www.unicommon.org<http://www.unicommon.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=132&Itemid=324>The rage and courage of whom took to the streets in the last months inTunisia, of whom rejected Ben Ali's regime transformed this country into anoriginal political laboratory. What we are living today is the possibilityto create a new Mediterranean, an extraordinary space for a radicalgeneration that reclaim future, freedom and new democracy. The italianstudents that grab hold of their future above the shields of the Book Blocmeet the protagonist of the Mediterranean revolt. A chance to learn and toturn collectively the existence and draw new routes. A common compass toconnect revolts!*3 p.m. Friday 8 April 2011**General Place of UGTT, Place Muhammad Ali, Tunis**Discussants:*Wissem Sghaier (Tunisian student involved in the revolts)Salem Ayari, Khraifi Cherif (Union de Diplômés Chômeurs de Tunisie)Youad Ben Rejeb (Coordinator of the Feminist University, Tunisi)Youssef Thili (UGET Union Générale des Etudiants de Tunisie)Vanessa Bilancetti (Unicommon - Italy)Other participants to the debate:Students from the Academy of Art (Wien -Austria); Ramy Sghayer (studente), Omeyya Naoufel Seddik (Federation desTunisiens pour une Citoyennete des deux rives FTCR), Ahmed Amin Ben Saad(Action Cituayenne Tunisienne ACT); Association El taller, UGTT, Associationtunisienne des femmes democratiques
another one from the series "the world became a small crowded place".From: "Nadia Plesner" <contact-zHRFPKWn4V7XGB9e6Y8uVg< at >public.gmane.org>Date: April 13, 2011 1:27:17 PM GMT+02:00As some of you might have heard, I am facing a litigation started by Louis Vuitton. LV is aggressively going after my painting Darfurnica, in which I depict a little Darfur boy holding a LV bag and Paris Hilton's dog. They claim that depicting their bag in a work of art is a violation of their design rights. Amazingly, they recently obtained an ex parte order from the court of The Hague against me, which forbids me from depicting the little boy with the bag, including in any work of art or on my website; there is a penalty of EUR 5000 per day for any violation (the clock is ticking since January 28, and the total amount is now 380.000 EUR today. I refuse to remove the artwork from my website, instead I have countersued and we are preparing summary proceedings to have the court order lifted.For more information I refer you to this blog (which includes an English translation of the court order): http://www.mediareport.nl/persrecht/07032011/louis-vuitton-sues-danish-artist-plesner-in-the-netherlands-over-depiction-of-bag-in-art-work/en/The first court hearing will take place Wednesday April 20 at 2pm in the court in the Hague, Prins Clauslaan 60.I would like to invite all of you to come to the court hearing and support me and the freedom of speech.My class and teachers are coming, but the more the better. Together we can show LV and other large companies that in a world of IP rights, there must be room left for artistic freedom.There will be media people attending the hearing as well.If you come, make sure you're there in time, as there is also a security check you have to go through by the entrance.I hope to see you there, and if you know other people who might want to support my case, feel free to forward this information to them.All the best, Nadia Plesner, BK2 Rietveld Academie
Googling for this to retrieve the original article, it was remarkable tosee how all the first links were to tech-pages, and not the WSJ itself (Igot the Url from one of those rather than browsing on...) Of coursetecchie _love_ such hacks. It's the stuff net-legends are made of. Alsocheck out that none of the official/corporate actors involved wanted tocomment about their role in this tech-adventure.Cheers, p+3D!Original at:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703841904576256512991215284.html#printMode(with pics)Rebels Hijack Gadhafi's Phone NetworkA Group of Expatriate Executives and Engineers Furtively RestoreTelecommunications for the Libyan OppositionBy MARGARET COKER in Abu Dhabi and CHARLES LEVINSON in Benghazi, LibyaWSJ's Margaret Coker reports on efforts by telecommunications executivesto restore cell phone service to rebels in eastern Libya, allowing them tocommunicate without interference from government personnel loyal to Col.Moammar Gadhafi.A team led by a Libyan-American telecom executive has helped rebels hijackCol. Moammar Gadhafi's cellphone network and re-establish their owncommunications.The new network, first plotted on an airplane napkin and assembled withthe help of oil-rich Arab nations, is giving more than two million Libyanstheir first connections to each other and the outside world after Col.Gadhafi cut off their telephone and Internet service about a month ago.That March cutoff had rebels waving flags to communicate on thebattlefield. The new cellphone network, opened on April 2, has become theopposition's main tool for communicating from the front lines in the eastand up the chain of command to rebel brass hundreds of miles away.While cellphones haven't given rebel fighters the military strength todecisively drive Col. Gadhafi from power, the network has enabled rebelleaders to more easily make the calls needed to rally internationalbacking, source weapons and strategize with their envoys abroad.To make that possible, engineeers hived off part of the Libyana cellphonenetworkowned and operated by the Tripoli-based Libyan GeneralTelecommunications Authority, which is run by Col. Gadhafi's eldestsonand rewired it to run independently of the regime's control.Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, asked about the rebel cellphonenetwork, said he hadn't heard of it.Ousama Abushagur, a 31-year-old Libyan telecom executive raised inHuntsville, Ala., masterminded the operation from his home in Abu Dhabi.Mr. Abushagur and two childhood friends working as corporate managers inDubai and Doha started fund-raising on Feb. 17 to support the politicalprotests that were emerging in Libya. By Feb. 23, when fighting haderupted, his team delivered the first of multiple humanitarian aid convoysto eastern Libya.But while in Libya, they found their cellphones and Thuraya satellitephones jammed or out of commission, making planning and logisticschallenging.Security was also an issue. Col. Gadhafi had built his telecommunicationsinfrastructure to fan out from Tripolirouting all calls through thecapital and giving him and his intelligence agents full control overphones and Internet.On March 6, during a flight back to the United Arab Emirates afterorganizing a naval convoy to the embattled city of Misrata, Mr. Abushagursays he drew up a diagram on the back of a napkin for a plan to infiltrateLibyana, pirate the signal and carve out a network free of Tripoli'scontrol.What followed was a race against time to solve the technical, engineeringand legal challenges before the nascent rebel-led governing authority wascrushed under the weight of Col. Gadhafi's better-equipped forces. After aweek of victories in which the rebels swept westward from Benghazi towardCol. Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, the rebel advance stalled and reversedon March 17, when the United Nations approved a no-fly zone and governmentforces kicked off a fierce counterattack.In a sign of deepening ties between Arab governments and theBenghazi-based administration, the U.A.E. and Qatar provided diplomaticsupport and helped buy the several million dollars of telecommunicationsequipment needed in Benghazi, according to members of the Libyantransitional authority and people familiar with the situation.Meanwhile, rebel military commanders were using flags to signal with theirtroops, a throw-back that proved disastrous to their attempts at holdingtheir front lines."We went to fight with flags: Yellow meant retreat, green meant advance,"said Gen. Ahmed al-Ghatrani, a rebel commander in Benghazi. "Gadhafiforced us back to the stone age."On Edge in LibyaRenewed signal jamming also meant that rebel leaders and residents inBenghazi had little warning of the government forces' offensive acrosseast Libya and the March 19 attempted invasion of Benghazi, which sparkedpanicked civilian evacuations of the city.Mr. Abushagur watched the government advances with alarm. His secretcellphone operation had also run into steep problems.The Chinese company Huawei Technologies Ltd., one of the originalcontractors for Libyana's cellular network backbone, refused to sellequipment for the rebel project, causing Mr. Abushagur and his engineerbuddies to scramble to find a hybrid technical solution to match othercompanies' hardware with the existing Libyan network. Huawei declined tocomment on its customers or work in Libya. The Libyan expats in theproject asked that their corporate affiliations be kept confidential sothat their political activities don't interfere with their workresponsibilities.Without Huawei, the backing from the Persian Gulf nations becameessentialotherwise it is unlikely that international telecom vendorswould have sold the sophisticated machinery to an unrecognized rebelgovernment or individual businessmen, according to people familiar withthe situation."The Emirates government and [its telecommunications company] Etisalathelped us by providing the equipment we needed to operate Libyana at fullcapacity," said Faisal al-Safi, a Benghazi official who overseestransportation and communications issues.U.A.E. and Qatari officials didn't respond to requests for comment.Emirates Telecommunications Corp., known as Etisalat, declined to comment.After 42 years under Moammar Gadhafi's rule, it's hard to imagine whatLibya could look like without the dictator in power. WSJ's Neil Hickeyreports from Washington on the cloudy outlook for the north Africannation.By March 21, most of the main pieces of equipment had arrived in theU.A.E. and Mr. Abushagur was ready to ship them to Benghazi with threeLibyan telecom engineers, four Western engineers and a team of bodyguards.But Col. Gadhafi's forces were still threatening to overrun the rebelcapital and trying to bomb its airport. Mr. Abushagur diverted the teamand their equipment to an Egyptian air base on the Libyan border. Customsbureaucracy cost them a week, though Egypt's eventual approval was anothershow of Arab support for rebels. Egypt's governing military councilcouldn't be reached for comment.Once in Libya, the team paired with Libyana engineers and executives basedin Benghazi. Together, they fused the new equipment into the existingcellphone network, creating an independent data and routing system freefrom Tripoli's command.The team also captured the Tripoli-based database of phone numbers, givingthem information necessary to patch existing Libyana customers and phonenumbers into their new systemwhich they dubbed "Free Libyana." The lastpiece of the puzzle was securing a satellite feed through which the FreeLibyana calls could be routeda solution provided by Etisalat, accordingto Benghazi officials.On April 2, Mr. Abushagur placed a test call on the system to his wifeback in Abu Dhabi. "She's the one who told me to go for it in the firstplace," he said.International calling from Libya is still limited to the few individualsand officials in eastern Libya who most need it. Incoming calls have to bepaid for by prepaid calling cards, except for Jordan, Egypt and Qatar.Domestic calling works throughout eastern Libya up until the Ajdabiya, thelast rebel-held town in the east. An added bonus of the new network: It isfree for domestic calls, at least until Free Libyana gets a billing systemup and running.Loretta Chao, Shireen El-Gazzar and Sam Dagher contributed to this article.
