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/ blogy
výukové programy
organizace, archivy
diskusní fórum
sdílené plochy
klíčová slova
networked performance
. Project 929: Mapping the Solar
. Two National Endowment for the Arts grants to support Turbulence.org
. “Submersible” by Yotam Mann & Niv Bavarsky
. Live Stage: Enlisting Participation Online [NYC]
. Live Stage: WoodEar [NYC]
. “Awkward_NYC/Awkward_Everywhere” by Zannah Marsh
. Jodi: “Goodmorning Goodnight” @ Whitney Artport
. Ars Virtua Orwell Residence, Minecraft
. Turbulence Commission: “Panemoticon” by Ali Miharbi and John Priestley
. Another Year of Turbulence.org!
. Live Stage: Yono Pixel-Art Jam [online]
. iPhone Game Based on Foxconn Suicides Censored
. Live Stage: Robert Wilson [Oakland, CA]
. WWW: World Wild Web [London]
. Turbulence Commission: “WoodEar” by Peter Traub
digital experience
. I-Barshelves
. CueLight
. Bus-Tops
. Virtuo Digital Palette
. Self-Portrait Machine
. Choose A Different Ending
. PolyScribe Metamorphosis
. Grid based clock screensaver
. Halo
. Musical Kettle
. Art that looks back at you
. Sketch3D
. The tide is high…
. Sticky Light
. Control the Sun…
. APOIEO @ National Poetry Library
. GOTO10 in LiWoLi
. expr~ released on GOSUB10
. LiWoLi 2011
. “le Jeu des Jeux” @ Souffle de l’Équinoxe, 19/20 Feb, Poitiers
. workshop “Copy-pasting… combining the collective imagination” 25/26/27 Nov 2010
. make art 2010, 4-7 November, Poitiers (FR)
. z→z²+c released on GOSUB10
. Call for participation – workshop “Peer-To-Peer Design Strategies” 3/4/5 Nov
. puredyne SPACE sprint!
. IRZU / Ljudmila Residency
. SPACE – London Residency
. Buddha Buddha workshop
. make art – call for projects “In-between design”
Robin Good
. Online Fraud And The Financial Phishing Scams: Brand Abuse May Be Coming To A Blog Near You
. Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - July 11 09
. Online Music Collaboration: Best Tools And Services To Collaborate On Music Projects
. Online Marketing Strategy: Trust Economy And The Value Of Attention
. How To Measure The Link Popularity Of A Website - Guide To The Best Tools
. Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - Jun 20 09
. Kindle DX - Is Charging Premium Access For Content The Best Strategy?
. Marketing Presentations: How To Plan And Deliver Memorable Online Demos
. Mobile Live Video Streaming: Best Tools To Broadcast Yourself From Your Mobile Phone
. Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - Jun 13 09
. Online Advertising Management: Frequency Capping To Optimize Ad Revenues
. Google Penalization And The Reconsideration Request: Official Tips To File Your Reconsideration Request Correctly
. Best Tools To Upload Your Video To Multiple Video-Sharing Sites - Mini-Guide
. Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - Jun 6 09
. Why Knowledge Sharing Is The Future Of Organizations And What Leadership Should Do To Embrace Such Power Change
nettime mailinglist
. Facebook as a Facebook Game
. the disappearing middle class and snake oil salesmen
. Black hat, white hat, green hat hackers
. the middle class doesn't exist
. The eyes of the milpa
. What if a work of net.art sold for $34 million?
. Regarding Asia/Cn/Hk domain name & Internet Keyword
. Jaron lanier: The Internet destroyed the middle class
. Digital Politics <--> Digital Economics
. Call for contributions: Society of the Query reader onsearch, search engines and alternatives
. Robert H Wade:
. Robert H Wade:
. Incident at YYZ Toronto International Airport
. No Soap! Radio?
Masters of Media
. Analyzing Information Visualization Projects on the Topic of Economic Inequality
. The evil publishers and the worlds knowledge
. The price of information
. The Issues of Winning The Ecosystem War
. Collage, Internet and free images
. European Commission: online piracy helps music sales
. Show Me the Data 2013
. What is data visualization’s goal? NGOs and real impact
. “Color is difficult”
. Visual (for) thought: why data visualization should be used more in the classroom?
