Mocking New Media Art
If you have visited Ars Electronica two years ago, where TENORI-ON had been introduced, you would be probably interested in TENORI-OFF :)After all, it is still meaningful to define, what is actually the new media art.SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Mocking New Media Art", url: "" });
the New Easy
works by:Daniel BejarPetra CortrightBrock DavisEdith DekyndtMikolaj DlugoszHarm vd DorpelJeffrey HeartOliver LaricPop LeviVadik MarmeladovIlia OvechkinRafael RozendaalRobert WodzinskiHosted by Agentur, curated by Lars Eijssen and shown at Bloodless Gallery in Google Lively.the New Easy is a mostly unpolitical trend, with an optimistic, pragmatical approach towards creation of today’s art. But the most celebrated mark is the apparent [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "the New Easy", url: "" });
Media Studies 2.0
David Gauntlett is a british sociologist specializing in the studies of contemporary media audiences. In 2007 he published article Media Studies 2.0, which stirred up vital discussion (see abridged notes at wikipedia) and hopefully left at least some traces in the important minds.Most interestingly, yet before this discussion, William Merrin, Lecturer in Media Studies, found [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Media Studies 2.0", url: "" });
G8 rokuje o dokumente ACTA
O niekoľko dní svetová politická elita pravdepodobne rozhodne, či sa skupine amerických mediálnych korporácií a právnikov podarí presadiť spôsob, ako sa bez súdneho splnomocnenia preberať kohokoľvek internetovou aktivitou a konfiškovať laptopy na letiskách. Nech si v OSN, WIPO či krajinách mimo G8 hovorí kto chce čo programe summitu G8 v Tokyu, ktorý začína zajtra, [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "G8 rokuje o dokumente ACTA", url: "" });
Dear Multiplace friends,I have a pleasure to invite you to Multiplace festival program meeting, which will take place on 6th of February in Kavarna Kunstatska Trojka/Dum panu z Kunstatu, Brno, Czech republic.Meeting schedule:— from 2 to 4 o ´clock p.m. - Visegrad project meeting with MultiplaceVisegrad partners: Green Spider, Budapest, HU // PSeME,Kraków, PL // [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "06/02/09_MTP MEETING_BRNO/CZ", url: "" });
We do not want any «market of knowledge»! Call for a European mobilisation against the Lisbon strategy in higher education and research
On January 13th a meeting took place in Paris with the representants of ATTAC France, the National Union of Higher Education (SNESUP), the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Sauvons La Recherche (SLR), Sauvons l’Université (SLU), the National Union of Researchers (SNCS) and the Union des familles Laïques (UFAL). In order to defend a public service of [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "We do not want any «market of knowledge»! Call for a European mobilisation against the Lisbon strategy in higher education and research", url: "" });
OZ Multiplace vyhlasuje sutaz o vizual festivalu sietovej kulturyMultiplace 2009!Vymysli, navrhni a posli koncept vizualu 8. rocnika medzinarodnehofestivalu sietovej kultury Multiplace 2009, vyhraj tak 500 euro, moznostrealizovat ho, a stan sa dalsim atraktivnym bodom v sieti...-------Podmienky sutazeAutor predstavi vizualny koncept, ktory bude aplikovatelny v roznychmediach (tlacoviny, digitalne media, web…) v dostatocnom rozsahu (ukazkyrealizacii, popis, skice). [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "DESIGN CALL // MULTIPLACE NETWORK CULTURE FESTIVAL 2009", url: "" });
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