(interesting to see how google is pushed (or wanders itself?) into political directions. in the end, who will decide who is 'extreme' and what is an 'extreme opinion' or organization? what forms of resistance are 'violent'? these definitions shifts over time, as we all know, and tomorrow it is going to be you, me, us, them, whoever. the ageism here is also interesting, as if only young people are involved... (and to blame) /geert)Google's Next Mission: Fighting Violent ExtremismBy E.B. Boydhttp://www.fastcompany.com/1747140/googles-next-mission-deradicalize-violent-groups?partner=homepage_newsletterGoogle's new think tank will host a summit on what makes some youths join radical groups and what makes others turn away.Neo-Nazi groups and al Qaeda might not seem to have much in common, but they do in one key respect: their recruits tend to be very young. The head of Google?s new think tank, Jared Cohen, believes there might be some common reasons why young people are drawn to violent extremist groups, no matter their ideological or philosophical bent. So this summer, Cohen is spearheading a conference, in Dublin, Ireland, to explore what it is that draws young people to these groups and what can be done to redirect them.Cohen is the former State Department staffer who is best known for his efforts to bring technology into the country?s diplomatic efforts. But he was originally hired by Condaleezza Rice back in 2006 for a different--though related--purpose: to help Foggy Bottom better understand Middle Eastern youths (many of whom were big technology adopters) and how they could best "deradicalized." Last fall, Cohen joined Google as head of its nascent Google Ideas, which the company is labeling a "think/do tank."Technology, of course, is playing a role both in recruiting members to extremist groups, as well as fueling pro-democracy and other movements--and that?s where Google?s interest lies. "Technology is a part of every challenge in the world, and a part of every solution,? Cohen tells Fast Company. "To the extent that we can bring that technology expertise, and mesh it with the Council on Foreign Relations? academic expertise--and mesh all of that with the expertise of those who have had these experiences--that's a valuable network to explore these questions."This summer?s conference, "Summit Against Violent Extremism," takes place June 26-29 and will bring together about 50 former members of extremist groups--including former neo-Nazis, Muslim fundamentalists, and U.S. gang members--along with another 200 representatives from civil society organizations, academia, private corporations, and victims groups. The hope is to identify some common factors that cause young people to join violent organizations, and to form a network of people working on the issue who can collaborate going forward."With more than 50 percent of the world?s population under the age of thirty and the vast majority of those characterized as 'at risk,' socially, economically, or both, an oversupply exists of young people susceptible to recruitment by the extremist religious or ideological group closest to them in identity or proximity," Cohen, wrote on the blog of the Council on Foreign Relations, the event?s co-host.One of the technologies where extremism is playing out these days is in Google?s own backyard. Terrorist and other groups have made use of YouTube to broadcast their messages--as, indeed, have citizen empowerment movements. While YouTube has been criticized in the past for not removing violent videos as quickly as they appear, Cohen says the conference is looking at the root causes that prompt a young person to join one of the groups in the first place. "There are a lot of different dimensions to this challenge," he says. "It?s important not to conflate everything."See also: Google Grabs State Dept. Star Jared Cohen for Foreign Policy "Think/Do Tank"
BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood"Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show"Village Voice Best of NYC 2005Just posted to my radio archive<http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/Radio.html>:April 16, 2011 Joel Schalit, author of this piece, on Israeli identity and the problems with saying that the country may be turning “fascist” • Michael Heaney, co-author of this paper, on how Obama demobilized the antiwar movement • Roger Lowenstein, author of The End of Wall Street, on the financial crisis and its aftermathit joins:--------April 9, 2011 Carrie Lane, author of A Company of One, on how unemployed tech workers see themselves (as heroic, self-reliant questers, mostly) • Adolph Reed on the uselessness of TV liberals, the limits of spontaneity in politics, and the sponginess of race as a politlcal and analytical categoryMarch 19, 2011 Abe Sauer, who’s been covering Wisconsin for The Awl, on Walker, the protests, privatization • Steve Early, author ofThe Civil Wars in U.S. Labor, on the fights in & around Andy Stern’s SEIUMarch 12, 2011 Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus, on the spurious and destructive fantasy of a link between vaccines and autism • reprise of a 2006 interview with the splendid Robert Fitch, who died on March 4, about his book Solidarity for Sale and the role of corruption in the sad decline of American unions (and a brief memoir of his work)March 5, 2011 Jodi Dean, keeper of the I Cite blog and author of Blog Theory, interviewed in December on what digital culture is doing to us, returns to tell us how events in Cairo and Madison may have changed her mind • Joel Rogers of the University of Wisconsin on that state and its labor uprisingFebruary 5, 2011 Lance Lochner, author of this NBER paper, on the social returns to education (lower crime, better health) • Vijay Prashad of Trinity College on the Egyptian revolutionJanuary 29, 2011 Mark LeVine of the University of California–Irvine (and author of Heavy Metal Islam) and GIlbert Achcar of SOAS (and author of The Arabs and the Holocaust) talk (separately) about the popular uprisings in the Middle East • Bhaskar Sunkara on the new magazine he edits, JacobinJanuary 22, 2011 Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows, on what the web is doing to our brains and minds • Robert Fatton, author of Haiti’s Predatory Republic, on Baby Doc’s return, the failure to recover from earthquake, the horrid class systemJanuary 15, 2011 Mark Ames, author of Going Postal and editor of The Exiled, on Tucson and how the U.S. is like a decaying Russia • Jefferson Cowie, author of Stayin' Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class, on the 1970s---Doug HenwoodProducer, Behind the NewsSaturdays, 10-11 AM, KPFA, Berkeley 94.1 FM"best music on a show about economics & politics" - Village Voicepodcast: <http://shout.lbo-talk.org/lbo/radio-feed.php>iTunes: <http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=73801817>or <http://tinyurl.com/3bsaqb>Facebook group: <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=53240558375>."blog": <http://lbo-news.com/>
Aksioma -- Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana presents:*Paolo Cirio*/*REALITYFLOWHACKED*/*Aksioma | Project space*Komenskega 18, Ljubljana, SloveniaApril 26 -- May 20, 2011*Tuesday, April 26, 2011**Artist talk: 6:00 pm**Exhibition opening: 7:00 pm*New publication: /Aksioma brochure #09/, Ljubljana 2011/*Bruce Sterling: Sculpting the Flow of Reality*/Stories, interventions, tactics and concepts of social realities designed and perpetrated by the new media artist Paolo Cirio will be displayed together for the first time in a solo exhibition at the new *Aksioma | Project space*.The core of this exhibition will be the opus of new media projects realized by the artist in the last years, including /*Face to Facebook*//(2011)/, /*P2P Credit Cards -- Gift Finance*//(2010)/ and /*Open Society Structures*/ (2009).All these art pieces are conceived and performed in our advanced Information Era, in which media are hybridized, scattered, and blurred with the real, they are networked though, and they work through participation of the users.Cirio's works spot this media context, revealing information as ontological basis: specific devices, languages or techniques of media do not really count anymore, it is the art of orchestrate and structure information by networked media that emerges as major matter.Consequentially, these art works question how specific arrangements and processes of information can vary the construction and perception of cultural, political and economic realities. They investigate on information as raw material and how to structures it to depict and confront the power of media. In Cirio's works the layers of the media complexity are organically composed, displaying his sophisticated structures able to destabilize powerful firms or design worthy realities.Every work exhibited in the show is installed as offline mixed media installations. These art installations render sophisticated media hacks, fabrication of narratives and insightful paradigms in objects, videos, pictures and illustrations, in which the audience can enjoy concepts and actions which originated the art works.More about the exhibited works below!*About the author **Paolo Cirio* is a tactical media artist who actually living in London and working internationally. He hacks and orchestrates media through videos, coding, websites, social media, printed media, interventions in public spaces, characters enacted by actors, audience participation and accurate researches, in order to create edifying narratives, controversial provocations and tacking social issues. His primary inspiration is in corporate and state interventionism through the use of information power, which is depicted and interpreted in his radical and controversial art works.Paolo was part of [epidemiC] net-art collective (design of the virus /*Biennale.py*/, 49th Venice /Biennale/, Slovene Pavilion) and has collaborated with many other pivotal figures of net-art and street-art scene, like Bruce Sterling, Ubermorgen.com, RTMark, Alessandro Ludovico, among others.He has been awarded with the *Transmediale award* (2008), the *Stuttgarter Filmwinter award* (2007) the *Media Award St. Gilgen school* (2006); *Comission Rhizome* (2005) and received the honorary mentions at *Ars Electronica* (2005).Production: Aksioma -- Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana, 2011_www.aksioma.org <http://www.aksioma.org/>_Artistic director: Janez Jans(aExecutive producer: Marcela Okretic(Public relations: Mojca Zupanic(Technical support : Valter Udovic(ic'Thanks: Alessandro Ludovico, Geoff Cox, MGLC Ljubljana/*Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana - Department of Culture*//Sponsor: Datacenter d.o.o./---------------------------------*FUTURED WORKS*The /*Face to Facebook*/ is the media hack of Facebook.com, where its data has been radically reprocessed to construct new controversial structures. Like in the former Cirio's projects /Amazon Noir /(2006) and /Google will Eart Itself/ (2005), realized together with Alessandro Ludovico and Ubermorgen.com, the development of smart software has given the possibility to criticize and put in crisis the monopolistic use of data of the most powerful internet companies. In the show these projects will be depicted by objects that conceptually document the process of the actions and by diagrams of the algorithms of the hack.The /*P2P Credit Cards - Gift Finance*/ project proposes an alternative beneficial economy by issuing a visionary type of credit cards. This action addresses critical issues about the recent recession and finance regulations, especially related to the virtualization of money due electronic payments and online trading. This project looks at money as informational entities, which can be manipulated to redefine economies and distribute wealth equally. The art installation of this piece is composed by the credit cards and the diagram which illustrates how the Gift Finance works.The /*Open Society Structures*/ piece outlines society organization like software designs. It uses the paradigm of information processing of the algorithms for social problem solving. This resulted in three Plexiglas black boards in which the audience can read sophisticated algorithms of taxonomies structured in order to have a utopian society constitution.*Contact:*Marcela Okretic(, 041 250 830, aksioma4-gGgVlfcn5nU< at >public.gmane.org*Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana*Neubergerjeva 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Sloveniatel.: + 386 -- (0)590 - 54360_www.aksioma.org <http://www.aksioma.org/>_
An Augmented Reality Drug wil be presented at the Casoria Museum ofContemporary Arts in Casoria, Naples, Italy, on April 30th 2011, during theOpening Party of the CAMMOVIE Videoart Platform.The CAMMOVIE hosts four sections dedicated to video arts ando contaminationscoming from digital cultures.FOCUS REVOLUTION, featuring videos coming from the recent egyptian revolts.TOXIC, in which videos from invited Japanese artists will be put side byside with footega fetched using internet search engines and applications,creating a frontal visual clash in rememberance of the recent disasters.GLANCES_AROUND DUMP, will feature a visual narrative of the MetropolitanPark of Naples, recently turned into a trash dump by the publicadministrations.MAGMART, videoart under volcano. This section will feature the MAGMARTinternational video festival, including its award ceremony, in which 30 ofthe 450 videos sent in from 45 countries will be declared as winners of thecompetition and be added to the permanent collection of the museum.During the event REFF, the fake institution, will alter the perceptions ofthe world of all visitors using an augmented reality drug.the AR Drug is just the latest example of REFF's international youthprogram, touching universities, schools and free groups of young people to"methodologically reinvent reality through the critical use of ubiquitoustechnologies". The REFF AR Drug was recently presented in London atFurtherfield Gallery and is now being promoted worldwide through educationpractices and continuous invasions of ordinary reality through thebreakthrough cognitive effects induced by the AR Drug.more info athttp://www.romaeuropa.organd athttp://www.artisopensource.netand at the event's URLhttp://www.artisopensource.net/2011/04/21/an-augmented-reality-drug-at-the-casoria-contemporary-arts-museum/
Dear Nettime,All I can say is, hopefully this is not the final word from the Midwest.Thanks for all the words of encouragement,Posted here, and then on the Just Seeds blog on Monday with more images.http://prop-press.typepad.com/blog/2011/04/notes-to-a-movement-wisconsins-lost-strike-moment.htmlhttp://justseeds.org/blog/Warm regards, Dan W.*Notes to a Movement: Wisconsin¹s Lost Strike MomentDan S. Wang/Nicolas Lampert Two months into the Wisconsin Uprising a movement still exists, but where itgoes from here is unclear. The so-called Budget Repair Bill that will endcollective bargaining rights for most public employees in Wisconsin iscurrently tied up in the courts. Legal challenges will likely go on forseveral months, maybe longer. In the meantime, risks, challenges, andcontradictions loom within a movement that can be described as painfullymoderate. Wisconsin citizens have arisen and protested in massive numbers.The sleeping giant that is the labor movement + working class solidarity hasawoken. But the outlook is not entirely optimistic.The Wisconsin Uprising has reflected the strengths and weaknesses of theorganized labor movement. It has organized huge numbers of people anddemonstrated the collective power of public and private unions to combatWalker, the GOP, and corporate greed. But it has also become sadlyreflective of the labor movement¹s leaderscautious, allergic to directaction and civil disobedience, and most of all, adverse to calling a strike.Labor leadership has instead curtailed a movement that had real potential todefeat Walker and real potential to demand and create a more just and equalsociety, and transformed it into a movement that has become all aboutprotest marches, recall efforts, and votes for Democrats. But before onescreams, ³These tactics were necessary! Labor could ill afford turningpublic opinion against them with a strike!