networked performance
GESPENST / WIDMO / SPECTRE self-replication of pathogen - new work by Robert B. Lisek of Fundamental Research Lab :: until November 12 :: GALERIA LETO, ul. Hoza 9c, 00-528 Warsaw.The WIDMO /das GESPENST/ SPECTRE project, a result of research by the artist at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Wroclaw University, explores the relationship between [...]
Hidden Organizations, Spatial Contagions and Activism [Maastricht]
Extrastatecraft: Hidden Organizations, Spatial Contagions and Activism :: Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht :: Call for Applications - Deadline: November 24, 2008.Artists, designers and theoreticians are invited to submit proposals for individual or collective research projects for a one-year, two-year or variable research period. Extrastatecraft: Hidden Organizations, Spatial Contagions and Activism, [...]
Daria Faïn Human Behavior Explorers [Brooklyn]
Danspace Project and CPR - Center for Performance Research at Greenbelt present Daria Faïn Human Behavior Explorers’ The Extent to Which :: December 10-14, 2008; [Wed-Sat] 7:00 & 9:00 pm; [Sun] 3:00 pm :: 361 Manhattan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC.Breaking down the boundaries between dance and installation art, The Extent to Which uses a dynamic [...]
Using Digital Technologies to Implement Relational Architectures
xDxD (Salvatore Iaconesi) and penelope.di.pixel recently infiltrated an architecture congress in Mexico. The congress was on the revitalization of historical centers; there was a panel on virtual, participative and interactive architectures and on innovation, and an installation performance called rel:attiva presenza.The theme was the preservation and revitalization of the historical centers. While most people talked [...]
Campaign for Sustainability
Dear Friends,Our annual Fundraising Campaign begins now. Once again, we need your support. 2008 was our most active year yet. We launched 30 COMMISSIONED WORKS on and Networked_Music_Review; co-presented two exhibitions – MIXED REALITIES (with Ars Virtua and Huret & Spector Gallery) and LUMENS (with Greylock Arts and MCLA Gallery 51); co-presented two symposia [...]
Campaign for Sustainability
Dear Friends,Our annual Fundraising Campaign begins now. Once again, we need your support. 2008 was our most active year yet. We launched 30 COMMISSIONED WORKS on and Networked_Music_Review; co-presented two exhibitions – MIXED REALITIES (with Ars Virtua and Huret & Spector Gallery) and LUMENS (with Greylock Arts and MCLA Gallery 51); co-presented two symposia [...]
Live Stage: The Yes Men [Pittsburgh]
Keep It Slick: Infiltrating Capitalism with The Yes Men :: November 14, 2008 – February 15, 2009 :: How To Be A Yes Man Workshop: November 14; 5:00 pm :: Reception: November 14; 6:00 - 8:00 pm :: The Miller Gallery, Purnell Center for the Arts, Forbes Avenue, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.The Yes Men [...]
ANTIBODIES of surveillance and control _MICRODANCES
REVERSO in Portugal - organised by FABRICA DE MOVIMENTOS: ANTIBODIES of surveillance and control_MICRODANCES :: November 12, 2008; 9:30 pm :: TEATRO AVEIRENSE - AVEIRO.ANTIBODIES OF SURVEILLANCE __MICRODANCES is a transmedia metaformance (performance - installation - intervention - architecture - instrument - process - metabody) that uses wireless micro surveillance cameras on the naked [...]
The Golden Notebook - An Experiment in Collaborative Close-Reading
“On November 10th, The Institute for the Future of the Book kicks off an experiment in close reading. Seven women will read Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook and carry on a conversation in the margins…Fundamentally this is an experiment in how the web might be used as a space for collaborative close-reading. We don’t yet [...]
Web 2.0 Studies - Critical Internet Theory [Melbourne]
Web 2.0 Studies - Critical Internet Theory, by Geert Lovink - Research Methodologies Workshop :: December 15-16, 2008 :: School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia :: Call for Participants - Deadline: November 21, 2008 :: Free (3 stipends of up to $750 to support travel and accommodation costs of participants from outside [...]
