Wintercamp ‘09
Winter Camp is an event, organized by the Institute of Network Cultures and will take place 3-7 March 2009 in Amsterdam. Network Cultures Winter Camp will be a mix of presentations and work spaces with an emphasis on getting things done. It will be a four-day program of work spaces and plenary presentations, in which [...]
GOSUB10 launched!
finally … believe it or not, this one was on the TODO for 5 years…The new netlabel GOSUB10 today launches Substrate, its inaugural release. A 12-track compilation of music from across the electronic music genre, it features friends and family of the GOTO10 collective,illustrating the strong networks by which the label will grow and providing [...]
Tools to Fight Boredom
FLOSS and GNU/Linux for Artists Working in the Field of Generative Music and Software Art.New Article by Marloes de Valk.The article has been published in Volume 28, Issue 1, 2009 of the Contemporary Music Review journal. This issue, “Generative Music”, has been edited by Nick Collins and Andrew R. Brown. It features other articles from [...]
LIWOLI09 - Call for participation
Liwoli 2009hacklab for art and open source23 - 25 April 2009 - Kunstuniversitat LinzLiwoli 2009 is a three day long Hacklab and an open invitation to all who would like to participate in an active process of learning, producing and sharing around the areas of Free/Libre Open SourceSoftware and Art. FLOSS developers, artists and programmers [...]
Openlab in Winchester workshops
art.deb in Archives 2020
yourmachines archives
FLOSS+Art: panem, circenses et GPL
ensa bourges20/05/2009 - 9:007, rue édouard-branly a time when intellectual property is fiercely debated, while some people cling on to their little bits of territory, others have chosen to share knowledge, art and networks.Why? How? And.. what can free and open culture contribute to artistic creation beyond the proposal for an alternative technological palette?A presentation [...]
Two New Articles in the Digital Artists’ Handbook
Call for projects: MAKE ART 2009
Hacker Space Fest
On the Saturday 27th of June, OpenLab.Taipei will mark its first event entitled “Co-Play #1″. It will consists of a evening of casual presentations by several FLOSS artists, as well as chance to socialist and hang out at the new Digital Art Center Taipei. The preliminary URL of OpenLab.Taipei can be found here. We [...]
FLOSS+Art review on Neural
Networked Media public crash&chat workshops
Introduction to puredyne workshop London,UK
Plan09 workshop “open source planning”
Talk by Marloes de Valk at the Plan09 Open Source Planning Workshop Ehrenfeld. For an overview of the talk, please have a look here.plan09 - forum for contemporary architecture25.09.–02.10.2009The exhibition and event program “plan” was launched in 1999 with the goal of creating a new mode of communication for architecture and urban development – an [...]
Speed Geeking in Groningen
When: 5 March 2010, 14:00 – 18:00Where: Het Paleis, Boterdiep 111, Groningen (NL)For who? Art and design students!Entrance: freeArt and Design students of the world, come join us for a speed geeking session the 5th of March :) You can either teach a 30 minute workshop about your new hobby, high tech invention or solution [...]
chmod +x art
When: 2 – 7 March 2010Where: Sign, Groningen (NL)The fifth edition of make art – chmod +x art – will take place in Groningen (NL), from the 2nd to the 7th of March 2010. Workshop hello wor(l)d!, exhibition, Hocus Pocus lecture evening, Placard headphone concert, breakfast club, speed geeking & PechaGnucha, bookshopWith: Wayne Clements (GB) [...]
HACKTION: free software and art at ESADSE
When: 21st and 22nd of January 2010Where: http://esadse.frHacktion is a free micro event spreading over two days during the open days of the École Supérieure d’ Art et Design Saint-Etienne, in France. This event is organized by Aymeric Mansoux ( and Antoine Moreau ( with the support of the ESADSE and the participation of Enrike [...]