² ask yourself, when has labor wona significant victory without calling a strike? And when has a socialjustice movement won significant demands without the one-two punch ofelectoral politics combined with civil disobedience and actions that led tomass arrests? And lastly, for those still not convinced, if voting forDemocrats is the panacea to all our problems, why were so many of us livingin economic stress in Wisconsin already long before the uprising with littleto no hope that our situation would improve?To critique a movement that started with such promise and then rapidlydevolved, we offer this brief appraisal of what we¹ve seen thus far and whatwe hope to see develop. For the purposes of this analysis, we can talk aboutfour key moments/storylines, in the overlapping order that they happened.The first week.The flight of the 14 senate Democrats.The events and non-events of March 9/10.The April 5 election and aftermath.1. In terms of outrage and energy turning into the mass mobilization thatpersists two months later, the narrative of the first week remains ofprimary importance. Recall the rapidly developing chain of linked events.The active opposition to Governor Scott Walker and the GOP agenda went froma small, mostly student-led protest on Monday, February 14, to sustaineddemonstrations of 12k and 30k only days later, capped in its first phase bya day long rally of 70k people on the first Saturday.In that short time there were sizable public school student walk-outs,firefighters and police marching in solidarity with workers, a three-dayteacher sick-out (essentially a non-picket strike) in Madison, and asuccessful effort to clog the public hearings that in turn triggered aspontaneous occupation of the Capitol lasting nearly two weeks. In the firstweek, each act of unexpected militancy on the part of one constituencypushed all other constituencies toward taking their own risks. This was themoment of a collective, leaderless, and organic constitution of a socialmovement, its evolution measured in hours, not days. For those who were inMadison at any point in those first seven days or so, it was exhilarating.The collectively hailed movement changed participants, especially throughthe occupation, which over those days became one of the most intenselymoving political social spaces seen or experienced outside of Tahrir Square.The newly uninhibited desire to communicateexpressed in countless cleverand entertaining protest signs and performancescombined with the sharedsense that Walker¹s assault targeted whole groups, helped to create novelsocialities in which political expression and shared feeling with strangersbecame a new norm. The new socialities, the rising class consciousness, theunleashed creativity in expression, the immanent power of self-organizedaction, and the snowballing impacts of tactical escalationall products ofthe earliest stageremain the most vital achievements of the movement, andbode well for the months and years of struggle ahead.2. On the morning of the first Thursday (February 17) the rumor and then theconfirmed news of the 14 senate Democrats fleeing to Illinois sent waves ofexcitement through the occupied Capital and the throngs on the square. Itwas exactly the action we needed and fit the string of escalations overthose early days perfectly. The flight of the 14 and consequent denial of aquorum took control away from the Republicans. It was an act of aggression,a true counterattack that served as an escalation. Every escalation risks aloss of support, a desertion of the nervous, the unsure, and the moderate.But in each of the earlier escalationsthe walk-outs, sick-outs, theoccupation, etcresolve stiffened and excitement grew massively. Thus, inescalating the standoff in that moment, the 14 joined the movement andpushed it along. In exercising a comparatively direct power over theRepublicans, we don¹t mind saying that the 14 took the momentary lead in themovement. They saw the opportunity, made their move, reaped positiveattention, and put Walker and Fitzgerald on the defensive, making them worryabout desertions from those wavering on the Republican side.But precisely because the 14 are elected officials, the move opened up awhole front of legalisitic minutiae, opaque and inaccessible to the vastmajority of the citizenry. At the same time, as a media storyline, the 14drowned out the other risk-taking constituencies. As movement voices, thesenate Dems presented solutions in terms of legislative compromise andelectoral strategy. While we credit them for there timely move, for all theabove reasons the flight of the 14ie, the insertion of themselves into themovementin hindsight represents a structural moderation from within themovement. This was confirmed when some of the returning 14 spoke to 150,000-plus whogathered around the Capital for a huge rally on Saturday, March 12. Theyspoke almost exclusively of the movement as an electoral effort, andneglected to credit the chain of escalations that made their own movepossible. This was true, too, for Rev. Jesse Jackson on that day, and atrallies in Madison and Milwaukee. Leaders of the largest unions, WEACPresident Mary Bell and AFSCME Council 24's Marty Beil, also called for theballot box, never once mentioning that organized labor has the ultimateweapon: work stoppage. The majority of the crowd, effectively administered adose of moderation, headed down State Street after the celebrities of themovement, the Wisconsin 14, spoke. For us, the lesson of the day was, themovement grassroots would do well by refraining from over-valorizing the 14.And we would do better by reflecting on the actions of fellow workers andglobal citizens in Egypt who inspired us during the first weekthe ones whopeacefully toppled a thirty-year autocrat partly thanks to a general strike.The questions of the day, for all but especially for the union rank-and-filewere, does labor leadership actually represent the best interest of theworking class? And why are we only organizing against Walker and theRepublicans? Why not pressure the Democrats and labor leaders just as hard? 3. March 9 and 10 stand as the dates that a strike would have made mostsense but did not happen; the fact is, the strategy of escalation wasabandoned when it most mattered. Walker¹s strategy of waiting out themovement had failed; after two and a half weeks of senate stalemate anddaily demonstrations, it was clear that the movement wasn¹t going anywhere.Rather than compromise, and being worried about cracks in Republicanlawmaker unity, he and senate majority leader Fitzgerald rammed through hisunion-busting bill on the evening of March 9. This was accomplished bysplitting ³fiscal² from ³non-fiscal² issues from the bill, circumventing the14 Democrats who had blocked quorum, and by advancing a hastily called votein a deceitful move of still unsettled legality.In other words, on March 9, rather than back down Walker raised the ante yetagain, and to a level for which there could only have been one kind ofescalation in response: a strike across sectors and occupations. Talk of ageneral strike, both fanciful and serious, existed during the first threeweeks of the struggle. It was visible in flyers and signs, the conversationshappening around the square, and most particularly from the IWW and theSouth Central Federation of Labor (a Wisconsin federation of nearly onehundred labor organizations representing 45,000 workers.) By February 21,the beginning of the second week, the SCFL had endorsed a one-day generalstrike but did not have the authority to call one. From the point of view ofthe raging non-unionized grassroots, and much of the rank and file, aone-day strike should have been called on the day that Walker signed theanti-union bill at the very least. The hot potato then would have beenthrown back in Walker¹s hands, confronting him with the queasiness of havingto carry out his stated threats to fire public workers. But it did nothappen. The union leadership responded with words, not actions, therebysevering the chain of escalations, and accepted a defeat. By this time themovement had for all practical purposes become identified, including fromwithin, as union-led, leaving the non-union grassroots with nowhere tochannel their outrage, energy, and willingness to share risk. A precioushistoric opportunity was lost.Here the lessons for the grassroots are at least two. First, that unionleadership is, like the Democrats, wedded to a narrow and ultimatelyconservative set of interests. Their primary considerations include theshort-term job security of their members, the viability of theirorganizations apart from the greater public good, and, above all, theeasiest ways to ensure the flow of member dues, above all. Secondly, and ata deeper level, that both trade and labor unions are in essence defensiveformations, there to protect a standard of living often originally won undercomparatively favorable labor market conditions. Moving into unchartedpolitical territory, much less contributing to the movement a visionaryelement, is not the natural tendency of the modern union. Even more so for alabor movement that has been steadily declining since Reagan fired theair-traffic controllers in 1981, and before that, the Taft-Hartley Act(1947) curtailed the legality of strikes, making massive concessions underthe smokescreen of collective bargaining the standard course of action fororganized labor. Yet, 2011 has witnessed Republican governors attack eventhis last recoursecollective bargainingacross the Midwest. Win now anddefeat the GOP¹s onslaught against the last stronghold of middle classeconomic security, and all things public. Or lose and send the demoralizingmessage to the nation and the world that hundreds of thousands ofprotestors, a two-week occupation of the Capital, and public opinion on theside of labor still could not produce a victory in Wisconsin. In times likethis, when public unions are fighting for their very existence, and apanoply of constituencies face serious threat, all tactics are needed towin, including strikes and direct action. No action can be ruled out.4. Even before the March 9/10 episode, the April 5 election for WisconsinSupreme Court was recognized widely as a statewide referendum on ScottWalker, given incumbent justice David Prosser¹s avowed support for theWalker agenda. After the non-response of March 9/10, the election was leftas the next opportunity for the movement to land a substantive blow againstWalker in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, the dispersion of theweeks-long movement into a myriad of fronts (recalls, boycotts, etc) madethe April 5 election that much more important as a way to refocus themovement on a single, shared, unifying goal, a way to recapture the power ofmass mobilization. On April 5 more than 1.5 million Wisconsin voters went to the polls andelected Kloppenburg by a mere 204 votes, or so it seemed. A day later 14,300previously uncounted votes suddenly appeared in Waukesha County undersuspicious circumstances involving Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus, aformer employee of Prosser. She reported enough missing votes to place theresults just barely past the percentage needed to trigger a state-financedrecount. Amid the calls for investigation from liberal groups, the lesson inelectoral strategy from Gore v Bush 2000 and the ¹08 Obama campaigns wastotally lost, ie close results will always be vulnerable to right wingelectoral theft, and that therefore, an electoral victory must be beyonddoubt. That means mobilizing a massive coalition on the left, including thetraditionally under-polled groups of African American and youth voters. Atthe time of this writing it does appear that Kloppenburg may have lostfairly, yet what is arguably worse than her defeat is a movement that hedgesits bets solely on the polls as the way to defeat one of the most extremeand well-coordinated right wing attacks on working people in modern history,and even then, fails to implement a known winning electoral strategy.On a larger level, let¹s imagine, what would have transpired had citizensoccupied the senate assembly chambers instead of just the rotunda,especially on the day of the assembly vote? What would have happened hadWalker ordered the National Guard (as he threatened to do from thebeginning) to quell protests and strikes and the Guard refused? The fact isnobody knows, and that is precisely the point. Once the movement energy andhopes are re-channeled into electoral efforts nearly exclusively, theoutcomeno matter who wins, reallyis already predetermined andcircumscribed by the structure of conventional politics, a structure thatfavors wealth and has allowed ever increasing inequality to become the norm. * We have now reached the fourth or fifth act of the Wisconsin Uprising. Thefundamental contradictions that have shaped the sequence of eventsincludingthe key failures of the left that have helped Walker achieve his presentposition of strengthcannot be resolved without a strategic reorientation.Above all, we need to be courageously visionary. As with any historical advance toward an egalitarian society, ourachievements will take time, energy, and commitment for the long haul. Butwe already knew that. What we¹ve been reminded of in Wisconsin over the lasttwo months, is that once started, following through on the chain ofescalations gives us a better chance of winning specific battles and putsour opposition on the defensive, as long as we have the courage, vision, andcreativity to increase the pressure when the opportunities present.Strategically speaking, the events in the chain of escalation itself arewhat generate the spaces of new socialities, the beginnings of the democracywe want, and the ground on which new leaders and new ideas emerge from thegrassroots. Now that the chain has been broken and the conservatives have prevailed forthe moment, the question is how to restart a series of meaningfullyoppositional actions. Furthermore, let us always remember how these suchactions can communicate solidarities across sectors and constituenciesbeyond the union-dominated constitution of the movement, as did thenear-spontaneous actions of the first week. In other words, if this movementis to be sustained, it can no longer be exclusively or even primarily aboutunions, collective bargaining, or the GOP¹s greed and lies, as egregious asthey are. In order to win, we need to imagine and articulate the societythat we want to live in, not simply fight defensively against the latestround of GOP/corporate attacks. The Wisconsin Uprising must evolve into amovement that speaks to the priorities of immigrants and the inner-citypoor, the unorganized private sector workers, the unemployed, and theincarcerated, as loudly as it speaks to the concerns of the unionized. Weneed to ask what it would take to make this movement truly popular. We havethe power of numbers but we remain separated by walls of division. The whiteprogressive voices in a relatively privileged place like Madison have aresponsibility to use their privilege and power creatively and generously.The Wisconsin Uprising will gain strength by moving towards a long-termcoalition of urban and rural constituencies, one that activates and embracesleadership from the peoples who have been hardest hit by the economiccrisisrural farm communities, Native communities, African-Americancommunities, Hispanic communities, the unemployed, and youth from allclasses. A first step towards a movement that attracts and keeps allconstituencies will demand systemic change on the state, national, and worldlevels:1. A visionary safety net founded on a universal basic income for all, richand poor alike, young and old, employed and unemployed.2. True immigrant justice, i.e. full amnesty for undocumented adults andcitizenship for undocumented youth.3. Full democratic rights for the incarcerated, and an end to the Drug War.Voting eligibility cannot be stripped.4. The end of corporate tax giveaways and the privatization programs thathave destroyed the public sector.5. Increased public funding for public education, public health care, publictransportation, and the arts.6. Environmental sustainability and water conservation as the foundation forurban and rural planning. Shift towards renewable energy and food justice.7. A real end to the unnecessary, wasteful, and brutal multi-trillion-dollarwars in Iraq and Afghanistan, drastically reduced military spending, andfunding full care for our veterans.8. The ousting of Gov. Walker and his administration, either throughresignation or recall.*We all know that the budget repair bill is only the beginning of acalculated attack on the middle and lower class. In preparation, we would dowell to revisit the movements and campaigns from both the recent and distantpast that mixed lobbying, protest, and media work with strikes, occupations,and civil disobedience. These include struggles like the 2008 RepublicWindows and Doors factory and the 2010 Whittier Elementary School fieldhouse occupations in Chicago, and the Ojibwe fishing rights movement and thecampaign that killed the proposed Crandon Mine, both from Wisconsin in the1990s. Any number of past struggles, such as the Memphis Sanitation WorkersStrike of 1968, or the San Francisco General Strike in 1934, or the FlintSit-Down Strike in 1936-37, still inspire and instruct. As we move forwardwe need to examine why overly cautious labor leaders and unimaginativeDemocrats took the reins of a movement that held such promise, and how welet them. In closing, we urge our fellow citizens and activists in thegrassroots to reserve our power separately from the ³leadership² and preparefor the next uprising, the one that will erupt in a day, a week, a month, oryears down the roadthe one in which we do not let the opportunity slipaway.
.....BESKONISTe?, is an art group located in Dallas, TX, where we are working on making something with ?absolutely? nothing. The beauty of the democratic nature of the Internet and the web technology has been utilized, and we will work on it in the future...What is BESKONISTe':BESKONISTe' is Art, and at the same time BESKONISTe' is about Art...("beskonism" derived from term "BESKONISTE;" - BESKON, a part of a Serbo-Croatian word, "BESKONACNOST" meaning "INFINITY.") .....BESKONISTe?, through its art, wants to be a metaphysical engine that entails collaboration as a mean of coexistence.Through our art we are going to be stretching our ideas further away into messages to be perceived and grasped bywhoever find them to be to grasp. BESKONISTe' is about debunking horrors of contemporary US. BES KONISTe' utilizes plain and bold language exposing and makingthese ills public, sharing them. BESKONISTe' utilizes artistic means of creative sensibilities to achieve these goals. Why these bold words???The world we live in is anything but indirect. The world we live is doing anything but going indirectly around.The world we live is anything but the caring one. The world we live in, the western capitalist regimes,is the one that is causing atrocities on a constant basis under disguise of bringing freedom and not what. Also, today world is the world of new means of enslavement as the result of ?aggressive metastasize offree market capitalism,? hidden under terms of democracy and freedom, especially freedom of expression; ... ... One of such quite aggressive metastasizes of capitalism, particularly in the US, is enslavement through Student Loan Debt.So many have been enslaved, lured into the idea of ?knowledge will set you free,? through a "good and affordable education."Due t o this many are experiencing abuses on everyday basis by the government of the USA, who is also making huge profit out ofthese sickening ills along with the banks and collection services. BE SKONISTe' wants to speak about it, in its own way...Eyes crossedand rivers passed betweendrowning beneath a techno beatI saw the light coming through a dark skyliquid lips...vanilla tripsto sway around a disco ballthis ain't no American Dreamand I ain't no PocahontasSo dance with mea site to seeBESKONISTe' is on the way.view the most recent work by Beskoniste'......WILL WORK. http://www.beskoniste.com/BESKONISTe'official web site: www.beskoniste.come-mail: beskoniste-WwkT+RzZs89GBRGhe+f61g< at >public.gmane.org