. Mapping the Web – The Internet as Universe and The Deleted City
. ‘Bashing’s’ Datavisualization as Information Intervention
. Focusing on the future: Visualise the “tsunami of data”
. Tracking a nations mood through Twitter: visualizing how you feel
. Piracy: A Desire, Promise, and Threat.
VJ forums - events
. Interactive audio/visual/dancing environments workshop BERLIN 25+26.05
. 18.05.13 - Vagina Vomit (Paris) + DJs support @ Sameheads, Berlin
. incite/ live in April an May - 5 gigs for a digital revolution
. Chasers performance
. Live Performers Meeting 2013 - Rome Edition
. Electrovision - 23rd of March 2013
. Geneva Mapping festival expenses
. Genius Loci Weimar 2013: Call for Entries
. Kernel Festival /013: Call for proposals
. incite/ in February/March
. 09/02/2013 [LON] Looking Sound Presents 'Future Warehouse Visuals' FEAT: Bitvert
. scopesession berlin special: transmediale vorspiel jan 26th
. monthly eclectic dance night with visuals starting up in Osaka, Japan
. incite/ in December
. 16-24/03/2013 B-Seite Festival Mannheim Germany
Vague Terrain
. Vague Terrain 22: Mobile Performance
. Electricity is Magic Gallery - Call for Works
. Vague Terrain 21: Electric Speed
. CeC Call for Papers - Biotechnological Performance Practice
. Call for Project Proposals: Art Gallery of Hamilton
. S= (KN+KT)R: Cam Matamoros, Four Years Later
. VIDEODROME 2012 – Call for Submissions
. Electric Fields 2011 – Swim Sound
. 2012 Subtle Technologies Festival – Call for Submissions
. BioArt in Ottawa: An interview with Andrew Pelling
. Vague Terrain 20: Ambient
. Immersion Into Noise
. A Premonition of Artificial Hells
. A Brief History of Synesthesia
. X AVANT Festival: Tim Hecker + Oval + Global Cities Ensemble
Create Digital Motion
. Open Emu: Free Game Emulation on Mac, Quartz Composer - Even VJ with Games
. Stop Motion as Performance? Toon Loop, Free Realtime Tool; Plus a Modern Milkmaid
. A Visualist Cathedral: ANTIVJ’s Grote Kerk
. Multitouch Evolution: Free PyMT Framework, in Action
. Offf Ambient Reel, and Why Festivals Must Always Be Cool
. Ever Woke Up in a Procedurally-Generated City?
. Tangible Interface Hackday: Games, Creations, and More to Come
. Cheap, Single Shot, Many Shot Music Video: DZ - The Mess Up
. Blender: 2.5 Gets Real-Time, Slick Interface; Video Texture Tutorial
. PS3 Eye Cam Optimization, Mac and Beyond
. Blender Game Engine Developing Fast; Nokia Control
. 99 Bottles of LEDs on the Wall… Bottle-Drive Display Tech
. RED Digital Camera, Meet Sony Vegas 9: First Impressions
. Projecting, Reflecting: 10 Minutes of VJ-Visualist Documentary
. QuickTime X: Here’s What We Know
. here
. Sound
. Twitter
. Tom Phillips - Irma Obscure No. 9 (1978) [MP3]
. Pierre Garnier Poésie Phonétique sur Spatialisme (1963-66) [MP3]
. Brion Gysin Dreammachine Plans (1958) [MP3]
. Ilse Garnier Poésie Phonétique sur Spatialisme (1962-64) [MP3]
. Momus
. Hugo Ball on Ubu
. Sun Ra - Space Is the Place (1974)
. The Wooster Group - Rhyme 'Em To Death (1993)
. Mark Leckey - Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore (1999)
. Alfred Leslie - The Last Clean Shirt (1964)
. Episode 4: Commercial Art
