The Atlas of Cyberspace, by Martin Dodge and Rob Kitchin, is the first comprehensive book to explore the spatial and visual nature of cyberspace and its infrastructure. The full content of the book now available for free download as a pdf.It uses a user-friendly, approachable style to examine why cyberspace is being mapped and what [...]
“… In the light of the issue of the Millennium Development Goals, Visual Foreign Correspondents asked the Korean duo Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries for their contribution. They decided to show a remake of the work Morning of the Mongloids. Based in Seoul, South Korea, Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries, composed of the Korean Young-hae Chang and [...]
Upgrade! São Paulo: Todd Lester - freeDimensional Network-in-Residence @ Casa das Caldeiras :: November 8, 2008, 10:00 am @ i-People: Av Vergueiro 727, next to the Vergueiro Subway Station.freeDimensional (fD) is a platform of collaboration linking resources in the art world to human rights activism globally. For 2009 the offices of freeDimensional will be hosted [...] is an open resource designed to connect knowledge, ideas and experiences among artists, organisations and people interested in this area. It aims to be an accessible and useful shared tool for those who use, or seek to use, creative technologies to work with people and / or realise public work. If this sounds like [...]
CineGrid is an international research initiative that was established to promote research, development and deployment of new distributed applications of ultra-high performance digital media (sound and picture) over advanced networks, using Grid computing technologies for networked collaboration. The CineGrid project will combine the state-of-the-art visual and audio recording technologies along with high-speed photonic networks and [...]
Amsterdam India Festival presents City Ragas :: November 8, 15, 22 and 29; 9:30 am and 11:30 am :: Nieuwmarkt Square, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Delhi, India.City Ragas will be played in both cities simultaneously. Using a custom-designed application for mobile phones, players can work on a visual story that send them on a [...]
Sheldon Brown’s Scalable City :: October 23 - December 15, 2008 :: Opening: October 23, 6-8 pm :: gallery@calit2, 1st Floor, Atkinson Hall, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA [Map & Directions] :: RSVP Trish Stone, tstone [at] City has appeared in multiple forms since its premiere as an [...]
Sentient Creatures presents: Bio-Art - Joe Davis and Robert Zwijnenberg :: October 29, 2008; 8 - 10 pm :: Anatomickal Theatre, Waag Building, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam and online (stream: third Sentient Creatures series, organized by artist Graham Smith, begins with an evening dedicated to Bio-Art, a new genre that combines art and [...]
DANCE2008 Festival presents forest 2 - another midsummer night’s dream (Interactive Installation / 5 Live-Interventions) by Chris Ziegler :: Opening: November 7, 6:00 pm :: Live-Intervention: I - 6:40 pm; II - 7:40 pm :: November 8; 4 - 9 pm :: Live-Intervention: III - 6:40 pm; IV - 7:40 pm; V - 8.40 pm [...]
theanyspacewhatever :: October 24, 2008 - January 7, 2009 :: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 5th Ave (at 89th St), New York, NY.Originating with a desire to present a contemporary group exhibition that would capture the spirit of the art that emerged during the early 1990s, this presentation has evolved into a collaborative venture among [...]
Going Public’06 - Atlante Mediterraneo :: October 23, 2008; 6.00 pm :: aMAZElab @ Fabbrica del Vapore, Via Procaccini 4, Milan, Italy.Today, in the frame of the Symposium ‘Isolario’ at Fabbrica del Vapore Milano, Claudia Zanfi, director of aMAZElab, will talk about the project concept and the book GOING PUBLIC ‘06, Atlante Mediterraneo. GOING PUBLIC [...]
Data Forensics (In the Landscape): A practical workshop with Martin Howse and Julian Oliver :: November 6-8, 2008; 10 am - 5 pm :: Atelier Nord, Wergelandsveien 17, Oslo (Kunstnernes Hus) :: Application Deadline: October 23, 2008 :: Participation is 500 NOK :: The workshop will be held in English.With an emphasis on the active [...]
UCLA ART|SCI Center + Lab presents an installation + workshop with Philip Beesley and Hayley Isaacs, part of the Symposium Body Art Disease :: Call for Workshop Participants!ENDOTHELIUM — installation by Philip Beesley and Hayley Isaacs — is a hybrid lattice topography that will be assembled during Symposium. The work will be composed of a [...]
(curating) interference (annette finnsdottir, carlos katastrofsky) :: Exhibition Announcement & Call for Participation :: October - December, 2008 :: Spanien 19C, Aarhus; Mikrogalleriet, Copenhagen; and netfilmmakers (online).The aim of the project is to discuss the working methods and the task of a curator within a networked environment. Curating on the internet is a working process [...]
At the Edges of Vision - A Phenomenological Aesthetics of Contemporary Spectatorship by Renée van de Vall: In At the Edges of Vision, Renée van de Vall re-examines the aesthetics of spectatorship in terms of new-media art and visual culture. The aesthetic experience of visual art has traditionally been described in terms of the distanced [...]
Untitled: Speculations on the Expanded Field of Writing :: October 24-25, 2008 :: REDCAT, 631 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA.REDCAT and CalArts present the fifth annual series of experimental writing conferences at REDCAT. Untitled: Speculations on the Expanded Field of Writing is a two-day conversation about writing which, in some manner, exceeds the printed [...]
ARTECH 2008 - Nas Fronteiras do Imagin rio / 4th International Conference on Digital Arts :: November 7-8, 2008 :: Portuguese Catholic University, Porto.Artech 2008 is the fourth international workshop held in Portugal and Galicia on the topic of Digital Arts. It aims to promote contacts between Iberian and International contributors concerned with the conception, [...]
This Is Not A Gateway Festival presents SURVEYING SURVEILLANCE: What and whom is surveillance for? :: October 26, 2008; 11:00 am - 5:00 pm :: The Vortex, 3 Bradbury Street, Dalston, London.Alex Haw (atmos) will be chairing a major multidisciplinary discussion between various surveillance experts interrogating the purpose and spatial significance of surveillance technologies. The [...]
Sugoroku by Marc Veyrat :: Saint Étienne International Design Biennial :: November 15-30, 2008 :: Saint Étienne, France.Sugoroku proposes an exploration of the town in the form of a game that combines walking in the city with new technologies. Sugoroku is an event intended to combine the real world with virtual ones and explore the [...]
From October 21, 2008 to April 5, 2009, The Dadameter — by Christophe Bruno (with Programming by Valeriu Lacatusu) — will be exhibited at the online virtual space of the Jeu de Paume in Paris - part of Programmation Satellite, curated by María Inés Rodríguez.Global index of the decay of the aura of language, The [...]