I wonder why there as been no echo here on nettime of the release of the Guantanamo Files by a host of newspaper directly, or indirectly associated with WikiLeaks in the last couple of days. In some ways, it's a testimony to the fact that WikiLeaks as anorganization is not only still capable of operating efficiently, butof learning substantially. After being accused of pulling too muchlimelight into itself, Assange and his associates now remain much morein the background. It's main public communication channel is twitter.WikiLeaks has lost control, to some degree, of the information, asseveral newspapers, such as the Guardian and the NYT, have publishedinformation prior to the "official" release schedule. They claim tohave received the same material independently. This loss of controldoes not, however, impact negatively on its mission to maximize theimpact of its material, as Yochai Benkler points out, it might evencontribute to it (by increasing competition among news outlets)[1]. It also has changed WikiLeaks commitment to publishing the rawmaterial. In this case, it is relatively easy to do, since there is noinformation that needs to be redacted. So little editing is needed.So, since WikiLeaks is now operating more discreetly in the background letting the focus rest on the material itself, there is simply not so much to say about WikiLeaks anymore. Which would mean, theoretically, that there is more room to talk about the material released and its implication. But that does not happen. While nettime is not particularly important a venue, I still think it's indicative of a larger problem with the kinds of transparency that WikiLeaks provides. Put simply, information does speak for itself. Cue in the media partners, which turn it into stories. But, and here is the important point, stories are not political in themselves. They are stories that lead nowhere unless they are carried somewhere, which the media don't do. Political actors need to do this, and, right now, there are no political organizations that can work with this material and WikiLeaks is, despite all its media partner, current and past, politically relatively isolated. This has nothing to do with it being radical or breaking the law. There are plenty of radical organizations which are organically connected to political movements, or other capable actors. But WikiLeaks is not, and this, it turns out, is a major limitation. Without a way to act on it, information of limited value, and shocking, scandalous information simply leads to cynicism. Ah, Obama is just another Bush. [1] http://tinyurl.com/64g34oh--- http://felix.openflows.com ----------------------- books out now:*|Deep Search.The Politics of Search Beyond Google.Studienverlag 2009*|Mediale Kunst/Media Arts Zurich.13 Positions.Scheidegger&Spiess2008*|Manuel Castells and the Theory of the Network Society. Polity, 2006 *|Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks. Ed. Futura/Revolver, 2005
Dear friends,Let me notice you REALITYFLOWHACKED, my solo show in Ljubljana at Aksioma | Project space - Slovenia. From April 26 to May 20, 2011.Info and selected pictures of the show:http://www.aksioma.org/realityflowhackedTexts by Bruce Sterling, Sculpting the Flow of Reality:http://www.paolocirio.net/press/text_sterling_realityflowhacked.phpArt Crosses the Border:http://www.paolocirio.net/press/text_sterling_xl.phpThis exhibition features some most recent projects of mine that are related to the idea of Social Algorithms. They are conceptual hacks, which are represented by the pieces Open Society Structures (2009), P2P Gift Credit Cards - Gift Finance (2010) and Face to Facebook (coauthor: Alessandro Ludovico, 2011)Let me say more about the Social Algorithms of the REALITYFLOWHACKED exhibition with little personal statements. Below there are also links of recent interviews about the recent projects and 7 downloadable diagrams of Social Algorithms.Flow of information is pure raw power; processing and managing data means developing languages, knowledge and awareness of reality. Social Algorithms literally design information flux, they program realities.Through Social Algorithms I sculpted information, an invisible material that can be shaped for constructing new structures of data, which demonstrated being able to influence the Social Reality. Just for instance, in Face to Facebook the structuring of data in new forms has affected a great number of people's behaviour and legal and media spheres. These sculptures of data can be created by anyone, just by following the diagrams of the Social Algorithms that I drew. These diagrams explain the instructions for activating social change through hacks of the present flow of reality.They are not malicious hacks, they are not sabotaging viruses, nor speculative esthetics, funny hoaxes or simply slogans, instead, they want to bring about progress. They propose new realities by pragmatical instructions that run step by step. They are propositions of how to activate political evolutions, just by following the flow charts of the diagrams. The reality flow must be re-processed and re- organized, society always needs new and better algorithms.In the show REALITYFLOWHACKED the Social Algorithms are materialized by active drawings, effective sculptures, and functional performances that came out of them. Classic artistic practices such as drawing, sculpting and performing can finally be able to influence effectively social realities. However, this is not software art, nor net art. There aren't genres, this is just what is our contemporary time. Media and management of data, this is the global everyday reality.The diagrams of the Social Algorithms are blueprints for social software that when launched in the operation system of our complex reality, start to interact with the tasks of the applications that govern and organize the construction of Social Reality. They are not just visionary sketches, they can be implantable, some still are running now, they really work! And their power to change reality is just a matter of the scale of their implementation.Here you can download the diagrams of the Social Algorithms. There are 7 blueprints in pdf:http://www.paolocirio.net/work/all_cirio_diagrams.zipThe seven diagrams of the Social Algorithms included the three of the Hacking Monopoly Trilogy (Google Will Eat Itself,Amazon Noir and Face to Facebook), one diagram of the Gift Finance and diagrams of the triptych of Open Society Structures.If you need printed copies of them, just ask me, I'll deliver them to your postal address.Many thanks and hugs to all the friends who have supported me so far.Paolo.Recent Interviews:- Digicult online magazine. Extensive Interview about major artworks, career and strategieshttp://www.digicult.it/digimag/article.asp?id=2039- Artline online magazinehttp://www.paolocirio.net/press/interview_f2f_artline.php- CNN.com online portalhttp://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/02/11/artists.facebook.project- Artinfo online magazinehttp://www.artinfo.com/news/story/36912/the-artist-whos-out-to-liberate-facebook-a-qa-with-profile-thief-paolo-cirio- Czech TV major public TV channel 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYgV5avt3LY- Tagesschau German public TV ARD channel 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzCh1XPWlMY- NDR Zapp German TV showhttp://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/zapp/internet/facebook377.htmlThis month printed publications in the bookshops:- Artnews magazine (U.S.) review- Springering magazine (Austria) interview- XL magazine magazine (Italy) review- Politika magazine (Serbia) interview- Wired magazine (Italy) review (upcoming)Upcoming exhibitions and presentations:- EMAFF 2011, Face to Facebok presentation, Osnabrück, Germany- IMAC 2011, Re-New forum, Recombinant Fiction lecture, Copenhagen- Visionary Trading Project, P2P Gift Credit Cards exhibition, London- Memefest, workshop, Nijmegen, Netherlands- Utopian Currencies, P2P Gift Credit Cards exhibition and lecture, Paris- Checkpoints FLEF Festival, Face to Facebook exhibition, Finger Lakes, U.S.- Genesis Project, workshop, New York- Galerija Galenica, Open Society Structures exhibition, Velika Goricam, CroaziaSome honors that I got so far:Virtual Residency at Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, 2010; European Media Artists residence and grant, 2009; Transmediale award, 2008; Stuttgarter Filmwinter, 2007; Media Award St. Gilgen school, 2006; Comission Rhizome, 2005; Nominations for 10th Cairo Prize, 2009; VIPER Award, 2005; and Honorary Mentions at Share Festival, 2007; Ibizagrafica, 2006 and Prix Ars Electronica, 2005.Some accomplished missions in the last 10 years:I stole one million profiles from Facebook.com and republished some of them on dating website.I issued and distributed thousands of credit cards, counterfeiting virtual money.I branded a firm that exploits sea level rise in NYC and a counter movement for climate change justice.I cloned the identity of a Russian spy on social media for doing a interactive movie.I investigated anti terrorism measures in international airports.I spread thousands of misquotations by the most famous historic human figures.I stole digital books from Amazon.com and redistributed them for free.I created phony networks with robots to fraud Google.com AD Sense service.I occupied streets and asked to artists to vandalise the public spaces with pieces of art.I edited a web portal about eastward expansion of NATO.I was investigated by the Department of National Defense of both the USA and Canada.More about my bio here:http://www.paolocirio.net/cv.phpCredits solo show:Produced by Aksioma –Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2011www.aksioma.orgSupported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana--You received this email because for some obscure reasons your email is in the database of Paolo's contacts. If for any reason you no longer want to hear about his new projects, please click on the following link and your email will be erased forever:http://www.paolocirio.net/newsletter/index.php?un_email=p.cirio-Re5JQEeQqe8< at >public.gmane.orgm--Admin tasks:http://www.paolocirio.net/newsletter/index.php?un_admin=p.cirio-Re5JQEeQqe8< at >public.gmane.orgm
surely of interest here.---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 00:31:01From: Portside Moderator <moderator-1P9u8MX5GVLRnqqr4xx/QQ< at >public.gmane.org>To: PORTSIDE-psCCsKB7rKShSZ4PnerUBNpPI6r2+5pS< at >public.gmane.orgSubject: Mumia Abu-Jamal's Death Sentence KO'dMumia Abu-Jamal's Death Sentence KO'dMinority NewsApril 26, 2011http://www.blackradionetwork.com/activist_s_death_sentence_ko_dPHILADELPHIA, PAThe jury that sentenced black activist Mumia Abu-Jamal todeath for the murder of a white Philadelphia police officerwas wrongly instructed, a U.S. appeals court said.The court ordered the state of Pennsylvania to hold a newsentencing hearing within 180 days or to sentence Abu-Jamalto life imprisonment. The three-judge panel upheld thefindings of a district court judge and an appellate decisionin 2008.Abu-Jamal, 57, has been on death row since 1982 when he wasconvicted of shooting Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. Duringhis years in prison, he has written several books and becomeone of the best-known death- sentenced inmates in the world.Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said he isconsidering whether to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, ThePhiladelphia Inquirer reported. The high court has alreadyordered the appeals court to reconsider its earlier findingthat the sentence was invalid, resulting in Tuesday'sopinion.The court found the judge gave confusing instructions to thejury. As a result, the panel found, jurors might havebelieved wrongly that they needed to be unanimous onmitigating factors.Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther, worked for several publicand commercial radio stations in Philadelphia during the1970s. At the time of his arrest, he was driving a cab.___________________________________________Portside aims to provide material of interest to peopleon the left that will help them to interpret the worldand to change it.Submit via email: portside-0h5K2prAsCRg9hUCZPvPmw< at >public.gmane.orgSubmit via the Web: http://portside.org/submittous3Frequently asked questions: http://portside.org/faqSub/Unsub: http://portside.org/subscribe-and-unsubscribeSearch Portside archives: http://portside.org/archiveContribute to Portside: https://portside.org/donate
The revolutions in Tunesia and Egypt and the civil war in Libya as wellas the earth quake and tsunami leading to a nuclear catastrophe in Japanhave lead to a sharp increase of users viewing TV on-line. I have justcome across a blog post by web TV provider Livestation that says thenumber of users has risen by 1047 percent (sic!) in the first quarter of2011, making it the first profitable one in the company's history. Theblog post says there are some 10 million viewers per month now watchinginternational news channels such as BBC World News, AlJazeera, orAlArabya on the peer-to-peer service, as access is free to everyone whoinstalls the client necessary. Mobile sessions also increased to some 15million in March 2011.<http://blog.livestation.com/index.php/2011/04/the-livestation-revolution/>Regards,Jürgen.
Over here...http://cryptome.org/0003/mi6-worldwide.htm... any way to verify this isn't just a list of random names? --Al
bwo INURA list/ Tino Bucholzoriginal to:http://www.cphpost.dk/news/local/51500-christiania-closes-for-business.htmlThe Copenhagen PostChristiania closes for businessWednesday, 27 April 2011We need to pause for thought, say residentsChristiania is closed for business as residents ponder their future.In an effort to ponder whether it will fight to retain its autonomousstatus, the self-proclaimed free town of Christiania has barricaded allentry points and closed down all its stores starting today.The closure is not permanent, only for the next few days, according toChristianias press group.The Christianites are currently handing out flyers outside the barricades,asking their supporters to respect the temporary closure. Were closingto avoid closure, the flyer reads.We need to stop to think, the group told Ekstra Bladet newspaper.Partly so that we can get some time to think about our current situation,but also to draw attention to the fact that Christiania is underpressure, they said, adding that the states demand to normalise the townhas hurt its distinctive image.In February the Supreme Court decided to revoke Christianias right toself-rule and gave the government the right to sell the land, which meansthat the residents are technically squatting in the disused naval basethey overtook in 1971. Subsequent negotiations have not yet led to anyconcrete agreement on the future of the settlement.We believe the preliminary outline from the state will lead to aliquidation of the open, self-governing, experimental Christiania that weknow today, the group said, pointing out that the Christianites arewilling to negotiate a legalisation, but such a deal should secure thequalities that we are proud of.Christiania lawyer, Knud Foldschack, believes a solution to the40-year-old legal tussle over the freetown is in sight.Its high time that we sort this out, Foldschack told Berlingskenewspaper. The way I see it, there is broad agreement among theChristianites that we should buy the whole thing.He said that the combined purchase price for all the state-owned buildingswithin the 34-hectare property would amount to some 150 million kroner.Claus Hjort Frederiksen, the finance minister, who is in charge of thenegotiations, has presented the Christianites with two options: eithermost of the state-owned property currently being used as dwellings can betransformed into a new public housing association, or Christiania collectively or each resident individually can buy the buildings.Frederiksen will now await the final feedback from the Christianites, whowill be discussing the issue over three joint meetings next week.See related storiesChristiania loses self-ruleMidlife crisis looming for ChristianiaMassive haul at Christiania police raid