. Peter Greenaway - Four American Composers: Meredith Monk (1983)
technology enhanced learning
. Virtual Guest to Nipissing’s Infusion Conference
. WiiMote Whiteboard - A SmartBoard Alternative
. WiiMote Whiteboard - An Alternative
. A Snap Shot of School Systems from around the Globe
. K12 Online Goes to Bed for another Year
. K12 Online Goes to Bed for another Year
. On Lessons Learned and Learning Lessons – Another Instalment for the CUC2 Project
. A Snap Shot of School Systems from around the Globe
. Magda Stanová: Algorytmy vo fotografii
. luděk adámek : skleněné objekty / kresby
. Roman Štětina: Studio No. 2
. Mykki Blanco (US)
. Bohemian Like You & A.M. 180: Light Asylum (US)
. Večery pod Letlampou speciál: V kůži začínajícího spisovatele
. PechaKucha Night-Rok 2012/Minimální trvanlivost
. Mosaik live w/ Dam Mantle, Stroon &amp; more
. Seed XIX
. Cesta do hlubin Standuina - Vytvořte a přetvořte si digitální syntezátor fraAngelico
. Boutique - Audiovizuální večer skupiny umělců z Kolína nad Rýnem
. Noční pták (Fidler & Konopásek)
. Koldům
. 20cm of sound
. Na sociální dimenzi se zapomnělo
. Druhý otevřený dopis ministryni kultury ČR Aleně Hanákové od šéfredaktorů českých literárních periodik
. eskA2látor 1
. eskA2látor 2
. eskA2látor 3
. Vykročit z předepsaného dětství
. Básníci, sběratelé, pejskaři
. Ropstatické klíny do našich hlav!
. editorial
. Žaly, jež se (ne)dají snést
. Přes bulvár k Liteře
. Magnesia litera 2013 očima A2
. eskA2látor 3
literární noviny
. Rychlá auta, rychlá reakce
. Politika bez vítězů
. Padá vláda, něco hezkého si přejme
. Falešný prorok
. Právo Izraele nebýt kritizován
. Proč krize potřebuje peníze
. Kdo je špatný hospodář
. Nejsme paraziti
. Kultura vzadu na ocasu
. Špinaví kluci a vypiplané princezny
. S Feuchtwangerem v kapse špinavé zástěry
. Jak se čte ušima
. Lidé o nich neví
. Kariéra
. Teorie relativity
. REMAKE IN CLUJ // Multiplace Network 2012
. MULTIPLACE NETWORK :: ZLÍN :: 17 - 31 / 5 / 2012 ::
. Program :: Multiplace conference 11 - 12 / 4 / 2012 :: Brno, CZ ::
. Multiplace Network, 10.4. - 3.5. 2012, Bratislava–Brno–Cluj–Pécs–Zlín
. Multiplace Network 2012: Bratislava
. Darko Fritz in Bratislava, 10.4.2012
. Multiplace Brno 2012 - Konference
. Multiplace Brno 2012 - Koncerty
. Basiounyho nové médiá na Benátskom bienále
. Zmena programu BRATISLAVA/ Zmeny a ohrozenia v Midl_space, 6. mája 2011
. Zmena programu / Bratislava
. Začal sa Multiplace, festival kultúry nových médií / Multiplace - festival of new media culture has started
. Deň druhý sa začína, 3.5.2011
Cinepur RSS
. Scarlett Johansson natočí adaptaci ztraceného Trumana Capoteho
. Post Tenebras Lux / Kdopak se dívá?
. Pátrání po Sugar Manovi / Limonádová balada o neznámém vykupiteli s kytarou
. Lidia Duda / Ale já budu lhát
. Spring Breakers / Jarňáky jako stav mysli
. Kaufman bude spolurežírovat Anomalisu
. Vedlejší účinky / Soderberghova (poslední?) krásná lež
. Jan Švankmajer v Olomouci
. Na dřeň / Pěstí do obličeje
. Benátkám bude předsedat Bertolucci
. Zemřel Ray Harryhausen, mistr okénkové animace
. Můj pes Killer / Evropský realismus po slovensky
. Lore / Nacistická noční můra
. Severské filmové čtvrtky v Evaldu
. Mekong Hotel ve studiu Béla