From: nettime's avid readerLabour camp detainees endure hard labour by day, online 'gold farming' by nightDanny Vincent in, Wednesday 25 May 2011 19.49 BST Chinese prisoners were forced into 'gold farming' – building up credits on online games such as World of Warcraft.As a prisoner at the Jixi labour camp, Liu Dali would slog through tough days breaking rocks and digging trenches in the open cast coalmines of north-east China. By night, he would slay demons, battle goblins and cast spells.Liu says he was one of scores of prisoners forced to play online games to build up credits that prison guards would then trade for real money. The 54-year-old, a former prison guard who was jailed for three years in 2004 for "illegally petitioning" the central government about corruption in his hometown, reckons the operation was even more lucrative than the physical labour that prisoners were also forced to do."Prison bosses made more money forcing inmates to play games than they do forcing people to do manual labour," Liu told the Guardian. "There were 300 prisoners forced to play games. We worked 12-hour shifts in the camp. I heard them say they could earn 5,000-6,000rmb [£470-570] a day. We didn't see any of the money. The computers were never turned off."Memories from his detention at Jixi re-education-through-labour camp in Heilongjiang province from 2004 still haunt Liu. As well as backbreaking mining toil, he carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan. He was also made to memorise communist literature to pay off his debt to society.But it was the forced online gaming that was the most surreal part of his imprisonment. The hard slog may have been virtual, but the punishment for falling behind was real."If I couldn't complete my work quota, they would punish me physically. They would make me stand with my hands raised in the air and after I returned to my dormitory they would beat me with plastic pipes. We kept playing until we could barely see things," he said.It is known as "gold farming", the practice of building up credits and online value through the monotonous repetition of basic tasks in online games such as World of Warcraft. The trade in virtual assets is very real, and outside the control of the games' makers. Millions of gamers around the world are prepared to pay real money for such online credits, which they can use to progress in the online games.The trading of virtual currencies in multiplayer games has become so rampant in China that it is increasingly difficult to regulate. In April, the Sichuan provincial government in central China launched a court case against a gamer who stole credits online worth about 3000rmb.The lack of regulations has meant that even prisoners can be exploited in this virtual world for profit.According to figures from the China Internet Centre, nearly £1.2bn of make- believe currencies were traded in China in 2008 and the number of gamers who play to earn and trade credits are on the rise.It is estimated that 80% of all gold farmers are in China and with the largest internet population in the world there are thought to be 100,000 full-time gold farmers in the country.In 2009 the central government issued a directive defining how fictional currencies could be traded, making it illegal for businesses without licences to trade. But Liu, who was released from prison before 2009 believes that the practice of prisoners being forced to earn online currency in multiplayer games is still widespread."Many prisons across the north-east of China also forced inmates to play games. It must still be happening," he said."China is the factory of virtual goods," said Jin Ge, a researcher from the University of California San Diego who has been documenting the gold farming phenomenon in China. "You would see some exploitation where employers would make workers play 12 hours a day. They would have no rest through the year. These are not just problems for this industry but they are general social problems. The pay is better than what they would get for working in a factory. It's very different," said Jin."The buyers of virtual goods have mixed feelings … it saves them time buying online credits from China," said Jin.The emergence of gold farming as a business in China – whether in prisons or sweatshops could raise new questions over the exporting of goods real or virtual from the country."Prison labour is still very widespread – it's just that goods travel a much more complex route to come to the US these days. And it is not illegal to export prison goods to Europe, said Nicole Kempton from the Laogai foundation, a Washington-based group which opposes the forced labour camp system in China.Liu Dali's name has been changed# distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission# <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,# collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets# more info: archive: contact: nettime< at >
--sorry for crossposting--Friction Research Issue #4, 2011, Reclaim the Mind22 May 2011, Robert Spahr ::: Panopticon ::: Crude CruftWelcome to the first installment of Friction Research issue #4, acollective elaboration on New Media Art practices, based upon the receivedsubmissions from our public call for works Reclaim The Mind, issuedSeptember 28 2010We start this series with the works of Robert Spahr a generative softwareoriented artist whose work connects the internet ecosphere with a timebased but temporary representation of itself. Cleverly playing withcurrent political and societal issues, "Panopticon", shows an observativeyet intense reflection on surveillance, control and the always watchingEye, likewise "Crude Cruft" accentuates America's position as a war goingpolitical entityWe will successively publish our submissions in reversed chronologicalorder. For archival and preservation purposes a dedicated page will beadded whenever a submission is publishedPrevious issues of Friction Research:Art is not about Communication, 2010Investigating Ruptures in the Art-Political Grid, 2009Creative Resistance, New Media as Soft Arms, 2007--Andreas Maria Jacobs - Editorw: http://nictoglobe.comw:
G20 2011 dinner: dessert from the desert: a Libyan Oil CocktailMay 28, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen The illustrated version can be found at[tableau of President Sarkozy explaining ... with an oil reserve statistic projected behind him]Sarkozy explaining the recipe for the dessert from the desert at the upcoming dinner at the G8 top meeting in France May 2011: a Libyan ‘oil cocktail’ named ‘”Tour de Force de la Tour Eiffel” to be served by Apache waiters with NATO bonfires providing a festive backdrop. He makes it clear why the chosen taste is ‘Libyan’ and – say – not ‘Algerian’ or ‘Sudanese’, as there are 20 G-force countries wanting their sweet-oil-tooth to be served at a regular basis and one must make sure that there is enough constant supply of the needed ingredient.Tjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
does anyone have more info on this Rapture dynamic that happened in USA. is ittrue that a surprisingly large number of people in the USA belief in "rapture"links before may 21st 2011 after may 21st 2011,0,300126.story"devoking the apocalypse" taking on the narrative of self-destruction obviously this may 21st rapture thing didn't happen and the humorousbillboards after the fact, while funny, are less interesting than the factthat this apocalyptic narrative seems to be a major strand within Americanculture, yes? no? comments? how dangerous is this that a nuclear war-headnation in a time of man-made climate change has this aspect to its nationalconsciousness? who paid for the billboards after may 21st making fun ofthe issue and why? is it significant that they chose a theologicalresponse: MAthew 24:36
