Political Equator 3: Conversations On Co-Existence — Border Neighborhoods as Sites of Production :: June 3-4, 2011 :: San Diego / Tijuana.Political Equator 3 is a 2-day cross-border mobile conference that engages pressing regional socio-economic, urban and environmental conditions across the San Diego – Tijuana border. Following the format of previous Political Equator meetings, PE3 [...]
Field_Notes – Cultivating Ground :: September 26 – October 2, 2011 :: Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in Kilpisjärvi/ Lapland/ Finland :: Call for Collaborators — Deadline: June 30, 2011.Field_Notes – Cultivating Ground is a week long field laboratory for theory and practice on art & science work at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station of the University of [...]
ISEA2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness — Re-envisioning Art, Technology and Nature :: Conference: September 19 - 24, 2012 :: Exhibition: September 20, 2012 - January 6, 2013 :: Regional Collaboration: September - December, 2012 :: New Mexico, US :: Call for Proposals — Deadline October 1, 2011.ISEA2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness is a symposium and series [...]
The Workers: Precarity, Invisibility, Mobility :: May 29, 2011 - March 15, 2012 :: MASS MoCA, 1040 MASS MoCA WAY, North Adams, Massachusetts.We all know what Rosie the Riveter looked like, and what she stood for. Ford-era production line labor — and the rise of powerful unions — left us indelible portraits of work in [...]
Upgrade! Paris: Anne Laforet — on the occasion of the publication of Le netart au musée - Stratégies de conservation des œuvres en ligne (Questions Théoriques) :: June 5, 2011; 6:00 pm :: Les Douches, 5 rue Legouvré, 75010 Paris.With some museums acquiring net art works in the recent years, issues of preservation and exhibition [...]
Resources.11 — Just Grounds: Cape Town — Post-graduate course in Architecture and Urban Planning :: Royal Institute of Art, Mejan Arc/ Architecture, 103 26 Stockholm, Sweden :: Deadline for Applications: June 13, 2011.Urban Africa: Africa is rapidly urbanizing. 40% of the continent’s population is now urban, but despite Africa’s extensive natural resources and strong economic [...]
Noise is a new series of generative landscapes by the Berlin-based artist Andreas Nicolas Fischer. The series refers to the attempts of the polish-french mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot to reduce the complexity in nature to simple rules. The seemingly photorealistic large-scale photo prints are not representations of existing locations, but algorithmically generated meta-landscapes. The exhibition opens [...]
[Yasmin_discussions] Art Agency and its Constitution (register here) :: Moderator, G. H. Rabbath, Doctor of Philosophy, Human Sciences, and Associate Professor at Universite Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon.This year the Venice Biennial promises to be the most successful ever with a record of national participation despite the last minute withdrawal of some Middle-Eastern countries like Lebanon. One [...]
Recent Locative Media Workshop, Nairobi by Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum:“Without tubes of paint, there would have been no Impressionism.” - Pierre-Auguste RenoirThere is a beautiful story about how in painting the style of impressionism was fuelled by the invention of the tube. When John G.Rant in 1841 invented the paint tube, artist where [...]
101010zzz - A net.art exhibition by Jodi from Videotage Unlimited on Vimeo.(I wish he would let her speak)
WalkSpace: Beirut-Venice with artist Conor McGarrigle :: June 2-3, 2011; 12:00 - 2:30 pm :: Venice (Piazza San Marco) and Beirut (to be announced later) :: Part of THESTATEOFMIND @ the Lebanese Pavilion, Venice Biennale.WalkSpace: Beirut-Venice invites the participant on a drift through Venice guided from Beirut and in Beirut guided from Venice. The [...]
Water wARs: Squatters Pavilion by John Craig Freeman — “And you thought the oil wars were bad!” :: Part of Manifest.AR’s Venice Biennial 2011 Augmented Reality Intervention :: June 1 - November 27, 2011.Water wARs anticipates the flood of environmental refugees into the developed world caused by environmental degradation, global warming and the privatization of [...]
Turbulence Commission: Social Relay Mail by Brooke Singer, with Fever Creative (Needs a Facebook Account):Social Relay Mail (SRM) is an app that lets you identify a stranger on Facebook and use your social network to deliver a private message. Turn your friends, your friends’ friends, and your friends’ friends’ friends into your personal courier service. [...]
The National Mall by BLUEBRAIN. The First Location-Aware Album from BLUEBRAIN on Vimeo. via Mashable.
Digital Art and Meaning by Roberto Simanowski, University of Minnesota Press:Digital Art and Meaning offers close readings of varied examples from genres of digital art, including kinetic concrete poetry, computer-generated text, interactive installation, mapping art, and information sculpture. Roberto Simanowski combines these illuminating explanations with a theoretical discussion employing art philosophy and history to achieve [...]
SjansMachine (Chance Machine) — a collaboration between Eindhoven based artists Olga Mink, Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder — is an interactive photo-installation that works with realtime images and face recognition software. The aim of this installation is to bring people closer together in a playful and fun way. Like many social networking tools on [...]
Open 21: (Im)Mobility Exploring the Boundaries of Hypermobility:Advanced communications technologies seem to be paving the way for an increase in physical and motorized mobility. At the same time, these accelerating flows of data and commodities stand in sharp contrast to the elbow room afforded to the biological body, which in fact is forced to a [...]
[Image: Assa Ashuach's "My Trousers"] A New Performativity: Wearables and Body-Devices by Danielle Wilde:ABSTRACT: In their relatively short history, wearables and body-devices have evolved from cyborg-like extensions and utilitarian solutions aimed at enhancing efficiency, to poetic representations and experiences that give form to the imagination through indirect and abstract transformations. These new body-artefacts, in particular [...]
Blowup: Wild Things with Elio Caccavale, Amy Youngs, Wilfried Hou Je Bek (bring your cat!) :: July 7, 2011; 8:00 - 11:00 pm :: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam + streamed live.The first edition of Blowup will examine art and design projects that are created with animals in mind as the end users and active participants [...]
For those of you who missed Dietmar Offenhuber’s brilliant Upgrade! Boston presentation last night, here are some of the projects he shared with us (headphones recommended):please stand back (excerpt) from stadtmusik on Vimeo.zurückbleiben bitte!: “Above and below do not exist at first, and other indications of direction do not work either. The picture itself is [...]