and a short looped film do not swim and move in this kind world in this kind world, do not breathe air do not fly in this dark atmosphere in this thin world, all lines are curled - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 05:48:00 -0500 (EST) From: Alan Sondheim To: Subject: Gmail/Pine Gmail/Pine Can't sleep as usual, thinking about my discomfort w/Gmail, and bones, bones, bones - Gmail is a corporate wrapper; skins are extraneous but beautiful. Gmail isn't there - it loads; it's not transparent. Pine is ascii, bones and speed. It appears within the instantaneity of human time. Deleting in Pine is deleting; the software operates on the assumption you know what yo...
[This is the last third of a NYT article about an issue I understand less and less. Why are the Chinese continuing to buy US debt particularly now that the yield is effectively zero? The short term logic is understandable and well explained below. To keep the system going. But what about the long term? Contrary to what this article suggests, I doubt that this is going to last forever. But how is this going to break? Through massive inflation and much higher interest rates? This is all puzzling to me, even if I suspect this is a key piece of the puzzle. Felix] This [China buying US public debt] not only allowed the United States to continue to finance its trade deficit, but, by creating greater demand for United States securities, it also helped push interest rates below where they would otherwise have been. For years, China's government was eager to buy American debt at yields many in the private sector felt were too low. This financia... contact:
hi ricardo! we can plan this for sure. I am copying the email to oriana/penelope.di.pixel ( you also might remember her from the pontos de cultura :) ), as we're doing the project together. there is quite a stir on the issue, so we're deciding to collect all of the interviews and contributions, structure them and publish them. So you are more than welcome. also for everyone: we are going to publish everything online, and any help in translating things is more than welcome. the more languages we have available, the better, for global communication. it would also be nice to find an editor and turn this into a book, and we're actively searching for one. byebye xDxD ricardo ruiz ha scritto: > hi xdxd > > > how to be interviewed? > > best from Latin America, > > r > (already used to be out of money... :) > > 2008/12/26 xDxD : > >> *Interviewing the Crisis* >> (please spread and participate) # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated ma...
a propos of nyt editorials... today's main one addresses one of the most ignored issues in US Welfare as We Knew It The nation's poorest citizens are already suffering some of the harshest effects of the economic decline, most notoriously with a 60 percent increase in children forced into "food insecurity." That's bureaucratese for families driven to skipping meals. There were more than 690,000 youngsters who didn't have enough to eat last year. There were 783,000 meal-skipping seniors among the 36 million Americans found to be chronically lacking adequate food, according to government data. This year, the hunger struggle has worsened. The number of citizens turning to food stamps -- a clear measure of fast-rising poverty -- reached a record 31.6 million in September, up more than four million in a year. It's no surprise, then, that a politically acclaimed reform of the 1990s -- "the end to welfare as we know it" in favor of "workfare" -- is fast fraying at the edges. States are reporting a surge in applicant...
dear All, Sarai will be launching its social theory translation project this February with the launch of the Hindi language version of Jacques Ranci?re's "The Nights of Labour: the workers' dream in 19th century France". Abhay Dube has translated the book. Ravikant is the series editor and we will soon be coming out with a series of books. Enclosed is the new Preface by Ranciere to the Hindi language version of Nights of Labour. The preface was written in French and Rana Dasgupta has translated it into English. (the French version is also below.) Ranciere will be delivering a public talk on the launch of the Hindi translation on 6th of February at Sarai/CSDS. warmly Jeebesh PREFACE The Indian reader who opens this book in 2009 will no doubt think it is a strange thing. How can these stories of nineteenth-century French lockmakers, tailors, cobblers and typesetters be relevant to the information revolution, the reign of immaterial production or the global market? This question, it should be said, was already p... # archive: contact:
Hellos... Thought I would congeal a number of thoughts and responses to comments made into one message... sorry for the slowness in responding, have been busy with all sorts of family and holiday type things... Oh, and before doing that, obviously I'm not Paolo so anything I'm saying is my take on it, not his... And that's important to point because while I quite appreciate recent post-workerist writing on academic labor and the changing role of the university (for instance as embodied in things like the edu-factory project:, I don't entirely agree with a number of suppositions that tend to get made by such projects. A critical appreciation you might say. And that applies to this piece as well. For instance, in particular, I worry about falling into a sort of substitutionalist trap by wanting to see university as THE paradigm and space of cognitive capitalist & post-fordist production. This really only seems to be a necessary move to make when you're engaging in some kind of stra... # archive: contact:
great thing! we'll certainly signal it after new year's nightly excesses on our unbrand nu blog happy new fear, lx # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact: ------------------------------ [ (: ] Daily Audio Reports from Across Iraq Fifteen correspondents from across the country report daily on parties and politics, current election developments and background information. The productions are aired daily on Iraqi radio stations nationwide and are available online. Produced in partnership with UNAMI. Listen: ------------------------------ ---------- media in cooperation & transition ---------- See also:, the place to debate Iraq and -> mict gGmbH marienburger Str.1 10405 berlin germany phone ++49 30 447 35 425 fax ++49 30 690 88 390 _______________________________________________ mailing list # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text...