I have no idea what to make of this story, other than that we're through the looking glass.PC candidate's privates appear on Twitter PC candidate George Lepp says he?s embarrassed that a photo of his family jewels was posted on his campaign Twitter account for about 20 minutes before it was quickly unzipped.Alan Sakach, communications director for the Ontario Conservatives, said the photo was inadvertently taken by Lepp?s BlackBerry when it was in his front pocket. The photo was posted after someone took it from the candidate for the riding of Niagara Falls, according to Sakach.?He is pretty upset and embarrassed,? Sakach said of a photo that was posted on Lepp?s account Sunday. ?It was removed as soon as it came to his attention.?The Toronto Sun obtained grainy copies of the Twitter page images before they were removed. The pictures ? too graphic to reproduce in the newspaper ? are of a man naked from the waist down, showing a close up of his penis and his crossed legs.Sakach said the device was operating on camera mode in his front pant pocket when it went missing. He added that Lepp suspects it was taken as he was jostled by protesters outside the Dixon Rd. convention centre where the Tories met for the party?s weekend convention.Sakach said he didn?t know if police were called about the stolen BlackBerry.?It was an unfortunate circumstance,? Sakach said on Sunday. ?This is pretty low and juvenile and we don?t believe it is politically motivated.?Lepp, a Niagara-on-the-Lake farmer and businessman, put the boots last November to Sandy Annunziata, a former Fort Erie town councillor and Canadian Football League all-star, in a battle to become the Tory candidate in the provincial riding of Niagara Falls for October?s election.His website credits him for organizing successful fundraisers for John Tory andTim Hudak.Sakach said the image was first noticed by Lepp?s son, who administers theTwitter account, and was immediately removed.Lepp, who couldn?t be reached for comment, had been filing daily dispatches from the Tory convention to his more than 80 Twitter followers.On Friday, he told followers ?1500 people meeting in Toronto to support Ontario working families to stop McGuintys tax and spend policy that is killing Ontario Jobs.?Lepp graduated from the University of Guelph in Agriculture Economics, and was responsible for more than 200 employees while serving as vice-president of the Vineland Growers? Cooperative, the largest shipper of tender fruit in Ontario.Lepp is credited with helping to restructure the sales and marketing of Ontario?s grape and tender fruit industry to provide a more stable livelihood for farmers.The photo of a penis on Lepp?s Twitter account surfaced as OntarioConservatives vowed in Toronto to force high-risk sex offenders and other dangerous criminals to wear GPS monitoring bracelets.--* WHERE'S MY ARTICLE, WORLD?* FLICK's WEBSITE & BLOG:
richard joly <rjoly-mmmSoO0As3H1d5GcaX7MKA< at >> Michael H Goldhaber <mgoldh-bAttSoROYyI< at >> Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >> John Hopkins <jhopkins-LRlVL1xtBs0sV2N9l4h3zg< at >>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 23:21:02 -0400From: richard joly <rjoly-mmmSoO0As3H1d5GcaX7MKA< at >>Subject: Re: <nettime> re RaptureAlan is on target:"In 2009, the non-profit reported in IRS filings that it received $18.3million in donations, and had assets of more than $104 million, including$34 million in stocks or other publicly traded securities."From:||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Camping admits he got the Rapture date wrong Californiapreacher Harold Camping has admitted that he got the date of theRapture wrong when he predicted it would take place last Saturday andrevised the date to October 21.7:00AM BST 24 May 2011Mr Camping, who predicted that 200 million Christians would be takento heaven Saturday before the Earth was destroyed, said he felt soterrible when his doomsday prediction did not come true that he lefthome and took refuge in a motel with his wife.=20His independent ministry, Family Radio International, spent millions=96 some of it from donations made by followers =96 on more than 5,000billboard= s and 20 vehicles plastered with the Judgment Daymessage.=20But Mr Camping said that he has now realised the apocalypse will comefive months after May 21, the original date he predicted. He hadearlier said Oct 21 was when the globe would be consumed by afireball.=20It is not the first time the independent Christian radio host has beenforced to explain when his prediction did not come to pass. He alsopredicted the apocalypse would come in 1994, but said it did nothappen then because of a mathematical error.=20Rather than give his normal daily broadcast on Monday, Mr Camping madea special statement before the press at the Oakland headquarters ofthe media empire that has broadcast his message. His show, "OpenForum," has for months headlined his doomsday message via the group'sradio stations, TV channels, satellite broadcasts and websiteApocalyptic thinking has always been part of American religious lifeand popular culture. Teachings about the end of the world varydramatically =96 even within faith traditions =96 about how they willoccur.#################- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -From: Michael H Goldhaber <mgoldh-bAttSoROYyI< at >>Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 21:13:01 -0700Subject: <nettime> Rapture billboardI think Ted is right, though it must be said such feelings of "end times" seem to come once a generation. Their left-wing form is faith in the nearness of "the Revolution."Best,MichaelSent from my iPadOn May 30, 2011, at 11:32 AM, t byfield <tbyfield-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >> wrote: <...> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 03:03:37 -0400 (EDT)From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>Subject: Re: RaptureAre they properly licensed? How is the FCC letting them drown out otherstations if so?-- Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn-zY4eFNvK5D9If6P1QZMOBw< at >> They're properly licensed. There are always frequencies competing with each other; in some locales, Family Radio would come in loud and clear, and other locales might pick up other stations. The interference isn't deliberate; stations jockey for position. It was different when the USSR was testing their OTH (over the horizon) radar which blanked out all sorts of signals, including their own Radio Moscow; Robert Horvitz was an expert on that. The US also tested OTH, and I think there were antenna in Australia, but the main interference came from the Russians.- Alan==email archive http://www.alansondheim.orgmusic archive: text - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 23:08:26 +1000From: John Hopkins <jhopkins-LRlVL1xtBs0sV2N9l4h3zg< at >>Subject: Re: <nettime> Rapture billboardhei patrice ...actually saw a couple May 21 billboards here in suburban Melbourne in April -- it's not a purely US phenomena, although that particular minister with a phat media network was in California...It's much older than that in the US -- there is a long history ofapocalyptic literature, doomsday sects, and religious end-timersrunning back to the mid-early 1800s, following on earlier trendsbeginning with St. John the Divine's sojourn on Patmos (or so issaid). And all this hybridized with the militaristic mind-set ofpost-nuclear mythologies... I woudln't bundle it with neo-conthinking, tho...I'd ignore it if I were u... unless ur worried about it happening, inwhich case, any discussion is meaning-less ;-)jh- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Guernica 1937 & Libya 2011: bombardment victims counted in hundreds, but no public outcry anymoreJune 2, 2011 by Tjebbe van TijenThe illustrated version can be found at WITHOUT BODY COUNT IN LIBYA:The number of civilian death as result of the Allied bombings has according to the propaganda machine of Gaddafi reached 718 or so. The NATO bombing machine does give us nice numbers of strikes and the objects that have been struck but NO number of victims. Other sources say that there may be a total number of 10.000 violent death since the rising in Libya in February 2011. All numbers remain vague and contested from this or the other side in the conflict.But let us be clear about something when it comes to mapping human violence. The total number of people that found their lives ending suddenly counts in the thousands. The factor may be 5 or 10 of thousands, but thousands for sure. The number of victims – collateral or not – as result of the NATO interventionist enforced change of regime, counts in the hundreds at least and the factor may be 7 or more. The number of soldiers and insurgents falling in this Civil War mixed with Western intervention is not given by any of the warring parties. And each human life should be considered as sacred – at least that is what my system of ethics says to me.The Guernica of Picasso was painted after the Nazi bombing of this little town in Basque country in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War and the involvement of German and Italian military airplanes was a clear interventionist action on behalf of the Nationalist Spanish government of General Franco, who was fighting the Republican Spanish Government. The number of victims that fell has never been firmly established, according to different sources in different times, between 400 and 1600 people are said to have been killed by this Luftwaffe bombardment, which was at that time described as a barbaric act unto a defenseless population.So what about people dying unwanted by high tech destructive devices thrown from the air in the year 2011? Is their inflicted death a barbaric act or is it not? Where is the public outcry against it. Or are we lead to believe that there are either no victims at all of NATO bombing, or that each victim is a soldier supporting dictator Gaddafi, so it is a victory for democracy when such a ‘stand in the way of democracy in Libya’ will be blasted away from the air?Comparative interventionist historical policy studies should be undertaken to answer this question.
