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TransISTor: Workshop on preservation of audiovisual and digital records

čec 06 2009
Transistor session 2nd, day 2nd
Michaela Buchtova, 06. 7. 2009 17:12, 0 komentářů

On 18th of June, everybody was expecting and excited by Viktor Antonov’s presentation. Viktor presented the not yet released pictures from his latest movie “The Prodigies” directed by Antoine Charreyron and based on the book “La Nuit des Enfants Rois”. The synopsis of the movie is as follows: NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues…

This project is planned to be developed during two years. Now they are just in the middle of the process. 8000 people have already been working on the preparation of this animated movie.

Viktor explained and analyzed the images of the film. The city where the story takes place is looking really similar to New York. However the architecture in the movie is quite minimal and the image contains the minimum of information. The movie refers to the issue of how far it is possible to go with minimalism, for example in some parts of the film the buildings are only squares.

When the story gains in emotional intensity, the images are deconstructed. The world changes according to the emotions. Viktor was then referring to the idea of subjective perceptions. Most of images are hands paintings which have been post produced then with some work on the light and on the colours. Some architects have developed some visualizations of realistic New York. Then the blocks composing the architecture ensemble were deconstructed in order to create some specific shapes enabling particular lights effects.

Viktor’s presentation made us really look forward to watching the movie! Be patient, in one year it will be released!!!

čec 06 2009
Transistor session 2nd, day 1st
Michaela Buchtova, 06. 7. 2009 17:11, 0 komentářů

On 17th of June, Transistor participants from all around Europe (UK, Germany, Slovakia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, Romania, Austria), were welcomed in Prague in Barrandov Studios in the Cinepost Studios. In the morning they were presented the 4K grading and the definitions of 4K scans by speaker Felix Nevřela. They were demonstrated color grading through long distance networks. In the afternoon they visited the facilities of Barrandov Studios, one of the biggest European Film Studios, from the post production to set studios. Then Michal Krsek from Cesnet presented CineGRID, a non-profit international membership organization, established to promote research, development and deployment of new distributed applications of ultra-high performance digital media (sound and picture) over advanced networks, using Grid computing technologies for networked collaboration.

They then travelled by bus to the beautiful city of Telč (Czech Republic), registered on UNESCO list where the workshop goes on...

kvě 31 2009
Transistor days 3 + 4
lucia udvardyova, 31. 5. 2009 21:58, 0 komentářů

The third day of the workshop was focused on media and digital art preservation. Oliver Grau and Richard Rinehart stressed that media art requires specific approach when dealing with its preservation, and pointed out that many of the institutions dealing with media art preservation have dwindling resources or are facing termination because of lack of funding.

Emilie Le Meppien-Bouchet outlined the basics of copyright focusing on audiovisual material in particular.

The final day of the first part of the Tranzistor workshop dealt with metadata and preservation practices. Michal Klodner talked about audiovisual archives as ars memoriae, the final presentation of the day was by Vit Charous who outlined the brief history of the archives of the Czech Tv.

Transistor days 3 + 4

Transistor days 3 + 4

Transistor days 3 + 4

kvě 22 2009
Transistor workshop day 2nd
Michaela Buchtova, 22. 5. 2009 13:04, 0 komentářů
Tagy preservation, data, software

kvě 21 2009
Transistor - Day 1 (20. may)
lucia udvardyova, 21. 5. 2009 18:37, 0 komentářů

The first day of the Transistor workshop, focused on preservation of audiovisual works, took place on Wednesday at the Film and TV School (FAMU) of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

The series of lectures kicked off with an introductory lecture by Richard Wright from the BBC in which he outlined the topic of preservation of audiovisual preservation. He mentioned some of the projects that were or are based at the BBC, such as the Creative Archive, which enabled users to mash up the audiovisual content of the BBC. Furthermore, he mentioned the platform VideoActive

Richard Wright was followed by Dietrich Schueller, Director of the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as former Chair of IASA TC. Mr Schueller's presentation entitled "Passive Preservation" focused on standards and best practices for preservation of audiovisual works. He posed a question regarding the divergent perspectives off artists (video archivists) and archivists. The former strive for authenticity in preservation, the latter seek the best possible quality.

The final presentation of the day was by Gabriele Blome from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut in Linz. She presented the activities of the Institute, in particular the Ars Electronice archive stressing the process of archivation of audiovisual works (SAMY description model).

Transistor - Day 1 (20. may)

Transistor 2009
Mezinárodní centrum pro umění a nové technologie > více...

FAMU vznikla v rámci AMU v Praze (filmový odbor) v letech 1946/47 jako pátá filmová škola na světě - po Moskvě, Belíně, Římu a Paříži. První uchazeči zde mohli studovat režii, dramaturgii a filmový obraz.

Dnes FAMU zahrnuje nasledující katedry a pracoviště:

Film Archive Austria
> více...

Rakouský audiovizuální archiv, obsahuje zhruba 70 000 titulů.

International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives > více...
Film Archive Austria
> více...

Rakouský audiovizuální archiv.

lucia udvardyova  21. 5. 2009 18:19, professional
Michaela Buchtova  21. 5. 2009 18:15, Organizatio0n of project