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Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - May 16 09
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Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - May 23 09
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Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - May 30 09
Media literacy is an expanded information and communication skill that is responsive to the changing nature of information in our society. It addresses the skills students need to be taught in school, the competencies citizens must have as we consume information in our homes and living rooms, and the abilities workers must have as we move toward the 21st century and the challenges of a global economy. (Source: Telemedium)Photo credit: Tag CrowdInside this Media Literacy Digest:
- Will Higher Education Be The Next Bubble To Burst? - According to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, over the past 25 years, average college tuition and fees have risen by 440 percent
- Rapid Internet Justice - We are re-creating our physical societal rules for the online environment. The ideals that should serve as a foundation are not yet defined…
- Technology For Teaching and Learning Transformation - George Siemens conducted with Kathleen Matheos a two-day workshop on Technology for teaching and learning transformation
- Challenges Faced by African Universities In Technology Integration - ...thoughts / comments from a workshop and discussion session with leaders in education and ICT from African universities
- African Elections - Technology, reflected in sites like African Elections, provides individuals with access to needed information and conversations. Controlling this information is increasingly difficult.
This weekly digest takes you to places, facts and resources that help you make greater sense of the increasing relevance that new technologies and media are having on the way you learn.Here all the details:
eLearning Resources and News
learning, networks, knowledge, technology, trendsby George Siemens
Will Higher Education Be The Next Bubble To Burst?
Will Higher Education Be the Next Bubble to Burst? asks:According to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, over the past 25 years, average college tuition and fees have risen by 440 percent - more than four times the rate of inflation and almost twice the rate of medical care. Patrick M. Callan, the center’s president, has warned that low-income students will find college unaffordable.Laying aside the obvious point that education is already unaffordable for much of the work, this article explores challenges education faces in light of recent “bubble bursts”.I’m interested in the new value point for higher education. The system currently serves three dominant roles:
- content / research,
- teaching / learning,
- and accreditation.
Why don’t we split them up? We could serve each function better in this model. And less expensively. A large system that tries to do too much is incapable of adapting rapidly to changing external conditions.
Rapid Internet Justice
An interesting thread aboutRapid Internet Justice. Short version: someone uses online forums to target people to steal auto parts. The community serves as detective and solves the case. In this instance, it appears the right person is identified, but I’ve also seen online communities exhibit “mob mentality”. This story has a strong positive message - the ability of a community to do the detective work police were not able to do (or interested in doing). On the negative side: the checks (or is it cheques? :)) and balances that form established societies are lacking. We are re-creating our physical societal rules for the online environment. The ideals that should serve as a foundation are not yet defined…
Technology For Teaching and Learning Transformation
If you’ve been following mytwitter feeds (and personal tag for travelling - #whine09), you’re aware that I’m in Senegal (minus luggage). I conducted - with Kathleen Matheos - a two-day workshop on Technology for teaching and learning transformation. I’ve posted the slides from day 2 of the workshop.
Challenges Faced by African Universities In Technology Integration
I’ve captured a few thoughts / comments from a workshop and discussion session with leaders in education and ICT from African universities: Challenges faced by African Universities in technology integration. I’m continuing my quest to use more images. But, as the post reveals, visuals truly are not my strength :).
African Elections
Ideologies are embedded into technology. Ideologies, of course, are about power, control, and ways of looking at the world. As such, it’s fair to say that technology is about power - who can create? Who has access? Today, in a conversation with an African colleague - Ben Akoh - I was introduced to the African Elections site. The site tracks and shares election news / conversation in various social media (Twitter, SMS, blogs, etc.) and traditional media sites. I recall watching an election for the premier of Manitoba in early 2000’s. I didn’t have access to a television, but watched a postage stamp-sized jittery newscast. It was terrible by today’s online video standards. But it gave me what I wanted most: timely access to information that I found important. Technology, reflected in sites like African Elections, provides individuals with access to needed information and conversations. Controlling this information is increasingly difficult. A daily newspaper is much easier to shut down than a distributed conversation. Yes, I know countries can block sites and restrict traffic. But democracy is far more secure when subject to the input of many commentators than to a select few mainstream media sources.
Originally written by George Siemens for elearnspace and first published on May 30th 2009 in his newsletter eLearning Resources and News.
About the authorTo learn more about George Siemens and to access extensive information and resources on elearning check out Explore also George Siemens connectivism site for resources on the changing nature of learning and check out his new book "Knowing Knowledge".
Photo credits:Will Higher Education Be The Next Bubble To Burst? - Paul FleetRapid Internet Justice - Tom SchmuckerChallenges Faced by African Universities In Technology Integration - Pop!Tech ...
Online Marketing: How To Win Your Customer Trust
Online Newspapers Best Content Publishing Strategy: Free Or Paid?