Three years ago, on June 18, 2008 Hungarian artist János Sugár sprayed the stenciled sentence „Wash your dirty money with my art” - sized 60 x 80 cm - as part of the exhibition at Kunsthalle Budapest, and at the same time illegally as a protest onto two private art institutions. One of those institutions, VAM Design Center, Budapest, filed a lawsuit against the artist, accusing him of vandalizing their building, arbitrarily estimating the damage first at 500,000 HUF (approx. 2,500 USD), then after having seen it on display at Kunsthalle Budapest, raised the value to 1,400,000 HUF (approx. 7,800 USD), then court experts revised it to 214,000 HUF (approx. 1,200 USD), and a second expert opinion eventually further reduced it to 34,000 HUF (approx. 190 USD). The lawsuit brought the attention of the public and the press to the work, and indirectly resulted in Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest purchasing a paper version of the stencil graffiti for their permanent collection.The case was heard in court on April 22, 2011. During the hearing János Sugár admitted, as he had done earlier, having sprayed the sentence, but pleaded not guilty of vandalism, because he considered the act a work of public art, being socially useful, generating discussion, and ultimately stopping the controversial art management activity of VAM Design Center. The judge did not take into consideration the public art aspect of the act, but instead labeled it as graffiti vandalism. The court did not allow the appearance of two expert witnesses of the defense: Prof. László Beke, art historian, director of the Art History Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; and Mr. Barnabás Bencsik, art historian, director of Ludwig Museum Budapest.The court sentenced János Sugár to 5 months in jail, with two years probation, along with a fine covering the cost of renovation, 34,000 HUF (approx. 190 USD) plus legal costs. The judge considered it an aggravating factor that the work is now on display in a museum; she blamed the artist for making money out of vandalism and also pointed out that he is an art professor who is setting a bad example to his students. Since January 1, 2011, parliament passed a new law against graffiti in Hungary: regardless of the damage caused, those who are caught doing graffiti/street art can also be sentenced to a maximum of one year in jail.János Sugár is appealing against the sentence.See also:
Hi all,I had the chance to talk to Daniel Mathews in Berlin last weekend in hisfirst public talk. Daniel is a founding member of Wikileaks and leftWikileaks in 2008. He has some really interesting perspectives to add -how many of you were aware that Wikileaks started out as a wiki andaimed to build an open and collaborating community?We only had 30 minutes minus translation and it's probably not reallyfun to watch for Non-German speakers as my questions weren't translatedinto English. On the other hands they're pretty obvious (What were theobjectives when you started Wikileaks, when did you leave and why, whatdid you want to achieve..).His answers are in English and since it's a really unique event I hopeit's interesting to some of you anyways.=>
Digging through the histories of the military-industrial, I ran across this Rand Corp memo "Parallel Control" from 1954 by mathematician John Nash (Nobel) think some of you might be interested in/appreciate his very forward-looking design of "high-speed digital computers" (including networks)...jh+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++John Hopkins, ResearcherCentre for Creative ArtsLa Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria 3086< at >; skype: chazhopkinsAU Mobile - +61 (0)40 696 4610US cell - +1 928 308 6466+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(the profound confusion about the difference between 'social media' and journalism deepens. enjoy the contradictory statements of the institutionalized worlds of NGOs and so-called civil society! geert)BUDAPEST, May 24, 2011 (IPS) - Social media is being heralded as a revolutionary weapon for the empowerment of discriminated groups such as migrants. But so far it is the xenophobic far right that has made the most of it.The discussion about social media tends to focus around famous Internet platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and YouTube, but generally refers to any innovative or unorthodox means of communication.In contrast to traditional media, social media is usually web-based, highly interactive, inexpensive and easily accessible to consumers, who can turn into producers without much effort.Its enormous popularity has forced traditional media outlets to adopt many of the features characteristic of social media, such as open commentary sections and uploading of video features.Many see signs of hope for voiceless migrants in the rise of social media, but what is even truer is that the far-right has benefited the most from the media revolution."Racist and xenophobic people took over first because they had not been allowed into mainstream media," Arash Mokhtari, a project manager at Quick Response, a Swedish group monitoring media coverage of migrants, told IPS."Before, they resorted to leaflets but by now they’ve become very media-savvy, they are very present in blogs and commentary sections," he said.One often cited example is the hijacking of commentary sections in terrorism-related news by xenophobes, who use this platform to insinuate links between terrorism and Islamic communities in Europe.Nobody denies the potential social media holds to spread any kind of ideas, including messages of tolerance, but uncertainty remains as to how to approach it and as to its actual effectiveness."The anti-racist majority society needs to be better at learning from these groups in order to resist them. Social media is very democratic and I believe the situation can be changed," said Mokhtari.The issue of how to improve migrant integration through social media was highlighted at a conference hosted by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Hungarian presidency of the European Union last week in Budapest, Hungary."Social media can be used to communicate messages to youth and children in a way that is close to them: Facebook, YouTube or cartoons can all be used to encourage migrants to participate," Anke Schuster, project development and liaison officer for the IOM in Brussels told IPS.However, experts have not found a way to measure its exact impact: "New media tools such as Facebook and YouTube offer quantitative data on how many times material was used, but more qualitative evaluations are needed," Schuster said.Also, for organisations such as the IOM or other NGOs (non- governmental organisations) it is hard to match the straightforward language that typifies far-right new media."Social media provides opportunities to bring our message across but we need to find the right language to communicate it; readers expect a simple, understandable language," Jurga Kievisaite, programme manager for IOM told IPS.While media experts agree a simple language is desirable, some are concerned that down-to-earth coverage of migration issues may come at the expense of understanding the complex processes behind migration flows.Calls for more human interest stories that connect the reader to the often discriminated and voiceless migrant are met with skepticism by those journalists who insist on the need for analysis and background information and who oppose stigmatising migrants and exploiting their emotions.But as the still largely unregulated social media keeps booming, concerns grow as to whether either type of story will be written in a professional manner by new media actors such as bloggers."Bloggers can deceive and lie, they don’t answer to anybody. That may be freedom of expression, but it’s not journalism," Aidan White, former general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists said."To a part of the population what makes journalism distinctive is a commitment to ethical values. Journalists need to be responsible and accountable," he added.Mircea Toma, president of Active Watch, a Romanian media monitory agency, used a more conciliatory tone: "Young people consume more and more new media, so bloggers will become a dominant part of the media landscape. As public communicators they have the ability to influence society, but they are also exposed to the same laws as anyone else."Nevertheless, regulation of social media remains a controversial and delicate topic in which the need for professionalism needs to be balanced with the right to freedom of expression."Those suggesting regulation have been harshly attacked, it’s considered a dangerous precedent," Mokhtari told IPS."But some steps have been made towards regulations, such as the requirement that people register before commenting online. Anonymity is great but it provides a negative platform for discussion."In any case, Mokhtari notes the scope of the new media seems to have changed: "Before, social media was about adopting an identity different from your own, now it is all about who you really are."
YES, we refused the invitation to participate in the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, due to its ludicrous organization.NO, we’re not wasting time here. Please join us for a fear and loathing week in Sheffield, UK. On the 9th our first solo show in the UK opens at Site Gallery. The exhibition is called “Lies Inc.” and includes recent online performances such as No Fun (an intervention into an online video chatroom), Freedom (where we enter a multi-user online war game and beg not to be shot), Catt (an online meme turned into an art prank) and many surprises...After the opening we’ll all go experiment the mysteries of nuclear energy in an abandoned factory with Plan C’s amusement ride, developed out of an undercover research trip to Chernobyl and the beta-preview of “Let Them Believe”, the short film Todd Chandler and Jeff Stark shot during the trip.On June 8th we’ll be in conversation with some of our favorite artists & companions: legendary performer Bill Drummond, pranksters IOCOSE and Paolo Cirio, net artist Rafael Rozendaal and Plan C co-conspirator Ryan Doyle.Details here: Save the Queen!0100101110101101.ORG
