VisualcontainerTV - Electronic and Sensitive :: March 18 - 31, 2009.Electronic and Sensitive includes records, video performances and other works which, though not clearly framed within the category of art-action, reflect a deep anchorage in the performatic sphere. It is an attempt to reveal the presence of the body that is trapped and mediatized by [...]
DNA Nanotechnology and the Molecular Revolution — A talk by Phil Lukeman and Paul Rothemund :: March 14, 2009; 8:00 pm :: Machine Project, 1200 D North Alvarado, Los Angeles, CA.DNA isn’t just for sex determination and solving terrible crimes. Phil Lukeman and Paul Rothemund will tell you about how scientists and engineers are using [...]
We are excited to announce the launch of Vague Terrain 13: citySCENE, the latest edition of our online digital arts publication. Curated by Greg J. Smith, the issue indexes a wide range of strategies for representing and visualizing urban space. Drawing on the collective talent of an international pool of new media artists and scholars, [...]
Intimate Simulations with Susy Bielak, Dream Addictive Lab, Elle Mehrmand, Zac Montanaro, Priscilla Lazaro Rabago (curated by Katherine Sweetman, Micha Cardenas and Felipe Zuqiga) :: March 14, 2009; 7:00 - 9:00 pm :: Lui Velazquez, Jose Maria Larroque 271-2nd floor, Colonia Federal, Tijuana, Baja California, México.Lui Velazquez, a space for transborder, transdisciplinary dialog and art [...]
Paralelo: Technology & Environment — A Meeting Point For Artists, Designers & Researchers :: March 29 - April 2, 2009 :: Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS), Avenida Europa, 158, Jardim Europa, CEP 01449-000, São Paulo, Brazil.PARALELO is a unique five day project - workshops, symposia and live events. It brings together artists and [...]
Upgrade! Boston: Ursula Endlicher :: March 17, 2009; 7:00 - 9:00 pm :: Massachusetts College of Art and Design [map] Follow the signs posted on the outside of the Tower Building (black glass) [Green Line Train "E"].Ursula Endlicher’s work resides on the intersection of Internet, performance and multi-media installation. Since 1994 the Internet has an [...]
Videonale 12: Festival of Contemporary Video Art :: Symposium: March 26 -28, 2009 :: Exhibition: March 26 - April 26 :: iKunstmuseum Bonn.Symposium Day One: Video Art and the Internet: The Future of the Moving Picture: — With YouTube, a true renaissance of the short video has begun. Young artists have for some time [...]
Brown University Literary Arts Program presents Mark Jeffery and Judd Morrissey — a collaboration merging performance and digital literary practices :: March 13 - March 20, 2009 :: They will present The Last Performance at Pembroke Hall, Room 305 on March 14 at 7pm. They will then take up a six-day residency at Firehouse 13 [...]
V2_Events: Test_Lab: Artistic Interfaces :: March 12, 2009; 8:00 pm :: V2_ Ground floor, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam and Streamed Live.In this edition of Test_Lab, the outcome of artistic experiments in (counter-) intuitive Artistic Interfaces will be elaborated upon by interaction maker and researcher Kristina Andersen. While designers aim to advance interfaces to more intuitive use, [...]
Rosa B n°2: Pop ! Oblique Strategies — Guest Chief Editor: Yann Chateigné Tytelman :: Presentation of Rosa B n°2 and Party :: March 13, 2009; 7:00 pm :: Palais de Tokyo, 13, avenue du Président Wilson, F - 75116 Paris.Co-edited by the CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art and the Bordeaux Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Rosa [...]
It Is What It Is: Conversations About Iraq — Featuring Jeremy Deller, Nato Thompson, Esam Pasha, and Jonathan Harvey in conversation :: March 28, 2009; 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (5th and Arch Street, in front of the National Constitution Center); 6:30 - 8:00 pm (Slought Foundation).Creative Time and the New Museum present It Is [...]
SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana presents SEMINAR FOR WRITING Workshop No.3 — Andreas Broeckmann: Which History for ‘Socalled Media Art’? :: March 20-21, 2009 :: SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana :: Call for Participation — Application Deadline: March 15, 2009.The workshop will discuss the notion of “media art” through a number of examples of [...]
Upgrade! Paris Issue #2 :: Upgrade! Paris celebrates its third anniversary! At this occasion organizes with editions MF and RYbN collective, in October 2009 the Upgrade! special issue event which aims to bring together in a week-end installations, video projections, performances, lectures, with artists, curators, researchers, theoreticians… from local and international scenes, around the [...]
This year, Kurye International Video Festival will take place under its own name and with its new structure at Aksanat between June 2-12. Over the past three years, Kargart International Video Festival featured more than 200 videos by 23 artists from 23 countries under the management and content supervision of Kurye Video Organization. Kurye has [...]
Responsive Environments: Architecture, Technology and the Senses :: March 27-28, 2009 ::Université de Montréal, École d’architecture, Pavillon de la Faculté de l’aménagement, 2940 ch. Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal QC, Amphithéâtre 3110. Nestled in geodesic domes, the members of the 1960s utopian communities, their minds chemically expanded, surrounded by stroboscopic lights, projections, loud music and perfumed incense, attempted [...]
INTERACTIVOS? LIMA’09: MAGIC & TECHNOLOGY - “Rainbows” Call for Collaborators and Open Call for Collaborators.Rainbows was selected by Medialab Prado for a residency in Lima, Peru in April. I (Kyd Campbell) will travel to Lima and I look for technical and creative collaborators for this project who can also join me in Peru. You can [...]
Stock Overflow: Recontextualising the Crisis — Exhibition & Talks :: March 12-31, 2009 :: Opening: March 12; 6:00 pm with lectures by Geert Lovink and Florian Schneider @ 7:00 pm :: iMAL Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, 30 Quai des Charbonnages, Koolmijnenkaai 30, 1080 Brussels.Stock Overflow is an operation proposed by RYBN to recontextualize [...]
Cyberculture and New Media, edited by Francisco J. Ricardo, Amsterdam/ New York, NY 2009.In the extension of digital media from optional means to central site of activity, the domains of language, art, learning, play, film, and politics have been subject to radical reconfigurations as mediating structures. This book examines how this changed relationship has in [...]
Winter Camp gathering shows the value of channels between free software project\ s and their constituents by Andy Oram“Last week I was privileged (mining that term for its multiple connotations) to engage with 150 other people in a unique and moving set of experiences at an event called Winter Camp. My first impressions, [...]
Turbulence Commission: Eclipse by EcoArtTech — Eclipse is a user driven, networked-art application that alters and corrupts United States national and state park images from based on the real-time Air Quality Index (particle pollution data) provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) at the site“We visit national parks to get away [...]