corps_checker by Wayne Clements: As a service to the artworld, in a time of considerable uncertainty, corps_checker anxiously takes the pulse of the business benefactor.corps_checker is a response to the credit crunch and the promises of the creative economy. A script running on the arnolfini server tests the state of corporate sponsorship by ‘pinging’ the [...]
Becoming Dragon, a mixed reality, durational performance by Micha Cárdenas in Second Life and at Calit2 :: Beginning December 1, 2008; 7:00 pm; runs for 365 hours :: The Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA), Atkinson Hall, Visiting Artist Lab #1613, University of California San Diego.Becoming Dragon questions the one year requirement [...]
[Image: Blast Theory's Day of the Figurines] “A short exploration around visions and practices of networked performance, looking at issues of the cybernetic stage and of presence as doubt. Networked Performance & Cybertheaters: Through the ’found’ [1] term Cybertheaters I aim to describe an emergent, transdisciplinary genre of networked performances which, ontologically, exist as hybrids [...]
Blast Theory’s Can You See Me Now? :; November 20; 4:00 - 7:00 pm + 21; 4:00 - 7:00 pm + 22; 11:00 am - 2:00 pm; festival, Belo Horizonte, Brazil :: PLAY ONLINE!Can You See Me Now? is a chase game played online and on the streets. Players are dropped at [...]
V2_Institute for Unstable Media: Soft Technology Artist-in-Residence :: January 15 - April 15, 2009 :: Call for Proposals - Deadline: December 7, 2008 :: Download Application Form.V2_Lab has an extensive history in the field of wearable technology. In recent years, we have carried out various aRt&D projects in collaboration with various artists and universities. [...]
International Guerrilla Video Festival :: February 19-20, 2009 :; Dublin :: Open Call - Deadline: January 23, 2009.The International Guerrilla Video Festival (IGVFest) is a mobile festival integrating video art with the urban and social environment. The festival removes the technologically complex medium of video out of the institutional situation re-positioning it as open and [...]
What Was Old is New Again - A Meeting of Art and Scholarship :: November 21-23, 2008 :: Symposium at the ZKM_Lecture Hall, Karlsruhe, Germany.Every religion, political ideology, philosophy, and scientific theory embodies a set of structured beliefs. These belief systems maintain a symbiotic liaison with the arts. Throughout history, communal beliefs have relied on [...]
Nuclear: art & radioactivity - New commissions by Chris Oakley and Simon Hollington & Kypros Kyprianou :: until November 30, 2008 :: Nicholls and Clarke Building, 3-10 Shoreditch High Street, Spitalfields, London :: Nuclear Forum - November 28, 2008; 10 am - 6 pm :: The Royal Society of Arts (RSA), 8 John Adam Street, [...]
Collaborative Online Video :: November 17-23, 2008 :: Brussels.The workshop consists on the one hand of a series of hands on exercises in open source encoding, sharing (P2P) video, distributed editing and Content Management Systems for video sharing and archiving, and on the other hand of a series of evening presentations focusing on inventive practices [...]
Offer & Exchange: Sites of Negotiation in Contemporary Art :: First Exhibition: Carey Young – Mutual Release :: November 20 – December 15, 2008 :: Thomas Dane Project Space.Offer & Exchange: Sites of Negotiation in Contemporary Art — curated by Daniel McClean and Lisa Rosendahl — is a series of site-specific commissions exploring the [...]
Actions of Transfer: Women’s Performance in the Americas :: November 20-23, 2008 :: University of California, Los Angeles.This four-day event — co-sponsored by the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics and presented by The UCLA Center for Performance Studies — will include performances and invited speakers along with round table discussions and workshops. It brings [...]
haudenschildGarage, Spare Parts Presents A Crime Has Many Stories - The shortest distance between two points is never a straight line :: November 29, 2008 :: Buenos Aires, Argentina.A multidisciplinary, one-day event with Ricardo Piglia, Washington Cucurto, Roberto Jacoby, Fernanda Laguna, Rosalba Mirabella, Eloisa Haudenschild, Steve Fagin, Alejandro Ruiz, Monica Jovanovich, Judi Werthein, Sonia Becce [...]
Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art) - A Juried International Competition :: Call for Proposals - Deadline: December 15, 2008Five writers will be commissioned to develop chapters for a networked book about networked art. The chapters will be open for revision, commentary, and translation by online collaborators. Each commissioned writer will receive $3,000 (US).Project Committee: Steve [...]
Re:live - Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology :: November 26-29, 2009 :: Melbourne, Australia :: Call For Papers – Deadline: December 19, 2008.UPDATE: Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Stelarc and Zhang Ga. There are a number of events happening prior to the commencement of the Re:live conference which will make [...]
Algorithmic Art - A group exhibition of art works that are mathematical, computational, or generative in nature; Featuring works by: Larry Alice, Richard Harrington, Daniel Hirschman, Tristan Perich, Sean Riley, Jeremy Rotsztain, Daniel Shiffman, and Demetrie Tyler :: November 22, 2008 – January 10th 2009 :: Opening: November 22; 5:30 - 8:30 pm :: Greylock [...]
Turbulence Artists’ Studios: Reflection (hope and reconciliation) by Michael Takeo Magruder [Needs Internet browser with Flash 9+ plugin and stereo audio. 512+ kb/s connection recommended]Pervasive mass-media in the information age offers us a continuous stream of mediated realities. Countless events of varying and often questionable significance emerge as scrolling columns of headline news and then [...]
OneAvatar was shown at the third edition of the Milano in Digitale event. An installation featuring a 3D game in which players could shoot the OneAvatar character, causing electric shocks to hit the body of the player wearing the OneAvatar suit, creating a physical connection between our physical bodies and our identities in the digital [...]
Turbulence Commission: Bronx Rhymes by Claudia Bernett and Maria Ioveva: Bronx Rhymes illuminates the history and significance of Hip Hop in the Bronx by tagging important locations for Hip Hop (1520 Sedgwick, for example) with posters. Each poster describes the historical significance of that location in the form of a rhyme, and invites people walking [...]
9 Scripts from a Nation at War - A collaboration between Sharon Hayes, Ashley Hunt, Katya Sander, David Thorne and Andrea Geyer :: November 22, 2008 - January 18, 2009 :: Opening Reception: November 21; 6-9 pm :: Artists’ Roundtable Discussion: November 22; 2 pm :: Public Reading: Combatant Status Review Tribunals, pp. 002954-003064 - [...]
Civilmedia 08: Cultures – Participation – Dialogue :: December 4 – 6, 2008 :: Jugend-und Familiengästehaus Nonntal, Josef-Preis-Allee 14, Salzburg :: UnConference Call for Participation.The Civilmedia will be a landmark at the end of the “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008”. In bringing together international and national alternative media practitioners, researchers, policy makers, activists, and [...]