[digested < at > nettime --mod(tb)]Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>old READING.TXT and internet course descriptions (1994-6) Avatar Absence Erasure Performance [limits of explanation]Day 3 (last), Columbia College mocap research examples - meditative (documentation of mocap proces, plus example) virtuality notes, from avatar.txt and from wryting-lDusk Dance Culmination * do they know each other. Political Dance of the International Two REQUESTS: Open Re: US politics and wealth (fwd)new images of human beings for the nuclear workers < at > Fukushima < at > Fukushima (fwd)PLEASE NOTE: PROBABLY CONTAMINATED SITE death versus life Enclaves of Theory and Theology LISTEN HERE! FORGET EVERYTHING YOU EVER KNEW! cry out structures and ghosts Insoluble Cases - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 11:38:06 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: old READING.TXT and internet course descriptions (1994-6) READING.TXTI've been going through old text archives tonight and found the following:http://www.alansondheim.org/READING.TXT [July 1995] It's somewhatembarrassing, groping, tawdry, more literal than I'd like, blind-folded,cauterized, decrepit, awkward, centered somewhat around the event ofMichael Current's death, stylistically poor, owing too much to various NYschools, gone down the hatch, occasional bursts of something, occasionalJohn Giornoesque-manque, lurid, murderous story-telling, Ballardic,oceanic for obscure reasons, despairing, suicidal, neurotic, eurocentric -in other words check it out. And I forget what READING it was used for -where the words died in the air, what futility led me to think thesethings could be pronounced in an interesting way...Then there are these two old course descriptions, might be of interest -for UNIX commands: http://www.alansondheim.org/UNIX [from 1996]======================================================================[April 1994]Alan Sondheim sondheim-rMPiz86vIOZkZI0wD67Jjg< at >public.gmane.org432 Dean StreetBrooklyn, NY, 11217718-857-3671NEW COURSE AT THE NEW SCHOOL, NYC:*BEFORE AND AFTER THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY*With public attention drawn to the 'information highway,' camcorders,multimedia, and a host of other information technologies, it isapparent that a revolution in communications is underawy. We willexamine this transformation, using postmodernism and contemporarymedia theory. In so doing, we will focus on both past and future,from the history of television and radio to the 'transparent' virtualreality world of the next millennium.This course is a must for anyone interested in contemporary modes ofentertainment or communication. Everything from a brief non-technicaloverview of the technologies involved, to the actual content of thesemodes, will be presented, including the new forms of subjectivity andpersonal communications (such as computer bulletin boards) that areemerging. Issues of space and time in virtual reality will also beconsidered.Topics include digital vs. analog communications, the internet, the'new information order,' gender and communications, postmoderngeography and telecommunications, computer bulletin boards, camcorderaesthetics (including issues of privacy, sexuality, oral history, andpersonal expression), multi-media at home and business, the emergenceof new `languages' of expression, ELECTRONIC SUBJECTIVITY,and anoverview of recent (1895-the present) communications history.Reading Materials:Because of the fast-changing media landscape, texts will be chosenseveral weeks before the course. The following list of referencesis tentative:1. Mark Poster, Mode of Information2. David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity3. Thomas Docherty, ed. Postmodernism: A Reader4. Geoffrey Reeves, Communications and the 'Third World'5. Avital Ronell, The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech6. Alan Sondheim, ed. Future Culture issue, Art Papers, (available as texts before 1995 publication)7. Alan Sondheim, Internet Text in Perforations 78. Donna Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women9. Downloaded texts from the Internet, including Jack Frost on cyberpoetics, and (with permission), material from Postmodern Culture magazine.10. Magazines include: Mondo 2000, Wired, Perforations, andBoardwatch and other computer magazines.======================================================================[February 1996]Internet and the Information Superhighway, FVASix Sessions: Alan Sondheim, 718-857-3671, sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgPlease note: No previous experience required!First week: Introduction to the Information Superhighway. The Internet:Email and email lists, Usenet. The nature of discussions. On-line issues.Censorship, business, and art issues. Getting set up, access. Practice.Difference between analog and digital. Introduction to the digital world.Demographics of the Net. Present and future. Commcercialization and theWorld Wide Web.Second week: The Internet: FTP, Gopher, Telnet, Finger, and beginningwith the World Wide Web. Different sites available. The materialsavailable on-line. Please bring a 3.5" disk if you have one. Going overthe file information. Getting materials on-line.Third week: Continuing with World Wide Web, various search engines(World Wide Web Worm, Archie, Veronica, Wais). Images and image-coding/decoding. Mosaic, Netscape, etc. Future of sound/moving images on theNet. Mbone and other advanced technologies, ATM. New search engines:Inktomi, IAF, Altavista.Fourth week: Electronic Conferencing. Various systems such as Caucus.Artnet and the thing. Different forms of bulletin-boards, Fido-net, other alternatives. Talk, ytalk, IRC, chats, MUDs, MOOs, and soforth. Demonstrations. ThePalace. Possible trip to my setup in Brooklyn.Fifth week: Social and political implications of cyberspace. Issues ofvirtual reality, sexuality, virtual subjectivity. Future multi-media.Possible trip to cybercafe around the corner. Iphone, CuSeeMe, Vdol,Xingstream, etc.Sixth week: Review of material. Internet practice, current demographicsand statistics. Arts, literature, and sciences on the Net.Be prepared to take extensive notes. It would helpful for you to be asfamiliar with your own computer system as possible.Some books of interest: Sherry Turkle, Life on the Screen; WilliamMitchell, City of Bits; Steven Levy, Hackers; Wired magazine; MichaelBenedikt, Cyberspace: First Steps; Internet Secrets; Howard Rheingold,The Wired Community; Peter Salus, Casting the Net.======================================================================- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 02:16:04 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Avatar Absence Erasure Performance [limits of explanation]------------------------------------------------------------------------Avatar Absence Erasure Performance------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.alansondheim.org/netineti.mp4http://www.alansondheim.org/netineti1.pnghttp://www.alansondheim.org/netineti2.pnghttp://www.alansondheim.org/netineti3.pnghttp://www.alansondheim.org/netineti4.pnghttp://www.alansondheim.org/netineti2.mp4------------------------------------------------------------------------thus at the limits of explanation,the _draw distance_ is beyond the avatar, stutters, operates within range,stumbles, moves, redefines position, filters objects in the whole wideworld, strobes backgrounds, flashes objects, drains seas, cauterizesskins, retrieves supplements, performs in the absence of performances,dancing the virtual. the inherent plasticity of virtual worlds, sheavescutting through psychologically apparent phenomena, is evident in deepphenomenological illegibility. the sense of logos, encoded, recuperable,aristotelian or quantum, is fundamentally shattered. what might have beenconsidered primordial turns on confusion. ultimately nothing gets throughthe ground which may be abandoned. what occurs is a form of shepherding orcollusion of affect; it's just those ways. beyond all of this, one wouldneed access to the database itself, as if decoding were possible, and asif that possibility turned further into a clarity of mind.------------------------------------------------------------------------the texture-object: INVISIBILITY PRIM PUBLIC v1.1a by Beatfox Xevious:"SL has a few special system textures that are only accessible by UUID keyand that possess properties which no other textures do. Namely, a primusing one of these textures is capable of rendering whatever avatartextures and textures containing alpha channels are inside or behind itcompletely invisible. Normal textures that do not contain alpha channelswill remain untouched."------------------------------------------------------------------------the overheard dialog:[09:34 PM] FalIen Fallen has entered chat range (2.8m)[09:34 PM] Bryce Markova has entered chat range (3.9m)[09:34 PM] Bryce Markova: AAAAAAAH[09:35 PM] FalIen Fallen: kanichiwa[09:35 PM] Bryce Markova: HE IS A DONUT[09:35 PM] FalIen Fallen: HAHAHAHA[09:35 PM] FalIen Fallen: A DONUT[09:35 PM] Bryce Markova: hes afk------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 02:30:15 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Day 3 (last), Columbia College mocap research examples - Day 3 (last), Columbia College mocap research examples -http://www.alansondheim.org/edge6.mp4http://www.alansondheim.org/harness.mp4http://www.alansondheim.org/322harness.mp41st, 1 dancer working the edge drawn into poser triplets2nd and 3rd, 2 flight harness dancers, 1 ground (head, root) dancer2nd drawn with poser singlet, third drawn with poser tripletnotes from the accompanying talkMy avatar behavior is governed by animation files originating with mocapequipment. Almost all professional current mocap uses nodes - informationcoming in from specific body areas, assigned body areas, and so forth. Iremap the mocap body, by distributing nodes among several human bodies; bycollapsing nodes, by node reassignment on a geometric or random basis, by'heaping' nodes and so forth.I see 'the body' as:a. An already inscribed, already virtual body.b. A distributed or social body: Who speaks 'within' 'us' and who answersfor us, etc. My avatars are social, their movements produced by groupsinstead of individuals: up to four performers for one animation file, oneanimation file expanded into multiple conforming avatars.c. A dying body: Our bodies are always on the way out and our work, if itdoesn't revolve around love, sexual arousal, and hatred, is bounded by,revolves within, the horizon of death and despair.d. An absent body (Drew Leder); we rarely track everything. It is theprivilege of the camera in Second Life to reveal the avatar as simultan-eous object and subject, confined and open, teetering.e. A present body and an abject body - in and out of virtual worlds.(political bodies, in the face of mass extinctions, social degradation)I'm interested in errors, leaks, and resistance, and in the recuperation/re-presentation of flesh. My work always begins and ends with the flesh,with the flesh-mind, with embodied mind. (Among other tools, exploring thelimits of mocap.)NEW WORK 3RD DAY:1 RANDOM NODE ASSIGNMENT AMONG 2-3 DANCERS (FAILED, MAPPING IMPOSSIBLE)2 TELEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR: DANCERS 'TAKING' AVATAR THRU SPECIFIC TASKS3 FLIGHT AVATAR W/ VIDEO CAMERA4 FLIGHT AVATAR: TORSION IN RELATION TO GROUND AVATAR5 FLIGHT AVATAR: LEG/ARM REASSIGNMENT WITH TWISTThanks to: Patrick, Andrew, Steven, Morgan, Myah, Lianne, Katie, Deborah,Jeff, Brian, Terence.Final result: 90 bvh, 50 approx. .avi rendered, 300 stills, 2 hrs. video(including flight video).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 02:53:45 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: meditative (documentation of mocap proces, plus example) meditativehttp://www.alansondheim.org/4p_7.mp4 four controlling one, one daymeditative, the slightest, then somehttp://www.alansondheim.org/chicagohd_06.mp4 - documentation of processmocap and flight harness control, brian wrightdancers, morgan dixon, katie graves, deborah byczkowskivideo with unprocessed errors, alan sondheimthe earth is so fragile, as our lives, so these momentary interventions,all that remains imminent, perhaps less, unresonant, so i keep on them,so of interest in a future that will fail, as ours, encrusting, askew,telling them true and slant, the slightest ocean, pool, unbeginning andhenceforth, unbegun- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 19:28:50 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: virtuality notes, from avatar.txt and from wryting-lvirtuality notes, from avatar.txt and from wryting-lbeautiful code: http://www.alansondheim.org/frissonn.mp4 (mocap mod)(from avatar.txt)And so one's body is an immanent form of exchange; for both avatar andmodeler - or procurer - it is a rite of passage. Were it not for theinertia of sexuality, the weight of the caress of light, hir body wouldbecome invisible, totalized: nothing and everything simultaneously. Itsvisibility for you would be its invisibility for hirself, of course, ofcourse... [ ]When I model hir, I desire hir, desire the avatar and hir inconceivableperformance, desire this which targets my body, re-possesses it; if s/heis clothed, hir body fulfills the function of clothing; if s/he is naked,everything is gone, devoured, _spent._ [ ]Thus engineering and avatar mediate between the real (evidence in the"scientific" sense) and the imaginary (the eccentric space of the erotic):an entity embedded into substance, or an entity promising substance andembedding - an entity existing only in the virtual, as hard as any othertissue.What I am is what I have; what I have is what s/he is; what s/he is, iswhat I am; what I am belongs to hir (plateau of skin, flesh of screen offlesh). What is ceased (embedded) remains in shadow; what is evidentin the light is evidence and light is everywhere. Light embeds and re-produces; light presences, rewrytes hir again and again. [ ]I am restrained. In this fashion I hardly know hir, 1 on 1 side of thescreen, 2 on the other. The light becomes a familiar caress (it is notdaylight; it is litigation, the negotiation of the Law in this software,in this viewer, this hardware wetware); I confess everything. What youwant is what you get. What I engineer is the inverted double, and Iperform for hir. Like a service, I perform for hir, perform for myself,perform hir. I cannot (to be frank) look in a mirror; I avoid hir eyes. Iperform for dead files which bring hir flesh to life; s/he brings me tolife, the restoration which is the presence of flesh. The memory of flesh.The memory of non-existent flesh. Flesh is its disembodiment. S/he is thestory which surrounds me. S/he are the beginning of narrative.What s/he pulls out of me is an object. An avatar. That avatar is animage, is substance. That avatar cures; s/he is shamanic, mediating thereal against itself. There is nothing spiritual here, in this shamanism;there is only the presence of desire, arousal, speech, narrative, pathos,vehemence, intention, the circulating of the real, the collapse offantasm, theory, language, against the reality of the flesh and itsexcitation. Which becomes a totality, transforms avatar, hir body intoliquidity, the return of the caress. [ ]Carnival, plateau, perforations of the body. Everywhere illuminations. Idesire hir, desire the endless peregrinations of hir engineering, hirengine, I desire hir presence within me.(from a question by Lawrence Upton on wryting-l)I think of inscription itself as virtual; the body is interpenetrated by(and penetrates) systems of signs and symbols not always coherent. A signis virtual to the extent that it represents, even if it's ikonic, repre-senting itself. It (the sign) participates in abstraction, taking the bodywith it, just as the body physicalizes the sign. I think of tattoos forexample as such representations - they're deliberately added. But thereare things like scars, pockmarks, shaving patterns (or not), bruises,makeup, etc., all of which entertain the body within readings, withinvirtual worlds - for example scars referencing a history which is partlyreadable, partly deducible, partly absent. On the other hand, the body isfundamentally flesh and tissue, _there,_ and the body in pain or severesickness or near death is 'beyond' representation; I think Elaine Scarrytouched on these points - just as hysterical laughter or crying becomes a'beyond' of the events that may have produced it. Virtuality isn't on arocker switch; it's present like a Noh ghost or haunting, and it's part ofthe uncanny of the body. Watching the motion capture figures is a watchingof inhabitations which are also lost or gone, or evanescent - there is theimplication of multitudes in each of the bodies / avatars, yet only oneconnected form is actually visible. The body isn't a product, but it's notjust a background either. I think one designs the body to a great degree -costuming, makeup, general appearance, but this is outward; a scar on theother hand most often is a mute testimony of something, perhaps seriousand painful, that has gone (on) before. I think on the other hand, thegeneral tendency is to make a separate between 'real' and 'virtual' bodiesor avatars, and to talk about the designing of the latter. But the latter- even the Second Life virtual world avatars - also participate in theabject, in 'leakages,' that reference the arousals, histories, love, andhatreds of the 'real' fleshly body; avatars appear self-contained, but butthey're hardly that (I think this kind of tethering between a body and'hir' avatar in fact is uncanny, irreducible, a form of impulse orintentionality - something a while ago I called 'jectivity' to cover bothintrojection and projection.)So I think these mocap avatars or figures are 'about' all of this, allthis intermixing of ontologies, bodies, representations, etc. - they'realso carrying a kind of 'social' into the body. It was interesting workingwith the dancers and watching them operate together or independently, butwithin the aegis of the group, almost like a musical quartet; to produce a_particular_ movement in the avatar image, the dancers had to move, forexample, in particular ways. On the other hand, when the dancersimprovised independently or without regard of the (singular image), newand innovative movements appeared in the avatar as it responded, in dialogwith the hardware and software, to often contradictory requests in theplacement of limbs and movements. It reminds me of the old "Three Facesof Eve" concept of schizophrenia - or the multiple intelligences theory ofthe mind - and what ultimately appears in spite of Minsky, Lacan, and anumber of more recent thinkers, is still a form of unity - one avatartwisting, one being, ultimately the fiction of one sign, the collectivityof what we still think of as the individual or "I".