networked performance
ecosXchange is a collaborative development between ECOS and artist Siraj Izhar, together with multimedia artist Dominique Leroy and environmental engineer/ecologist Benjamin Larcher.
ecosXchange is an immaterial work of art in the form of a social participation currency - a type of ‘money’ — that acts as a new economic and cultural dimension within a community. The [...]
Live Stage: Martha Rosler [London]
Martha Rosler: Talking Art :: September 29, 2007, 2:00 - 3:30 pm :: Tate Modern, Starr Auditorium :: Booking required - For tickets go to here or call 020 7887 8888.
The second event in the Talking Art series features renowned American artist Martha Rosler in conversation with Iwona Blazwick, Director of The Whitechapel. Martha Rosler [...]
Hyposurface is an interactive installation consisting of a metallic surface that has potential to deform physically in response to different stimuli. The metallic surface is separated into small parts that are moved by pneumatic pistons. A simple interface allows users to present logos, text, and dynamic content. The surface will change its [...]
Natural Metaphor For Information Visualization
“My thesis research investigates how one can use metaphors of natural form and behavior for information to support a better understanding of data systems. In everyday life we receive information mediated by behavior patterns and forms of appearance. For instance, if someone is crying, we can infer that the person is sad or may be [...]
Recovered Light
Recovered Light (2007) by The OpenEnded Group: Recovered Light is a site-specific public artwork created for the York Minster in England. Projected directly on the scaffolded eastern facade of the cathedral, it acted as a kind of massive virtual x-ray (90 feet tall), peering through the scaffold at a masterpiece of 15th century stained glass, [...]
Amsterdam Film eXperience: Call for Entries [Amsterdam]
The Amsterdam Film eXperience (AFX) is an annual international short film festival that celebrates exploration. AFX loves audiovisual productions that explore the boundaries of film, the boundaries between media and the boundaries of storytelling. Short films, music videos, animations, interactive film, video art and all the crossovers you can think of: AFX will show the [...]
antiTHESIS: Piracy - Call for Proposals [Melbourne]
CFP: ‘Piracy’ - antiTHESIS Journal, Volume 18 (2008) :: Deadline: September 21, 2007 :: “In civilizations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and the police take the place of pirates.” -Foucault.
antiTHESIS, one of Australia’s longest running postgraduate interdisciplinary journals, now invites creative, scholarly and visual contributions for Volume 18, ‘Piracy.’ [...]
Digital Media Workshop: Call for Proposals [Sussex]
DIGITAL MEDIA: EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES? University of Sussex, Brighton, UK; November 1-3, 2007 :: Deadline for Proposals: September 1, 2007.
The aim of the workshop is to explore distinctive critical, theoretical and methodological perspectives around networked and pervasive media, especially those emerging in European research. This workshop is the first in a biannual conference/workshop series of ECREA’s [...]
16th Videobrasil [Brazil]
16th Videobrasil researches ties between video, visual arts, and cinema - The ties between video, cinema, and the visual arts are the object of investigation of the 16th International Electronic Art Festival_SESC Videobrasil, to be held at SESC Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, from September 30 to October 25, 2007. Synthesized in the curatorial theme [...]
Dorkbot SL Presentation
On June 17, 2007, I gave a presentation of my piece A Rose Heard At Dusk at Dorkbot SL, the Second Life chapter of Dorkbot. They have adopted the Dorkbot motto of “People doing strange things with electricity” to “People doing strange things with SL”. An excellent turnout to hear a great presentation by Miulew [...]
Live Stage: Open Source Culture [Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane]
Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) are holding a series of FREE public forums as part of still/open Program :: Melbourne 6pm, 5th September 2007 @ Digital Harbour :: Perth 6pm, 10th September 2007 @ The Bakery ARTRAGE Complex :: Brisbane 6pm, 14th September @ The Judith Wright Centre.
The forums will explore recent projects [...]
Call for artists DISONANCIAS 2007/08
CALL FOR ARTISTS - DISONANCIAS 2007 / 08: Deadline for applications: 3 October 2007, 9 am (Spain).
DISONANCIAS 2007/08 is pleased to announce the call for proposals from international artists to work on joint research programmes with heads of R&D in companies and research centres located in the Basque Country (Spain) between November 2007 and July [...]
Live Stage: Please Stay Alert at All Times [online]
The next 070707 UpStage Festival repeat performance is Please Stay Alert at All Times. One show only will be given on August 9 at 9 pm GMT (which will be Friday 10 for some of us). Find your local time here. This performance plays with MI5 instructions to ’stay alert at all times’ and report [...]
Dynamic Abstraction
Dynamic Abstraction, the beauty of randomness by Joshua Davis - Joshua Davis said in a Wired interview: “Pollock showed that there was beauty in randomness“. But if Pollock argued that the process of abstraction, not the end result, is what is dynamic (in his case a static painting), Joshua Davis’ work is never static: the [...]
Documenta as a Fiction Workshop [Gdansk]
Documenta as a Fiction Workshop :: August 2-4, 2007 :: Wyspa Institute of Art in Gdansk, 1 Doki Street, building #145B, 80-958 Gdansk, Poland :: +48 58 320 44 46.
Fiction touches on invented stories, fantasies and literary conventions. It sits on the side of creativity, arbitrariness and doubt. Its power belongs to the speaking subject… [...]
Between Chaos and Cosmos
Between Chaos and Cosmos: ngel KALENBERG reviews MediaArtHistories, Oliver GRAU (Ed.), Cambridge/Mass., MIT Press 2007.
Ortega y Gasset saw man not as natural, but instead as an anomaly of nature. Human beings, beyond being animals like the rest, have features that clearly differentiate them from, say, hominids. Those elements are human-created, and one of them is [...]
In Sharkrunners, by Area/code, players, “take on the role of marine biologists who seek to learn as much as possible about sharks through advanced observation techniques. In the game, players control their ships, but the sharks are controlled by real-world white sharks with GPS units attached to their fins. Real-world telemetry data provides the position [...]
John Whitney, Arabesque (1975)
John Whitney (1917 - 1995) was an animator, composer and inventor, widely considered to be one of the fathers of computer animation.
Spawn of the Surreal
“We are all at the mercy of dream, and in the waking ours we have to suffer its power.” - La Révolution surréaliste, Issue 1, December 1924
Domenico Quaranta is pleased to announce SPAWN OF THE SURREAL, his Second Life alter-ego’s blog. “Spawn of the Surreal: Travel notes of an art critic lost in the dumpster [...]
VIDA 10.0: Call for Entries
VIDA 10.0: International Competition on Art and Artificial Life :: Project Submission: September 17-October 22, 2007 :: Jury: November 7-9, 2007.
Fundación Telefónica is attempting to promote the convergence of Art, Science and Technology by holding an international competition which rewards those works of art developed using Artificial Life technologies. At previous editions, prizes were given [...]