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10. červen 2010  

3 Hyperkino Discs Among Finalists for 2010 Bologna DVD Awards

Nomination for the DVD AWARDS 2010 at Il Cinema Ritrovato Festival (June 26th – July 3rd 2010, Bologna, Italy)

THE GREAT CONSOLER (Russia/1933) by Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia) - hyperkino annotations by Ekaterina Khokhlova

ENGINEER PRITE’S PROJECT (Russia/1918) by Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia) - hyperkino annotations by N. Drubek-Meyer / Nikolai Izvolov

OCTOBER (Russia/1927) by Sergey Eisenstein, Grigori Aleksandrov – Ruscico (Russia) -hyperkino annotations by Yuri Tsivian
