The Politics of Visibility: Mediating the Global, Local and the In-between :: November 4, 2011 :: Parasol Unit, 14 Wharf Road, London, N1 7RW, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.A collaboration between Parasol Unit Foundation for Contemporary Art and City University London, The Politics of Visibility: Mediating the Global, Local and the In-between [...]
Data/Fields: Artists Explore the Flow and Transfer of Sensory Data :: September 22 - November 27, 2011 :: Opening Reception: September 23; 7:00 - 10:00 pm :: Gallery Talk: September 26; 12:30 pm :: Artisphere, 1101 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia.Internationally renowned sound artist RICHARD CHARTIER brings together a celebrated group of international artists for Data/Fields, [...]
e-flux journal issue no. 27: Alternative Economies:We can now say with some certainty that one advantage of the Cold War was that it placed many of the complexities and contradictions of economic problems within a clear and singular binary between capitalism and communism. On top of that, arguments in favor of one or the other [...]
The Avant-garde: Specters of the Nineties :: until November 20, 2011 :: Marres-Centre for contemporary culture, Capucijnenstraat 98, 6211 RT Maastricht, The Netherlands.Within the long-term program covering the avant-garde, Marres presents Specters of the Nineties, an exhibition that looks at the last decade of the 20th century through a selection of art works made in [...]
Pera pARkours is a work-in-progress that uses Augmented Reality (Layar) to re/dis/locate fragments from the archive of the interactive cross-media project CoffeeDeposits:::Topologies of Chance — a project by Tina Bastajian and Seda Manavoglu — into public space. These locative “post-scripts” explore a small radius in the Pera/Galata vicinity to uncover disparate narratives weaving both fictive [...]
Manfred Mohr: 1964–2011, Réflexions sur une esthétique programmée :: until October 15, 2011 :: bitforms gallery nyc, 529 West 20th Street, New York City.It was May 11, 1971 when the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris opened the influential exhibition “Computer Graphics - Une Esthétique Programmée”. A solo exhibition by Manfred Mohr, it [...]
UpStage Performances: make-shift — September 20, 2011; 7:30 pm (UK), 9:30 pm (Turkey), and online (find your local time here) + The Net & the Butterfly — September 26, 2011, online + Vienna (details below).make-shift is a unique and intimate networked performance that speaks about the fragile connectivity of human and ecological relationships. The performance [...]
A Little Less Conversation: A conference about exhibiting contemporary performance :: October 1, 2011; 1:30 - 4:30 pm :: de Appel arts centre, Auditorium, Temporary Stedelijk 2, Amsterdam :: Reservations required through reservations [at] Little Less Conversation will question, in an unusual and dynamic fashion, how contemporary performance art is exhibited. Ephemeral and immaterial [...]
Intact Workshop — Teleshared Actions. Connection and Cognition :: September 23-25, 2011; 10:00 am - 7:00 pm :: Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industria, Gijón, Spain — In collaboration for remote connection:, Barcelona, España.Teleshared actions are procedures for collaborative creation in real time. The works are produced online between two or more users [...]
Since January 1, 2011, interface Artist Johannes P Osterhoff has been publishing all of his search queries with Google in a One-year Performance piece called Google [related]. The term One-year Performance has been coined in the 1970s by performance artist Tehching Hsieh. Of his own free will, Hsieh spent one year captured in a cage, [...]
LAb[au] is presenting: Particle Synthesis @ Experience Space a group exhibition with Aram Bartholl, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignnoneau, John F. Simon, Lynn Hershman Leeson, LAb[au], Marius Watz, Evan Roth, Nicole Nickel :: September 20 - December 11, 2011 :: [DAM]Berlin gallery, Neue-Jakob-Str. 6/7, D-10179 Berlin, Germany.Particle synthesis is an installation based on an autonomous, [...]
Third Hand Plays: “automatype” by Daniel C. Howe by Brian Stefans:Daniel C. Howe, like joerg piringer and Erik Loyer, can be described as both an artist and a researcher. His homepage lists a number of projects, many in progress, some merely sketches, bu he doesn’t make any clear division between research and art, not [...]
Digital Futures of Dance presents Mass Mobile App: Responsive Smartphone Performance: project by Jonah Bokaer (US); performed and introduced by Adam Weinert:Mass Mobile App is an interactive platform for audience members to participate and influence live performance. Dancer Adam Weinert responds to live data transmitted by the audience through their smart phones and through live [...]
[September 11, 1977 -- Dancer Nancy Lewis, left, at the Battery City Park Landfill, New York, interacting via CTS satellite with dancer Margaret Fisher in San Francisco. Photo: Gwenn Thomas.] Send Receive Satellite Network 1977: The first interactive satellite transmission organized by artists:In 1975 Keith Sonnier submitted a preliminary request to NASA to do an [...]
Antidatamining VIII: Trading Robot Performance by RYBN — a panoptic installation in The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989 @ ZKM :: September 17, 2011 - February 5, 2012.Engaging finance in its most recent and complex developments, RYBN has undertaken the construction of its own amateur trading bot, designed to invest and speculate on the [...]
Pulse by Markus Kison is a real time visualization of emotional expressions from blogs.Entries are compared to a list of emotions, which refers to Robert Plutchik’s seminal book Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion published in 1980. Plutchik describes eight basic human emotions in his book: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. He developed [...]
Netscapes — by Garrett Lynch — is an automated application which uses live feeds from networked webcams to create combined and imagined landscape compositions, networked landscapes. The application does this by employing a technique called web scraping where data is retrieved from websites and presented elsewhere. Web scraping exists in a number of contexts on [...]
Powers of the Hoard: Artistry and Agency in a World of Vibrant Matter by Jane Bennett :: September 13, 2011; 6:30 pm :: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor, New York City.How can objects sometimes be vibrant things with an effective presence independent of the words, images, [...]
Blowup: The Era of Objects with Julian Bleecker (Nokia, Near Future Laboratory), Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (Really Interesting Group), and Anab Jain (Superflux) in an exploration of speculative design :: September 29, 2011; 8:00 -11:00 pm :: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam + streamed live.We are rapidly entering (and perhaps even have already entered) an era where we [...]
Dérive @ Espace [im] média by François Quévillon :: until September 18, 2011 :: Outdoor interactive projection near the Marché the la Gare, 720 Place de la Gare, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1H 0E9, Canada.Presented outdoors during Sherbrooke’s Espace [IM] Média festival, Dérive is a networked interactive installation by François Quévillon that invites the public to explore [...]