Electronic Media Group Call for Papers: Conservation 2.0 - New Directions :: Deadline: August 20, 2008 :: American Institute for Conservation (AIC) 37th Annual Meeting :: May 19 - 22, 2009 :: Los Angeles, California.The Electronic Media Group would like to invite papers following the theme of Conservation 2.0 - New Directions, highlighting the ways [...]
People Are Strange (When You’re a Stranger) - presented by Marisa Olson with Thom Donovan, Stephanie Gray, Christian Hawkey, Dorothea Laskey, and members of the bands Professor Murder, Aa, and Taigaa:: July 8, 2008; 8:00 - 9:30 pm :: Light Industry, 55 33rd Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY. People Are Strange will be a [...]
Dorkbot SL :: July 6, 2008; 1:00 - 2:00 pm [SLT] :: Odyssey Simulator, Second Life. This dorkbot session will be of interest to developers, performers, machinimators, animators, photographers, and just about anybody with an interest to bring more expression to avatars and more direct ways to interface with our embodied selves.JJ Ventrella (a.k.a. Ventrella [...]
ShiftSpace Workshop @ Eyebeam :: July 8, 2008; from 6:00 pm (arrive earlier) :: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC :: Please pre-register at: bookstore AT eyebeam DOT org. Participation is limited.Eyebeam Summer School is an annual adult workshop series designed to encourage the creative use of technologies for personal expression, activism, communication and community [...]
true - a new sound, light dance performance by Takayuki Fujimoto, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Takao Kawaguchi, Takuya Minami, Daito Manabe, Satoshi Horii, Seiichi Saito, Motoi Ishibashi, Masaki Teruoka, Noriko Kitamura :: July 24 - 26, 2008; 8.30 pm :: Theatre Studio 7, Esplanade, Singapore.We think we see an unlimited number of colours in nature, but in [...]
“…Brooke Singer: The work I do is also about creating opportunities/platforms to learn, reflect, discuss, and—ultimately—act upon some of the most urgent issues of our time.For example, a current project of mine, Superfund365, A Site-A-Day, is an online data-visualization application with an accompanying RSS-feed and e-mail alert system (www.superfund365.org) that visits one toxic site active [...]
“The Antarctic is unlike any other place on earth: geographically, politically, and culturally. Larger than the U.S., it is a frontier where borders and nationalities take a backseat to scientific collaboration and cooperation, a place where the compass becomes meaningless yet navigation is a matter of life and death. It is an extreme environment, inhabited [...]
Nina Sobell - Curated by Evelin Stermitz :: July 9 - August 1, 2008 :: Opening reception: July 8 2008; 7:00 pm :: Gallery AREA 53, Gumpendorferstrasse 53, A-1060 Vienna [Art project AREA 53 by TWO PEOPLE ONE WORK - Karin Sulimma and Mounty R. P. Zentara]The exhibition shows video works by the artist Nina [...]
Room for Thought: Alexander Hahn and Yves Netzhammer :: July 10 - October 5, 2008 :: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA.Room for Thought pairs two computer-generated video installations by Swiss artists Alexander Hahn and Yves Netzhammer that reveal a fascination with internal landscapes of the mind. Hahn’s single-channel, [...]
The Electric Retina: A new NeuroMedia Sculpture by Jill Scott will be Re-Presented in the main tent inside the Zurich Main Station this weekend as a extra part of The Brain Fair 2008, University of Zurich.The Electric Retina combines retinal research and interactive media art with metaphorical associations about visual perception. In 2007 Scott was [...]
RECORDERS, the first solo show in Germany of work by the Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, invites visitors to participate. These are works that only come alive through interaction with viewers. The Edith Russ Site for Media Art is presenting three very recently developed interactive installations (until August 17, 2008) which make it possible to experience [...]
A Recent History of Writing and Drawing - A collaborative project by Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich :: July 9 - August 31, 2008 :: ICA, London.A Recent History of Writing and Drawing is an exhibition that explores the evolving relationship between technologies of communication and their users. It is a project by the [...]
The new printed Neural issue #30, “Dangerous Games” is available. 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! 3 issues - Europe 24,90 Euro - World 46,50 U.S. Dollars. BACK ISSUES. [Neural n. 30 contents]:<new.media.art>. Ludic Society/Margarete Jahrmann interview.. Homo Ludens Ludens exhibition report.. Play Cultures, the world of digital games report.. Be My Controller, opening the urban, button by [...]
How Not to Be Seen: Ghillie Suit Workshop & Camouflage Performance :: July 5, 2008; All day event! :: Machine Project, 1200 D North Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026WORKSHOP: Ghillie Suit Construction - 2-5 pm: Ghillie suits are a type of camouflage clothing designed to resemble heavy foliage. In our “How Not to Be [...]
Digital Performance Institute Artist Residency Program New Extended Deadline: September 4th. DPI is now able to offer a $1000 stipend to resident artists. Because of this change and the Labor Day weekend we are also extending the application deadline until September 4th. The residency offers use of the DPI equipment, and rehearsal and [...]
See you on September 4th!
GAZING INTO THE 21st CENTURY: CONFRONTING IMAGE NAIVETÉ - Second international conference on Image Science in Göttweig :: April 24 - 26, 2008 :: Göttweig Monastery near Krems on the Danube, Austria :: CALL FOR PAPERS :: DEADLINE: October 21, 2007 :: Conference Languages: German / English.
Never before has the world of images changed so [...]
The Old Hotel was performed at the 070707 UpStage Festival with a proximal component at a building site in London - the actual site of a former hotel. This new work leads on from the 070707 performance, starting with the same story but moving to a different perspective. Once again on-site and online audiences will [...]
Wayfarer :: September 5-8 at Sydney’s Performance Space: Wayfarer by Kate Richards and Martyn Coutts is a live game space, where teams of audience direct their player through a mysterious, hidden territory. The performer’s body-mounted computers send streamed video, audio and locative data to the Wayfarer software, which is projected back to [...]
“Augmented Reality has been around as a concept for a long time. It has very often been described in images of the future as enhancing the real world with additional layers of digitally created information. As more people are becoming aware of virtual worlds and seeking to build within them they, in general, start [...]