This hacking comes on the heels of an incident in which a Parliamentary page was fired for holding up a "Stop Harper" sign in the Senate during the Throne Speech. The image of her elegant protest has quickly become iconic in Canada.The new Conservative majority government faces the first-ever social-democratic Official Opposition in the New Democratic Party (NDP). It's the most polarized Parliament in Canadian memory: the far-right, social-conservative and well-funded Albertan core of the ruling party squares off against a party who surged to opposition in the last days of the election, with a center of gravity in socialist, french-speaking Quebec and a rugged activist wing with experience on the barricades at g8, g20 and WTO green zones.Both the pseudo-centrist Liberal Party and the separatist Bloc Quebecois have been decimated in the May elections, putting Canada in volatile, uncharted political territory.Are communists targeting Harper?Hacker causes stir after Harper-choking hoaxBy Daniel Proussalidis, Parliamentary Bureau HarperHackers going for bigger trophies, say expertsOTTAWA - Communist and anarchist activists - the kind that protest G8 summits and meetings of world leaders - might be the inspiration behind a hack of the Conservative Party of Canada's website.Hours after the governor general read out Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Throne Speech last Friday, an online posting from the Red & Anarchist Action Network - an anarchist and communist group - called on hackers and others to "stop Harper."Within days, the Conservative Party's website was indeed hacked.For about a half-hour on Tuesday morning it displayed a hoax message about Harper being airlifted to hospital in Toronto after choking on a hash brown during breakfast with his kids.The Prime Minister's Office quickly denied the report was true and clarified that Harper was in Ottawa and had walked his kids to school that morning.Hackers who've gained notoriety from cyber attacks on a Georgia-based FBI affiliate, Sony, Nintendo, and even PBS appear to be behind a the Tuesday morning hack.A Twitter posting by The Lulz Raft, connected to hackers Lulz Security, takes credit for a "special article" on the site that "may piss off a few of them Canadians."It's not clear what connection there might be between the hackers and anarchists.A Conservative Party spokesman added that damage from the online attack was limited."This unauthorized access was exclusively on our website, which is hosted by a third party," said Fred DeLorey. "Our database and e-mail systems were not affected. The issue is being resolved."Keith Murphy, CEO of online security firm Defence Intelligence, says what happened still underlines the risk hackers pose to Canadians."Everybody is a potential victim," said Murphy. "If somebody really wants to go after you there's really little you can do. You can do everything properly, take all the necessary measures, and it's still quite possible that you'll become a victim."Meanwhile, anarchists are just ramping up their anti-Harper efforts.People's Global Action, which uses the Ottawa offices of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers as its mailing address, is organizing a Friday protest in Ottawa.--* WHERE'S MY ARTICLE, WORLD?* FLICK's WEBSITE & BLOG:
Without Bread No Internet!original to: the Nile Runs DryBy LESTER R. BROWNWashingtonA NEW scramble for Africa is under way. As global food prices rise andexporters reduce shipments of commodities, countries that rely on importedgrain are panicking. Affluent countries like Saudi Arabia, South Korea,China and India have descended on fertile plains across the Africancontinent, acquiring huge tracts of land to produce wheat, rice and cornfor consumption back home.Some of these land acquisitions are enormous. South Korea, which imports70 percent of its grain, has acquired 1.7 million acres in Sudan to growwheat an area twice the size of Rhode Island. In Ethiopia, a Saudi firmhas leased 25,000 acres to grow rice, with the option of expanding. Indiahas leased several hundred thousand acres there to grow corn, rice andother crops. And in countries like Congo and Zambia, China is acquiringland for biofuel production.These land grabs shrink the food supply in famine-prone African nationsand anger local farmers, who see their governments selling their ancestrallands to foreigners. They also pose a grave threat to Africas newestdemocracy: Egypt.Egypt is a nation of bread eaters. Its citizens consume 18 million tons ofwheat annually, more than half of which comes from abroad. Egypt is nowthe worlds leading wheat importer, and subsidized bread for which thegovernment doles out approximately $2 billion per year is seen as anentitlement by the 60 percent or so of Egyptian families who depend on it.As Egypt tries to fashion a functioning democracy after President HosniMubaraks departure, land grabs to the south are threatening its abilityto put bread on the table because all of Egypts grain is either importedor produced with water from the Nile River, which flows north throughEthiopia and Sudan before reaching Egypt. (Since rainfall in Egypt isnegligible to nonexistent, its agriculture is totally dependent on theNile.)Unfortunately for Egypt, two of the favorite targets for land acquisitionsare Ethiopia and Sudan, which together occupy three-fourths of the NileRiver Basin. Todays demands for water are such that there is little leftof the river when it eventually empties into the Mediterranean.The Nile Waters Agreement, which Egypt and Sudan signed in 1959, gaveEgypt 75 percent of the rivers flow, 25 percent to Sudan and none toEthiopia. This situation is changing abruptly as wealthy foreigngovernments and international agribusinesses snatch up large swaths ofarable land along the Upper Nile. While these deals are typicallydescribed as land acquisitions, they are also, in effect, wateracquisitions.Now, when competing for Nile water, Cairo must deal with severalgovernments and commercial interests that were not party to the 1959agreement. Moreover, Ethiopia never enamored of the agreement hasannounced plans to build a huge hydroelectric dam on its branch of theNile that would reduce the water flow to Egypt even more.Because Egypts wheat yields are already among the worlds highest, it haslittle potential to raise its agricultural productivity. With itspopulation of 81 million projected to reach 101 million by 2025, findingenough food and water is a daunting challenge.Egypts plight could become part of a larger, more troubling scenario. Itsupstream Nile neighbors Sudan, with 44 million people, and Ethiopia,with 83 million are growing even faster, increasing the need for waterto produce food. Projections by the United Nations show the combinedpopulation of these three countries increasing to 272 million by 2025 and 360 million by 2050 from 208 million now.Growing water demand, driven by population growth and foreign land andwater acquisitions, are straining the Niles natural limits. Avoidingdangerous conflicts over water will require three transnationalinitiatives. First, governments must address the population threat head-onby ensuring that all women have access to family planning services and byproviding education for girls in the region. Second, countries must adoptmore water-efficient irrigation technologies and plant lesswater-intensive crops.Finally, for the sake of peace and future development cooperation, thenations of the Nile River Basin should come together to ban land grabs byforeign governments and agribusiness firms. Since there is no precedentfor this, international help in negotiating such a ban, similar to theWorld Banks role in facilitating the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty betweenIndia and Pakistan, would likely be necessary to make it a reality.None of these initiatives will be easy to implement, but all areessential. Without them, rising bread prices could undermine Egyptsrevolution of hope and competition for the Niles water could turn deadly.----Lester R. Brown is the president of the Earth Policy Institute and theauthor of World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and EconomicCollapse.
<>AC Grayling's private university accused of copying syllabuses New College of the Humanities, whose students will pay UKP18,000 a year, offering courses available at University of London at half the price A new private university college founded by the philosopher AC Grayling and staffed by celebrity professors will teach exactly the same syllabuses as the University of London, which charges half the price, it has emerged. Students of the New College of the Humanities will pay UKP18,000 a year to take courses in history, English literature and philosophy that are already on offer at Birkbeck, Goldsmiths and Royal Holloway for UKP9,000 or less. Academics complained that syllabuses listed on the New College website appeared to have been copied from the University of London's own web pages in a move some said amounted to plagiarism. Grayling launched his venture with the claim that it would help save humanities education from government cuts by bringing together teachers including Richard Dawkins, Niall Ferguson and Stephen Pinker. "Every university is worried about students plagiarising essays," said Justin Champion, a senior historian at Royal Holloway college, who spotted that the titles of modules he wrote were reproduced on the New College website. "Here we have a whole degree programme being plagiarised. I personally feel quite insulted because I wrote quite a lot of the syllabus. If the University of London didn't exist and public money hadn't been used to draw up these syllabuses, they wouldn't have been able to do this, or they would have had to invest a lot of money." The New College philosophy syllabus includes: "Logic, epistemology, Greek philosophy: Plato and the pre-Socratics, ethics: Historical perspectives, modern philosophy: Descartes, Locke, Berkeley and Hume". The University of London course details use exactly the same wording. The syllabus for the literature and history degrees is also identical. Grayling has said that New College students would receive University of London degrees, but the university has since made clear there is "no formal agreement between the University of London and the NCH concerning academic matters". However, it said it was "legitimate for NCH, as an entirely independent institution, to provide tuition to students of University of London international programmes, as other institutions in London and around the world do". On Monday, David Latchman, master of Birkbeck, announced that Grayling had resigned from its teaching staff, adding in an email to staff: "Birkbeck has no links with New College and no agreement to provide New College with access to any of its facilities." Amanda Vickery, a TV historian and history professor at Royal Holloway, was one of the first to spot similarities between the syllabuses. She posted on Twitter: "New College of Humanities seems to have ripped off London Univ's international programme in history," adding: "Perplexed to see my own course 'Experience, Culture & Identity: Women's lives in England 1688-1850' at NCH." Colin Jones, president of the Royal Historic Society and a professor at Queen Mary college, said: "Despite a light scattering of international stardust, this seems to be a somewhat cynical repackaging operation." Grayling strongly denied the charge, and said teaching at the college would be more extensive, with "value added" by courses in logic, scientific literacy and applied ethics, as well as professional skills. "It is a complete misunderstanding," he said. "We offer University of London international programme degrees, so that is the syllabus we are preparing the students for. It is reductive to describe it as repackaging ... There is a quarter more content, contact with some rather distinguished people, and preparation for professional life." Amid a growing backlash from students and lecturers, Dawkins sought to clarify his role, saying on his website: "This is the brainchild of AC Grayling, not me ... Professor Grayling invited me to join the professoriate and give some lectures." He said "the financial inducement was attractive" and indicated he would use the fees to fund his charitable foundation. London's mayor, Boris Johnson, backed Grayling's idea, saying "it fully deserves to succeed and to be imitated". It prompted him, Johnson added, to recall his own idea of founding "Reject's College, Oxbridge", which would be "aimed squarely at the wrathful parents - many of them Oxbridge graduates - who simply could not understand how their own offspring could rack up three A-stars and grade 8 bassoon, and yet find themselves turned down".
bwo mailing list (Toulouse Hackersspace)The French govt will spend 3m Euros to get the message across that"to-morrow's creativity must be defended _to-day_". Numerama, anintelligent internet newssite, has managed to lay its hands on the threepurportedly 'light and humorous' TV spots that will be aired from 13thJune onwards.Refresh yr French & Enjoy at:, p+3D!
