networked performance
Live Stage: From Art to Design and Back [Modena]
Play on Meaning? Computer Games as Art
The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Open Source [Amsterdam]
Open Source Amsterdam: Biennial of Art in Public Space :: May 9- July 11, 2009 :: Straat van Sculpturen Foundation, Kruitberg 1003A, 1104 CA Amsterdam Zuidoost.Open Source Amsterdam is the first edition of a series of five biennial events dedicated to art in public space organized by the Foundation Straat van Sculpturen. Curated by Helga [...]
The end of Wikipedia as we know it
[Image: Wikipedia's next logo?] “Wiki, c’est fini?” one would ask (if one was a cheesy French singer from the 1960s). More seriously, is the dream of an open access encyclopedia over? According to a recent article published in the Chronicle of Higher Education the wiki model has “run out of steam“. Don’t worry, the article [...]
[-empyre-] Critical Motion Practice
[Image: Rachel Boggia] May on -empyre- soft-skinned space: Critical Motion Practice :: Moderated by Renate Ferro (US) and Tim Murray (US) with Johannes Birringer, Laura Cull, Sarah Drury, Ashley Ferro-Murray, Erin Manning, Stamatia Portanova, Nora Zuniga Shaw, Stelarc.Bouncing off from our discussion in September, 2007, on Critical Spatial Practice, we thought it might be interesting [...]
Live Stage: Mobile Movies [San Francisco]
Media Production for Cell Phones and Small Devices both Analogue and Digital Workshop with Archimedia :: May 16, 2009; 1:00 - 5:00 pm :: Artists Television Access, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA.Consider making mini movies using what you have - use old camcorder, old webcams, new phone cams, and other types of portable cameras [...]
Mobile Art: Call for Contributions
Mobile Art - mapping, analysis and classification of the poetic proposed use of cell phones: Inviting artists, groups, teachers of art critics, curators, producers and promoters of events, among other stakeholders to participate by sending in contributions.This research has as objective main to map and to analyze the state where if it finds the called [...]
Media Life, Baudrillard, Plato, and the Real
Meta-Plasticity in Virtual Worlds
Kepesian Visualization
openFrameworks: an introduction [Brussels]
openFrameworks: an introduction — a 3 days workshop by Zachary Lieberman, Arturo Castro and Theo Watson :: May 28-30, 2009 :: iMAL, Quai des Charbonnages, Brussels.This workshop is an introduction to the openFrameworks library. OpenFrameworks is a C++ library for creative coding. It is designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and [...]
Live Stage: Walter Langelaar [Vienna]
Dorkbot Vienna: nOtbOt - Walter Langelaar (NL) :: May 3, 2009; 7:00 - 10:00 pm :: Metalab Vienna, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien, Vienna, Austria.nOtbOt is an automated game-player which is controlled and deranged by reactions to it’s own virtual environment, caught in a vicious force-feedback loop… The installation consists of a hacked up human-computer interface [...]
An Interview with Clarinda Mac Low
Hrag Vartanian on Jerry Saltz’s “This is the End…”
Hrag Vartanian on Jerry Saltz’s This is the End; The Rising Tide that Floated All Boats has Gone Out and All Boats are in Danger of Sinking, NYFA Current:“[...] One problem with the art world, according to Saltz, is the plethora of over- academicized curators and critics that favors “late late late late conceptualism” and [...]