[David Levine Image from Bauerntheater, 2007. Photo: Joe Dilworth] Audience Experiments: Contemporary Art in the Age of Spectacle :: May 18, 2010; 5:30 p :: The Museum of Modern Art, Cullman Education and Research Building, 4 West 54 Street, New York, NY.The Contemporary Art Forum is an annual platform of discussion about timely and pressing [...]
Lu Yang: A Torturous Vision :: April 16 - June 4, 2010 :: Opening Reception: April 16, 7:00 - 9:00 pm :: I/O (Input/Output), 31 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong.I/O (Input/Output) is proud to present a solo exhibition by Chinese artist Lu Yang. New media art in greater China, when present, tends toward the [...]
Critical Strategies in Art and Media: Perspectives of New Cultural Practices (click on image to watch). With Steve Kurtz, Konrad Becker, Ted Byfield, Claire Pentecost and others.
HT2010 Workshop: Rhetorical and Semantic Possibilities of Links: Cultural and Literary Applications of Links :: June 13, 2010 :: Toronto Canada (as part of the 4 day HT2010 conference) :: Call for Papers — Deadline: April 30, 2010: email to deenalarsen [at] yahoo.com.Mark Bernstein has written that the link is “the most important new punctuation [...]
[Image: Transborder Immigrant Tool: A Mexico/U.S. Border Disturbance Art Project by Ricardo Dominguez, et al] We are pleased to welcome a number of international friends this week who will kick off our discussion of Tactical Media in the wake of the investigation of Ricardo Dominguez at the University of California, San Diego. Joining us this [...]
TODAY, TOO, I EXPERIENCED SOMETHING I HOPE TO UNDERSTAND IN A FEW DAYS is an art project by James Coupe, commissioned by Abandon Normal Devices. The project uses status updates and demographic profiles from Facebook to automatically generate video narratives. Data from Facebook is combined with related footage from YouTube and selections from a database [...]
Park — by Stanza — is part a series of data visualisation artworks, made from multiple real time wireless sensors that gather environmental data. Park explores interpretations of a real time landscape, and online interactive space. It is also currently on display at The Parlour, Towneley Hall and Gardens, Burnley, Pennine Lancashire.Looking towards the window [...]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjXCTCSKtRQTish Shute wrote: “Here is the “world premier” of the ARWave demo … Below are the slides from our panel: The Next Wave of AR: Exploring Social Augmented Experiences, with Anselm Hook presenting on “10 reasons Why Ar Not a Flash in the Pan,” Jeremy [...]
TheWoosterCollective — April 05, 2010 — At 12am April 1st, a group of “hacktivists” and concerned public citizens infiltrated and hijacked the largest outdoor led screen in the north of England in Manchester for an April Fools day insurrection. The screen - all 7 stories of it, was subverted to display a [...]
From The Affective Continuity between Modern War and “Modern Warfare” by Richard Grusin: The front page of today’s New York Times presents an important story about a video decrypted by and posted on Wikileaks.org, as well as shared on YouTube. The Times headline, “Airstrike Video Brings Notice to a Web Site,” focuses on the ongoing [...]
de Appel Curatorial Programme 2009/2010 presents: I’m Not Here. An Exhibition Without Francis Alÿs :: April 17 - June 6, 2010 :: Opening: April 16; 6:00 - 10:00 pm :: de Appel Boys’ School, Eerste Jacob van Campenstraat 59, 1072 BD Amsterdam. I’m Not Here. An Exhibition Without Francis Alÿs is an exhibition that brings [...]
n o m a i n b e t w e e n series: AVATAR 4D :: April 17, 2010; 6:30 - 11:30 pm :: N O M A GALLERY, 80 Maiden Ln. 3rd fl, San Francisco, CA + Reference Gallery, Richmond, Virginia.NOMA Gallery is pleased to present Avatar 4D, a performance event curated by [...]
Art in Odd Places 2010: CHANCE :: Open Call for Artist Submissions - Deadline: May 14, 2010.Art in Odd Places (AIOP) invites artists working across disciplines to propose projects for the festival’s sixth installment (October 1-10, 2010). Taking place along 14th Street from Avenue C to the Hudson River in New York City, we encourage [...]
[Image: Chris Burden, Wiretap (1977)] The Talent Show :: April 10 – August 15, 2010 :: Walker Art Center, 1750 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN.In recent years, television’s reality shows and talent competitions have offered people a conflicted chance at fame, while various kinds of Web-based social media have pioneered new forms of communication that people [...]
Community Programming: Transformation — a series of panel discussions, three artist-led projects, a web presence :: through April 2010 :: The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, 3716 Washington Boulevard, St. Louis, MO.In conjunction with the exhibition, Urban Alchemy/Gordon Matta-Clark, the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts announces the programming series, Transformation. New York-based artist Gordon Matta-Clark [...]
“Instead of providing gamers with better and more immersive alternatives to reality, I want all of us to be become responsible for providing the world with a better and more immersive reality.” - Jane McGonigalJane McGonigal asks: Why doesn’t the real world work more like an online game? In the best-designed games, our human experience [...]
Bringing back the WPA in 2010 by Christopher RobbinsWe are bringing back the WPA (Work Projects Administration), because the government hasn’t. During the last Great Depression, the WPA employed millions of people through creative initiatives outside the usual government remit. It reached out directly to people who needed it most. So, we will work [...]
Unneeded Conversations: Theory and Practice of Art :: May 10-14, 2010 :: Porto, Portugal :: Conference Registration and Call for Papers.The first edition of the international conference Unneeded Conversations: Theory and Practice of Art aims at establishing an intellectual platform to discuss fluidity of contemporary art practice through a series of interdisciplinary interventions.It will have [...]
Produced by Year Zero One (YZO) and curated by Michelle Kasprzak, In-Site Toronto is a series of newly commissioned work presented on the portal pages of several wireless internet hotspots in the Wireless Toronto network. Artists Dave Dyment, Swintak, Jeremy Bailey, Fedora Romita, Willy Le Maitre and Brian Joseph Davis have created works that will [...]
Feelings are facts :: April 4 - June 20, 2010 :: Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100015, P.R. China.Feelings are facts by Danish-Iclandic artist Olafur Eliasson and Chinese architect Ma Yansong is the first collaboration between the two artists, each of whom represents unique endeavors and [...]