Masters of Media
What will 2009 mean for Negroponte’s OLPC?
For the second year the One Laptop Per Child Foundation (OLPC) has run a ‘Give 1 Get 1 Free’ program (otherwise termed G1G1). In lead to the holiday season consumers in North America (this year they included Europe) could buy an OLPC laptop for no small fee of USD 399. The idea is that one computer is sent to the…
Latent Remixability
In the early days, photography was solely predestined for the photographer. This skilled worker governed both the analogue camera as the development of its negatives. The dawn of the digital age introduced a less labor intensive way to produce a photograph. Anyone who could handle a digital camera, computer and a printer is able to be a photographer and reproduce…
The Pirate Bay on trial
Around 2 years ago, the investigations (which have been the longest ever in Sweden) into the Pirate Bay’s presumed copyright infringements began. The scale of the issues at stake in this trial is maybe best summed up by a quote from Peter Sunde: “We know that about 80% of all the traffic on the internet is torrent related. About half…
Using Twitter for book summaries
Every university- or college student has to deal with books to build a foundation of knowledge within a field of expertise. My learning method is no different than method other students use (I Think). This is my method; the first step is using my magic marker to highlight important text. Then I’ll collect the marked area’s and will write them…
SNS profiles: BlackPlanet vs Orkut
Started as a community site, but now more linked to the ‘category’ of social network site, BlackPlanet shows how race is established on the Web. ‘ is your place to meet and connect with African Americans around the country’, states the website, continuing with ‘Chat or post photos and videos to share your black experience.’ Google’s Orkut is not aiming for a specific ethnic group and promotes itself as an application ‘designed to make your social life more active and stimulating’. But ethnicity is a part of the profile.
Online video in China leading the way
An interesting video report by The Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (Casbaa) on online video and TV in China and the way that it will influence the West in the near future:
From compression artifact to filter
An archeology of a compression filter.
A couple of months ago I was approached by a company that asked me for my knowledge on glitch and compression artifacts. They were especially interested in recreating bleeding pixels. I recognized their ideas in the work of Sven Konig and send them to his website (on which in 2005 already, Sven published a…
Follow and Connect on Twitter
On a lot of social network sites a friend has to be approved and this only works if both users add each other. This also means that one of the two can break up and the other one loses a contact in his or her list. On Twitter they don't have to acknowledge you, following is a one way function, though it's nice if people follow you back. Flickr has the same system where users can add another user as a contact.
A decline in P2P-sharing
I just read an article on Tweakers that Ipoque, a German company that sells ‘deep packet inspection-hardware’, has published a study on the distribution of protocol classes. This chart is a representation of their findings.
distribution of protocol classes (source:
With the ‘deep packet inpection-hardware’ internet Providers can analyse internet traffic. This hardware also enables providers to regulate the traffic by providing…