Call for Proposals: Live Bits - Art Exploring Real-Time Connectedness :: Deadline: October 31, 2008.Ars Electronica invites artists and scientists to submit proposals for new and novel ways to connect, in real time, people to people, and people to environments in different physical locations. The goal is to expand and explore meaningful exchanges between remote [...]
RSA Arts & Ecology and Animate Projects invite you to the breakfast launch of STOP.WATCH - New short films for the Internet by artists exploring Ecological Emergencies :: November 4, 2008; 9:00 - 10.30 am :: BFI Southbank (NFT 2), Belvedere Road, South Bank, London, SE1 8XT :: RSVP by October 18: art [at] [...]
YOU OWN ME NOW UNTIL YOU FORGET ABOUT ME. with works by Mary-Anne Breeze (mez), Codemanipulator(R), Christina Goestl and, Karl Heinz Jeron and Valie Djordjevic, carlos katastrofsky, Joerg Piringer, Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg :: October 17 - November 10, 2008 :: Opening Reception: October 16, 2008; 7:00 pm :: Galerija Miklova hisa, Skrabcev [...]
Open Forum on Art and Politics :: October 15, 2008; 7 - 9 pm :: REDCAT, CalArts Theater, 631 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA.The economic crisis did not happen overnight. While Obama and McCain discuss more government oversight of federal agencies, how do we continue doing work to have more community oversight of our [...]
Russian National Center for Contemporary Art, Saint Petersburg, St .Petersburg Arts Project, New York; and CYLAND Media Art Lab present the Second Cyber Art Festival in Russia: CYBERFEST 2008 :: November 25 - 30, 2008 :: Educational Center of the State Hermitage; Frants Gallery Space; Griaznaya Gallery; and Gallery Luda. Cyberfest 2008 is organized by [...]
Landspace 01 (2008) is the first in a series of interactive video-landscapes by Chiara Passa, with music by Netherworld. It will be placed as a site-specific installation in a public space.Landspace provides a view into a virtual extension through motion. Various overlayed currents compiled of a range of extreme terrain ebb and swell, transforming the [...]
Children of Arcadia — by Mark Skwarek and Joseph Hocking, et al — is a real-time virtual ecosystem which undergoes the stress test of apocalypse to expose the moral fibers of its inhabitants and the flaws in their idealized utopia. Virtual reality and augmented reality are used to combine the physical world of downtown Manhattan [...]
Takeovers & Makeovers: Artistic Appropriation, Fair Use, and Copyright in the Digital Age :: November 7 - 8, 2008 :: Berkeley Art Museum Theater, University of California, Berkeley.(This symposium) will bring together artists, lawyers, art historians, and representatives from the information technology community to discuss the changing field of appropriation art in the wake of [...]
GEO GOO (Info Park) by JODI :: October 18 - November 9, 2008 :: Opening: October 17; 6:00 pm :: iMAL Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, 30 Quai des Charbonnages/Koolmijnenkaai 30, Brussels 1080.JODI, the Belgian-Dutch duo pioneer of Net Art, explores the relations between the world as we build it through Internet and the [...]
Moving by numbers :: October 16 -18; 5:00 - 8:00 pm (every 10 minutes) :: VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival, Palazzo dei Pio, Cortile d’Onore, Corso Canalgrande, 103, Carpi.Moving by numbers is an opportunity to experience reciprocal body reactions between a spectator and a dancer. The performance takes place in an enclosed original architecture, where the [...]
The society of the query and the Googlization of our lives - A tribute to Joseph Weizenbaum by Geert Lovink, Eurozine:“Search is the way we now live. With the dramatic increase of accessed information, we have become hooked on retrieval tools.” However, argues net critic Geert Lovink, the “Googlization of our lives” will continue for [...]
[Image: (Untitled) by Priscilla Monge, photographed by Alexandra Wolkowicz. Part of the 2006 Liverpool Biennial]. A post earlier this week here on BLDGBLOG raised the question of whether or not an urban candidate might be inherently better suited for the job of U.S. president than a rural one – but [...]
[Image: You are my Subjects by Stanza] Force of Metadata Symposium :: November 29, 2008, 9:30 am - 6:30 pm :: Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre, Goldsmiths, University of London :: Access is free. RSVP e.baumann-meurer [at] rules the web. Its power goes beyond merely ordering descriptions of data. Metadata administers access, pre-decides preferences, [...]
[Image: Tropisms by Neri Oxman] CHI 2009 Workshop: Programming Reality: From Transitive Materials to Organic User Interfaces :: April 4-5, 2009 :: Boston, Massachusetts, USA :: Call for Participation - Submission Deadline: October 23, 2008 :: Submissions and enquiries: programmingreality [at] the past few years, a quiet revolution has been redefining our fundamental computing [...]
The Map: Navigating the Present ::October 12, 2008 - February 8, 2009 :: Bildmuseet Museum of Fine Art, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.The Map: Navigating the Present is a multi-faceted project of global contemporary culture. It takes a broad approach to maps and cartography of today; allowing for artistic, cultural, political and scientific practices to combine, [...]
Receiver Magazine #21: Space is the Place - It was only recently that we entered a new phase in how we regard the coexistence of “real” and “virtual life”. While we’re increasingly leading our lives with digital support, we’re taking the real world back in - by personally annotating real space digitally, by using the [...]
Virtual / Physical Bodies (Corps Virtuels / Physiques) :: An exhibition by the body>data>space collective with collaborators Michael Takeo Magruder and Ivor Diosi :: October 9 - January 11, 2008 :: Centre Des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains, nr Paris.body>data>space have curated this exciting exhibition that explores contemporary questions surrounding virtual/physical bodies and public spaces - considering how [...]
CYNETart_08, International Media Art Festival: Post Me_New ID :: October 31 - November 2, 2008 :: Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany.Post Me_New ID will bring together interdisciplinary practitioners in art, science and technology to discuss in various formats, from keynotes to Quickfires, issues concerning contemporary and future forms of networked creations and multi-identities. Among the speakers [...]
NeORIZON @ eArts Festival Shanghai :: October 18-22, 2008 :: Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai.NeORIZON is a urban interactive art installation by Maurice Benayoun. The city skyline defines the “profile” of the City. It is the visible part of its identity. At the same time, the skyline alters and replaces the horizon line, the limits of [...]
The Video Vortex Reader is the first collection of critical texts to deal with the rapidly emerging world of online video – from its explosive rise in 2005 with YouTube, to its future as a significant form of personal media.After years of talk about digital convergence and crossmedia platforms we now witness the merger of [...]