 2010) — in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2010) :: October 13, 2010 :: COEX, Seoul, Korea :: Call for Papers — Deadline: September 1, 2010.Sensors, actuators, implants, wearable computers, and neural interfaces can do more than simply observe our bodies: these devices [...]
[Photo by David Masters] Anne Galloway: Counting Sheep – NZ Merino Wool in an Internet of Things :: August 31, 2010; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm :: Queensland University of Technology, Council Room (A105), A Block, Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, Australia :: Please RSVP by 25 August 2010 to julieanne.edwards [at] Pervasive computing [...]
The Temporary Travel Office is pleased to release the first volume in its Stories in Reserve series of guide books.The series will feature original guided tours created by artists, activists, historians and storytellers that span from polemic narrative to experimental soundscape. Taking its title from 20th Century scholar Michel de Certeau’s The Practice of Everyday [...]
The gallery@calit2 opens its doors to research this summer with Summer Research Lab: Software Studies Initiative. Software Studies Initiative is led by Lev Manovich, UCSD Professor of Visual Arts, Jeremy Douglass, UCSD Post-Doctoral Researcher and William Huber, UCSD Graduate Researcher, with input from a cross-disciplinary team of faculty, graduate and undergraduate researchers. The research group [...]
17th International Symposium on Electronic Art: ISEA2011 Istanbul :: September 14 - 21, 2011 :: Istanbul, Turkey :: CALL FOR PROPOSALS — Deadline: December 1, 2010.We invite proposals for panels, artworks, papers and workshops form artists, scientist and academics interested in how the digital and electronic media are re-shaping contemporary society and behaviors. ISEA2011 Istanbul [...]
Hacking the City – Interventions in Public and Communicative Spaces :: July 16 - September 26, 2010 :: Museum Folkwang, Ruhr, Germany.Hacking the City is an innovative project reacting to changing structures in the public, mobility and communication in the city. The project is mainly focussed on Essen, Cultural Capital Ruhr.2010. Participants are artists, nerds, [...]
Peter Kogler. Projection :: until September 12, 2010 :: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Römerberg, 60311 Frankfurt, Germany.The Austrian multimedia artist Peter Kogler is one of the pioneers of computer-generated art. With his impressive 360-degree multi-projection, Kogler creates a space of illusion that completely captivates the observer. Lines of a uniform grid lose their fixed coordinates and [...]
Traversing a Foreign Border Domestically by Joe Bigley:This symbolic act is to gauge public opinion of the conflict in Afghanistan as well as to point at the curious nature of the idea of national political boundaries. By traveling the designated route, I will be engaging in a dialogue with individuals regarding their personal thoughts on [...]
Studia, Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philosophia Series: Phenomenology of Digital Technologies :: CALL FOR PAPERS — Deadline: September 1, 2010.Studia Philosophia proposes an international debate on the phenomenon of art, technology and scientific development in the present digital era, focusing on the impact of the digital media in our lives. Today’s digital technologies have created a new [...]
GLI.TC/H — an international gathering of noise & new media practitioners :: September 29 - October 3, 2010 :: Chicago :: Call for Entries — Deadline: August 20, 2010.GLI.TC/H is a physical and virtual assembly of artists, hackers, moshers, dirty mediators, noise makers, circuit benders, p/h/i/l/o/s/o/p/h/e/r/s, and those who find wonder in that which [...]
Dome Lab: Call for Entries — Deadline: September 3, 2010.The emergence of ‘destination cinema’ and the proliferation of large-format screens in public spaces present a challenge – and opportunity – to filmmakers and artists working in more traditional screen formats. At the very least a new cinematic language is required, one taking account of the [...]
Conservar, Documentar, Archivar - Encuentros de conservación de arte electrónico y digital (Conserving, Documenting, Archiving - meetings of electronic & digital art conservation) :: September 1, 2, 3, 6, 2010 :: Cultural Centre of Spain at Buenos Aires (CCEBA) + Telefónica Foundation + Latin-American Art Museum of Buenos Aires (Malba).In this year’s meeting we are [...]
Unleashed Devices :: September 1 - October 22, 2010 :: Watermans, 40 High Street, Brentford TW8 0DS, UK.Unleashed Devices is an exhibition of DIY, hacking and open source projects by artists who explore technologies critically and creatively. By reconstructing, remixing and reinventing everyday electronic devices, these take on a new life as they shift our [...]
Perfect View by C5 :: August 5- September 2, 2010 :: Opening Reception: August 5; 6-8 pm :: Artist’s Talk (Jack Toolin): August 26; 6-8 pm :: Project Room at the Chelsea Art Museum, 556 West 22nd St., New York,Perfect View considers our perception of landscape in light of growing technological mediation brought about [...]
From Victor Burgin in conversation with Hilde Van Gelder; Art and politics: A reappraisal, Eurozine: “What you call the “academicization” of the arts would have been anathema to the old art schools, where the reigning ethos was rigorously anti-intellectual – I think of the painter Barnett Newman’s remark that philosophical aesthetics, to him, was what [...]