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pervasive 2009 The Seventh International Conference on Pervasive Computing Call for Workshop Submissions Call for Videos Call for Demonstrations Call for Doctoral Colloquium Submissions Call for Late Breaking Results & Posters Submission Deadline: January 26, 2009 Nara, Japan May 11-14, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Call for Workshop Papers ------------------------ We are happy to announce that we have eight workshops having various and emerging topics collocated with Pervasive 2009. We delightedly invite you to submit your ongoing works as short papers or position papers. Workshops provide a forum for discussing areas of special interest within pervasive computing with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops afford participants the opportunity to examine an area with a selected focus in an open environment for the free exchange of...
After 2 years of caretaker/army rule in Bangladesh, finally yesterday return to democracy via elections. The fantastic news is that the Islamist parties were wiped out. An absolute and crushing defeat. In 2001 elections, the Jamaat e Islami increased from 3 seats to 17 seats in Parliament. Jamaat's leaders grabbed control of two powerful ministries. We had to watch alleged 1971 war criminal Nizami negotiate (as Industries Minister) with Ratan Tata of India (to no one's surprise, Tata decided not to invest). We watched the Islamists gradually infiltrate schools, banks, NGOs, institutions. I was a wary cassandra, warning that the "Islamists" (obligatory quotes) could do even better in 2008 elections. If they did, the Sharia-fication project would find a new test laboratory. The recent attacks by fringe "Islamist" groups on statues, theater plays, and cultural events, fueled the fear that the Islamist bloc was winning. >From that fear came all my op-eds of last two months. Alarmist and fight-back language. In la...
John Young wrote: > To be sure, those who are dumb enough to have all their assets > tied up in the financial markets will always argue for keeping the > faith in the Ponzi. Well, there is also gold. See the history of the gold clause in the US as an illustration at See also not to mention gold mortgages in the former German Democratic Republic. But what does it have to do with "Chinese Pockets Filled as Americans Emptied", arent they emptied anyway? H. # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
I'm experimenting on ways to pull people from the "private life" dominated Facebook experience into "public life" exchange. Check it out from: Cheers, Steven Clift E-Democracy.Org # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact: Today I am deleting all the content from my Myspace account and leaving only this notice. I've been inspired by the Franklin Street Statement and and I realize and a free/libre/open source internet is still possible, but it will require us to stop supporting corporate websites such as myspace. Here are some good reasons to delete your Myspace page, and support alternatives not run by corporations. 1. I'm tired of being free labor for the Fox corporation. The right wing Fox news corporation owns myspace, and I'm not going to support them any longer by giving them my content, my writing and images and information about who my friends are, for free. I don't support war, the way the Fox corporation has, and I don't want to provide them with more money to spread more pro-war propaganda. According to their license, Myspace has full rights to use my content things like advertisements for Myspace. 2. I actually c... # distributed via is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
[ digested @ nettime --mod(tb) ] Alan Sondheim HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNUAL HAPPY NEW YEAR VIDEO! writing under migraine Self-Induction How to view The Accidental Artist exhibition in Second Life incomplete generation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 19:16:47 -0500 (EST) From: Alan Sondheim Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNUAL HAPPY NEW YEAR VIDEO! HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNUAL HAPPY NEW YEAR VIDEO FROM AZURE AND ALAN AND JULU TWINE AND ALAN DOJOJI AND OUR CAT OSSI WHO SHOULD COME FIRST AND HOPE EVERYTHING IS BETTER! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 14:30:11 -0500 (EST) From: Alan Sondheim sondheim@panix.comt; Subject: writing under migraine writing under migraine writing this with eyes shut - the light flashes are brilliant, slight buzz in the eas, the usual rev...
Hi, I would like to share with the Nettime readers a personal review of the past Activism-Hacking-Artivism Camping, the first collective meeting of the Italian mailing-list, which focuses on hacktivism and netculture. I would also like to propose some reflections on social networking vs. freedom of communication in the Web 2.0 social platforms, which was a much discussed issue during our meeting. *A Reflection on the Activist Strategies in the Web 2.0 Era* Towards a new language criticism by Tatiana Bazzichelli // A networking art platform // The ahaCamping took place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of October 2008 at the S.A.L.E independent exhibition space in Venice (The Salt Warehouses, Dorsoduro 187-188). It was organized and managed directly by the subscribers of the AHA mailing list (, which is hosted by the Italian independent server Isole Nella Rete (Islands in the Net). The AHA mailing list is the core of the networking project AHA:Activism-Hacking-Artivism (, which I...
Indian Poet Sampurna Chattarji and myself are exchanging reflections on Turing: The Imitation Game This machine has never felt pain. Never slept in a too-soft bed dreaming of murders committed centuries ago, never drunk too much red wine and bared its soul to its drinking companion, talking of everything but love. This machine has never felt the pit of snakes in its stomach drop down past the reach of rope and basket, past the help of hands, has not known what it might be like to wake up wishing it were dead. This machine has never worn a too-big straw hat to keep out the sun on an October afternoon, never laughed so much its belly ached, never sat sipping tusli tea from a borrowed glass under a winter moon, listening to an old Hindi song sung by a young South Indian voice… This machine has never wolfed down aloo parathas, astonishing its male companions with an appetite so unfeminine, because this machine has never known what it is to be feminine, it has rarely thought about its sex, or gender, it has seldo...