What is best online publishing strategy for a struggling newspaper? Is it better to let online news content go out for free or to charge people to access it? The eternal Internet question is back and with a powerful sponsor behind it: Rupert Murdoch.Photo credit: ktsdesignIf you haven\'t caught this story yet, It is only a few weeks back that all major international newspapers reported of Rupert Murdoch public statements about the days of the free internet business model being over. While speaking on a conference call in which his own News Corporation reported a 47 percent slide in quarterly profits, Murdoch specifically said that "the current free access business model favored by most content providers was flawed." (Source: CNN)"We are now in the midst of an epochal debate over the value of content and it is clear to many newspapers that the current model is malfunctioning," the News Corp. Chairman and CEO said. Rupert Murdoch described the present online news commercial approach a "malfunctioning" business model which needs some rapid fixing. And that sparked a new wave of discussions and articles challenging again the eternal question: should online news content be free or should it be charged for?Even a recent US Senate hearing on the "Future of Journalism" made it clear that there are quite a few newspaper companies who would like to go back to charging for their content (while lobbying for tax breaks at the same time).But is charging for news content really the solution to newspapers crisis?If you look beyond the appearances and official statements, the future of online news may actually be quite different from it would appear by just browsing through these story headlines.As a matter of fact, I think that the very question we are asking is not the right one. It is not whether online news content should be free or paid, but rather which type of news content should benefit the most from being free and which one should drive enthusiastic paid subscriptions without one interfering with the other. In this video interview, Alan Murray, Executive Editor at the Wall Street Journal, reveals quite a different story and vision from the one we have been hearing over the news. Murray reveals a more balanced strategy in which both free and paid content can play a strategically important role in which the two approaches complement each other rather than being opponents of two opposing extremes.Here\'s Alan Murray insightful video interview alongside a full text transcription. If you are wondering whether you should charge or let your news content be free, here some really valuable advice:
Alan Murray of The Wall Street Journal On Charging For Content
Duration: 4\' 31\'\'by Alan Murray
Full English Text Transcription
Inside or Outside The Pay Wall
What’s happened in the last year and a half or two years is that we\'ve discovered this is not a binary issue. It’s not pay wall / no pay wall. We’ve put more and more of our content outside of the pay wall. You can get all our political coverage, all our opinion coverage, all our arts and leisure coverage free, available to anybody. A lot of big news stories, even business news stories, the coverage is available free, because we know that if we don’t put it out there you’ll just go to somebody else.If it’s a big news story, if we report a takeover and... we could hold that behind the pay wall. But if we do, BusinessWeek or someone else will simply write a story saying “The Wall Street Journal is reporting x,” and they’ll get all the traffic. Why would we do that? So if it’s that kind of a big, broad-interest news story, we’ll put it outside the pay wall and go ahead and take the traffic ourselves, thank you very much.
The Wall Street Journal and The Google News Experiment
The Google News arrangement was an experiment. We thought, let’s let people who are looking for a story come in and read one story, any one story. Seems to have worked pretty well. When people go to Google News, they’re not, by and large, people who have a relationship with The Wall Street Journal. They’re just looking for the best story on a subject. If we happen to have that story, we let them read it. But if they like it enough that they want to have a relationship with us, if they care about our business and financial coverage, eventually they’ll have to subscribe.In a sense, we’re having our cake and eating it too, by making those clear distinctions between what’s going to be most broadly popular, what’s most likely to attract traffic on the wider web, but keeping in mind what the core value proposition is that we offer to subscribers who come to us for business and financial news they can’t get anywhere else.
Narrow Your Interest
The key is not to take your most popular stuff and put it behind a pay wall. That’s the been the mistake that some people have made in the past: "This is the story that most people want to read; therefore, that’s the one we’re gonna make them pay for." That’s not the right answer. The broad, popular stuff is the stuff you want out in the free world because that drives traffic, that builds up your traffic, and you can, of course, serve advertising to that audience.I think what you have to think about is sort of narrower groups of interest where the interest might be deeper and more intense and therefore might make people willing to pay for it. I had this conversation with one newspaper editor where I said: "Look, what’s your equivalent of our business readers - the group of people who really need to read you because there’s something they desperately care about?" And one of those editors said to me: "It’s really local sports". It’s the high school football game or the high school basketball game. Not necessarily of interest to all the paper’s readers, but to the people who want to read it. They really want to read it because maybe their kids are involved. Maybe they’re willing to pay for that. Or maybe there’s a photography service that’s connected to that where you can download pictures of your kids or of the game. But only if you’re a subscriber. That’s just one example, but I think that’s the kind of thing.
People Will Pay For Value
The truth of the matter is there are tons of people out there paying large amounts of money, billions of dollars, to buy information every day. There were a couple of guys in Texas who started the ultimate news service on the oil business with oil rig counts and all that. They sell it. They’re driving around in Mercedes. Why didn’t The Houston Chronicle do that? Why did that have to be some outsider? The question is to find the information that has an enormous value to not necessarily a big group of people. Maybe it’s a small group of people, but enough value that they’re willing to pay for it. I think those opportunities are out there for lots of newspapers.We’re working on a premium initiative to launch a series of more, as you say, niche or narrower information services that we can sell at a premium to smaller groups of subscribers on subjects that they care most about.Energy might be an example. Obviously a lot of our readers are deeply interested in financial subjects. Perhaps some sort of a news service for chief financial officers. There are a lot of ideas that are on the table. We’ve started prioritizing them, got a few that will probably come out first. But I’m not going to break that news on your video.
Alan Murray\'s Highlights
- The best content publishing model is a mix of paid and free content.
- The content you don\'t give out for free will be published elsewhere and you will lose traffic.
- Do not charge your audience for the most popular content you have on your site.
- Target your paid content to highly-focused niches.
Original video of Alan Murray republished with permission of Nieman Journalism Lab. Video transcription prepared by Daniele Bazzano and first published on June 2nd, 2009 as "Online Newspapers Best Content Publishing Strategy: Free Or Paid?"
About the authorAlan Murray is online executive editor of The Wall Street Journal, and author of the "Business" column, which runs on page 2 every Wednesday. He is also a regular contributor to CNBC, and author of the book “Revolt in the Boardroom: The New Rules of Power in Corporate America”. Mr. Murray has management responsibility for the Journal’s multimedia efforts, including its relationship with CNBC television, the Wall Street Journal books business, the paper’s events business, and a variety of online ventures.
Photo credits:Free vs. Paid Content - adempercemNarrow Your Interest - 3dfotoPeople Will Pay For Value - Giskard ...