ASCII .- ... -.-. .. .. Amsterdam Subversive Code for Information Interchange --- Internetworkspace --- 1998 - 2..? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Internetworkspace - A free and open place with free internet access, aggregating point for all people interested in hacking together, or simply hanging around or on the net while learning Free and OSS, creating and mixing chaos for all people interested in free flow of information across any new or old medium. .................................................................. The idea of ASCII was conceived in late 1998 as there was the need for a non-profit 'internetworkspace' running on free and open source software, and spreading the word of it's necessity to enable, educate and prepare people for the upcoming internet age, on-line privacy, as well as need for people to meet and exchange ideas and information face to face. .................................................................. click start to stop ....................
Hi all - (With apologies for cross-posting), SSRC has some new opportunities that may be of interest: Now in its second year, SSRC is sponsoring three awards with the International Communications Association: * COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AS COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE * COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AS AN AGENT OF CHANGE * COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AS AN OPEN FIELD Nominations for the ICA awards are now open, with a January 31 deadline. Nominations have to come from ICA members, but there are no restrictions on nominees. Prizes will be awarded at ICA in May. See or below for more details. SSRC is also co-sponsoring a new fellowship with the Van Allen Institute, a New York-based non-profit that fosters innovation in the architecture and design of public life: * THE NEW YORK PRIZE FELLOWSHIP IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION For this year's competition, VAI and SSRC seek proposals from researchers, designers, and architects investigating the spatial conditions and implications of contempor... contact:
SUPERENHANCED Written by Domenico Quaranta On the creative panorama of UBERMORGEN.COM, which ranges from the cold aesthetic of conceptual art, to the functional look of diagrams, the minimal semblance of pixels, the anonymity of reportage and the retro feel of noir and teletext, SUPERENHANCED stands out for its attractive, glossy, almost glamorous look. It is as if the torture team at Guantanamo had hired UBERMORGEN.COM to work on an image campaign to relaunch the popularity of practices getting a hard time in the media, such as Enhanced Interrogation and Extraordinary Rendition. UBERMORGEN.COM as the Oliviero Toscani of the CIA... But while it is true that UBERMORGEN.COM, as in other projects, sacrifices a direct attack for the oblique and subtle strategy of overidentification, it is also true that it would be difficult to imagine a harsher condemnation of torture and its reappearance in a legalized, no less abhorrent, guise. UBERMORGEN.COM adopts the language of marketing,... by Alberto Toscano* I. The Case On 11 November 2008, twenty French youths are arrested simultaneously in Paris, Rouen, and in the small village of Tarnac (located in the district of Corrèze, in Franc's relatively impoverished Massif Central region). The Tarnac operation involves helicopters, one hundred and fifty balaclava-clad anti-terrorist policemen and studiously prearranged media coverage. The youths are accused of having participated in a number of sabotage attacks against the high-speed TGV train routes, involving the obstruction of the train's power cables with horseshoe-shaped iron bars, causing material damage and a series of delays affecting some 160 trains. Eleven of the suspects are promptly freed. Those who remain in custody are soon termed the 'Tarnac Nin', after the village where a number of them had purchased a small farmhouse, reorganised the local grocery store as a cooperative, and taken up a number of civic activities from the running of a film club to the de...
Adam Curtis is indeed a very interesting filmmaker You can check out the whole series here at archive: They host a number of works by Adam Curtis and have made them available in several formats, so we can avoid the youtube quality and logo. all the best Torben On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:41 AM, Frederick Noronha [????????????????????? ?????????????????????] wrote: > Interesting! A fascinating set of programmes on propaganda/public > relations... etc. FN # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact: contact:
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 18:26:39 +0100 (CET) Patrice Riemens wrote: > The conclusion was, in our case, that to do cool stuff one doesn't > really need permanent space. The result of which would be creation > of hierarchies within the collective and a danger of becoming an > institution. > > So, our future had to be shaped and we put on our thinking hats to > conceive method of a new state or existence in time. So at the > moment we try to see and find out how our ideas and purpose can > exist without an actual space. We, as a collective, are spread > all over the world. We meet sometimes in person, we discuss and > create projects, but how to put it all together in theory and > practice, that is what we see as a new challenge to be further > explored. That is on our to do list right now and this process is > ongoing...and we know that answer is not '42'. in contrast we here in Vienna had a distinct need for such physical locations, so we founded the in April 2006 and in the very last few years on...
