Public Receptors: Beneath the Skin — A Textile Installation by Gabi Schillig :: April 2-17, 2009 :: Opening Reception: April 2; 6:30 pm :: Van Alen Institute, 30 West 22nd Street, New York City.Van Alen Institute is pleased to announce Public Receptors: Beneath the Skin, a textile installation by New York Prize Fellow Gabi Schillig, [...]
Asia Art Archive presents As Transient as a Whale by Raqs Media Collective :: March 26, 2009; 6:30 - 8:00 pm :: :: Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.Hong Kong has had two curious visitors in this month, a lost humpbacked whale on a detour and the Raqs Media [...]
Upgrade! São Paulo: Internet 2.0 & 3.0 and the Culture of Mobility by Lucia Santaella :: April 4, 2009; 10:00 am :: Ateliê Unicentro Belas Artes de São Paulo, R. Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 76 - Vila Mariana.Lucia Santaella is full professor at São Paulo Catholic University (PUCSP), PhD in Literary Theory (1973-PUCSP) and Livre-docente in [...]
Video Games, in Search of a Warp Zone by Eryk Salvaggio: The birth of modern gaming probably began in 1968, the launch date for the Magnavox Odyssey video game system. It wasn’t the first video game, but it was the first video game console capable of supporting a library of external software. It launched the [...]
This demo — from Pattie Maes’ lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry — was the buzz of TED. It’s a device that enables a profound, data-rich interaction with our environment. Imagine “Minority Report” and then some.
20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he’s building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together.
Pace Digital Gallery is pleased to present Turbulence@ PaceDigitalGallery, an exhibition premiering 3 works commissioned by :: April 7 - May 1, 2008 :: Reception: April 7, 5:00 - 7:00 pm :: 163 William Street, New York City.Hard Data — by R. Luke DuBois — is a data-mining, sonification, and visualization project that uses [...]
RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting with Lucas Bambozzi, Vaginal Davis, Janez Jan a, Janez Jan a, Janez Jan a, Eva and Franco Mattes (aka 0100101110101101.ORG), SilentCell Network (Mare Bulc, Janez Jan a, Bojana Kunst, Igor Stromajer); curated by Domenico Quaranta :: March 25 - April 17, 2009 :: Book Launch and Opening: March 25, 2009; 7:00 [...]
[Image: Jeremy Wood, The World’s biggest ‘IF’] Last week-end saw one the busiest day at the Kinetica Artfair in London, featuring over 150 exhibiting artists working at the cross-roads of sound / light art, computer art and interactive sculpture, and an extensive programme of related talks. One of them was given by Jeremy Wood, whose [...]
The Museum of Broken Relationships, founded in Croatia by Olinka Vištica and Drazen Grubišić, is dedicated to broken hearts. It proceeds from the assumption that objects possess integrated fields - ‘holograms’ of memories and emotions - and intends with its layout to create a space of ‘secure memory’ or ‘protected remembrance’ in order to preserve [...]
Algorithmia :: until March 28, 2009 :: Root Division, 3175 17th Street (at South Van Ness & Shotwell), San Francisco and online.According to the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, “algorithm” is defined as Any particular procedure for solving a certain type of problem. Just as the algorithms of nature constantly work in [...]
Falling Times by Michael Bielicky and Kamila B. Richter, in collaboration with Dirk Reinbold :: March 20–April 10, 2009 :: Opening: March 20, 6–8 pm :: Czech Center New York, Bohemian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, New York, NY.Falling Times is a real-time news translation machine representing permanently appearing and disappearing information about our [...]
White Box Testing by Ed Halter, Rhizome — Addressing the American Association of Museums in 1941, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, then curator at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, put forth a fundamental question: “What is an Art Museum for?” He proposes that the answer is contained in the term “curator,” which implies [...]
IV MOBILEFEST 2009 - International Festival of Mobile Art and Creativity :: September 17-28, 2009 :: Sao Paulo, Brazil :: Call for Papers, Projects, Prototypes and Products — Deadline: June 15, 2009.THEME: How can mobile technology contribute to democracy, culture, art, ecology, peace, education, health and the third-sector?KEY WORDS: 3g, mobile applications, interactive architecture, electronic [...]
Bodies of the Future :: April 15, 2009; 7:00 - 8:00 pm :: The Hub, Castle Hill, Edinburgh.Edinburgh Napier University is bringing Stelarc, and his implanted, wifi enabled “third” ear, to the Edinburgh International Science Festival. Stelarc is an Australian-based performance artist whose work explores and extends the concept of the body and its relationship [...]
Upgrade! Berlin: jonCates :: March 21, 2009; 8:00 pm :: Art Claims Impulse, Lübbener Str. 5, 10997 Berlin.jonCates makes, organizes and teaches experimental New Media Art. His projects have been presented internationally at various events in locations such as Beijing, Madrid and Mexico City; nationally in Chicago, New York and Boston and are widely distributed [...]
Over the Limbo — by Chiara Passa (2009) — is an interactive one‐screen video installation. The artwork aims to connect and merge the virtual world of Second Life with the real world. The installation transforms a tangible atmosphere into a ‘limbo’ where the viewer’s social identity is in question. In fact, the spectators can share [...]
Tag Ties & Affective Spies — a critical approach on the social media of our times.The social web, commonly known as web 2.0, resembles a mixture of promises and contradictions that refer directly to its main components, those of sociality and participation. In the new public spaces of the contemporary info-sphere such as those of [...]
Time Batteries presented by David Joselit :: April 8, 2009; 7:30 pm :: Light Industry, 220 36th Street, 5th Floor, Brooklyn, New York.Data storage is one of our fundamental economic, political and historical challenges. Data is collected from us whenever we click, charge, or swipe — it helps politicians decide who “we” are and what [...]
Curating and Activism: An International Panel an Conversation :: March 28, 2009l; 9:30 am - 4:30 pm :: Moore College of Art and Design, 20th Street and The Parkway, Philadelphia, PA.The Galleries at Moore in conjunction with Moore College of Art and Design’s BFA in Curatorial Studies present Curating and Activism, the fourth in an [...]