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The Format Wars: Drawing the Battle Lines for the Next DVD

The Format Wars: Drawing the Battle Lines for the Next DVD

Robert Alan Brookey, Northern Illinois University, USA <tm0rab1SPAMFILTER@wpo.cso.niu.edu>

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Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 2

SAGE Publications

Soon the DVD format will celebrate its tenth anniversary in the consumer electronics market. In those 10 years, the format has brought about some significant changes in the film industry and the home video market. Given that new DVD formats are entering the market, it might be an opportune moment to reflect on the impact of the DVD and consider its future. This article examines why the DVD format has been successful and the changes it has brought. It then discusses the two formats that may set the standard for the next generation of DVDs, and the challenges this next generation may face in light of new developments in the media market.

Blu-ray, HD-DVD, video games, telecommunications, DVD, home video

The Format Wars: Drawing the Battle Lines for the Next DVD