==========================================================================- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:39:17 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Dusk Dance Culmination * Dusk Dance Culmination *these are all generated from the same mocap session - i forget theparticular scheme. the bvh file is available, as is the soundtrack.there are two videos - one from poser and one from second life, in afull environment. i feel my life is entering dusk, the dance faltering,the world uncomfortably warm, dark, dangerous. stress pushes me to dothese things, but beauty holds me as an afterthought. among thevirtual worlds in multiverses, my creatures live without me.http://www.alansondheim.org/duskdance.mp4 (beautiful poser rendition ofsecond life with solo oud score)http://www.alansondheim.org/duskdance.mp3 (solo oud piece, duskdance)http://www.alansondheim.org/duskdanceb.mp4 (beautiful rendition in secondlife of duskdance with julu twine avatar at columbia i am sim)http://www.alansondheim.org/duskdance.bvh (you can use this in virtualworlds as an animation, created at columbia iam mocap studio with severaldancers inhabiting a single avatar through distributed and affineremapping)* these four files together constitute a single moment; please watchthese, whether you've seen the others. these are a culmination of themocap work, maybe opening new territories in animation and distributedperformance. anyway they're fun to watch.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:45:32 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: do they know each other. do they know each other.http://www.alansondheim.org/dupdup2.mp4 (2(2) bodies, sound)http://www.alansondheim.org/dupdup1.mp4 (2(1) bodies, silent)"between the two of us, we do not know each other's taste and smell,yet we're all read and know each other's bodies well.to know each other, we had to know each other's bodies; to love and tell,we got to know each other's fluids well, we got that old besotted smell."doubled walks / spins / avatar interactions.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 01:45:08 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Political Dance of the International Political Dance of the Internationalhttp://www.alansondheim.org/international.mp4 the world politics of theworld, manifestos and political economy, liberations and revolutions,symbolic collapses and the french revolution, lying reagan's claim forsoviet collapse, obama's unheeding calls, unlistening, government'sviolence smashing unions, tax-breaks for the rich, illness and hunger andstarvation here and now, wisconsin governor sucking kkkadafi dick, twentybillion for wall-street, they will kill us all, fuel our anger, civilityis for those who can afford it, all these words, virtual collapse invirtual worlds, where are anyone, we're at the eighth or ninthinternational, the rich should die, they're killing us and not withkindness, let them burn in the misery of thirst and starvation, let themdrown in sickness, let them eat their own shit before they make us beg forit, violated them, destroyed their lives, let them cut their own throatsan act of kindness, send them to the front lines of any war of theirchoosing, embed them in enemy reportage, stuff them with their emptywords, our empty words, fill their dried fat bellies with dead avatars >this is a meal for the world, let us all eat fleshhttp://www.alansondheim.org/international.mp4thanks to Second Life, Fau, i am responsible for this- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 02:43:56 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Two REQUESTS: Two REQUESTS:1. Please download EVERYTHING fromhttp://www.alansondheim.org/ andhttp://espdisk.com/alansondheim/Who knows how long these sites will be up? A dying star, war-timeem-burst, nuclear terrorism, very little: and THE WORK disappears.Such work as remains virtual debris or residue: it has NO OTHERexistence than what you can give it, yourself, among your storagemachines, your data-bases, your memories CONCRETE.2. Please enact EVERYTHING visible or audible, everything legible,within the hardness of MARBLE or GRANITE, guarantee them at theleast, a modicum of existence beyond my lifespan (as my healthagain turns HARSH). It is my DREAM to have this work, theseavatars, TRANSFORMED into CONCRETE EXISTENCE, forms of STATUARY,proclaiming, that these were POTENTIALS at a certain stage of ourexistence, these were THINGS in the worlds of imaginations.DOWNLOAD and SAVE, DOWNLOAD and HARDEN, RE-PRODUCE: so much toask, so great and small the results.SAVE ME!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 11:40:32 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Open OpenThere are 500 million worlds in our galaxy, a great number of which mightsupport life. Or 500 billion - this changes daily - as such, at leastseventy planets for each of us on earth: inconceivable. Life-forms seem tohave been found within a meteorite, some local and identifiable, andothers alien to the core. Multiverses range from 10^500 to an infinitenumber of universes, depending on the theory; in some of these, we'rereproduced more or less exactly - in others, there's no relationship - inalmost all, no ingress or egress; we're alone but fantastically duplica-ted. Ontology disappears, as does epistemology; knowledge and its constit-uents devolve in entirely unforeseen ways. Singularities are more of ourmyths; what is happening is slow erosion, as if eternity is just aroundthe corner - but corners themselves are duplicated, and there is no moreof the same, just as sameness itself appears as 10^500, an impossibledegree. The point of all of this - the x-dimensional space-time of all ofthis - is only that knowledge has collapsed in its own deconstruction;given the problematic of proof, at least in this era, there's no reassem-blage on the other side of the brane or horizon. It's hard to configureart or ideology - any set or fieldings of human cultural values, giventhis landscape; new discoveries from one day to another bypass momentaryblockages which are temporarily assembled as theory beyond heuristics -Badiou's mathematics comes to mind, Lacan, continental thought, philosophyitself, just about any scoring or underscoring one might make of a day ornight when knowledge seems certain, always on the verge of trembling ortext. I try to situate my work in relation to all of these, discardingmyth, religion, even geometries and the truth of the image - any image -any imaginary - along the way. Buddhism stumbles on reincarnation for me,and the paradoxes of the void dissipate in the sizzle of virtual produc-tion. One writes always already suspended, from what and from where, orwhat form of connectivities - these are not only the wrong questions toask, they're questions that are deeply meaningless, as is the preposi-tional aegis constructed in and out of localized geometries: above, below,within, without, before, after, and so forth. The suspension is fromnothing. There is a degree of production one attempts to do, with all thisknowledge, anti-knowledge. Even here, I am ignoring mass extinctions, thedamage humans have done to the planet, local political corruptions, thenadir of what appears, from our positions on the bent plane, as universalslaughter. Everything can disappear in an instant: 9/11, Katrina,Christchurch, Tibet, are names hinting at a damaged symbolic. It's this:as time goes on, (phenomenologically) speeds up, nothing is recoverable;we're already gone before we've arrived: we're ghosts occasioned by ourown exponentially-increasing knowledge which is already out of date. Wecan't catch up with ourselves, as ghosts; phantasms fly faster than flesh,which drags us down to death, to a stop of all of this. But until then,what? That these universes carry us elsewhere, that we become invaders ofour very selves, marauders of what we've taken for granted? I try to workthrough this storm, this permanent monsoon encompassing all realities, allvirtualities, no matter how invisible. And we're all, all of us and ourselves, in the same positionless.=========================================================================note 1 - not acceleration, but derivatives > 2nd degree;note 2 - not virtual or real, inscriptive or abject: neti neti,neither this or that, thrown outward, neither sein or dasein,all sets are open=========================================================================- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 21:39:11 -0500 (EST)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Re: US politics and wealth (fwd)Thanks, Jon---------- Forwarded message ----------date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 21:03:04from: Jonathan Marshall <Jonathan.Marshall-hi4wrFr3U4ATQ6bR7HiByQ< at >public.gmane.org>to: CYBERMIND-JX7+OpRa80RAv0SARGResg< at >public.gmane.orgfrom:http://www.alternet.org/economy/149918/9_pictures_that_expose_this_country%27s_obscene_division_of_wealth?page=entire[edited]courtesy Fred Maus via FacebookSome Wall Street types (and others) make over a billion dollars a year ? each year. How much is a billion dollars? How can you visualize an amount of money so high? Here is one way to think about it: The median household income in the US is around $29,000, meaning half of us make less and half make more. If you make $29,000 a year, and don?t spend a single penny of it, it will take you 34,482 years to save a billion dollars....Some things you could buy if really wealthy:1) the Maybach car the Landaulet model, costs $1 million. (Rush Limbaugh, who has 5 homes in Palm Beach, drives a cheaper Maybach 57 S -- but makes up for it by owning 6 of them.). Your $1 billion will buy you a thousand Maybach Landaulets2) Some hotels charge $20-30,000 per night. A billion dollars will buy you a $20,000 room every night for 137 years3) Some people spend as much as $200 million or more on a single yacht. You can buy ten $100 million yachts with a billion dollars4) There are approximately 15,000 private jets registered in the US according to NBAA. You can pick one up for around $40 million, maybe $60 million for top-of-the-line. Your billion will buy you 25 of these.[etc]So you say to yourself, "I want me some of that. I?d like to place the following order, please.":One Maybach Landaulet for $1 million to drive around in.One $100 million yacht for when I want to get seasick.One Gulfstream G550 private jet for $40 million.One private island for $24.5 million (castle included) for when I want to escape the masses.One $8 million estate for when I have to go ashore and mingle with the masses (but not too close.)One $5 million watch so I can have one.Total: $178.5 million.My change after paying with a billion-dollar bill is a meager $821.5 million. I can still stay in a $20,000 hotel room every night for 112 and 1/2 years.As you see, $1 billion is more than enough to really live it up. Some people today are amassing multiples of billionsAnd the concentration of income and wealth is increasing. The top 1% took in 23.5% of all of the country?s income in 2007. In 1979 they only took in 8.9%.Between 1979 and 2008, the top 5% of American families saw their real incomes increase 73%, according to Census data. Over the same period, the lowest-income fifth (20% of us) saw a decrease in real income of 4.1%. The rest were just stagnant or saw very little increase.http://extremeinequality.org/?page_id=8Wealth can be inherited and accumulates over the years.... The top 1% owns more than 90% of us combined. In 2007, the latest year for which figures are available from the Federal Reserve Board, the richest 1% of U.S. households owned 33.8% of the nation?s private wealth. That?s more than the combined wealth of the bottom 90 percent.The combined net worth of the Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans in 2007 was $1.5 trillion. The combined net worth of the poorest 50% of American households (about 150 million people) was $1.6 trillionThe top 1% also own 50.9% of all stocks, bonds, and mutual fund assets. The top 10% own 90.3%.Income inequality is actually greater in the United States than it is in Egypt - and this does affect politics. It makes legislation which favours the wealthy and increases inequality, but it also protects the wealthy form the consequences of their profit.The Koch brothers are said to have a net worth of $21.5 billion each. They financed the Tea Party movement and, along with big corporations and other billionaires, they financed the massive assault of TV ads in the midterm elections that helped change the makeup of the Congress. And now Congress is paying them back:Nine of the 12 new Republicans on the panel signed a pledge distributed by a Koch-founded advocacy group ? Americans for Prosperity ? to oppose the Obama administration's proposal to regulate greenhouse gases. Of the six GOP freshman lawmakers on the panel, five benefited from the group's separate advertising and grassroots activity during the 2010 campaign.Republicans on the committee have launched an agenda of the sort long backed by the Koch brothers. A top early goal: restricting the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency, which oversees the Kochs' core energy businesses.see also:http://toomuchonline.org/http://www.cbpp.org/research/index.cfm?fa=topic&id=36http://www.cepr.net/index.php/component/option,com_issues/Itemid,22/issue,18/lang,en/task,view_issue/UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099FDISCLAIMER: This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain confidential information.If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message orattachments. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and deletethis message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where thesender expressly, and with authority, states them to be the views of the University of Technology Sydney.Before opening any attachments, please check them for viruses and defects.Think. Green. Do.Please consider the environment before printing this email.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:21:31 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: new images of human beings new images of human beingsthese came from transformed/dispersed motion capture sessionsat columbia college, chicago. the video / images are in honorof japanese and haitian earthquake survivors. the body imagesare related to mayan glypha and ball-court records. pleasehave a look.http://www.alansondheim.org/glyph.mov loopedhttp://www.alansondheim.org/newglyph.mp4http://www.alansondheim.org/newnewglyph.mov loopedhttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph01.jpg jpg imageshttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph02.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph03.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph04.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph05.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph06.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph07.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph08.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph09.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph10.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph11.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph12.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph13.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph14.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph323b1.bvh animation files for SLhttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph323b2.bvh and other applicationshttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph323b3.bvh - from the abovehttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph323b4.bvhhttp://www.alansondheim.org/glyph323b5.bvh- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 03:12:43 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: for the nuclear workers < at > Fukushima for the nuclear workers < at > Fukushimahttp://www.alansondheim.org/reaktor.mp4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 03:35:36 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: < at > Fukushima (fwd)< at > FukushimaThe waves were dead; the tides were in their grave,The moon their mistress had expired before;The winds were wither'd in the stagnant air,And the clouds perish'd; darkness had no needOf aid from them--she was the universe.(Byron)http://www.alansondheim.org/reaktor2.mp4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 21:33:43 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: PLEASE NOTE: PROBABLY CONTAMINATED SITE PLEASE NOTE: PROBABLY CONTAMINATED SITEDO NOT OPEN THE FOLLOWING URL: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/which is my mail archive site, set up several years ago; at this point, it contains malware of some sort that can lead to real problems with Windows; it even attempted downloads in Linux. I'm trying to get the site fixed (I don't run it myself, and didn't set it up), but haven't been successful. Please do not go to the URL until the problem is (hopefully) taken care of. I've been trying to get in touch with Decklin Foster, but so far I'm not successful; if you know him, please inform him about the problem.