This is the 4th of these I've received in the last day or so--all from gmailaccounts. Someone suggested that it has to do with the gmail hack that was reportedabout a year ago but I've seen nothing anywhere on what might be going on.(presumably an indication that the emails and passwords were sold in bulk tosome phisherman somewhere... seems like a rather low value use for these ifit is the case... Comments Mike -----Original Message-----From: [mailto: xxx < at >] Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 7:45 AMSubject: LoanI just hope you get this email on time. Well I'm quite optimistic that allis well with you. I just want you to know that I'm presently in Spain for aconference. Kindly pardon my ignorance for not informing you about thisurgent trip and for reaching out to you this way. I'm actually facing somedifficulties here, so I thought it expedient for me to confide in you and Iwill be glad to have this confidential between us.Unfortunately for me, I got robbed with my friend right in his flat here inSpain. Though I wasn't hurt, I'm mentally and physically ok, but my money,mobile phone and my bags with some vital documents were taken away by theseguys. In fact I'm left with no money. I'm urgently in need of some money toexecute my major objectives of being here and to balance my bills till mydeparture next weekend.kindly lend me a sum of 2500euros [approximately $3300 us dollars] or anyamount you can afford to lend me. I will refund you with interest upon myarrival back home. Let me know if you would be able to help me out with thismoney or any amount you can afford, I can then forward you the details onhow to make the transfer directly on my name via the western union moneytransfer service. I will really appreciate your concerned and fast response.Thanks & Regards. xxxx singularity | Archives <><> |Modify<> Your Subscription <>
Re: <nettime> FW: Loan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jean=2DNo=EBl_Montagn=E9?= <jnm-j/4rfaD2/nI< at >> Mike Weisman <popeye-zY4eFNvK5D9If6P1QZMOBw< at >> Flick Harrison <flick-aWVegx4lPYdvL3vi5tcqnAC/G2K4zDHf< at >>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 20:22:41 +0200From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jean=2DNo=EBl_Montagn=E9?= <jnm-j/4rfaD2/nI< at >>Subject: RE: <nettime> FW: LoanI suggest that this is related to the Terms Of Service you (and too many other) have signed with your gmail account:"By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. "or"You agree that this license includes a right for Google to make such Content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom Google has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such Content in connection with the provision of those services."and"We also receive requests for information about the users of our services and products from government agencies like local and federal police. When we receive a request for user information, we review it carefully and provide only information properly within the scope and authority of the request." many people have your email and have the contents of your email, so don't be suprised to receive spam.JN- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:54:03 -0700From: Mike Weisman <popeye-zY4eFNvK5D9If6P1QZMOBw< at >>Mike, send the money to me and I'll forward it on.Mike WeismanMichael Gurstein <gurstein-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >> wrote: <...>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -From: Flick Harrison <flick-aWVegx4lPYdvL3vi5tcqnAC/G2K4zDHf< at >>Subject: Re: <nettime> FW: LoanDate: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 21:14:40 -0700I've gotten a few of those too - I corresponded with one guy just for alarf (see below). I think they're just the bounty of auto-phishingexpeditions of some kind.I.e. send out spam, advertising a bogus website, see who clicks the linkand creates an account (forcing them to provide a verifiable emailaddress), then try to login in to their email account with the samepassword as they used when they created the trapper account.A certain percentage of people will always fall for it, and use theirmain password.Here's my exchange:On 2011-02-07, at 01:56 , C** *** wrote:Am writing this with tears in my eyes. I went for a seminar in London,England. Unfortunately I was attacked by rough guys they collected allmy belonging including my cell phone since then have been stranded onlyhave access to e-mail. I have 3 hours left to join my flight back homethat why I really a loan of $ 1,350 from you because now I'm here sickand confused with my situation. I need you to wired me the money viaWestern Union Transfer I am at this address .Receiver address: 1 Ropemaker StreetReceiver name : *** ****London, UK.Zipcode: EC2Y 9HTSend an email with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) on receipt,I need to pick up the money this is important. I promise to refund backyour money immediately I get home including wu charges. Clare xoxoxoxofrom: *** ****subject: Re: I'm Strandedto: "C****"=20date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 11:47 PMOMG C***, are you okay? Where are you writing this from?On 2011-02-08, at 07:51 , C** *** wrote:Am ok, am stranded in UK I only have access to mail please wired themoney to me via western union to this address I will be waiting for thedetails .Receiver address: 1 Ropemaker StreetReceiver name : C******* ****London, UK.Zipcode: EC2Y 9HTC***,xxWow C**,=20Fuck, whoever stole your stuff is s scumbag who will probably die whensomeone catches up with them. I should hook you up with my friend Lancein London, he's in the paras, one time this Irish guy tried to take hiswallet at a pub and he smashed a bottle on his head and then stabbed hisface with the broken end. That's what should happen to thieves.You'd probably like him, he worked peacekeeping in Africa so he has lotsof stories, although I'm afraid he's a bit racist, he has a terriblehatred for non-white people. I try to enlighten him but he goes into arage.I googled that address and it's a giant building with lots of things init - do you have a more specific address? How can I wire it to thataddress?Maybe I should wire it to Lance and he can give it to you.-F(end of correspondence)--* WHERE'S MY ARTICLE, WORLD?* FLICK's WEBSITE & BLOG: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dailytech.comJason Mick (Blog) - June 10, 2011 7:05 PM day was October 28, 1929 and the sky was falling. That Mondaythe DOW Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell 12.82 percent. Historybooks show that the next day the DJIA bled another 11.73 percent. Vastamounts of wealth were wiped out in an instant.Today modern exchanges automatically close to prevent suchcatastrophic sell offs. Or, they do in the real world, at least.But on June 10, a new kind of market -- Bitcoins suffered a massivedecline, that may signal the start of the world's first digitaldepression.I. A 30 Percent Decline in One DayThis Friday the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was hammered, losing172.45 points (approximately a 1.4 percent dip) to close below 12,000for the first time since March 18, 2011 -- nearly three months ago.Traders greeted signs of slowdowns in global markets with seriousconcern.But as bad a day as Friday was for NYSE traders, it was far worse forthose who invested in an increasingly popular digital currency --Bitcoins (BTC). At the opening bell at Mt. Gox, the world's largestBitcoin exchange, a single BTC cost $28.919 USD. By mid-day that totalhad plunged to $20.01 USD -- a drop of 30.8 percent.Granted, in recent weeks the market for Bitcoins has soared upwards,nearly tripling, due to increased demand and built in technicalissues. So perhaps this inflation was merely reactionary. Nonetheless,it took many by surprise, as inflation on this scale had never beforebeen seen in the fledgling Bitcoin market.But, wait let's not get ahead of ourselves. Why should anyone care ifBthe itcoin market crashed?Well, today on Mt. Gox alone, approximately $2M USD in Bitcoins werebought and sold in 5,871 trades. That's unusual in and of itself --only a total of $19M USD in trading volume occurred over the past sixmonths.The bottom line is that several things are clear from today's trading.1. The Bitcoin market endured its first digital equivalent of a "bank rush" with people rushing to exchange their BTC for U.S. Dollars. 2. People have a large amount of money -- millions of USD sunk intoBitcoins lost big in the flash crash.3. Unlike modern markets, which automatically close to prevent massiveinflation, the digital Bitcoin markets stayed open.4. Something major is moving the Bitcoin market in a sharpinflationary direction, in contrast to the predict deflationary trend.So what are Bitcoins and why is this intriguing? Let's take a look.II. What is a Bitcoin?Bitcoins [wiki] are virtual currency similar to the Linden Dollars(L$) used by Second Life users.However, unlike L$, which are ultimately controlled by Linden Labs,a company (or "governing body" in some people's eyes), BTC have nocentral authority. The currency instead relies on a peer-to-peersystem where everyone logs transactions and monetary events, preventfalse transactions.Also, unlike the L$, the focus of BTC is to exchange the virtualcurrency for real world services, not virtual ones.People can obtain Bitcoins in two ways -- buying them or generatingthem.To generate them, you have to run a complex math hashing algorithm,which tries to find a new bitcoin "block". Parallel computing devices