Hello, Patrice's and Peter's discussion of physical space for alternative media lab spaces is interesting. Here in Sheffield the Access Space media lab (hacklab? community art & technology space?) has occupied the same physical location for nearly nine years - and we have found this continuity to be extremely valuable. In the UK there are surprisingly few sustained media lab projects. We have speculated that this may be because UK culture (and law) is very resistant to squatter culture and restricts access to cheap property. It's almost impossible for a group of artist/activists to take over a building and run it as a cultural cyber centre (or whatever you call these spaces) for very long. In general, local government of left and right seems to be skeptical about the value of any of "the arts" (other than stainless steel public sculptures that clearly relate to a "tourism" agenda). We've also noted that local government (and other large land owners) are very resistant to letting properties at concessional rat...
THE BIG PLOT - PRESS RELEASE New York, Berlin, Toronto, London, Moscow, 17 January 2009 It's your worst neurosis of your life. It's the most meaningless conspiracy in history. It's a spy fiction about your intimate secrets and personal data over internet. A story dispersed in more than seven cities, across several media platforms and among a cluster of actors who lead a tour in some of the most poignant sentiments of the human condition. The worst obsessions of your era and your hearts are transposed onto many stages, where degenerate souls with insatiable fixations are trying to give sense to their life. Facebook - Youtube - Flicker - BlogSpot - Twitter - MySpace - Linkedin This genetic modification of storytelling utilizes multiple forms of media and stages, which are recombined in order to immerse the spectator in a story of a real world. The fluid recombination of identities and of their interpersonal connections via several media in a non linear time line allows for Recombinant ...
Dear Friends I think most of you will remember me as the person who contacted you asking for an interview for a research project I was then developing. Between 2005 and 2007 I carried out 49 interviews, some of which were with you. I have also relied on email exchanges, the occasional presential meeting and other conversations we have had along the process. So all of this work, alongside vast documentation based on critical texts, manifestos, photographs and videos, has resulted in my Masters dissertation titled "Insurg?ncias Po?ticas: Arte Ativista e A??o Coletiva (19990-2000) ? *"Poetic Insurgencies: Activist Art and Collective Action (1990-2000)"* ?, written at the History Department of Sao Paulo University (FFLCH-USP), Brazil. I`ve been through my viva examination in September 2008 and was pleased with the positive response. I too was happy with my attempt to better understand the debate about the relationships between artistic collectivism and activism, as well as the attempt to produce a critical analys...
Bwo Multitudes-infos list/ Ben Matsas What We See, What We Hope: Declaration of Solidarity with the Uprising in Greece We want first of all to say a collective yes! to the uprising in Greece. We are artists, writers and teachers who are connected in this moment by common friends and commitments. We are globally dispersed and are mostly watching, and hoping, from afar. But some of us are also there, in Athens, and have been on the streets, have felt the rage and the tear gas, and have glimpsed the dancing specter of the other world that is possible. We claim no special right to speak or be heard. Still, we have a few things to say. For this is also a global moment for speaking and sharing, for hoping and thinking together... No one can doubt that the protest and occupation movement that has spread across Greece since the police murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos in Athens on 6 December is a social uprising whose causes reach far deeper than the obscene event that triggered it. The rage is real, and it is justified...
> > The conclusion was, in our case, that to do cool stuff one doesn't > > really need permanent space. The result of which would be creation > > of hierarchies within the collective and a danger of becoming an > > institution. > in contrast we here in Vienna had a distinct need for such physical > locations, so we founded the in April 2006 and in the > very last few years one could spot a clear trend for emerging hacker- > spaces and the growing exchange between their participants. > Check out Hallo Peter, James, Text about ASCII was written for the book on "hackerspaces". .............................................................. .............................................................. Hidden history of such places and maybe some unknown facts... It all depends on whether you want to create permanent, temporary or institutionalized place and why. ASCII was envisaged to be temporary and on the move due to specific Amsterdam's circumstances. Around 1999 in V...
[digested @ nettime --mod(tb)] Alan Sondheim looking for aylan whirr whirr whirr when the meet Check out installation in Second Life by DC Spensley (fwd) Complaynte of Numbers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 02:31:11 -0500 (EST) From: Alan Sondheim Subject: looking for aylan whirr whirr whirr looking for aylan whirr whirr whirr lookingforyou jpgs julu twine is looking twine for dojoji twine looking for you aylan dojoji dojoji twine whirr whirr whirr julu twine is looking for you fly up go in look up look up numbers go in fly up dojoji is looking for you whirr whirr whirr julu twine is looking for you fly up go in look up look up numbers go in fly up dojoji dojoji is looking for you whirr whirr whirr julu twine is looking for you fly up go in look up julu dojoji go in fly up whirr whirr whirr julu twine is looking ...
BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood podcast: iTunes: or opening commentaries now at: "Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show" Village Voice Best of NYC 2005 -------------------------------------------------- Just posted to my radio archive : January 15, 2009 Michael Lighty of the California Nurses Association on the economic impact of health care and a wished-for transition to single-payer * Nomi Prins and Max Fraad Wolff on the economic crisis it joins: -------- January 10, 2009 David Bacon, author of Illegal People, and Michelle Wucker, author ofLockout (and director of WPI) on immigration * Sara Roy on the horrors of Gaza (KPFA version, includes commentary on December employment) December 11, 2008 Charlie Komanoff on a plan to make NYC transit nearly free (by soaking...
James Wallbank wrote: >...but we remained open to new, innovative methodologies for sustaining >such projects. One of our questions was "Is it possible for a media lab >to sustain itself without a physical space?" Some of the organisations >we worked with wanted to test ways of existing that didn't rely on a >space. > >Our eventual conclusion was "No". What we discovered was that, while >you >can do some interesting activity with a peripatetic model (such as a >"media lab bus" or a series of ad-hoc meetings convened in other >spaces) >it's almost impossible to generate a wide feeling of community without >a >physical centre. A fixed physical space combined with reliable opening >and closing times are essential to encourage unplanned walk-ins by >regular participants and new recruits. > >Why is community so important? Why not have a series of cool events >delivered by a small core group to different people each time? Our >experience suggests that a skill-sharing network is only effecti...
Korinna, can you tell us the situation as you see it? J On 18/01/2009, Patelis Korinna wrote: > I don't want to be a bitch here...nor do I want to insult you, but did we > attend the same marches and riots? Cause what I saw was not as half as kick > ass as what you are describing and declaring below. -- Sent from my mobile device ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? location INDIA @ Bangalore, Karnataka GMT + 5.5 CURRENTLY WORKING ON: VODO.NET, DARKFIBRE.IN twitter: #dark_fibre #vodo _______________________________________________________ phone (for voice calls please consider any time difference) INDIA mobile / SMS + 91 96 11 52 9140 Skype-in [deprecated]: 00 44 20 8133 7673 _______________________________________________________ chat jabber -- / skype -- jamie_jk / msn -- jjr_king gtalk -- / iChat/AIM -- iamth30th3r YIM! -- jamie_j_king / ICQ -- 335452203 _______________________________________________________ asynchronous tw...
On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 07:35:19PM +0200, Patelis Korinna wrote: > I don't want to be a bitch here...nor do I want to insult you, but did we > attend the same marches and riots? Cause what I saw was not as half as kick > ass as what you are describing and declaring below. Dear Korinna and all, Your post provides me with an occasion to (re)state my own posting policies. Members please consider these when reacting on posts I have not written myself, but have merely forwarded, and marked as such ('bwo.../...') As is stated in the list info, nettime is, among other things, a text filter. If you find something that may be interesting to (part of) the community, you might want to forward it. What I do regularly. In the case of the Greek riots/ uprising I noticed that there had been little on Nettime since some time, reason why I fwded this declaration which sounded interesting. This does not mean that I personnaly endorse such texts, or can be held accountable for the details of their content: I am only a 'pa... Co-Editor of tripleC - open access online journal on cognition, communication and cooperation for a global sustainable information society: New Book: Fuchs, Christian. 2008. Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age. New York: Routledge. 408 Pages. # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
I don't want to be a bitch here...nor do I want to insult you, but did we attend the same marches and riots? Cause what I saw was not as half as kick ass as what you are describing and declaring below. I wish what I saw was indeed an uprising, but it wasn;t..... Which is why it has died down.... so please be modest and cut down the "we are the new hereos of resistance act". It is an insult to the rest of the athenians on the list. You give a really false impression with regard to what is happning in the country and above all with regard to how trully non-radical the uprising was. I understand you might wnat to feel like hereos but its too much.....there are poeple outside greece that believe me have done way more and have challenged power with a way higher cost then us. So please be modest... I don;t doubt there was rage neither do i doubt that it had political significance, i just feel that your declaration of solidarity is too much. Also note that it appears aligned with some of the ways the european press ...