(Update: I just downloaded - whatever it is - and it seemed to contain all my email at the site? Something is amiss - I'm just not sure what it is.)Thanks, and apologies. - Alan- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 09:29:25 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: death versus life death versus life 3429 34916 203264 zz death 2891 31207 185626 yy life1ls2grep -h death texts/??.txt > zz3wc zz4grep -h life texts/??.txt > yy5wc yy6wc zz > ww7wc yy >> ww 2626 28103 164466 zz death collapsed a bit 2620 28763 170582 yy life collapsed a bit1ls2grep -h death texts/??.txt > zz3wc zz4grep -h life texts/??.txt > yy5wc yy6wc zz > ww7wc yy >> ww8h >> ww9sort zz > aa10uniq aa > zz11wc zz12sort yy > bb13uniq bb > yy14wc yy15wc zz >> ww16wc yy >> wwalmost as much sex and life as sex and death sex and death - catatonia, defuge, death/immobility, sexuality, speech/murmured/ thematics bearing on such issues as death, sex, virtual embodiment, thematics bearing on such issues as death, sex, virtual embodiment,'death)731: artist sex artist murders stab torture sex lesbian disciplineThe long-waves are fuzzy thematics bearing on such issues as death, sex,WILL NOT BE DEPRESSED! (promise broken :-( Fear of death mingled w/sex.We collude between death and sex, to the limits of distortion - space-timeagainst, for same-sex marriage; Federal death penalty sought Gay Men inall letters sing only of sex and death.death, violence, sexuality, language, and body re-emerge as dissipateddeath, violence, sexuality, language, and body re-emerge as dissipateddying sex and deathdying sex and deathfor-granted breaks down in obscenity, death, torture, sexuality, tantra,for-granted breaks down in obscenity, death, torture, sexuality, tantra,http//www.infinitecat.com/] ( Sierra Club Hostile Takeo sex death tt Marchinnumerable sex and deathinnumerable sex and deathinnumerable sex and deathinnumerable sex and deathit is love and sex, it is death and hard bushidoit is love and sex, it is death and hard bushidoit is love and sex, it is death and hard bushidoit is love and sex, it is death and hard marlit is love and sex, it is death and hard marlit is love and sex, it is death and hard marllegs (sex) and bodies (deaths). I'd say we'd have to walk around carefullymeanwhile. 'The male likes death - it excites him sexually,obscenity, death, torture, sexuality, tantra, etc.primarily into the seepage of our own liquidities, bodies, sexes, deaths,saturation. the dead-sex link with death and pain. the dead linkage. wantsex and deathsex and deathsex and longing, death above all else.sexuality, but death upon hir. It must be seen that the entire avatar issolely by our impending deaths or does sexuality play a part? if malessolely by our impending deaths or does sexuality play a part? if malesthe saturation. the dead-sex link with death and pain. Net sex is empowering, leading to realignments of real-life Is it because of your sex life that you say jennifer cries stop it? against her ... ... This is real life, Nikuko. My sex life is yours,< conversation sexing friendships libraries in real life there areComments posted on "avatar nude sex second life performance"Embrace me. Give me your clothing, your sex, your life. In the dust of theHow many of you have done things in Net sex you wouldn't do in real life?How many of you have done things in Net sex you wouldn't do in real life?Is it because of your sex life that you are going through all this?Is it because of your sex life that you are going through all this?Is it because of your sex life that you say in the industrial workersIs it because of your sex life that you say stop guessing?Perhaps this has something to do with your sex life?Possibly and now I adjust my frock your sex life are related to this.Speaker says, "carry sexuality beyond what happens in Alan's real lifeSpeaker says, "carry sexuality beyond what happens in Alan's real lifeSpeaker says, "carry sexuality beyond what happens in Alan's real life .."Speaker says, "carry sexuality beyond what happens in Alan's real life .."Speech is always raw, moist from the vocal cords. My sex life is con-Why don't you tell me more about your sex life...Why dont you tell me more about your sex life...abjections, untoward and extreme sexualities, pushing art and life toafterlife; absence characterizes existence, stains it; i try through sexu-as an ambiguous atmosphere, sexuality is co-extensive with life. In othercomment on avatar nude sex second life performance: "this the the mostdescribe your sex life and body...dimension to your sex life. subject: FREE ALL NATURAL SEXUAL STIMULANTexpose yourself about your sex life and body... Discuss your feelingsfucks life.Are afraid sex?girl this. to fucks this life.your Are sex? afraid you sex? of falls thisko. I have no fantasies, Nikuko. This is real life, Nikuko. My sex life ismoment ^^^ :> is amplified and clarified in sex voyeur life.that way ofone being close-at-hand. It's too much like real life, real sex; it canopportunity to see how AZURENIKUKO can change your sex life, and she'sor I'll give you the best sex of your life, don't you seequite often this so-called 'new sex life' of young people -- and fre-sexual history, and even shamanic trauma, the lifeworld of the computersong. enemy titillates us with brilliance and amazing sleazy sex-life.this is so? Possibly and guess - I show you my flesh - your sex life aretime. My sex life? I masturbated all the time thinking about you. I mas-trolled by Alan. Alan is controlled by my sex life. I am afraid of noth-was the best sex trip of my life. It told me to stop, but then I explainedwindow, and i, on sex voyeur-life, sex ^^^ :> are inseparable.i think thiswork which was his life. He spoke on a panel on sex, theory and practice,your sex life and body...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 13:55:48 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Enclaves of Theory and Theology Enclaves of Theory and Theology===================================================================You may lie on my first, by the side of a stream,And my second compose to the Nymph you adoreBut if when you've none of my whole, her esteemAnd affection diminish, think of her no more Jane. [Austen](Charade - answer, a banknote.)[ But a different answer, away from capital, may be given altogether,"whole" replaced by the homonym "hole," "lie" curled in meaning, and"first" taken elsewhere; this is the application of local theory,an _ontology_ of capital replaced by the body, the body ultimatelyinaccessible. And then, what happens to capital? ]===================================================================Abstract: My bad theory: If anything is basic it's lack. We scramble tosuture the rest. We can't. We think we do.===================================================================I pay no attention to theology; inerrancy or core belief is already deadin relation to its imperviousness. Think of god or spirit as token; asulterior, in-evident, there is little to say about them, except of coursefor what might be enacted in their name.Theory is no longer at an impasse; theory - in the sense, in any sense, ofspeaking the world, is already lost. It's lost in technology, in theconcrete, which it misplaces and misinterprets - how can one speak ofcodework without understanding code, speak of epistemology without accessto, and understanding of, the very machines that extend, at least for theprivileged, the real - whose very definition is characterized bywithdrawal? The entanglement of theoretical subject and object is bestserved by quantum mechanics from below, now approaching the level ofordinary visibility.This is occasioned by recent readings into theory, where it is clear thatthe authors were circumlocuting a field they had little knowledge of - inthis case, codework - but it's also occasioned by an increasing dissatis-faction with theory's applications beyond the social in general. It's tooeasy to slip from augmented reality or virtual worlds or virtual realityitself, to ontologies or epistemologies, with the receding dream of thefundamental guiding one astray. There are several levels involved, allcrumbling, all entangled - the physical-real, the mathematics of the world(however world and mathesis are defined), the current technologies of theworld (ditto), access to these technologies, theory and its techne - andmelding or interoperability among all of these. It's theory thatdisappears in the mix - or the rest of us; increasingly, to understand theworld has come to mean to understand technical vocabularies on all levels- from conceptual/theoretical astuteness to access to tools, which dependson the grace of institutions and individuals. In my own case, PatrickLichty and Sandy Baldwin directed me towards mocap at their institutions;Frances van Scoy extended the invitation to 3-d scanners; Mark Skwarekguided me through the beginnings of mocap, and so forth. I walk in and outof labs with residencies that range (once) from half a year to (mostoften) 2-3 days. I walk into institutions, into institutional cultures; inthis regard I'm luckier than most. But the access remains highly limited,and what's more important here, the resulting phenomenology is alwaysbracketed. I suspect this is the case for most people; it's a matter ofdegree. All I can do - all _anyone_ can do - is write from the outside,from the external (within or without a phenomenology of externality), but,by grace of these invitations, I have learned, at the least, my limits.Theory on the other hand proceeds without limits; its contemporaryover-reliance on the body, abjection, sexuality, and other issues is tosome extent a withdrawal to a fictional core that remains inviolate: beginand end with the body of the theorist, and the details of codework forexample will either be bypassed, introjected, or seen as irrelevant. Noneof this would matter, if theory didn't carry the weight it does; we've allread descriptions of our own work as if they're written in a foreignlanguage, indecipherable with occasional partial legibilities that seeminherently wrong. Media (in the sense of writing-about, placing thatwriting, receiving and remediating that writing) does that to one, andthere's little recourse at the other end. (On the other hand, our owndescriptions, as cultural workers, often chart out vast philosophicalterrain, as if materiality - and the bridging between abstract theory andmateriality - made a difference. I'm guilty of that! In this enclavedessay I'm guilty of that!)When I give a talk now, I try to begin with issues of "the fragility ofgood things" (from catastrophe theory), extinctions, global slaughtercoupled with populations exponentially increasing - and enclaving, aconcept borrowed from Mike Davis, emphasizing the secure and violent wallsplaced around the wealthy, around global institutions and bodies, aroundgovernance in general. Theory itself is enclaved in this regard - as isthe epistemology/ontology of the real (at variance with theory), dependenton Fermilab, the LHC, AR, holographic VR, etc. etc. - pick your level,your machine, your theorist. The levels aren't interoperable, nor are theywell-defined. The result is brilliant production, with either micro-man-aged phenomenology, or phenomenology left in the dust. (Brian Greene's TheHidden Reality figures here for example.)It's characteristic of this short essay, that _I don't know what I'mtalking about, nor can I_ - which is why the weaker the theory, the morefunctional. I keep thinking of the usual question, for example - Why isthere something rather than nothing - and coming up with the exhaustivepositioning of physical bootstrapping, the universe bringing itself,continuously, into existence, so that the Why - which implies both originsand causality - if it doesn't fade away, at least is in need of a coronarybypass. The solidity or projection of real or virtual objects standsultimately in relation to physical theory; if holography plays a role inour appearing, how many codings occur to construct a virtual world?The bottom line, not the fundamental one, is the failure of regimes - oftechnology, theory, coding, phenomenology, physical and somatic realities- to interconnect, in combination with apparent flows of power among them.This power is split and sutured by human claims among humans that don'tquite interconnect. I'm not talking about the old notion of two cultures,but about fragmentation everywhere, suturing within micro-domains (code,technology, augmented and diminished realities, theory, daily life). Thisis hard to grasp, when even this description falls apart, is rifted; howcould it be otherwise? I'm not talking about the old notion of masternarratives, but about a collocation of narratives, topologically-distinctbut fuzzy and broken sememes. I'm not talking about a dearth of ontologiesbut about ontologies as local conventions, epistemologies always alreadyunder contestation. (Which is amazing and liberation; there are just theold Sartrean issues of scarcity economics in the midst of Bataille'ssurplus increasingly harbored from above.)And I'm talking about enclaving brought about by an exponential increasein knowledge, coupled by an exponential increase in wealth among a smalland isolated class - both have utterly transformed the landscape, origin-ally one of privilege, network broadcast, and limited access - through aperiod of net neutrality, open sourcing knowledge (but not medical care,basic survival safety nets, life on the ground), and a distant horizon ofuniversal open channels of information and communication - to one again oftechnological privilege, limited broadcast and access, local control. Ican see the model changing from the imperial through the appearance ofdemocracy, back through neoliberalism to an imperium in everything butname. Better managed this time, everything appears better and betteradvertised; it's just a kind blurriness in the details: WELCOME TO THETELECOMS OF THE REAL.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 15:44:15 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: LISTEN HERE! FORGET EVERYTHING YOU EVER KNEW! LISTEN HERE! FORGET EVERYTHING YOU EVER KNEW!Forget Everything You Know About Kenny G | Best. Saxophone ...Forget Everything You Know About Making Money Online (And Start ...Forget everything you have ever learned about stock trading, this ...Mar 14, 2011 ... 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The DirtForget everything you ever learned about the elements that are supposed toto forget everyone, forget everything and start over with me ... you'llAmazon.com: Forget All the Rules You Ever Learned About Graphic Design:Facebook Marketing - Forget Everything That Your Mother Taught You ...Forget Everything You've Learned | PlanetizenForget Everything You've Heard About Muscle!Love is just a hoax so forget everything that you have heard. ... I nearlyApr 8, 2010 ... Forget Everything I Ever Told You: Corporate Re-InventionFor the first time ever. Forget Everything You Know About Industrial AirForget Everything You Thought You Knew About Eye-Gouging Tedium ...Forget What You Think You Know About Marijuana GrowingI implore you to forget everything that you have ever heardForget everything you think you know about oilSep 12, 2010 ... Forget Everything You Know About Pheobe's Cafe ..... 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It'sFirst, they want you to forget everything you ever knew about writing.Forget everything you ever knew about Freelancer. Forget everything youJun 16, 2002 ... Forget everything you ever knew about Ducatis except forForget everything you ever knew about sofas, armchairs and beds. SoftAir.Forget everything you ever knew about the film noir detective. WellesJun 13, 2007 ... Now forget everything you ever knew about mopping, likebuckets of cloudy water, mixing cleaning solutions, and wringing out uglycloth ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 23:15:53 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>I can't change the future, but I just did.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 11:28:33 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: cry out structures and ghosts cry out structures and ghostshttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout.movhttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout5.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout6.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout7.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout8.