nettime mailinglist
Re: <nettime> 'Wikipedia Art' Wikipedia entry deleted 15 February 2009
hey, i applaud the wikipedia art originators for this lovely gesture which exposes yet again the closed nature of these websites which are supposedly so democratic, wikipedia, myspace, facebook, when in fact they represent corporate interests, and in the case of wikipedia, simply duplicate the existing lowest common denominator notions of what knowledge is. i'm reminded of the european graduate school wikipedia entry furor (read the discussion on the EGS wikipedia page to see it) and how i learned in the process that while wikipedia is held up as a bastion of democratic knowledge production and the commons, in fact, any statements in wikipedia which are not backed up by either government, educational institutions or corporate media are subject to deletion. thanks, lotu5 Andreas Broeckmann wrote: > dear ed, > > clearly, the wikipedia people are very serious about what they are > doing; they are acting like a universal 'land owner' who would say > that there should not be any Land Art, or a proprietary owner o...
<nettime> (one catholic systematically usurping it)
Help us keep it safe from {{Social Christianity}} by keeping it under {{Labor}} --- see first line of entry Just change the first line in "edit this page" every time you see a cross usurping the wobbly spirit of mayday vs precarity. thanx if you can help defend the truth of the matter; it's been an ongoing struggle for over a year with the forces of catholic reaction, we need the help of all to keep precarity where it belongs, under labor and syndicalism. # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
Re: <nettime> 'Wikipedia Art' Wikipedia entry deleted 15 February 2009
dear ed, clearly, the wikipedia people are very serious about what they are doing; they are acting like a universal 'land owner' who would say that there should not be any Land Art, or a proprietary owner of the Internet who would say that there should not be any Internet Art, because it was not made for it. unfortunately, this is not even a case of cruel censorship, but of systemic stupidity (which has its advantages in what they are doing), since they cannot recognise the existence of something that has no credible credentials. (this dilemma, and debates like this which flow from it, are at the heart of their grander struggle for credibility.) i think that this says much about what the wikipedia system thinks about itself, and Wikipedia Artists will have to realise that it might practically be more difficult to realise Wikipedia Art than, for instance, Land Art, or Internet Art, or Video Art. For obvious reasons. The same might be true of Walmart Art that somebody wishes to realise in Walmart stores, or (f...
<nettime> Holland Cotter: The Boom Is Over! Long Live The Art!
Excerpts from Holland Cotter's latest NYT piece.... .... Last year Artforum magazine, one of the country's leading contemporary art monthlies, felt as fat as a phone book, with issues running to 500 pages, most of them gallery advertisements. The current issue has just over 200 pages. Many ads have disappeared. The contemporary art market, with its abiding reputation for foggy deals and puffy values, is a vulnerable organism, traditionally hit early and hard by economic malaise. That's what's happening now. Sales are vaporizing. Careers are leaking air. Chelsea rents are due. The boom that was is no more. ..... Never has there been so much product. Never has the American art world functioned so efficiently as a full-service marketing industry on the corporate model. Every year art schools across the country spit out thousands of groomed-for-success graduates, whose job it is to supply galleries and auction houses with desirable retail. They are backed up by cadres of public relations specialists 2014; otherw...
<nettime> Richard Grayson: Well here we are...the end of Planet Finance
Richard Grayson: Well here we are...the end of Planet Finance Essay published in Broadsheet, Australia, 2009 Chanel is pulling its flagship sponsorship project for contemporary art. A newspaper story (the Guardian 29 Dec 2008) describes how in the face of fears that the 'supposedly recession proof luxury market' is falling victim to the credit crisis, the perfume and handbag company is not only shedding 200 jobs but bringing its highly publicized global art installation 'Mobile Art' to an early end for fears that this 'quirky marketing operation' has become a luxury that the brand could no longer support. Architect of choice for the Art World, Zaha Hadid teamed up with Karl Lagerfield and Chanel to create a futuristic pavilion designed to travel for two years throughout Asia, the United States and Europe. The legendary Mademoiselle Chanel herself, publicity reminded us, had in the past supported the likes of Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Serge Diaghilev, Igor Stravinsky and Jacques Lipchitz, and now twenty contempo...
Re: <nettime> (onecatholicsystematically usurping it)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Leutha Blissett" To: Sent: Mon 16/02/09 18:47 Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: nettime (onecatholicsystematically usurping it) Hi Richard, Thanks for that. Check: Perhaps you might like to draw the attention of nettime subscribers to this! Eurocentrism Some people criticize[weasel words] the EuroMayDay for being self-evidently eurocentric. Further concern has caused the re-use of the term Neuropa (2004 mayday callout) which had been coined by African-American intellectual W.E.B. Du Bois at the outbreak of WWII to refer to Hitler's plans for Europe. Alex Foti, one of the prime movers, stated in an interview titled Precarity and n/European identity: "If we don't act now, we're looking at a future of precarity for all Europeans. Because the idea is to make us a new Asia or a new America - not a new Europe." Also the declaration that ot;our politi...
Re: <nettime> (one catholic systematically usurping it)
2009/2/17 Antonio A. Casilli : > > Let me just say that, if indeed not > progressive, this is a democratic measure in that it is essentially > majoritarian in nature. Wikipedia articles are not only about > consensus among contributors, but also about *meeting the needs > of a majority of readers*. If we forget about this, I'm afraid we > would fall into the old pedantic logic of encyclopaedia entries > which are accurate, but completely useless to their readers. The alternative to consensus is coercion which is surely never OK in principle. If we can find a technical solution we should. Don't fight the other users, you'll turn into a monster like them. If you have to fight something, fight to change the brain-damaged software. Wikipedia takes an extremely powerful open source/version control framework for knowledge and then stupefyingly cripples it by imposing 18th-century encyclopedic epistemology. Deletionism is one problem that arises from this. This debate over categorization i...
Re: <nettime> 'Wikipedia Art' Wikipedia entry deleted 15 February 2009 (and BTW was the guy that hammered the toe of Michelangelo's David in Firenze a "Deletionist Artist"?) ciao - -- jaromil, developer, GPG: 779F E8B5 47C7 3A89 4112 64D0 7B64 3184 B534 0B5E -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkmaycEACgkQe2QxhLU0C14mxQCgmWfMCqCc+zOBuGeKR8/64KG2 dIQAnjkClWLr24BygFNhEAMS3VH3Ezsj =qbl5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
Re: <nettime> Winter Camp 09: How Would You Organize Your Network?
Geert, The schedule and format you have outlined for WinterCamp is very much in the spirit of an Open Space (though with some modifications) and in some other ways similar to the ongoing (and very successful & widespread) BarCamp movement - I suspect from the name you chose this is not a coincidence. I've organized, facilitated and otherwise helped out with now dozens of such events - a few suggestions & observations from one event organizer to another. (I'm sending this to nettime as I hope it may help other event organizers as well) 1. More than any other single factor the absolute most important part of any event held in Open Space (or similar formats) is the invitation. Who you invite - either directly or indirectly via a more open/public invitation - and even more so the frame which you set for the event - who will be there, what will be expected at the event, what goals if any are expected after the event etc. As Nina notes, there is some inherent tension in an event focused on networks and openness wh...
Re: <nettime> (one catholic systematically usurping it)
i don't think there's nothing overly subtle about it. Given agreement on content of the entry, including catholic references not to be intolerant with anybody, one self-styled anarchosocialchristian nuked the discussion by placing the whole entry under the category of "social christianity", which is patently absurd. The "Labor" category contains the history of unionism and syndicalism under which precarity and mayday undoubtedly fall, notwithstanding the misgivings that you, I and others might have on the value and/or desirability of wage work. Anyway I report Marcelo Exposito's superb summary of the issue (which is now being resolved, thanks to all!): "i have been trying for more than a year to fight against this stupid someone until i had to quit - s/he just has free time enough not only to discuss for hours and hours, pages and pages, until you get bored; also to re-re-re-re-edit the page once and again against every simple human logic. i do agree that if many of us insist in the way that alex suggests, t...
Re: <nettime> (one catholic systematically usurping it)
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Theo Honohan wrote: > If, as the page itself says, "In its English usage, Precarity was > first used by Léonce Crenier, a Catholic monk who had previously been > active as an anarcho-communist." then the situation is more subtle and > less antagonistic than Alex suggests. The most inclusive option would > be to place the page in both categories or in neither. > I tend to disagree with Theo - and agree with Alex. Articles like this are supposed to be effective tools for anyone wanting to achieve up-to-date information and understanding of precarity. Now, as the present understanding on precarity is linked to the current international movements about/against precarization of labour conditions, keeping the article focused as to its categorization is important to ensure searchability and maximum impact. Keeping the article focused is also important to prevent further conceptual an political hijacking. Sure, if a catholic monk used the term first, this me...
<nettime> precarity digest [x2]
[ digested @ nettime --mod (tb) ] Alex Foti so this is how it now stands (???!!!) for the record: original contribution for the precarity entry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:55:54 +0100 Subject: so this is how it now stands (???!!!) From: Alex Foti unbelievable... lx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 14:33:15 +0100 Subject: for the record: original contribution for the precarity entry From: Alex Foti so that if somebody wants to paste it somewhere... ciao, lx "written in springtime 007" Precarity >From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Precarity has been adopted in leftist circles as the English-language equivalent of Precariedad, Pr=E9carit=E9, Precariet=E0, terms of everyday usage...
