Filozofie, sociologie, kulturologie

říj 09 2014
Parisi: For a New Computational Aesthetics: Algorithmic Environments as Actual Objects.
oRx | XoR | rOx :), 09. 10. 2014 22:42, 0 komentářů
Tagy computation, kybernetika 2. řádu, algoritmy

Parisi: For a New Computational Aesthetics: Algorithmic Environments as Actual Objects. from bkm on Vimeo.

Algorithms are at the core of the computational logic. Formalism and axiomatics have also determined how the shortest algorithmic set or program deploys the most elegant form. This equivalence between axiomatics and beauty however hides a profound ontological ground based on order, rationality and cognition. However, this paper suggests that the pervasion of ubiquitous media and in particular of software agencies (from page ranking software to software for urban design) point to the formation of a new computational aesthetics defined by prehending algorithms. The paper will argue that this new mode of prehension defies the ontological ground of order and cognition revealing that randomness (or non-compressible data) is at the core of computation.
The paper will draw on Alfred N. Whitehead’s notion of actual objects and Gregory Chaitin’s theory of the uncomputable to suggest that algorithms need to be understood in terms of ecology of prehensions. This understanding implies a notion of computational aesthetics defined by the chaotic architecture of data hosted by our programming culture.
Luciana Parisi is a Senior Lecturer in Interactive Media at the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is author of Abstract Sex. Philosophy, Bio-Technology and the Mutations of Desire (London/New York 2004) and a progressive thinker in the emerging field of mediaecology and technoecology. Her research looks at the asymmetric relationship between science and philosophy, aesthetics and culture, technology and politics to investigate potential conditions for ontological and epistemological change. Her work on cybernetics and information theories, evolutionary theories, genetic coding and viral transmission has informed her analysis of culture and politics, the critique of capitalism, power and control. She has published articles about the relation between cybernetic machines, memory and perception in the context of a non-phenomenological critique of computational media and in relation to emerging strategies of branding and marketing. Her interest in interactive media has also led her research to engage more closely with computation, cognition, and algorithmic aesthetics. She is currently writing on architectural modeling and completing a monograph: Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and the Control of Space (MIT Press, forthcoming).

pro 01 2012
My žijeme v Praze - film Tomáše Mazala a Pabla de Sax z r. 1985, v hlavní roli Egon Bondy
michal klodner, 01. 12. 2012 22:20, 0 komentářů

Raritny film Tomáše Mazala a Pabla de Sax, zachycuje legendu, jak naznačují již titulky uvádějící „undergroundovou superstar". Oba filmaři s Bondym procházeli jeho oblíbená pražská zákoutí: Malou Stranu, kde básník laje na množství schodů, které je mu zdolávat, občanskou plovárnu, kde před kamerou dovádí pod sprchou, starý židovský hřbitov, kde se dočkáme přednášky o historii a mystice, sídliště Petřiny, kde v zahradní hospodě Bondy přemítá o obyvatelích paneláků a úpadku českých restauračních zařízení. Vše s dovádivou lehkostí, která z Hrabalových memoárů, plných básnických licencí (Něžný barbar), činí poměrně neživou záležitost. Bondy dovádějící ve svém bytě v Nerudově ulici v hábitu sešitém ze dvou dek, soundtrack, v němž kromě obligátních Plastiků nechybí Lenka Filipová, záběry na Malou Stranu prostou turistického šmelinářství, to vše jen přispívá k pestrosti nepatetického pomníku muži, který pro druhou generaci pražského undergroundu (kromě autorů filmu například bratři Topolové, Vít Kremlička, Viktor Karlík a další) představoval v pravém slova smyslu gurua.

lis 27 2012
Bělohradský - Postsekulární společnost
michal klodner, 27. 11. 2012 14:07, 0 komentářů
Tagy multikulturalismus, sekularita, identita

k tématu post-společností dodávám další kousek na podobné téma

přednáška na Filozofickém ústavu Slovenské akademie věd 10. 2. 2011 v 9. částech

lis 27 2012
Max Weber a teorie dominance a autority
michal klodner, 27. 11. 2012 13:01, 0 komentářů
Tagy společenské vědy, Max Weber, autorita, dominance, charisma, byrokracie

Diverging significantly from Marx's idea that history can be traced by the modes of production and the economy, Weber argues that history is characterized by different modes of authority. Leaders gain authority through domination, a combination of power and legitimacy. Weber argues that throughout history, leaders have successfully established domination (power along with legitimacy) in three modes of authority: traditional, charismatic, and legal-rational.


We return to Weber's idea of domination, Herrschaft. Herrschaft has been translated into English as "authority" and as "domination." The translation into domination highlights the elements of power and legitimacy that are co-mingled in the concept as well as the importance of the suggestion of the asymmetrical power relationship within the concept of domination. We turn to the first way leaders legitimate their authority or domination: tradition. The primary forms of traditional rule are patrimonialism and patriachialism. For Weber, the chief difference between these forms of rule is that the patriarch rules without a staff and the patrimonial leader requires a staff that obeys his authority by virtue of personal loyalty and tradition. We end with the primary tension between traditional authority and capitalism: traditional authority systems are not motivated by profit but by satisfaction of needs.


Charismatic authority, unlike traditional authority, is a revolutionary and unstable form of authority. Weber borrows the religious term of charisma and extends its use to a secular meaning. Audiences and followers believe that charismatic leaders have a close connection to a divine power, have exceptional skills, or are exemplary in some way. Charismatic leaders promise change in the future for the society and also change people's attitudes and values; in this way, charismatic authority is revolutionary in a way that traditional and legal-rational authority are not. However, charisma is unstable and deteriorates if the leader cannot produce the changes he promises or when he confronts the contradictory logics and demands of the other types of authority. There are particular ways—including search, revelation, designation, or heredity—that charismatic successors are identified, but transferring charismatic authority is difficult and not always successful.


The purest form—the ideal type—of Weber's legal-rational type of authority is bureaucracy. Legal-rational authority indicates that authority is invested in a set of rules and rule-bound institutions and that the creating and changing the rules are outside of the control of those who administer them; it does not mean, however, that the authority is democratic. Monarchs and even authoritarian leaders who recognize a set of laws external to their powers govern using legal-rational authority. The characteristics of bureaucracy include a fixed salary, posts based on technical skill rather than personal connections, a well-defined hierarchy, and continuous rules which bind the behavior of administrators and citizens or clients alike.


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