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout9.jpghttp://www.alansondheim.org/cryout9.pngand soon text and soon structures cry out,structures cry out through the text,they cry out, they do not want to die,they want to remain open and supine,you may read them and write them,you may harbor thoughts among them, and others,others may harbor thoughts,and others beyond others, and many places,or none at all, or all, or all at once,these cryings out among our universe,i would like to say, these are our signature,and theirs, and others, our universe rememberedfor its crying out,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 04:13:27 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org>Subject: Insoluble Cases =========================================================================Insoluble Cases=========================================================================I've just solved the case: Here's how it happened. (Monk)I began by thinking of the collapse of books, literature, theory: not ofcarry-over and interoperability among file formats, electronic productionsor reproductions, but of the splitting and fragmentation of text andtheory, the reduction to what I've considered elsewhere as radiations anddusts. Thus fundamental physical theory might just reduce to competingstructures producing equivalent, if not identical results; in which case,the concept of the fundamental becomes moot through its splitting intoentangled at the top, but deeply incompatible at the bottom, predictiveand coherent constructs. So it goes, just as video, for example, hasabandoned long-form for splits and bites/sound-bites that will continue toshrink. The world's buzzing confusing itself coheres and continues to growand every genre, form, classicism, or medium disappears; even the voicechannels into text, text into abbreviations, abbreviations into augments,augments into part-objects, all against and within the massive violenceand poverty of the coming-to-age-and-end of a species literally dying fora singularity, other than dying.Consider new media, practices shadowed by their own future anteriors,constant redefinitions and tropes from simulacra through vectors andspeed, back into the forests of signs and spectacles. Everything is pluraland always already has been, which cripples the monotheisms of explana-tions, explanatory power, and the power that pervades them. Power isalways a becoming, a leverage; now and forever, power splatters amonggangs, hackers, corporations, languages, exploits, patches - and patchesthemselves are the new sutures, designed, not to hold subject or subject-ivity together, but to bridge monetary gaps in structures ultimatelydoomed to obsolescence or collapse. I've thought long about this, aboutthe idea about this and about ideas and idea; these thoughts as welltransform, are transformed, through radiations. Think of such as literal:how much gadgetry now speaks to itself through collocations and designatedbandwidths, just on the desk or threshold? And think of such as content,not in the sense of McLuhanesque media, but in the dissolution of suchmedia, everything parceling within electromagnetic spectra that begins andends, usually, with something physical, some manifestation of receiving/receiver and transmitting/transmitter. Think further, transmissions ofreceivers, receivers of transmitters, transmissions of transmitters; youget the idea, get hold of the idea, and the idea bifurcates chaotically;in the end you get nothing, you're swallowed by the waves, by theparticles constantly in circulation. There's no room for the strictures ofgenre here, for the long-form that's already rusting, corroding at theends, at both ends, throughout the long-form which requires patience,silent, and grounding that's inconceivable at this point/plane/dimension.For the long-form needs stability just like accountancy; it's the world ofclassical economy, classical accountancy; it requires memory and thestability of memory, things that can't, ever, be hacked, things that onecan return to, two or three hundred pages or notes earlier; this isn't thecase (for that matter/s, the world is no longer the case/s, if it/theyever were) - these arguments and edifices that built up, that led nowhere,that promised monotheisms, monotheories, that carefully laid themselvesout (when not laying bodies) - these buried their internal violence,excreted it out the other end. All, everything here, requiring a respitefrom slaughter, extinctions, exponentially-increasing populations on thefast-track, these intrusions into the social, which now constitute thesocials: the strings of the world are pulled by children, and thechildren's children, and ultimately nothing else matters. The children toodissolve into radiations and dusts, Fukushima and Chernobyl, but also thescatterings of local wars, gang insignia, temporary autonomous zones witha vengeance. There are pollutions, mostly invisible, everywhere, permeat-ing the world with the stench of death always already disappearing beforeit's presence is felt; we're all embedded like journalists in guerillaoperations among the enclaves of a collapsing planet. It's too late foranything else, but it was always too late; we lived in momentary stases -of goods, apparently stable economies and weather patterns, that are onceagain on the fast-forward track. Our books, films, symphonies, portend theculture of death which inheres within them. We're watching ourselvesdisappear, and this isn't towards the prosthetic or viral, but rather theprion or unstable nanobots: as the atmosphere turns against us, nothinghappens but fundamental ontology that mirrors and collapses within itself.And that's everything - in a sense, what used to be called 'anomie,' aslong as anomie hearkened back to an inconceivable, inauthentic Eden ofcoherency that never existed in the first or any other place. Think of theanomie of anomie, anomie as nothing but the word itself, the inscriptionthat's half read, half-disappeared, transformed by the fall of internalempires that still seem to hold us as one, together, or in multiplicities,or whatever groupings you might think still hold within occasional dream-ing. Whatever else, culture appeared thick, with inconceivable depth -this is the Castanedan theater, or the primordial or the aboriginalhabitus, epics and virtual worlds emerging out of it, oral traditionsmiraculously holding forth for generations and so on. We believed that,just as we believed the moment from oral to written or written to oral, orthe primacy of inscription or of things, or of orderings, or of axiomatics- even those that were admittedly insecure at the edges, Godel numberingsfor example tending towards the disappearance of moorings. See what can beaccomplished at a distance, through a telescope or prime number investi-gations, but then there are always the problematics of other numbersystems, multiverses, families dangerous and out of control just the nextblock over. The thick was always a sheave, was always abject, alwaysrequired control. Culture not only buried abjection; it consolidated thething floating on top of the muck, cleaned off the shitty bottom. Itanswered, it had answers, if only anti-oedipal. But abjection comes withthe corpses of extinctions, with local wars, hacking, pollutions. But no,it doesn't come with these at all; it's always been there, what's beenfundamental are the dusts, the pollutions, the radiations, the muck thatPlato wanted to bury, that D&G dug up again and rubbed in our faces: nowthose faces are gone as well.So the ontology, the epistemology, the ontic, the episteme, dissolve, andthere is no yielding to a new order, though there might be chaos. I thinkof this as 'neither A nor B,' 'not both A and B,' dual and Sheffer-strokelending themselves towards Pales of no concern, maybe A and B just go outlike lights, maybe they disappear, maybe they were never there in thefirst place, maybe they're our dream of stability. How simple it all seemsuntil we look for constant, the thick again, so we can speak, make sense,as if it were more than possible to make sense for more than a littlewhile, more than the occasion on the corner, the chance meeting, theunknown disease or bullet fired in the dark. All of this is up for grabs,sites/cites/sights of contestation, but it should be clear by now thatcontestation itself, on local and global levels, among tendrils andtemporary holarchies, is what roils, what roils within the abject, whatprovides no clear footings, anymore than currency or human exchanges.Things are beginning to run out; more likely than not, the singularitywill be one of scarcity, not the fecundity of technological answers thatpromise immortality to those enclaved lucky few able to afford them. It'sjust a matter of time before immortality as well is swallowed up; evencryogenics depends upon the thick, upon basic stabilities, in order topropagate itself and the species with the wealthy few.So we're left scattered among augmentations, inscriptions, the arroganceof chic - and among inconceivable pain and beauty as, not only empires,but the very elements of culture dissolve. And we can discuss thesethings; if social networking is the current paradigm, the radiations andproblematic of paradigms will leave us for some brief moments when wemight pick up a book, for example, just to feel the weight of it. But morelikely we'll be listening to tunes of our own mirrored creations, as longas the power stays on. (Wait, this isn't right here, this trope.) Therewon't be tunes or books; there might be implants. They might last for awhile. There might be fetishisms of all sorts, driven not by power, but byLingis' lust, abject and oozing. There might be splits. There will bescarcity. There won't be long-form. There will be momentary stases,strange attractors. There won't be life-spans; there will be fallout.Dusts never die, carry no information, infiltrate driven by no will oftheir own or anyone's. They increase. The appearance of the future of theworld is Maya. The future of the world is graffiti. That's where it willhappen, the warnings to vacate the area, that something poisonous anddeadly is just around the corner. That's where the thick ends up - withsuch unspeakable pain, with such death, that words not only fail - theynever existed in the first place. And not even that's guaranteed.=========================================================================- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<http://brightgreenscotland.org/index.php/2011/04/pr-company-copyrights-words-radical-media-threatens-to-sue-activists/>PR company copyrights "radical media", threatens to sue activists Posted on April 30, 2011 by gPontus Westerberg | [20]13 Comments This post first appeared at geatanicecream.com Radical media has a long history in social movements, from The British Worker, launched during the 1926 TUC General Strike, via audio cassettes with subversive messages passed around during the Iranian revolution, the Zapatistas, Samizdat and Indymedia to blogs, Facebook and Twitter used during the recent revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia. Faced with a corporate media focused on maintaining the status quo, social movements have for years been concerned with creating their own media as a platform to express their ideas as well as to avoid, subvert and challenge dominant power structures. The term `radical media' itself also has a long history. For example, in 1983, media scholar John Downing published the first edition of his book gRadical Media: Rebellious media and social movements, exploring the history of social movements' use media - ranging from dance and graffiti, to video and the internet, culture-jamming, subversive art, performance theatre and underground radio. In the book he outlines ten criteria for what constitutes radical media. I won't go through them all here, but one in particular sticks in my mind: Radical, alternative media has one thing in common. It is that they break somebody's rules. I'd been planning to attend the gRadical Media Conference, organised by gPeacenews in October and was really surprised to see that the event title was recently changed to the `Rebellious Media Conference'. I thought it was strange given the well-known history of the term `radical media'. Yesterday I found out why the conference title had been changed. It turns out that a corporate advertising company calling themselves g< at >Radical Media LLC has trademarked the term and has sent a threatening gcease and desist letter to the organisers saying: It has come to our attention that you are using the RADICAL MEDIA trademark to advertise a conference to be held in central London on 8th and 9th October 2011. This conference is not an event licensed by < at >radical and you will therefore appreciate that your use of the RADICAL MEDIA registered trademark constitutes an infringement and passing-off of < at >radical's valuable intellectual property rights. < at >radical does not take lightly any misuse of its intellectual property, unauthorised association with their programs of with itself and any possible damage to the reputation, goodwill and earnings of the same. Accordingly, we therefore require that you immediately cease all use of the RADICAL MEDIA trademark to promote your conference, that you remove and destroy all offending materials from distribution and from all websites developed for your use (including Facebook and Twitter pages) and that you confirm to us in writing that this has been done. Unsurprisingly, the organisers were shocked and surprised. This is what they write gin a blog post: Our collective jaws dropped, how could anyone own an adjective? Yet in the closed-source world where intellectual property is hard currency, it appears that virtually anything may be trade-marked. We didn't know whether to rant or cry. Our instincts told us that anyone with a radical bone in their body should fight this corporate usurpation of language, but the prospect of facing legal costs in line with house prices tempered this instinct. Even if we won such a battle we could only expect to recover 75 percent of these costs, leaving us tens of thousands of pounds down, money which - even if we had it - should be spent on more useful, more radical things than legal fees. A corporate company like < at >Radical Media LLC has nothing to do with radical media. It gmakes adverts for companies like Schweppes, IBM and Vodafone. It doesn't break anybody's rules. It's not small-scale. It doesn't aim to break down power structures. This is the extreme end of corporate globalisation and we must resist it. On Tuesday 3 May (Word Press Freedom Day), at 5pm, a demonstration entitled g`We make radical media, you make adverts' has been called outside < at >Radical Media's offices, London W1T 7AA. It would be great if we could get as many people to come down as possible. There's a Facebook event to invite people to ghere. To show your support, please also blog, tweet, forward and link to gthe story. Also, why not let < at >radicalmedia know what you think gon Twitter or [33]by email? Or you could phone or email the person who sent the threatening letter, Joan C Aceste. Her number is +1 212 462 1500 and her email address is gaceste-NEbmgRpKTgDsBN0MCq728uG/Ez6ZCGd0< at >public.gmane.org Campaign after campaign has shown that it is possible to shame companies into changing their policies. We need to tell < at >Radical Media LLC that groups that work on genuine radical media projects must be allowed to talk about what they do using a normal phrase. Update: We emailed John Downing about it. This is what he had to say: As the author of Radical Media (Boston, Mass., 1984), and the second revised edition by the same title in 2001 (Los Angeles, Calif., 2001), both multiply cited in a variety of nations across the planet ever since, it is patently ridiculous and, if persisted with, actionable, for this entity to attempt to hijack my title and exclude legitimate organizations from using it in the public realm. I will enjoy engaging in legal action to forestall their consummate arrogance.
Hey nettimers,In the run up to the wedding, facebook decided to delete 50 profilesof British anti cuts protest groups.Seems like they have been coordinating this with the police. Scary precedent.Join the protest against it... on facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672#!/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672greets,MStop the facebookpurge!We demand the reinstatement of all the political Facebook accountsblocked in the run-up to the royal wedding, and that Facebook releasean official apology to all those affected.As the media gather to celebrate the nuptials of our aristo overlordsand the police pre-emptively cleanse London, making arrests under thenew unpublicised thought crime ‘suspicion of being an anarchist’,Facebook has joined in the crackdown by blocking political accounts.The following accounts have been blocked in the 12 hours leading up tothe royal wedding:Open BirkbeckUWE OccupationChesterfield StopthecutsCamberwell AntiCutsIVA WomensrevolutionTower Hamlets GreensNo CutsArtsAgainst CutsLondon Student AssemblyBeat’n StreetsRoscoe ‘Manchester’ OccupationBristol BookfairNewcastle OccupationSocialist UnityWhospeaks ForusOurland FreeLandBristol UkuncutTeampalestina ShafNotts-Uncut Part-of UKUncutNo Quarter CutthewarBootle LabourClaimants FightbackEcosocialists UniteComrade George OrwellJason DerrickAnarchista RebellionistBigSociety LeedsSlade OccupationAnti-Cuts Across WiganFirstof MaybandDon’t Break Britain UnitedCockneyrejectSWP CorkWestiminster Trades CouncilYork AnarchistsRock WarSheffield OccupationCentral London SWPNorth London SolidaritySouthwark SosSave NHSRochdale Law CentreGoldsmiths Fights BackThe Facebook statement of rights and responsibilities reveals that thethreat of deletion is constantly hovering over the heads of anyone whodares to participate in social media without fully revealing theiridentity – “use of a fake name” is among the violations that can leadto accounts being deleted – but it is clear that this recent wave ofshutdowns is politically motivated, part of a network of repressiondesigned to stifle protest.Unfortunately, should you take issue with Facebook’s corporatepolicies, all grievances must according to our tacit agreement bepursued through California law courts (see FB statement of rights). Astotal transparency is demanded of us through our participation insocial media, the people who dictate its terms hide behind legalfirewalls.The mainstream media has celebrated how protestors in the Middle Easthave used social media to organise revolution – now let’s see if thesame pundits who were excited by Tahrir on Twitter speak up to defendUK-based activists who are now to be barred from organising anddiscussing via supposedly liberatory social media mechanisms.Please join our Facebook group to protest the purge:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672#!/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672
[orig From: "EURO MILLION JACKPOT" <_______< at >yahoo.co.uk>]ATT:I am looking for a prospective foreign partner to establish an investmentcompany abroad, due to political, economic crisis in my country ,Egypt. Am interested in an Individual of your kind that has investmentIdeas in oil business, property management (real estate) andfinancial markets or any other profit generating business that I caninvest in.Now am besed in united kingdom. Please, kindly update me on yourinterest and your capability in my e mail address(_____robertss1-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org)Looking forward to hear from you.Regard,Mr. _____ Roberts
[orig From: "EURO MILLION JACKPOT" <_______< at >yahoo.co.uk>]ATT:I am looking for a prospective foreign partner to establish an investmentcompany abroad, due to political, economic crisis in my country ,Egypt. Am interested in an Individual of your kind that has investmentIdeas in oil business, property management (real estate) andfinancial markets or any other profit generating business that I caninvest in.Now am besed in united kingdom. Please, kindly update me on yourinterest and your capability in my e mail address(_____robertss1-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.org)Looking forward to hear from you.Regard,Mr. _____ Roberts