Markus Kayser’s solar-powered 3D printer — Solar Sinter Project — is capable of producing complete glass objects from loose desert sand. [via]
Systems, Actions and Processes. 1965–1975 :: until September 2011 :: Fundación Proa, Av. Pedro de Mendoza 1929, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Systems, Actions and Processes. 1965–1975 is an exhibition curated by Rodrigo Alonso with more than a hundred drawings, paintings, sculptures, videos, photographs, documents and records of performances and artistic actions from a key historical period characterized [...]
Archis/Volume and VURB present the Internet of Things Workshop II: Builders at Play :: September 2-4, 2011 :: Waag Society, Amsterdam.Calling on architects, coders, urban geographers, sociologists, and urban explorers interested in bettering the city through digital means. Following the May 7th Internet of Things Workshop at the Staalvilla, Archis/Volume, VURB, Caro van Dijk and [...]
Richard Garet: Espacios No-Euclídeos :: August 11 - October 30, 2011 :: Opening: August 11; 6:00 - 9:00 pm :: EAC – Espacio Arte Contemporáneo, Arenal Grande 1930, Montevideo, Uruguay.Espacios No-Euclídeos is inspired by Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (1905), and references some principles and ideas explored through the model introduced by the physicist [...]
From July 31 - August 7, Information Department contributor Jacob Wick will be driving along the indirect route from Asheville, NC to San Francisco, CA. Along the way, he will be performing a participatory score entitled what news.Send him a text, he’ll send you a postcard.To participate: Send a text to Information Department at 575-446-3676 [...]
Nicholas O’Brien wrote: “Andrew Norman Wilson and I had a chance to flesh out some of the strategies that he employs in a webinar video conference that spanned several weeks of intensive workshopping on ideas circulating around digital/ virtual labor, how to stabilize and exist in permanent transience, and how to make actual the metaphoric [...]
Föhnseher (Seer of Warm Winds) by Julian Oliver — Modified Sanyo television, software, hardware (2011):Föhnseher rises from the scrap heap of analog TV. Unlike other televisions, Föhnseher captures and displays images downloaded by people on surrounding local wireless networks.Other people’s phones, laptops and tablet computers all become broadcast stations for this device, replacing the forgotten [...]
The Importance of Being Earnest, or Not by Christopher Collier, Mute:One of Guy Ernest Debord’s major achievements was to know with both admirable poise and impeccable timing, the importance of a doctrinal earnestness, but likewise the value of an a certain tactical expediency. Debord already? And its only the first paragraph. Are we not bored [...]
MRI Scanner Inspires a Multimedia Performance — Composers Mira Calix and Anna Meredith have come up with pieces of music which are inspired by the sounds of a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner.
Everything Must Go! Ephraim & Sadie Hatfield — An exploration of art and commerce through gift and barter economies — Give One, Get One Free :: until August 31, 2011 :: 24 Eagle Street, North Adams, Massachusetts.As part of DownStreet Art, Ephraim & Sadie Hatfield will manufacture large quantities of small electronic art works that [...]
West: Seven Sunsets :: Live until August 2, 2011. You will need to download the Field Broadcast Pinger to view the seven broadcasts. This will sit in the bottom right hand corner of your desktop and when a broadcast goes live it will ‘ping’ loudly and display the incoming broadcast in a window in the [...]
Robots and Avatars :: Call for Proposals — Deadline: September 7, 2011.Robots and Avatars is an intercultural, intergenerational and interdisciplinary exploration of a near future world consisting of collaborations between robots, avatars, virtual worlds, telepresence and real time presence within creative places, work spaces, cultural environments, interactive entertainment and play space.Robots and Avatars will present [...]
[Journal of Journal Performance Studies by Nicholas Knouf] [nettime] Some More Nuanced Thoughts on Publishing, Editing, Reading, Using by Gary Hall:Keith was asking for references to research on academic journals. In addition to those already mentioned, one piece I’ve found helpful is Ted Striphas’s (2010) ‘Acknowledged Goods: Cultural Studies and the Politics of Academic Journal [...]
Senses Places - Dance-Technology Workshop 3: organized by Pei-Jung Lee, Isabel Valverde, Todd Cochrane :: July 30, 2011; 1:00 - 5:00 pm :: Dance Studio, The Kenneth Myers Center, 74 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, New Zealand + in Second Life.Senses Places is a dance-technology collaborative project creating a playful mixed reality performance environment for audience [...]
Captcha by Gabrielle de Vietri
[Adam Greenfield @ Systems/Layers Walkshop] Some implications of networked sensing for privacy in public space: Toward a taxonomy of public objects by Adam Greenfield:[...] “My feeling is that the complexity of this terrain is such that abstract principles and so-called “best practices” aren’t particularly likely to be useful in guiding us toward better decisions unless [...]
Fellow Prisoners by John Berger, Guernica, July 2011: The best way to understand the world, writes Berger, is not as a metaphorical prison but a literal one. And what better way to inspire solidarity than seeing ourselves (them) as fellow prisoners?[...] “What is being lived today is new because of its relationship with space.It’s here [...]
Marius Watz’ ElectroPlastique #1 - Preview 720pGenerator Everything by Bruce Sterling: “Marx said that men make their own history — but men don’t get to select the circumstances in which history is made. That’s what it’s like to be a “generative artist” — you have the productive capacity to generate incredible profusions of artistic material. [...]
Giverny of the Midwest: Nathaniel Stern :: July 30 - August 13, 2011 :: Johannesburg.Opening and Talk by Jeremy Wafer: July 30; 2:00 pm :: Artist Walkabout: August 4; 6:00 pm :: GALLERY AOP, 44 Stanley Avenue, Braamfontein Werf (Milpark), Johannesburg, South Africa.For Nathaniel Stern’s ongoing series of performative prints, he straps a desktop scanner, [...]