networked performance
Judith Bulter on “The Politics of the Street”
(click on image to watch video) Although some have argued that the politics of the street has been replaced by new media politics, it seems that the public sphere within which politics takes place is now defined by a specific mode of bodies interacting with media. Hannah Arendt once argued that there could be no [...]
Live Stage: Charging Bull - Wall Street [online]
Charging Bull - Wall Street: an avatar-occupation organized by Jeremy Owen Turner (Canada) and Jacquelene Drinkall (Australia) in Blue Mars Lite (a Mac/PC client which integrates avatars with photos from Google’s map API) :: October 9; 1:00 - 1:30 pm (PST) :: Details here.
The Metahub @ Nuit Blanche White Night
The Metahub at Nuit Blanche White Night :: October 15, 2011; 8:30 am :: Amiens, France + October 16, 2011; 9:30 am :: Brighton, UK + online.The Metahub is a central hub where audio and video from various events is streamed live. VJs and audio artists take content from the live streams and remix it. [...]
Live Stage: Nature 2.0 by ecoarttech [NYC]
Nature 2.0: Convergent Ecologies of Art, Media, and Environment by ecoarttech (Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint) :: October 13, 2011; 7:30 - 10:30 pm :: Hyperallergic: 181 N 11th Street, #302, Brooklyn, NYC.This presentation will explore many crucial questions during our times, including most importantly “What does it mean to be a modern ecological being [...]
DataViz Workshop [Lisbon]
Other: Get it! Feel it! Know it! DataViz Workshop with Miguel Cardoso and Pedro Almeida :: October 12-15, 2011 :: Fine-Arts Faculty, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, Lisbon, 1249-058, Portugal.Data is everywhere around us.In this world of absolute data abundance we need new means to manage, combine, analyse and view data. We need to [...]
IMAGINE – Towards an Eco-aesthetics [Aarhus]
IMAGINE – Towards an Eco-aesthetics: Fall 2011 program: Exhibitions, debate, workshop & conference :: October 8, 2011 - January 8, 2012 :: The Aarhus Art Building - Centre for Contemporary Art, J. M. Moerks Gade 13, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.This year Aarhus Art Building is presenting a series of exhibitions and discursive events revolving [...]
Augmented Structures v1.1 [Istanbul]
Augmented Structures v1.1: Acoustic Formation by Refik Anadol and Alper Derinboğaz :: until November 13, 2011 :: Yapı Kredi Cultural Centre, Istiklal Street, 161, Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey.A Video/Audio Performance presented on the 400 sqm facade.Beyond being an artwork, the installation is an urban experience, combining science and art and making the city’s acoustic memory visible [...]
Live Stage: Net Works Panel Discussion [NYC]
Net Works: Case Studies in Web Art and Design edited by Xtine Borrough Panel Discussion - featuring Xtine Borrough, Michael Mandiberg, Ethan Ham & Robert Nideffer :: October 13, 2011; 6:00 - 9:00 pm :: Eyebeam, 540 West 21st Street, New York, New York.Net Works: Case Studies in Web Art and Design (Routledge) offers an [...]
October/November @ 319 Scholes [NYC]
October/November @ 319 Scholes: Ecologías Correlativas, Notes on a New Nature, Monthly Music Series: Leisure :: 319 Scholes Street, Brooklyn NY.How has the (contested) term ‘ecology’ mutated over past decades? If we cannot separate nature from culture, what is the role of subjectivity in the ‘ecological’? Where are opportunities to reconfigure social models with technology? [...]
Thimbl, Economic Fiction as a Performative Artwork
On [nettime] Dmytri Kleiner wrote: #Thimbl, Social Media Week, @dsearls and Economic Fiction as a Performative ArtworkThimbl[1] has been getting some attention lately, party because of my talk at Social Media Week Berlin[2], partly because of a Tweet by the legendary Doc Searls[3].Despite being part of Transmediale 2010 and winning a distinction at the festival, [...]
GLI.TC/H ▐▐ 24 Hour No Password Party [online]
GLI.TC/H ▐▐ 24 Hour No Password Party :: October 5-6, 2011; 12:00 - 12:00 am.In keeping with bending protocol and breaking structures GLI.TC/H has opened a document to collaboratively construct/ deconstruct the layout for the 20111 READER[OR]GLI.TC/H is compiling a selection of TXTs to be output in digital static-document formats and printed on dead-trees. Writers, [...]
Live Stage: Tweeting the Revolution [Cambridge, MA]
Tweeting the Revolution: Agency, Collective Action, and the Negotiation of Risk in a Networked Age — a talk by Beth Coleman (MIT) :: October 18, 2011; 12:30 pm :: Berkman Center, Harvard University, 23 Everett Street, Second floor, Cambridge, MA + webcast live :: RSVP required.This paper looks at the impact of social media [...]
ecoarttech: traces of work 2005 - 2011 .pdf book
American Plutocracy
American Plutocracy: A marker for the occupation of Wall Street and beyond by John Craig Freeman:In September 2011 citizens began to gather and then occupy Liberty Plaza near Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. American Plutocracy seeks to mark occupation sites across the U.S. Wall Street is everywhere. Find an occupation site near [...]
Turbulence Commission: “PuréeData” by Ted Hayes
Turbulence Commission: PuréeData by Ted Hayes [Optimized for Google Chrome]:PuréeData is a web-browser interface for a single shared sound environment that allows live, collaborative patching for anyone, anywhere. Visitors interact with a shared PureData audio synthesis patch and listen to the results as an MP3 stream, with no software to install or set up. The [...]
Live Stage: Returning Fire [NYC]
Returning Fire: Interventions in Video Game Culture screening + panel discussion with Fred Ritchin (moderator), Roger Stahl, Wafaa Bilal, Joseph Delappe, Anne-Marie Schleiner :: October 21, 2011; (screening) 6:00 pm (panel) 8:00 pm :: Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, Room 006 :: Free but RSVP required.Returning Fire: Interventions in Video Game Culture (Media [...]
“Mountain Ghosts” by Halsey Burgund
Mountain Ghosts by Halsey Burgund :: until mid-November :: Galleries of Contemporary Art, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.Mountain Ghosts is a site-specific sound art installation that infuses the entire University of Colorado / Colorado Springs campus with a location-based layer of audio created collectively by the artist and participants. Building on Burgund’s interest in systems, [...]
Kate Hartman: The Art of Wearable Communication
Artist Kate Hartman uses wearable electronics to explore how we communicate, with ourselves and with the world. In this quirky and thought-provoking talk, she shows the “Talk to Yourself Hat”, the “Inflatable Heart”, the “Glacier Embracing Suit”, and other unexpected devices.
Be Your Own Souvenir
Be Your Own Souvenir invites the viewer to perform the role of and become a human statue, with a free personal souvenir as a reward: a small figurine of the participant, printed three-dimensionally from a volumetric reconstruction of their form, generated by the use of a structured light scanner.Be Your Own Souvenir connects street users, [...]
CELL by James Alliban & Keiichi Matsuda
CELL by James Alliban & Keiichi Matsuda:Commissioned by Alpha-ville for the 2011 festival this interactive installation plays with and proposes alternative landscapes in the technological ether surrounding our everyday movements. Personal identity is increasingly becoming a broadcasted commodity, as a result of this, our constructed personae enmesh and define us. CELL realises our virtual reflections, [...]