Marie Menken Go! Go! Go! (1962-1964)
André Breton First Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) [PDF, 1.3mb]
UbuWeb's Avant-Garde Radio Stream is Back
Cornelius Cardew Piano Music of the 1970s
Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg Sings William Blake (1969)
The Signifying Monkey: Two Versions of a Toast, Example 2 (MP3, 2'58")
Tacita Dean - Kodak (2006)
Bengt af Klintberg - The Cursive Scandinavian Slave (1967)
Unknown Artist -- No One Should Collect Anything
People Like Us + Ergo Phizmiz Rhapsody in Glue (2008) [MP3]
Kalup Linzy If It Don't Fit (MP3, 2009)
Jozef Van Wissem - Lute Works (2008-09)
Gregory Markopoulos Christmas USA (1949)
James Joyce Soundtrack to Ulysses (MP3, 1967)
JODI My Desktop OS X 10.4.7 (2007)
Toshimaru Nakamura Various Tracks from Improvised Music from Japan [MP3]
Bernard Parmegiani Chronos (1971) [MP3]
Gertrude Stein - If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso