Nathalie Miebach - Artist Talk :: October 14, 2008; 7:00 pm :: Berwick Research Institute, 14 Palmer St, Dudley Square, Roxbury, MA.During her residency at Berwick, Nathalie Miebach will be working on a project called, Weather Suits for Cities. The project focuses on exploring the difference of both human perspective and physical variability of weather [...]
Games Art Networking Event 2008 :: October 25, 2008; 12 - 6 pm :: HTTP Gallery, Unit A2 Arena Design Centre, 71 Ashfield Road, N4 1NY [map] :: RSVP gallery [at] Art does exactly what it says on the tin; art that uses, abuses and misuses the materials and language of games, whether real [...]
Speaking Out Loud - Tim Etchells (UK) and Vlatka Horvat (CRO), Mukul Patel (UK) and Manu Luksch (AT), Charles Sandison (UK), Christoph Keller (DE), Jaromil (IT) and Jodi (NL), Linda Hilfling (DEN), KH Jeron (DE), Tudor Bratu (RO) and Istvan Ist Huzjan (SLO), Michael Hopfel (DE), Trikoton (DE), Evan Roth (US) :: November 15, [...]
Now is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century :: October 28, 2008 - January 29, 2009; 8:00 pm (schedule below) :: Auditorium, University of Amsterdam (Oude Lutherse Kerk), Singel 411, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.The attack on the World Trade Center spelled closure for the 20th century. There was no going back; the world [...]
Visual Foreign Correspondents presents Morning of the Mongoloids by Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries. It tells the comical and tragic story of a man who wakes up in the morning as somebody else. Slowly he discovers that he looks Korean, speaks Korean and lives in Seoul. What in the first instance seems like a view on [...]
Grimace is a studio based performance employing three digital video cameras networked to a multiple camera security system. The two faces displayed are a reconstruction of artist Garrett Lynch’s face. Two camera video his eyes while the third camera videos his mouth. The live feed of each of the eyes are then used eight times [...]
Upgrade! Boston: Jeanne Jo + Rachelle Beaudoin :: October 21, 2008; 7:00 - 9:00 pm :: North 181 - entrance on Evans Way [map], Massachusetts College of Art and Design, 621 Huntington Avenue, Boston. [Follow the signs posted on the outside of the Tower Building (black glass) [Green Line "E"].Jeanne Jo is a new media [...]
Turbulence Commission: Touching Gravity 2/Tiltby Caryn Heilman (LiquidBody MediaDance) with music by Nana Simopoulos [Needs Flash player and core duo Mac or PC] - Touching Gravity 2/Tilt is an interactive, aerial videodance superimposed on a composited image of two rivers in the towns of North Adams and Adams, Massachusetts. Part of the Networked Realities: (Re)Connecting [...]
Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art) - A Juried International Competition :: Call for Proposals - Deadline: December 15, 2008Five writers will be commissioned to develop chapters for a networked book about networked art. The chapters will be open for revision, commentary, and translation by online collaborators. Each commissioned writer will receive $3,000 (US).Project Committee: Steve [...]
Hybrids - Trondheim Matchmaking 2008 - Festival for Art & Technology :: October 17 - 18, 2008 :: Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre (TEKS).From medieval mythologies we are familiar with hybrid creatures like the Centaur and the Griffon. The creation of these fantasy beings denies in itself the very existence of species as we define the [...]
Kurt Hentschlager - ZEE[RANGE] :: October 3 - December 31, 2008 :: Artist talk - October 4; 1:00 pm :: Wood Street Galleries, 601 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA.Wood Street Galleries, a project of The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, presents the world premiere of new work by New York-based Austrian artist Kurt Hentschlager: ZEE[RANGE]. In this exhibition, [...]
Second Front Samizdat Installation: Virtual Identity Theft – R U (4) Real? :: Part of I Feel Free But Know That I Am Not, curated by Chuck Mobley :: October 2 - November 1, 2008 :: Opening Reception: October 2; 5 - 8 pm :: SF Camerawork, 657 Mission Street, Second Floor, San Francisco, CA [...]
Streaming Museum 2 - International Urban Screens, Streaming Museum and TED Prize Joint Broadcasting Initiative Connects Public Locations In Cities Around the World :: October 3 - 5, 2008.In a groundbreaking event, cities around the world will simultaneously link up to over 25 outdoor urban screens via the Internet from a main broadcast originating from [...]
The 4th annual Carnival of e-Creativity (CeC 2009) is scheduled to be held February 27 to March 1, 2009 in the sylvan spaces of Sattal Estate, just above Bhimtal, near Nainital, in the Lower Kumaon of the new Himalayan Indian state of Uttarakhand.As always, CeC shall be about Presentations, Performances, Exhibits and Screenings, involving direct [...]
uma história | a story - a performance by susana mendes silva (the performance will be in Portuguese) :: Preview: October 4, 2008; 6:00 pm :: Exhibition: October 5 - November 30, 2008.This project is part of the exhibition 18 Presidents, One Palace and Other Things More, which is curated by Miguel Amado and promoted [...]
Upgrade! Paris: Etienne Mineur - Moderator: Joelle Bitton :: October 3, 2008; 7:00 pm :: Beton Salon, 9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Rez-de-Chaussee de la Halle aux Farines, 75013 Paris.For the last 3 years, Etienne Mineur has developed The blog’s aim is to inquire about the relation between graphic design and technologies. For Upgrade! #18, [...]
Social Web - Towards Networked Protest Politics? :: November 7-8, 2008 :: Collaborative Research Centre ‘Media Upheavals’, Universität Siegen, Siegen, Germany.Overall, the conference aims at shedding some light on the interrelations of social movements and digital networks. It will address such questions as:Panel #1: Virtualized Networks, Social Movements & Campaigns - Which aspects of internal [...]
The Intermedial City :: October 9-11, 2008 :: Thomson House, McGill University, 3650 McTavish, Montreal.“Media scholars have always noted the strong connection between the growth of cities and the growth of media. In Canada, despite our vast distances, most people live in large metropolitan areas and their experience of most media is as urban dwellers. [...]
The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology is proud to present The Fourth International DOCAM Summit :: October 30-31, 2008 :: Tanna Schulich Hall (New Music Building), McGill University Montreal, Canada :: Preceded by the Symposium: Media in Motion: The Challenge of Preservation in the Digital Age :: October 29, 2008 :: Rooms [...]
SHAREDSCAPES is an experimental shared space, a platform for creativity, research and self-expression. It welcomes online submissions of texts, pictures and sounds, which will express your definitions of the concept of landscape.The primary aim of SHAREDSCAPES is to provide a discussion forum for points of view inspired by the concept of landscape. Through the medium [...]