Create Digital Motion
Visual Turntablism: Jaymis Live with Sampology on Serato Video-SL
Last year dj rndm and Robotkid gave us a review of Serato’s Video-SL plugin for Serato Scratch Live.Recently I was able to collaborate with Sampology, a local turntablist, for the last Game On night of 2008. Sam used Video-SL to put together a gaming-themed AV set, and I added a selection of security cameras and [...]
Live Touch Control for Visuals: TouchOSC and vdmx, TouchOSC Editor Coming, the Future is Near
Much as I’m an advocate for live visualists becoming like musicians with eye candy, the needs of the VJ just aren’t quite identical to those of someone doing music, even DJing. But here’s the upside: I think people doing live visuals have even more reason to be excited about control possibilities with devices like [...]
MGFest Motion Graphics Fest Coming to Chicago, US Cities, Starting 1/19
There’s a ever-expanding scene that appreciates digital motion graphic design and art worldwide, but while the US has the awesome research shindig SIGGRAPH, it’s been tougher for the community around digital motion to come together. MGFest has been working to change that. Its first five years have done a lot to promote the best in [...]
NAMM Bombshell: Max for Live Will Put Jitter in Ableton Live, Too, Integrating Visuals
Jitter screen grab by droolcup, which is what you’re about to need. I’ll give you a second to let that headline sink in.Max for Live, announced at the NAMM music trade show, adds Max/MSP/Jitter to Ableton Live, including – in a move that really caught me by surprise – Jitter. In addition to the usual [...]
Weekend Inspiration: Star Wars, Retold by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen It
This has been posted all over the web this weekend, but in case there’s anyone out there in CDM Land who hasn’t already encountered it:Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.Of course, apart from being a high dose of both Cute and Funny, there’s a CDMo moral to [...]
Projection Mapping Resource and Tutorial: How To Project On 3D Geometry with VVVV
Last time we checked, the VVVV “How to Project On Complex Geometry” article was in its infancy. Now it’s been renamed as How To Project On 3D Geometry (why?), and stands as a great overview to the subject, with some specific patches for trying various setups in VVVV, and discussion on the technical aspects of [...]
25FPSFTW: Small Cheap PAL Security Cameras Now Available on DealExtreme
My favorite purveyors of cheap stuff have finally added a sub-$15 PAL video camera (NTSC version) to their inventory. 25FPSers rejoice!This seems to be the same or very similar model to the cameras I’ve been using for my various Vixid experiments, and as the core of the Herovision setup.The quality of these can be a [...]
Fast Music Video Production and Creative Commons “Stems” Release: Edward Guglielmino - Fail With Me
Speaking of extra heads, I recently completed a music video - Fail With Me - with collaborator Edward Guglielmino, for the album Late At Night. Edward Guglielmino - Fail With Me from Jaymis on Vimeo.A continuation of the Quick, Single-Shot philosophy I espoused and we discussed 6 months ago. I think this integration is [...]
Ask CDM - Monitor Over USB: Have You Used DisplayLink Devices to Add Extra Outputs?
DisplayLink technology has existed for a while, and started appearing in more devices in 2008. It sounds like a very visualist-friendly concept - add extra monitors via USB - yet I haven’t seen it in action nor heard from any VJs using this hardware.The DisplayLink site proudly displays seemingly daisy-chained monitors, and touts the energy [...]
Updated $999 White MacBook Becomes Good Budget Choice: 9400M, TV Out Capable
Photo: Rob DiCaterino.Apple apparently isn’t killing the white, $999, plastic MacBook at the low end of its line any time soon. They’ve even gone so far as to update the model – and that turns out to be a very good thing for visualists who want to go Mac on a budget.Previously, you had [...]
Video and Space: NOSTE Projection Mapping project and Documentation
Finnish “video- and lightdesigner” Teemu Määttänen has put together a beautifully minimalist projection mapping installation titled NOSTE.NOSTE installation from Teemu Määttänen on Vimeo.As impressive as the work itself is Teemu’s development blog and his research of “Video in Theatre”:NOSTE installation in the gallery, initial concept stills, test videos and scale model projections, curved surfaces (with [...]
Resolume Avenue Review on Skynoise: “Audiovisual Kick-Ass-O-Clock”
Australian audiovisualist and Thinker Jean Poole has spent some time with Resolume Avenue and recorded his thoughts on the subject in a handy and informative article, with words and pictures:It’s a well considered approach, and becomes intuitive fairly quickly. What especially jumps out is the audio parameters integrated in each of the above areas, alongside [...]
MGFest Preview: Audiovisuals, Installations
I’ve just arrived in Chicago for MGFest, the motion graphics festival, kicking off its five-city tour of America. (Side note. The good news for the rest of you not in Chicago: this means over the next few days (and early into next week) I’m finally getting some additional resources on learning Processing for the [...]
White MacBook Snubs Adapter; I Want My TV Out
Bad news from comments: while the white MacBook has the same mini-DVI output as its predecessor, it doesn’t work with adapters that support TV out. That means, basically, forget what I said earlier.This adapter is not compatible with the 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo white MacBook introduced in January 2009.Oddly, as far as I know [...]
VJs on Facebook: An App, An AU Group
Facebook is becoming a nice little hang for visualists – I’ve actually sorted a gig or two on the service. Now, “give a gift” apps are a meme unto themselves, but you certainly haven’t seen one like this.Zac Darko writes:I recently made the worlds first (maybe) VJ app on Facebook, thought you’d think it [...]
Retro Thing on Rescuing Old Formats: 8mm, Polaroid
The very things that make many of us so passionate about the bleeding edge of visual technology make us equally attached to vintage media – not out of nostalgia, out of a love of what is expressive.Our friends over at Retro Thing have devoted their entire site to such matters. But as we mourn [...]
VJ Controller, The Return: Codanova VMX VJ v2
Via the fantastic French language VJ blog Le Collagiste, version two of Codanova’s VJ-centric midi controller has dropped, and been obsessively photographed alongside the original.The new VMX VJ is considerably slimmer, still bespoke manufactured in France, and as beautiful as ever. Shipping worldwide for €500.
Slo Mo Promo: Casio EX-F1 Footage of New York
Photographer Vincente Sahuc has posted an extended reel of slow motion footage from one of Casio’s fantastically cheap, slow motion capable cameras [site | on CDM].New York 2008 from Vicente Sahuc on Vimeo.The video was shot at 300FPS, using a Steadicam Merlin and… Rollerskates! Some lovely editing, a great soundtrack and a variety of locations [...]
Live Streaming Audiovisual Geekup Tomorrow: Sampology + Herovision, The Return
After our previous performance at Game On, Sampology and I have been asked to return to the State Library of Queensland to wind up the Game On exhibition with a bigger, brighter, geeklier AV turntablist set, which we’ll be streaming live tomorrow night.You’ve already seen what Sam can do with Serato Video-SL (as reviewed previously [...]
Instant Interview: Scott Pagano on Inspiration, Motion, Headlining as a Visualist
Ed.: Scott Pagano is one of a handful of people you could call visualist superstars. He’s become a headline staple with some key electronica events and artists. But that’s not why I’m excited to see him here - I’m thrilled that he geeks out on some of the same stuff that makes me hot and [...]