Géographies Variables: Martin Bureau and Mathile Chénin in Web Residencies :: until April 22, 2012 :: LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE, 185, Christophe-Colomb Est, G1K 3S6 Quebec City (Quebec), Canada.Within the framework of the second edition of the Géographies Variables program, LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE will welcome the artists Martin Bureau (Quebec) and Mathilde Chénin (France).Martin Bureau’s practice [...]
Social Media For Urban Research :: March 27, 2012; 6:30 - 8:30 pm :: Studio-X NYC, 180 Varick St., Suite 1610, New York City.Social media are increasingly becoming part of our everyday lives, from connecting with friends and sharing images to exploring cities through location-based applications. These new services have given us a different vantage [...]
Low Lives 4 Networked Performance Festival :: April 27-28, 2012 :: Open Call for Proposals — Deadline: March 25.Now entering its fourth year, Low Lives is an international festival of live performance-based works transmitted via the internet and projected in real time at multiple venues throughout the U.S. and around the world. Low Lives examines [...]
Expanded Choreography. Situations, Movements, Objects… :: March 29-31, 2012 :: Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Plaça dels Àngels, 1 08001, Barcelona, Spain.In the last few years the term ‘choreography’ has been used in an ever-expanding sense, becoming synonymous with specific structures and strategies disconnected from subjectivist bodily expression, style and representation. Accordingly, the meaning [...]
Video Vortex #8: The Politics, Cultures and Art of Online Video :: May 17-19, 2012 :: The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Croatia.Video Vortex has taken place twice in Brussels and Amsterdam and once in Ankara, Split and Yogyakarta. The Video Vortex network was founded in in 2007 and deals with the cultural, political and [...]
Messages for our Future - Collaborative Digital Art: Japanese Tsunami:It’s been year since a tsunami devastated the northeast coast of Japan. And to honor those who are bravely rebuilding their communities, Jason Nelson recently collaborated with a group of students and residents from Tohoku, Japan to create an interactive artwork. Armed with donated cameras, they [...]
The ARPANET Dialogues Vol. IV: ARPANET Test, April 1976, with Jim Henson, Ayn Rand, Sidney Nolan & Yoko Ono.17 April 1976: The transcript presented here records a conversation between four figures from the broad spectrum of culture: puppeteer Jim Henson; Russian-American writer, philosopher and playwright Ayn Rand; painter Sidney Nolan; and artist and musician Yoko [...]
Invitation for proposals for the first Cyberformance Symposium [CyPosium], organised by UpStage:Since the early 1990s, there has been a growing body of live performance that is situated online. These events differ enormously in form and content, are described with multiple terms (such as cyberformance, remote performance, internet theatre, screen stage, computer-mediated performance), are staged in [...]
This is an open call for new media artworks (.movs, .gifs, musics) that will be included in: 1) a curated screening of end times, apocalyptic themed new media works on May 11 and 12 at the Nightingale Theatre in Chicago.2) an online exhibition of similar works that will be a part of an ongoing project [...]
Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street — A Public Symposium co-presented by Northern Lights.mn and the Walker Art Center :: April 12-14, 2012 :: Walker Art Center, 1750 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN + webcast on channel.walkerart.org.In an era of cultural conservatives and the liberal elite, Occupiers and [...]
Data Is Political: A Symposium on Art, Design and Information Politics :: March 15, 2012; 10:00 am - 6:00 pm :: Bergen National Academy of Art & Design, Strømgaten 1, 5015 Bergen, Norway.Data Is Political brings together artists, designers and scientists to discuss such questions as: What are the aesthetic, ethical and spatial dimensions of [...]
Spring 2012 Purple Blurb @ MIT, Cambridge, MA:Purple Blurb is pleased to announce the start of our Spring Semester series next week with noted sound poet, book artist, and visual writer Steve McCaffery. We hope you will join us for this and our future events, which include a reading by Christian Bök, a symposium on [...]
Stay Home Sakoku: The Hikikomori Project is an introverted performance exploring the Japanese phenomenon of hikikomori or ‘shut in’ syndrome. Over one week, Eugenia Lim will live in a bedroom-style installation within West Space (Level 1, 225 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000). Although physically ‘on view’ to gallery goers, communication between herself and the outside [...]
SITE Santa Fe Presents Time-Lapse:Time-Lapse challenges the notion that an exhibition is a fixed entity with artworks that remain consistent throughout the time the exhibition in on view. Time-Lapse explores the possibility of a more dynamic exhibition environment by including artworks that change over time and utilizing curatorial structures that are based on change. With [...]
[Robby Rackleff, from Guild, 2012] Big Reality, curated by Brian Droitcour :: March 15-29, 2012 :: Opening: March 15; 7:00 – 10:00 pm :: 319 Scholes, 319 Scholes Street, Brooklyn, NY.Big Reality proposes that contemporary everyday life seamlessly integrates elements of fantasy and play through consumer technology and networked media. The exhibition explores this proposition [...]
Text by Brad Troemel, Artie Vierkant, Ben Vickers, Brad Troemel & Artie Vierkant, Ben Vickers & Artie Vierkant :: Strikethroughs signify disagreement; Underlines signify agreement :: concept by Brad Troemel:Facebook is the platform on which our generation negotiates its artists’ respective brands and the tenuous connections between them. Facebook is tactically governed by a kind [...]
New Codes: Athens Video Art Festival 2012 :: Miltiadou 18, 10560 – Monastiraki, Athens, Greece :: Call for Entries — Deadline: April 5.Athens Video Art Festival, always faithful in experimentation and constant self-criticism as contemporary art and life prerequisites, welcomes 2012 with its eighth official edition. AVAF extends an open invitation to artists who are [...]
Textil{e}tronics: From the Textile to the Electronic Thread, From Substance to Fashion Item:Following the development of a simple thread into complex new media objects, the exhibition will touch upon recent developments in the areas of wearable technology and electronic sculpting through lumino light objects and the presentation of Arduino microcontrollers.Dealing with sculptural textile (J. Štefanec) [...]
[Apple/apple (Beta) by Dan Silverstein and Dave Tolchinsky. Picture credit: Tom Van Eynde] Crossing Wires: Technology and Play :: until April 15, 2012 :: Evanston Art Center, 2603 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL.Technology has traditionally been used to make what functions function faster, easier and more efficiently. We expect computers, robots and machines to continue to [...]
Moments. A History of Performance in 10 Acts :: March 8 - April 29, 2012 :: Opening: March 17; 4:00 pm :: ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany. Moments. A History of Performance in 10 Acts is an international live exhibition on the history of art performance in [...]