<nettime> In conversation with African Maximalism
Dear list, next week one of the first shows about art and public space in Nairobi, is going to be opened. I had a conversation with the curators, which i want to share with you. More information you'll find also on here the conversation: a.n.: Thanks that you invited me for the show, it?s possible that i have quite a developed idea, about art and public space in general, but how and why did you choose such a topic, and what is there relevant for you, in terms of Nairobi? AM: In the sphere of local contemporary art practice it seems that artists are not engaging with public space, hence the title as a provocation. But if you further interrogate local cultural production, and understand art in public space as the performance of cultural expression in public, than Nairobi is a goldmine. a.n: What?s provocative about the title, and by the way, do you know the story about the gold of the socialists international? If it would have been found by the capitalists, it would have turne...
Re: <nettime> Exiled in NYU -- and now.. HELSINKI UNIVERSITY
Spread the Word University students, researchers, professors and staff are currently occupying the director's floor in the building of the university administration of Helsinki University in Finland. This happened as an offshoot of a demonstration against a new draconian "reform" soon to be presented to the Finnish parliament. The new laws (more below) would change the choice of the governing councils of the university, essentially depriving the universities of autonomy, likely putting non-university board members in key positions (business people and politicians) and importantly, introducing the possibility of charging fees for non-EU students.. which in Europe is used as a back-door precedent followed by demanding tuition fees from everyone - the failed free-market model. Many words of were heard in reference to other movements to Greece, France, Italy, India and ... and then the news came in that students at New York University ( are practising direct democracy of the same sort.. Be...
<nettime> [markoviana]
Re: <nettime> Digital Humanities Manifesto
Howdy everyone, I'm enjoying this list! I just joined it a few weeks ago, and lurk-time is over. I've been reading my Emily Postnews and I think I'm ready to contribute. I can understand the temptation to reduce "digital" to "numbers." But I think it borders on tautology to define digital as "computable numbers... computable only by a computer." Defining a computer as "a hardware machine running software by which these numbers can be processed etc" seems to confirm this. As a filmmaker, I like to draw the line between analogue vs digital at the binary code. And binary code is only "numbers" if you choose to call it that. A 1/0 switch is also an on/off switch. You could also call it an a/b switch. (Maybe I'm missing some basic computer tech - are there non-binary computers?) "Digital" is the smooth information curve converted to binary code. I agree that film frames are not digital for all the reasons mentioned. The reason the digital system works is the yes/no nature of its basic information method. It's not ...
<nettime> Interviewing the Crisis, second phase
"I see this crisis in a continuous way, the world is constantly in a crisis, I formulate this as 'cultural epileptiscm' [3], that is that humans tend to loose themselves into extremes, whether these being emotional or rational. The last century is exemplary for this." Andreas Jacobs [ITALIAN] [ENGLISH] "Something that was widely expected is happening, even is the acceleration of the economic crisis (and not only financial) is pressing everything against a striking evidence. Resources for culture are about to be drastically cut. And a large part of the professional setups based on public sibsides risks disappearance." Carlo Infante [ITALIAN] [ENGLISH] "lifestyle is in itself a part of the unavoidable speculative process of turbocapitalism, in which cool hunters understand the languages of the scenes to transform them into a banal aesthetizat...
<nettime> Exiled in NYU
Exiled in NYU: A communiqué from within the NYU occupation At the dawn of the New School occupation last December, we wrote, ?This is only the beginning.? We weren?t joking. We are now occupying the halls of NYU alongside their students. With our bodies and barricades, we continue to manifest ourselves as a force of interruption against the enforced passivity of the university. This occupation arises at a time of economic turmoil. The current crisis of capital is no fluke; it is the result of the real social conditions in which we live. NYU, one of the largest property owners in New York City, is a clear perpetrator of the misery everyone now feels. It has no alibi, only vulnerabilities. >From the insurrection in Greece to the revolts of Eastern Europe, from the university occupations across England to the general uprising in Oakland, something is in air. We can?t name it, but we can all feel it. Uncompromising, our power is growing. What has started as a singular strike against the structure of NYU?s form of...
Re: <nettime> (onecatholicsystematically usurping it)
So? What does it have to do with the discussion at hand? I find this distasteful, but what the hell, yes I stand guilty of believing in a unitary mayday for europe's precarious and migrants (so eurocentric that it also has Japanese connections). By the way, I didn't know WEB DuBois had originally coined the term. no borders, no precarity: fuck the new inequality lx On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Richard Barbrook wrote: # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact:
Re: <nettime> 'Wikipedia Art' Wikipedia entry deleted 15 February 2009 haha. is randall munroe on nettime? LF jaromil wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > > re all, > > On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:12:47AM -0500, Greg J. Smith wrote: > >> Andreas Broeckmann wrote: # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact: