networked performance
Condensation of the Social | Flock House | EcoArtTech
Condensation of the Social | Flock House — ecoarttech collaboration with Mary Mattingly :: July 20-26, 2010; daily, noon-2:00 pm :: Smack Mellon, New York.Join ecoarttech as they live and work in Mary Mattingly’s Flock House, which will be exhibited as part of Condensation of the Social. Each day from noon to 2pm ecoarttech will [...]
Live Stage: Mapping for Change [Amsterdam]
Map Fest 2010 (July 6-9): Mapping for Change :: July 6, 2010; 8:30 - 11:00 pm :: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam, Netherlands :: RSVP here.Map Fest brings together professionals, techies, amateur enthusiasts and artists, to explore, create, define and oppose maps. Mapping is about making the invisible visible. It concerns real and imaginary experiences [...]
Vague Terrain 17: Collaborative Spaces
Vague Terrain 17: Collaborative Spaces: The newest issue of Vague Terrain is dedicated to exploring and showcasing a range of strategies for collaboration within the arts. Face to face recording sessions, collaborative editing, event organization, software design, intercontinental AV jam sessions and frequent flyer miles all influence the range of projects curated by Vague Terrain [...]
Sender, Carrier, Receiver [Paris, Sarajevo, Berlin]
[Image: Sectional view of the New York Public Library from Scientific American (1911)] Triple Canopy presents Sender, Carrier, Receiver — A series of conversations, screenings, readings, performances, and provocations :: June 28 – July 29, 2010 :: Paris: Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, June 28 + The Public School, Bétonsalon, June 29 :: Sarajevo: Duplex Gallery, [...]
Speed, Dromology and Invisibility
Leonardo Electronic Almanac: Speed, Dromology and Invisibility :: Call for Papers — Deadline: November 20, 2010.From the futurist’s speed through contemporary dromology to the disappearance of the human body? What are the future trajectories of a continuous process of acceleration? Is the disappearance of the body through artificial speed a process of invisibility or that [...]
Live Stage: Ghumakkad Baaja [Delhi]
City as Studio: EXB 10.03 presents Ghumakkad Baaja — An open collaboration between Prayas Abhinav, Hemant Babu, Ram Bhatt and Nishant Sharma :: June 26, 2010; 6:30 pm :: Sarai-CSDS, 29, Rajpur Road, Civil Lines, Delhi, India.Ghumakkad Baaja is a demonstration of an open and unregulated way of doing audio transmissions along with discussions about [...]
FRAGILE - global performance chain journey
For the FRAGILE - global performance chain journey performers from all over the world work towards the same goal: carry a fragile object around the world, in their own way. The object will start traveling in August 2010. The goal of the performance is to examine whether we are all globally connected — are we [...]
Live Stage: Retrieving Humanity [Santa Fe]
Retrieving Humanity — Live Video Art Show :: July 30, 2010 :: Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA :: Call for Online Participation — Deadline: July 8, 2010; 11:30 pm. Email [at] parallelflux.comRetrieving Humanity is a one of a kind interactive performance and installation that will bring live streaming video and audio [...]
Seedlings [Dallas]
Seedlings — Featuring: Hilary Berseth, David Brooks, Jedediah Caesar, Jessica Halonen, Hilary Harnischfeger, Christopher K. Ho, Virginia Poundstone, Gilad Ratman, Lucy Raven; Curated by Regine Basha :: June 17- August 8, 2010 :: Dallas Contemporary, 161 Glass Street, Dallas, Texas.What can bees teach us about modernist aesthetics? How is a beauty regime invested in environmental [...]
L’artiste en l’œuvre? (The Artist on Display?)
[Image: Bleu Remix by Yann Marussich] [Plastik Art & Science] — In Vivo: L’artiste en l’œuvre ? (The Artist on Display?) :: Call for Contributions — Deadline: September 15, 2010.Art that is created out of the living world (bio-art, body-art, environmental art…) is today commonly directed by a desire that one could define using the [...]
“Bijlmer Euro” by Christian Nold [Amsterdam]
Bijlmer Euro - Parasitic Currency for the ‘Dutch Bronx’ by Christian Nold :: July 8-10, 2010; 2:00 - 11:00 pm :: Market, Amsterdamse Poort, Bijlmer, Amsterdam, Netherlands.From June until the end of September 2010 you can get a unique discount at seventeen shops in Amsterdam Zuidoost just by paying with Bijlmer Euros. The Bijlmer [...]
Exploring Produsage
A Special Issue of New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia: Exploring Produsage :: Call for Papers — Deadline: July 16, 2010.The concept of produsage points to the shift away from conventional producer/consumer relationships, and highlights the more fluid roles of users and contributors within social media environments. Participants in open source projects, in Wikipedia, in [...]
The Artvertiser: Improved Reality Platform
The Artvertiser source code is now available, licensed under the GPLv3. It is an Improved Reality platform, designed for the live substitution of advertisements in a video stream with alternative 2D content. The code was initially developed by Julian Oliver before being significantly improved by Damian Stewart. A typical application of The Artvertiser at work [...]
Live Stage: European Teleplateaus [Madrid +]
European Teleplateaus — Networked Bodies: Disorientations + Amorphogenesis — two environments for interactive, telematic dance installations and performances in 4 net-connected European cities :: June 25-27, 2010; 3:00 - 9:00 pm :: Auditorium Foyer, CaixaForum, Paseo del Prado 36, Madrid + environments in Dresden (Germany), Telc (Czech Republic), and Norrköping (Sweden).European Teleplateaus is a [...]
NMC Media-N: CAA Conference, Chicago, 2010
[Image: Jane D. Marsching, NOAA Web Cam, 2005/2007 (6 min. video with sound, collaboration with Victor McSurely)] NMC Media-N, Summer 2010, v.05 n.04 — New Media Caucus Panels and Events at the CAA Conference, Chicago, 2010. Panels:New Media/New Terrain: Pioneering a PhD in Creative Research, Chair: Jessica Walker: To Ph.D or not to Ph.D? by [...]
Desert Numerique [Drome]
Desert Numerique :: July 22-25, 2010 :: Saint-Nazaire-le-Desert, Drome, France.During these few days preceding the full moon, Saint-Nazaire-le-Desert will be transformed and perceived in a new way by means of performances, installations, showings and workshops that will reveal the poetic dimensions of the village.With: ArtKillArt, Art of Failure (Nicolas Montgermont & Nicolas Maigret), Pierre Bongiovanni [...]
International Award for Participatory Art
[Images from left: Mel Chin, SAFEHOUSE for Operation Paydirt & the Fundred Dollar Bill Project / The Blue House (Jeanne van Heeswijk, IJburg 2005-2009) Pump Up The Blue (Herve Paraponaris) with Recycloop (2012 Architecten) / Pablo Helguera at Frontera Corozal, Chiapas, 2006] International Award for Participatory Art — An initiative of the Legislative Assembly of [...]
Network Politics: Objects, Subjects and New Political Affects
Network Politics: Objects, Subjects and New Political Affects :: October 22-23, 2010 :: Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada in partnership with the Infoscape Research Lab :: Call for Papers — Deadline: August 2, 2010.In the network age, the question of political agency is becoming increasingly troublesome, with a pressing need to reflect upon how collective [...]
Arctic Perspective [Dortmund + London]
Arctic Perspective :: until September 30, 2010 @ Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London + :: until October 10, 2010 @ HMKV, Phoenix Halle, Dortmund, Germany (Open Space Conference, September 24-26, 2010).Simultaneous exhibitions of photographs, videos, maps and architectural models from work by the Arctic Perspective Initiative are displayed in London and Dortmund this summer. The [...]
The London Psychogeophysics Summit [London]
The London Psychogeophysics Summit with Alejo Duque, Kathrin Guenter, Graham Harwood, Martin Howse, Petr Kazil, Jonathan Kemp, Martin Kuentz, Tom McCarthy, Christian Nold, Nick Papadimitriou, John Rogers, Karen Russo, Gordan Savicic, Suzanne Treister, Danja Vasiliev :: August 2-7, 2010 :: SPACE and HTTP Gallery, London.The London Psychogeophysics Summit proposes an intense week-long, city-wide series of [...]