(Help to spread please)People of the World, rise up!!! Take the square!!! Take the streets!!! #GlobalrevolutionCALL FOR ACTIONS JUNE 19TH: (English, Arabic, French. Portugues, Bulgarian, Italian, Hungarian, Greek, Japanish, German, Castellano, Euskera, Català, Gallego)(ENGLISH)Call for actions June 19th: People of the World, rise up!!!We are the outraged, the anonymous, the voiceless. We were there, silent but alert, watching. Not gazing upward at the powers that be, but looking from side to side for the right time to unite with each other.No political party, association or trade union represents us. Nor do we want them to, because each and every one of us speaks for her or himself. Together, we want to design and create a world where people and nature come first, before economic interests. We want to design and build the best possible world. Together we can and we will. UnafraidThe first sparks started to fly in the Arabic countries, where thousands of people took over streets and squares, reminding their governments where the real power lies. The Icelanders followed, taking to the streets to speak their mind and decide their future. And it wasn't long before Spaniards occupied squares in neighborhoods, towns and cities. Now the flame is swiftly spreading through France, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Turkey, and the cries of peaceful demonstrators echo across America and Asia, where new movements are cropping up everywhere. Only a global revolution can confront global problems. The time has come for the woman and man in the street to take back their public spaces to debate and build a new future together.This is a call to the #Globalrevolution on 19 June. We're calling on people everywhere to peacefully occupy public squares and create spaces for debate, assembly and reflection. It's our duty to reclaim the public arena and together forge the kind of world we want to live in.People of the World, rise up!!! Take the square!!! Take the streets!!! #Globalrevolution+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:حن الساخطون, المجهولون, ليس لنا صوتا. كنّا ساكتين, لكنّنا كنّا نستمع و نعاين. لن ننظر إلى الأعلى,حيث يوجد هم من يديرون العالم, بل إلى الجوانب, حيث يوجد كلّنا ألّذين نبحث عن وقت ألإتّحادلا يمثّلنا الأحزاب ولا الجمعيّات و لا النقابات, لا سيّما وأنّنا لا نريد هذه الوضع, لأنّ كلّ واحد منّا يمثّل نفسه. نريد أن نفكّر معا عن طريقة لتأسيس عالم حيث سيكون الأشخاص و البيئة على الإهتمامات الإقتصادية. نريد أن نتخيل و أن نبني أحسن العالم من العوالم الممكنة. معا سنستطيع و سنقوم به. احترقت الشرارات الأولى في البلدان العربية, حيث أخذ مئات آلاف شخص الساحات و الشوارع للتذكير للحكومة إنّ السّلطة للشعب. بعد ذلك رجع الإيسلنديّون إلى الشوارع لإبداء نفسهم و للقرار عن مستقبلهم ؛ لم تأخّر الشّعب الإسباني في أخذ ساحات الأحياء و القرّى و المدن. الآن تمتدّ الفتيلة بسرعة عبر فرنسا و اليونان و البرتغال و تركيا, لمّا يصل أصداء من أميركا و آسيا و تظهر مصادر جديدة كلّ يوم في عدّة أماكن. إذا المشاكل هي إجماليّة, فستكون الثورة إجماليّة أو لن لن تحدّث. هذا هو وقت المناسب للإستعداد أماكننا العامّة للمناقشة و البناء معا المستقبل.ندعوكم إلى #غلوبال ريفولوسيون في يوم ١٩ يونيو ٢٠١١. ندعو الشعب لأخذ الساحات العامّة بسلام و لإحداث مساحات اللقاء و المناقشة و التّفكير. يجب علينا أن نستعيد الأماكن العامّة و أن نقرّر معا عالم الّذي نريدهخذ الساحة! خذ الشّوارع!People of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: sommes les indignés, les anonymes, les sans-voix. Nous restions silencieux mais nous écoutions, nous observions. Ce n'était pas pour regarder là-haut, là où sont ceux qui tirent les ficelles, mais sur les côtés, où nous sommes toutes et tous, en train de chercher le moment où nous unir.Les partis, associations ou syndicats ne nous représentent pas. Nous ne voulons pas non plus qu'il en soit ainsi, parce que chacun ne se représente qu'à soi-même. Nous voulons réfléchir tous ensemble par rapport à comment créer un monde où les personnes et la nature seraient au-dessus des intérêts économiques. Nous voulons concevoir et construire le meilleur des mondes possible. Ensemble nous le pouvons et nous le ferons. Sans peur.Les premières manifestations de protestation ont commencé dans les pays arabes,où des centaines de milliers de personnes ont occupé les places et les rues afin de rappeller au gouvernement que le peuple a le véritable pouvoir. Peu après les irlandais furent ceux qui ont protesté dans les rues pour s´exprimer et décider leur avenir; le peuple espagnol n´a pas tardé à occuper les places des quartiers, des villages et des autres villes. Maintenant, la flamme de la contestation s'est propagée rapidement à d´autres pays, comme la France, Grèce, Portugal, Italie et Turquie. Alors qu´elle commence à se propager en Amérique Latine, elle commence à se manifester aussi dans d´autres parties du monde. Si les problèmes sont globaux, la révolution sera aussi globale, ou bien elle n´aura pas lieu. Le moment est venu de récupérer nos espaces publics pour discuter et construire tous ensemble le futur.Le 19 juin nous appelons à la #Globalrevolution. Nous appelons à l'occupation pacifique des place publiques et à la création d'espaces de rencontre, de débat et de réflexion. Il est de notre devoir de récupérer l'espace public et de décider ensemble du monde que nous voulons.Prends la place!!! Prends les rues!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: os indignados, os anônimos, os sem voz. Estávamos em silêncio mas escutando, observando. Não para olhar para cima, onde estão os que ficam com as rendas do mundo, senão para os lados, onde estamos todas e todos, procurando o momento para nos unir.Não nos representam partidos, associações ou sindicatos. Também não queremos que seja assim, cada qual representando a sí mesmo. Queremos pensar entre todos como criar um mundo onde as pessoas e a natureza estejam por cima dos interesses económico. Queremos idealizar e construir o melhor dos mundos possíveis. Juntos podemos e realizaremos. Sem medo.As primeiras faíscas começaram nos países árabes, onde centenas de milhares de pessoas tomaram as praças e ruas relembrando a seus governos que eles (o povo) são o verdadeiro poder. Logo foram os islandeses quem saíram às ruas para poder se expressar e decidir seu futuro; o povo espanhol não demorou em tomar as praças dos bairros, vilareijos e cidades. Agora a chama se estende rapidamente pela França, Grécia, Portugal, Itália e Turquia, enquanto chegam ecos de América e Ásia e novos focos aparecem a cada dia onde seja. Se os problemas são globais, a revolução será global, ou não será. É hora de recuperar os nossos espaço públicos para debater e construir entre todas e todos o futuro.O dia 19 de Junho convocamos à #Globalrevolution . Convocamos à ocupação pacifica das praças públicas e à criação de espaços de encontros, debates e reflexão. É nosso dever recuperar o espaço público e decidir juntos o mundo que queremos.Tome a praça!!! Tome as ruas!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:ПризивНие сме възмутените, анонимните, тези без глас. Стояхме мълчаливи, но слушайки, наблюдавайки. Не за да гледаме нагоре, там където са тези които държат юздите на света, а за да погледнем встрани около нас, където сме всички ние, търсейки момента в които да се уединим.Не ни представляват партии, асоциации или синдикати. Нито пък искаме така да бъде, защото всеки сам представлява себе си. Опитваме се да мислим всички заедно как да създадем един свят в който хората и природата да бъдат над икономическите интереси. Искаме да измислим и построим най добрият от всички възможни светове. Заедно можем и ще го направим. Без страх.