Afflator — by Nick Knouf — breathes upon the conditions of today’s robotic creatures that are pulled into the muck of mimesis. To have a robot that is spoken to in natural language, that walks in a bipedal fashion, is the research that is valorised. Afflator deforms these conditions to suggest that the robotic form [...]
The First Pachube International Internet of Things Hackathon — a global 24-hour event :: April 8-9, 2011; 3:00 pm - 3:00 pm (NL time):: MADlab, Vestdijk 280, 5611CZ Eindhoven :: Participation is free after registration. Food and drinks in open contribution format. Register as individual or team by sending a mail to info [at] [...]
Turbulence Commission: Spectral Quartet — by Woody Sullender — is a web adaptation of the project Whispering Spectres, which will be installed at Turbulence @Pace Digital Gallery 2, April 5-29, 2011.The audio content consists of filtered radio signals, culled from various web streams from the Internet. These signals are being passed through many “band pass [...]
Uncovered: Nicosia International Airport, United Nations Protected Area, Cyprus 2010 - 2013:Uncovered was initiated in 2010, based on Cypriot artist Vicky Pericleous’s idea for an artistic intervention at the Nicosia International Airport, subsequently submitted as a proposal to the UNDP by Özgül Ezgin and Argyro Toumazou parallel to the peace-negotiations process. For the last 12 [...]
Radius, Episode 04: 8 Silences by Art of Failure :: April 9 and April 16 at 8:00 pm (CST) :: online.8 Silences (part of the Laps series) offers a sensible representation of Internet by broadcasting audio streams that travel and reverberate trough the web. Initially silents, the streams progressively incorporate an infinity of transformations [...]
LIFE 2.0: Artifice to Synthesis :: Opening: April 6, 2011; 6:00 - 8:00 pm :: RiAus FutureSpace Gallery, The Science Exchange, Exchange Place, Adelaide.LIFE 2.0 is a major new exhibition at Adelaide’s Science Exchange, investigating our changing notions of nature, technology and synthetic biology. Peek into the natural habitat of newly engineered organisms; Speculate on [...]
Coded Cultures: Creative Practice out of Diversity book discussion with Christian Reder (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien); Georg Russegger (Coded Cultures); Matthias Tarasiewicz and Michal Wlodkowski ( April 4, 2011; 7:00 - 10:00 pm :: kunsthalle project space am karlsplatz, karlsplatz Vienna, Austria.Through the transformations of creative cultures, enabled by digital media and global communication [...]
Trevor Paglen: A Hidden Landscape :: April 4-27, 2011 :: Opening: April 4; 7:00 - 10:00 pm :: Aksioma Project Space, Komenskega 18, Ljubljana, Slovenia.Trevor Paglen is going to mark the opening of the new Aksioma Project Space with a very concise exhibition of four projects from his wide-spread artistic research on landscapes and phenomena [...]
Turbulence @ PaceDigitalGallery2 — new work by Brooke Singer, Woody Sullender, Adam Trowbridge and Jessica Westbrook :: April 5-29, 2011 :: April 5; 5:00 - 7:00 pm (artists’ presentations at 5pm, reception to follow) :: Pace Digital Gallery, 163 William Street, NYC (directions).Social Relay Mail by Brooke Singer with Fever Creative: Social Relay Mail lets [...]
Booklaunch of Josephine Bosma’s Nettitudes, Let’s Talk Net Art, with Sarah Cook and Bart Rutten :: April 14, 2011; 8:30 pm :: De Balie, Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, 1017 RR Amsterdam, Netherlands.During the 1990s, net art burst onto the scene as a radical reflection on the role of technology in contemporary art. In Nettitudes, Dutch art [...]
PRESENCE / ABSENCE :: ACES Visualization Lab, TACC, University of Texas, 201 E 24th St., Austin, Texas.PRESENCE / ABSENCE explores the work of four artists who use digital media to transform the content and experience of their work. When art is an object in front of the viewer, the object is the art. When [...]
Synthetics: Aspects of Art and Technology in Australia, 1956-1975 by Stephen Jones, MIT Press:New technologies continually arise, offering repeated opportunities to artists in search of the technologically novel. Stephen Jones calls this phenomenon the “rolling new,” and in Synthetics he describes how artists in Australia used new technologies in their art, from the early days [...]
Electronic Textiles and Reactive Garments — Workshop led by Joanna Berzowska :: June 12 - 18, 2011 :: Shakerag Workshops, 290 Quintard Road, Sewanee, TN.This five-day workshop introduces participants to the idea of electronic textiles and to the principles of soft-circuit design through hands-on demos and experimentation. Each participant or team will build a pressure-sensitive [...]
[Image: Francis Alÿs, The Green Line, Jerusalem (2004) Video documentation of an action. Courtesy David Zwirner, New York] Performative Tactics and the Choreographic Reinvention of Public Space by Martin Patrick, Art & the Public Sphere, Issue 1, Volume 1.ABSTRACT: Recently a multitude of artists’ endeavours to creatively engage with the public space have become more [...]
gradually melt the sky: “augmented reality” as overlay, intervention and challenge to the material world — a curatorial project by Mark Skwarek + Will Pappenheimer :: April 8 – May 1, 2011 :: Opening: April 8; 7:00 - 10:00 pm (Opening night live performances by Jeremy Bailey and Mark Skwarek at approximately 8:00 pm) :: [...]
Touched: A Space of Relations — Janine Antoni, Lygia Clark, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Annette Messager :: until April 16, 2011 :: bitforms gallery, 529 West 20th St., New York NY.Touched: A Space of Relations explores the sense of touch as a metaphor of bodily presence and an extension across boundary. Actualizing our understandings of public/ [...]
A fake is a fake. Anyway — Les Liens InvisiblesWe can only guess that fake publishing will mark the dawning of a new information era — The Financial TimesNyhedsavisen: Public-Interfaces is a fake newspaper presenting cutting edge research in an accessible FREE tabloid format. The newspaper is a 100% genuine copy of the famous Danish [...]
Convergence: Locative Media, Guest editor: Rowan Wilken, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia :: Deadline: August 20, 2011.Questions of location and location-awareness are becoming increasingly central to our contemporary engagements with the internet and mobile media. Information, as Malcolm McCullough has suggested, “is now coming to you — wherever you are” and “is increasingly about where [...]
grow_ability - an interdisciplinary art exhibition to explore sustainability issues from “nature as resource of energy” perspective :: April 1 - May 8, 2011 :: kim / RIXC Gallery, Maskavas street 12/1, Spikeri, Riga, Latvia.The exhibition addresses the issues of sustainability in relation to our planet’s ecology and energy from the “food as energy” and [...]
Acoustic Space Issue #8: ENERGY - Scientific and Artistic, Utopian and Critical Visions :: Edited by Rasa Smite, Armin Medosch, Kerstin Mey, Raitis Smits :: Published by RIXC (Riga) and MPLab of Liepaja university, 2011:: ISSN 1407-2858.In human society, energy is the most essential resource driving its economy and its future development. Yet, the currently [...]