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Pleasure and Pedagogy: The Consumption of DVD Add-Ons Among Irish Teenagers

Pleasure and Pedagogy: The Consumption of DVD Add-Ons Among Irish Teenagers

Pat Brereton, Dublin City University, Ireland <pat.breretonSPAMFILTER@dcu.ie>,Barbara O'Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland <Barbara.OConnorSPAMFILTER@dcu.ie>

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Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 2

SAGE Publications

This article addresses the issue of young people and media use in the digital age, more specifically the interconnection between new media pleasures and pedagogy as they relate to the consumption of DVD add-ons. Arguing against the view of new media as having predominantly detrimental effects on young people, the authors claim that new media can enable young people to develop media literacy skills and are of the view that media literacy strategies must be based on an understanding and legitimating of young people's use patterns and pleasures. The discussion is based on a pilot research project on the use patterns and pleasures of use with a sample of Irish teenagers. They found that DVDs were used predominantly in the home context, and that, while there was variability in use between the groups, overall they developed critical literacy skills and competences which were interwoven into their social life and projects of identity construction. The authors suggest that these findings could be used to develop DVDs and their add-on features as a learning resource in the more formal educational setting and they go on to outline the potential teaching benefits of their use across a range of pedagogical areas.

audience, cultural competences, literacy, pleasure, teaching

Pleasure and Pedagogy: The Consumption of DVD Add-Ons Among Irish Teenagers