-empyre- Networked Catastrophe and Artistic Response
November 2008 on -empyre- soft-skinned space: Networked Catastrophe and Artistic Response :: with Verena Andermatt Conley (US), Ricardo Dominguez (US), Navjotika Kumar (US), Steve Redhead (UK) :: moderated by Renate Ferro (US) and Tim Murray (US).How do artists respond to the networks of catastrophe in the age of speed? Building on the symposium on [...]
Everyday Utopia [Brussels]
Everyday Utopia :: November 14, 2008 - January 7, 2009 :: Opening: November 13; 6-9 pm :: think.21 Contemporary Gallery, Rue du Mail.21, Brussels, Belgium.Often in synergy and/or individually, Greek-born artists Andreas Angelidakis, Miltos Manetas and Angelo Plessas approach digital technology and most specifically the Internet as a natural evolution of the perception of daily [...]
Live Stage: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun [Troy]
In a Glass Hour: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun :: November 6, 2008; 7:30 pm :: EMPAC, Troy, New York.In a Glass Hour is a lecture series devoted to exploring the topic of time from the diverse perspectives of media theorists, scientists, artists, historians, journalists and others. Taking a broadly interdisciplinary approach to this singular subject, [...]
Live Stage: Man & Machine: The Convergence [London]
Kinetica Museum at Bishopsgate Institute: A Cultural Institute for London presents Man & Machine: The Convergence :: November 11, 2008; 7:30 pm :: Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London.This visionary panel will discuss the advancing potential of the human body and explore how science fiction has lead the way forward in creating today’s robotic and technologically [...]
Live Stage: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer [London]
Shadowlands - A Talk by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer :: November 15, 2008; 4:00 pm :: ICA Theatre, London.To tie in with Under Scan, the large scale public installation in Trafalgar Square, the artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is giving at talk at the ICA. He will curate a screening of moving-image works that have inspired his work. Following [...]
Live Stage: Blue Bath [Zagreb]
Blue Bath by Maya Kalagora :: November 7-16, 2008 :: Nano Gallery, Gajeva 26, Zagreb, Croatia.Blue Bath is an internet-connected ambient art installation. You can participate via project’s website. Blue Bath is an installation with performance which stresses the relationships between public and private spaces.Bathtub is empty. Performer is lying in it, dressed, having an [...]
Coded Cultures - Exploring Creative Emergences is happy to announce CODED CULTURES - Exploring Creative Emergences - a Bi-national Festival: Vienna, Austria - May 27-31, 2009 :: Yokohama, Japan - October 14-18, 2009 :: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: - Deadline: December 15, 2008.CODED CULTURES -Exploring Creative Emergences addresses questions regarding the codes of creative cultures and artistic practices, which are based [...]
E-Poetry Festival [Barcelona]
E-Poetry Festival :: May 24-27, 2009 :: Universitat Obertat de Catalunya, Barcelona :: CALL FOR PAPERS AND WORKS - Deadline: December 1, 2008.E-Poetry is both a conference and a festival. The festival is the most significant digital literary gathering in the field. Authors and researchers worldwide meet and present their researches and works. This will [...]
Exploits in the Wireless City [Nottingham]
Radiator Festival: Exploits in the Wireless City and Performing Space Symposium :: January 13-18, 2009 :: Nottingham, UK :: CALL FOR ARTISTS: Deadline: November 25, 2008.Since the abundant proliferation of digital communication technology, our (living) space has been expanded, transformed, reshaped. In our everyday lives we increasingly connect to mediated interfaces, be it consciously [...]
Live Stage: David Clark + Michelle Gay [NYC]
Pace Digital Gallery presents David Clark + Michelle Gay :: November 13 - December 4, 2008: Lecture and Reception: November 13; 6:00 - 8:00 pm :: 163 William Street, Rm 313; Pace University, New York City. David Clark’s 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) is an interactive, non-linear [...]