Първите искри пламнаха в арабските страни, където стотици хиляди хора превзеха улиците и площадите, напомняйки по този начин на техните правителства че те са истинската сила. След това бяха исландците, които излязоха на улицата за да се изразят и да решат бъдещето си, испанският народ не се забави да превземе площадите на квартали, села и градове. Сега пламъкът се разгаря из Франция, Гърция, Португалия, Италия и Турция, идва ехо от Америка и Азия и нови точки изникват всеки ден по цял свят. Ако проблемите са глобални, то революцията ще бъде глобална или няма да бъде. Време е да си възвърнем публичните места за да обсъдим и решим всички заедно бъдещето.Правим призив за #Globalrevolution на 19 юни. Привикваме към мирно окупиране на публичните площади и създаване на места за среща, обсъждане и размишление. Наш дълг е да си възвърнем публичното пространство и заедно да решим светът които желаем.Превземи площада!!! Превземи улиците!!!People of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: gli indignati, gli anonimi, i senza voce. Eravamo in silenzio, ma ascoltavamo, e osservavamo tutto. Ma non per guardare verso l'alto, dove ci sono quelli che guidano il mondo, ma intorno a noi, dove ci troviamo tutti e tutte; e stavamo aspettando il momento di unirci.Non ci rappresenta nessun partito, associazione o sindacato. E non vogliamo che sia cosí, perché ognuno rappresenta sé stesso. Vogliamo pensare tutti insieme a come creare un mondo dove le persone e la natura stiano al di sopra degli interessi economici. Vogliamo progettare e costruire il migliore dei mondi possibili. Insieme possiamo farlo, e lo faremo. Senza paura.Le prime scintille scoccarono nei paesi arabi, dove centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno occupato le piazze e le strade e hanno ricordato ai loro governi, che loro sono il vero potere. Dopodiché sono stati gli islandesi che scesero in strada per esprimersi e scegliere il proprio futuro; e poco dopo il popolo spagnolo ha occupato le piazze dei quartieri, dei paesi, delle cittá. Ora questo fuoco si estende rapidamente in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo, Italia e Turchia, mentre arrivano echi dall'America e dall'Asia e nuove fiamme si accendono dappertutto. Se i problemi sono globali, la rivoluzione o sará globale o non ci sará. É ora di riprenderci i nostri spazi pubblici per discutere sul nostro futuro tutti e tutte insieme.Il 19 giugno chiamiamo alla #Globalrevolution. incitiamo l' occupazione pacifica delle piazze pubbliche e la creazione di spazi di incontro, dibattito e riflessione. É nostro dovere recuperare gli spazi pubblici e decidere insieme che mondo vogliamo.Toma la plaza!!! Toma las calles!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:áborodottak, névtelenek és szótlanok vagyunk. Csöndben maradtunk, de figyeltünk. Nem azért, hogy felfele nézzünk, azokra, akik a fonalakat szövik, hanem azért, hogy oldalra figyeljünk, ahol mi vagyunk mindannyian és keressünk a pillanatot, hogy egyesüljünk.A pártok, egyesületek vagy szakszervezetek nem képviselnek minket. De valójában nem is akarjuk, hogy így legyen, hiszen mindenki csak saját magát tudja képviselni. Arról akarunk együtt gondolkodni, hogy miképp tudnánk egy olyat világot létrehozni, ahol az emberek és a természet a gazdasági érdekek felett áll. Létre akarjuk hozni a világok legjobbikát. Együtt meg tudjuk ezt tenni és meg fogjuk tenni. Félelem nélkül.Az első tüntetések az arab országokban voltak, ahol százezrek vonultak az utcákra, hogy emlékeztessék a kormányt, hogy valójában a népé a hatalom. Nem sokkal később az írek tüntettek azért, hogy maguk dönthessenek a jövőjükről és a spanyolok sem késlekedtek, hogy az utcákat és tereket birtokukba vagyék.Mostanra az elégedetlenség lángja gyorsan továbbterjedt más országokra is, úgy mint Franciaország, Görögország, Portugália, Olaszország és Törökország. És eközben kezd terjedni Latin-Amerikában és a világ más országaiban is. Ha a problémák globálisak, a forradalom is az lesz. A pillanat elérkezett, birtokba kell vennünk az utcákat és tereket, hogy beszélgessünk és együtt létrehozzuk a jövőt.Június 19-re tehát a #Globalrevolution-ra hívunk. Arra hívunk, hogy békésen foglaljuk el a köztereket, teremtsünk találkozási lehetőségeket és vitassuk meg a legfontosabb kérdéseket. A mi feladatunk, hogy visszaszerezzük a köztereinket és együtt eldöntsük, hogy milyen világot szeretnénk.Foglald el a tereket ! Foglald el az utcákat !People of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:Είμαστε οι αγανακτισμένοι, οι ανώνυμοι, οι άναυδοι. Ενώ ήμασταν σιωπηλοί ακούγαμε και παρατηρούσαμε Tους ανθρώπους. Δεν κοιτάζαμε όσους βρίσκονται πάνω μας, ασκώντας την παγκόσμια εξουσία, αλλα όλους όσους είναι διπλα μας, προσπαθώντας να βρίσκουμε τον τρόπο για να ενωθούμε όλοι μας.Δε μας αντιπροσωπεύουν ούτε κόμματα, ούτε σύνδεσμοι, ούτε συνδικάτα. Ούτε το θέλουμε, επειδή ο καθένας αντιπροσωπεύει τον εαυτό του. Θέλουμε να σκεφτούμε τον τρόπο με τον οποιο θα δημιουργήσουμε έναν νέο κόσμο, όπου αποδίδεται περισσότερη σημασία στον άνθρωπο και στην φύση παρα στα οικονομικά συμφέροντα.Οι ξεσηκωμοί άρχισαν στις Αραβικές χώρες όπου χιλιάδες άτομα κατέβηκαν στις πλατείες και στους δρόμους θυμίζοντας στους κυβερνώντες ότι ο λαός αποτελεί την πραγματική εξουσία. Ύστερα έκαναν το ίδιο οι Ισλανδοί, διαδηλώνοντας για να αποφασίσουν το μέλλον τους. Μετά, ο Ισπανικός λαός έσπευσε να κατεβει στις πλατείες των γειτονιών, των χωριων και των πόλεων. Τώρα η επανάσταση απλώνεται ραγδαία στην Γαλλία, στην Ελλάδα, στην Ιταλία και στην Τουρκια ενώ και στην Αμερική και στην Ασία έχουμε τα πρώτα σήματα της επανάστασης. Κάθε μέρα, σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος του κόσμου, ξεσπάει η οργή του λαου. Αφού τα προβλήματα αναλαμβάνουν μια παγκόσμια διάσταση, και η επανάσταση πρέπει να συμβεί σε όλο τον κόσμο. Αλλιώς, δε θα γίνει τίποτα. Τώρα πρέπει να ξανακερδίσουμε τους δημοσιους χώρους για να συζητήσουμε και να δημιουργήσουμε όλοι μας το μέλλον μας.Στις 19 Ιουνίου σας καλούμε στην παγκόσμια επανάσταση. Σας καλούμε να κατεβείτε ειρηνικά στις πλατείες και να δημιουργήσετε σημεία συνάντησης, συζήτησις και στοχασμού. Πρέπει να ξανακερδίσουμε τους δημοσιους χώρους και να αποφασίσουμε όλοι μαζί το μέλλον που θέλουμε. Κατέβα στις πλατείες, κατέβα στους δρόμους! Παγκόσμια επανάσταση. Λαοί του κόσμου, ξεσηκωθείτε.Take the square!!! Take the streets!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:私たちは無声匿名、義憤の人々です。サイレント証人の我々は無言で聞いて見つめていました。そうしても、世の中の手綱を保持している権力者を見上げるわけではなく、辺りを見回す我々は皆を団結する瞬間を探していました。政 党や組織や労働組合などは私たちの代弁をすることは出来ません。とにかくそんな事は欲しくない、なぜなら我々はそれぞれが自分自身の代表者であり、という わけでそれぞれの自分自身の代弁をしになったのです。人間や自然環境は経済的利益よりも優先される世界を作成するように方法を皆で考案したいと思います。我々はすべての可能な世界最高が作成するのが欲しいのです。共にし、皆一緒、何でも出来ます。恐れることなく。最 初の火花はアラブ諸国で点火した。何十万もの人々は、彼らが本当の力されていることが政府を思い出させるように通りや広場にかかった。次はアイスランド 人。自分自身を表現し、その将来を決定する街頭に出かけることになった。スペイン人は間も無く地区、町や都市の場所を取った。 今のところ、この自由や正義を求める自己決定の公民権運動は人々の心に熱狂を燃えたたせ、波のように フランス、ギリシャ、ポルトガル、イタリア、トルコ、ヨーロッパ 全体で高速を持って広がって、米州にもアジアにも、新しい外灯はどこにでも毎日点灯していく。問題はグローバルなので、必ずグローバルな大変革をしなけれ ばなりません。それは私たちの公共空間を取り戻し、共に審議し、未来を一緒にビルドまでの時間です。6月19日に#Globalrevolutionをするために呼び出します。我々は公共の場所の平和的占領をする ために呼び出し、討論や反射用の対話スペースを作成する求めからです。公共のスペースを取り戻すし、望む世界を一緒に決定する我々の義務です。広場を取ろう!!! 通りを取ろう!!!People of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: sind die Empörten, die Anonymen, die Stimmlosen. Wir waren da, ruhig aber aufmerksam, am beobachten. Nicht um nach oben zu schauen, wo andere die Zügel der Welt halten, sondern von den Seiten, wo wir den richtigen Moment gesucht haben um uns zu vereinen.Wir vertreten keine politischen Parteien, Verbände oder Gewerkschaften. Ebenso wenig wollen wir das, weil jeder sich selbst vertritt. Wir wollen zusammen eine Welt schaffen, wo die Menschen und die Natur an erster Stelle sind und nicht die wirtschaftlichen Interessen. Wir wollen die bestmögliche Welt schaffen. Gemeinsam können wir es und wir werden es tun. Ohne Angst.Die ersten Funken haben in den arabischen Ländern gesprüht, wo tausende Menschen auf den Straßen und Plätzen protestiert haben, um der Regierung daran zu erinnern, wo die Macht eigentlich liegt. Die nächsten waren die Isländer, die auf die Straßen gingen, um ihre Meinung zu sagen und über ihre Zukunft zu entscheiden Und es hat nicht lange gedauert, bis das spanische Volk Plätze in Städten und Gemeinden besetzt haben. Nun verbreitet sich diese Flame rasch auch über Frankreich, Griechenland, Portugal, Italien und der Türkei und es findet Anklang auch in Amerika und Asien, wo neue Demonstrationen überall ausbrechen. Nur eine globale Revolution kann globale Probleme bekämpfen. Es ist die Zeit gekommen, unsere öffentlichen Räume zurückzufordern, um zu diskutieren und um eine neue Zukunft zusammen zu schaffen.Das ist ein Aufruf für die #Globalrevolution am 19. Juni. Wir fordern die friedliche Besetzung von öffentlichen Plätzen und die Schaffung von Räumen für Dialog, Diskussion und Reflexion. Es ist unsere Pflicht, den öffentlichen Raum wieder zu besetzen und über die Welt zu entscheiden in der wir leben wollen.Besetzt die Plätze! Besetzt die Straßen!People of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: para la movilización del 19-JSomos l< at >s indignad< at >s, l< at >s anónim< at >s, l< at >s sinvoz. Estábamos en silencio pero a la escucha, observando. No para mirar hacia arriba, donde están l< at >s que llevan las riendas del mundo, sino a los lados, donde estamos todas y todos, buscando el momento de unirnos.No nos representan partidos, asociaciones o sindicatos. Tampoco queremos que así sea, porque cada cual se representa a sí mism< at >. Queremos pensar entre tod< at >s cómo crear un mundo donde las personas y la naturaleza estén por encima de intereses económicos. Queremos idear y construir el mejor de los mundos posibles. Junt< at >s podemos y lo haremos. Sin miedo.Las primeras chispas prendieron en los países árabes, donde cientos de miles de personas tomaron las plazas y calles recordando a sus gobiernos que ell< at >s son el verdadero poder. Luego fueron l< at >s islandeses quienes salieron a las calles para expresarse y decidir su futuro; el pueblo español no tardó en tomar las plazas de barrios, pueblos y ciudades. Ahora la mecha se extiende rápidamente por Francia, Grecia, Portugal, Italia y Turquía, mientras llegan ecos de América y Asia y nuevos focos aparecen cada día por doquier. Si los problemas son globales, la revolución será global o no será. Es hora de recuperar nuestros espacios públicos para debatir y construir entre todas y todos el futuro.El día 19 de junio llamamos a la #Globalrevolution. Llamamos a la ocupación pacífica de las plazas públicas y a la creación de espacios de encuentro, debate y reflexión. Es nuestro deber recuperar el espacio público y decidir junt< at >s el mundo que queremos.Toma la plaza!!! Toma las calles!!! #GlobalevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: gaude, ez dugu izenik, ez dugu hitzik. Isilik geunden, baina adi, begira. Ez gora begira, aldeetara baizik, guztiok gauden lekura, batzeko unearen zain.Ez gaitu inolako alderdirik, elkarterik edo sindikaturik ordezten, eta ez dugu halakorik nahi, nork bere burua ordezten baitu. Guztion artean, pertsonak eta izadia interes ekonomikoen gainetik egongo diren mundua nola sortu pentsatu nahi dugu. Ahalik eta mundurik onena sortu eta eraiki nahi dugu. Guztiok batera lor dezakegu eta lortuko dugu. Beldurrik gabe.Herrialde arabiarretan sortu ziren lehenengo txinpartak, ehun milaka lagunek, boterea herriarena dela bertako gobernuei gogorarazteko, plazak eta kaleak hartu zituztenean. Ondoren, islandiarrak kalera atera ziren bere ezinegona adierazteko eta bere etorkizuna erabakitzeko eta, handik gutxira, espainiar herriak auzo, herri eta hirietako plazak hartu zituen. Orain, ziztu bizian hedatzen ari da sugarra Frantzia, Grezia, Portugal, Italia eta Turkian barrena, Amerika eta Asiatik heltzen den oihartzuna aditu eta egunetik egunera foku berriak nonahi agertzen diren bitartean. Arazoak globalak badira, globala ere izan beharko du iraultzak, edo ez da gertatuko. Dagozkigun espazio publikoak berreskuratzeko garaia da, guztion artean etorkizuna eztabaidatu eta eraikitzeko.Ekainaren 19an #Globalrevolution. iraultza egiteko deialdia zabaltzen dugu. Plaza publikoak modu baketsuan hartzera eta topaketa, eztabaida eta gogoetarako lekuak sortzera deitzen zaituztegu, espazio publikoa berreskuratzea eta nahi dugun mundua erabakitzea gure eginkizuna baita.Har ezazu plaza!!! Har itzazu kaleak!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: per a la mobilització de el 19-J.Som els indignats i les indignades, els anònims i les anonimes, els i les sinveu. Estàvem en silenci però a l'escolta, observant. No per a mirar cap amunt, on estan els i les que governen el món, sinó als costats, on estem totes i tots, cercant el moment d'unir-nos. No ens representen partits, associacions o sindicats. Tampoc volem que així siga, perquè cadascú es representa a si mateix. Volem pensar entre tots i totes com crear un món on les persones i la naturalesa estiguen per sobre d'interessos econòmics. Volem idear i construir el millor dels mons possibles. Junts i juntes podem i ho farem. Sense por. Les primeres espurnes es van prendre en els països àrabs, on centenars de milers de persones van prendre les places i carrers recordant als seus governs que ells i elles són el veritable poder. Després van ser els islandesos i les istandeses qui van eixir als carrers per a expressar-se i decidir el seu futur; el poble espanyol no va tardar a prendre les places de barris, pobles i ciutats. Ara la metxa s'estén ràpidament per França, Grècia, Portugal, Itàlia i Turquia, mentre arriben ecos d'Amèrica i Àsia i nous focus apareixen cada dia per onsevulla. Si els problemes són globals, la revolució serà global o no serà. És hora de recuperar els nostres espais públics per a debatre i construir entre totes i tots el futur. El dia 19 de juny cridem a la #Globalrevolution. Cridem a l'ocupació pacífica de les places públiques i a la creació d'espais de trobada, debat i reflexió. És el nostre deure recuperar l'espai públic i decidir junts i juntes el món que volem. Pren la plaça!!! Pren els carrers!!! #Globalevolution+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions: os indignados, os anónimos, os que non temos voz. Estabamos en silencio, pero á escoita, observando. Non para mirar cara arriba, onde están os que levan as rendas do mundo, senón cara aos lados, onde estamos todas e todos, buscando o momento de unirnos.Non nos representan partidos, asociacións nin sindicatos. E tampouco queremos que nos representen, porque cada un se representa a si mesmo. Queremos pensar entre todos e todas como crear un mundo onde as persoas e a natureza estean por enriba dos intereses económicos. Queremos idear e construír o mellor dos mundos posibles. Xuntos podemos, e farémolo. Sen medo.As primeiras chispas saltaron nos países árabes, onde centos de miles de persoas tomaron as prazas e rúas lembrando aos seus gobernos que eles son o verdadeiro poder. Logo foron os islandeses quen saíron ás rúas para expresarse e decidir o seu futuro; o pobo español non tardou en tomar as prazas de barrios, vilas e cidades. Agora a chama esténdese rapidamente por Francia, Grecia, Portugal, Italia e Turquía, mentres chegan ecos de América e Asia e cada día aparecen novos focos en distintas partes do mundo. Se os problemas son globais, a revolución será global ou non será. É hora de recuperar os nosos espazos públicos para debater e construír entre todas e todos o futuro.O día 19 de xuño chamamos á #Globalrevolution. Chamamos á ocupación pacífica das prazas públicas e á creación de espazos de encontro, debate e reflexión. É o noso deber recuperar o espazo público e decidir xuntos o mundo que queremos.Toma a praza!!! Toma as rúas!!! #GlobalrevolutionPeople of the World, rise up!!!+ Infos: squares< at >< at >takethesquareMap of actions:«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·»«·´¨*·¸¸« Mayo Fuster Morell ».¸.·*¨`·»«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»Research Digital Commons Governance: http://www.onlinecreation.infoPh.D European University InstitutePostdoctoral Researcher. Institute of Govern and Public Policies. Autonomous University of Barcelona.Visiting scholar. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute. Open University of Catalonia (UOC).Visiting researcher (2008). School of information. University of California, Berkeley.Member Research Committee. Wikimedia Foundationhttp://www.onlinecreation.infoE-mail: mayo.fuster< at >eui.euSkype: mayonetiPhone Spanish State: 0034-648877748# distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission# <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,# collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets# more info: archive: contact: nettime< at >