Puredyne 9.10 – Carrot and Coriander
Puredyne is a GNU/Linux live distribution aimed at creative people, looking for tools outside the standard. It provides the best experimental creative applications alongside a solid set of graphic,audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. For everything from sound art to innovative filmmaking.Puredyne is optimised for use in realtime audio and video processing. [...]
Saturday 12 December 2009 – Sunday 14 February 2010Preview Friday 11 December 6pm – 8pm artists/collectives: Kayle Brandon + Heath Bunting, Rhiannon Chaloner + Manuel Vason, glorious ninth, GOTO10, Rui Guerra, Household, Christine + Irene Hohenbüchler, JODI, Mandy McIntosh, Gloria Ojulari Sule, Trevor Pitt + Kate Pemberton, Janek Simon, Stephanie Syjuco, Clare Thornton, and projects [...]
make art 2009
GOTO10 collective is glad to announce the program of make art 2009 ! The fourth edition of make art – What The Fork?! distributed and open practices in FLOSS art – will take place in Poitiers (FR), from the 8th to the 13th of December 2009.Le collectif GOTO10 est heureux de vous présenter le programme [...]
/mode +v noise at CRAFTIVISM
Mon 30 Nov, Tue 1, Wed 2 DecFreeArnolfini, Bristol, UKhttp://www.craftivism.net +v noise is an intense 3 day workshop for up to 10 participants, looking at how to build an Internet chat based music platform.The workshop will give you the opportunity to create your own software sound synthesiser and different chat bots that will be used [...]
Workshop Hello wor(l)d!
When? 2, 3 and 4 March 2010, 10:00 – 17:00Where? het Paleis, Erlenmeyer zaalEntrance: free At this very moment, the workshop Hello wor(l)d! is taking place, part of the chmod+x event. Hello wor(l)d! is an introduction to 3 different artistic approaches to programming, using three different programming styles: graphical, textual (code poetry) and life coding. [...]
Opening exhibition chmod +x art
Yesterday the exhibition chmod +x opened in Sign gallery, Groningen. The works exhibited are “love2″ by Wayne Clements, “island2″ by Martin Howse, “Microcodes” by Pall Thayer and “Class Library” by Graham Harwood. The exhibition presents works that use the computer as a space for social revolution, as location, an ungraspable island that slowly transmits itself [...]
Liwoli 2010
Our friends from are doing another wonderful liwoli festival.LiWoLi is an open lab focusing on Free /Open Source Software (FLOSS), Open Hardware and open contents in digital art and culture. This event will offer workshops, lectures, presentations and performances. For anyone interested in these subjects, participation in the entire program is free.vacca (GOTO10) will [...]
Pikelache/HIAP puredyne sprint
A code sprint is a “time-boxed period of software development focused on a given list of goals” (source: wikipedia). It is a great opportunity for developers to meet in real life and work together on some issues. The Puredyne team use this technique for a couple of years now and have been doing sprints in [...]
GOTO10 @ Pixelache 2010
GOTO10 collective has been invited design some parts of Pixelache 2010 programme. The preliminary plan is to organise a seminar about FLOSS+Art and to present an exhibition featuring software art.more details here: office ((at)) pixelache dot ac
“FLOSS art ?” – lecture @ Rurart (FR) – 27th May
What happens when you try to combine FLOSS and digital art ? What is the creative influence between art and free software ?This lecture will be given by Thomas Vriet (in French) as an immersion to “FLOSS art” movement.Venue: Rurart, cultural center nearby Poitiers (FR)Date: Thursday 27th May – 18hMore infos: click hereQue se passe-t-il [...]
make art – call for projects “In-between design”
We’re pleased to announce the new call for projects for the forthcoming edition of make art, which will take place in Poitiers from the 4th to the 7th of November.make art 6th edition will focus on in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art.We’re currently seeking new, innovative media art and design works and projects focusing [...]
Buddha Buddha workshop
GOTO10 is pleased introduce the “Buddha Buddha” workshop in partnership with Digiark of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In the workshop, participants will first produce sounds of their own using FLOSS tools. The results of these sound experiments are subsequently loaded into custom manufactured Buddha boxes(small IC based sound loop player, best known [...]
SPACE – London Residency
GOTO10 is supported by SPACE through the PERMACULTURES programme. PERMACULTURES supports artists using technology and exploring media culture against the backdrop of apparent ecological crisis. SPACE hosts 1-3 month residencies in the MediaLab supporting artists to develop and produce new work.During the residency SPACE have offered GOTO10 time and space to develop new projects, [...]
IRZU / Ljudmila Residency
During the IRZU Earzoom Festival in Ljublana, Slovenia, GOTO10’s Rob Canning will be Artist in Residence in the Ljudmila Hacklab. His work Kyklos for video and multichannel sound will be installed in the gallery ŠKUC from 2. to 6. October 2010.There will also be a two day workshop on composing music for instruments [...]
puredyne SPACE sprint!
The puredyne team will be having a code sprint this weekend at the SPACE studios in London. This is also as part of their ongoing PERMACULTURES residency. We will be working hard there, and bento boxes are welcome:) As usual, the rest of the residency can be followed at
Call for participation – workshop “Peer-To-Peer Design Strategies” 3/4/5 Nov
workshop by Emanuele Bonetti (Italy) during make art 2010 festival in Poitiers, Francemax 6 participantsDuring the workshop participants will be asked to complete a design commission using an alternative peer-to-peer collaboration method.The aim of the workshop is to complete one finished work of graphic design that all the participants find satisfying. This workshop serves as [...]
z→z²+c released on GOSUB10
z→z²+c from ClaudiusMaximus is GOSUB10’s third release, by a sad coincidence arriving soon after the passing of Benoît Mandelbrot: our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this time.The Mandelbrot set is possibly the world’s most famous fractal. z→z²+c is a series of sonifications, focussing on the periodic attractors found almost everywhere [...]
“le Jeu des Jeux” @ Souffle de l’Équinoxe, 19/20 Feb, Poitiers
workshop “Copy-pasting… combining the collective imagination” 25/26/27 Nov 2010
We’re glad to invite Jérôme Abel to give a workshop in the framework of the “Figures of Interactivity” Biennial. “Copy-pasting… combining the collective imagination” Emancipation and drifts around the tools for art. The aim of the workshop is to build an hybrid, digital artwork prototype based on copy-pasting. Reusing existing works is the rule in [...]
make art 2010, 4-7 November, Poitiers (FR)
make artfestival of free art and technologiesfrom 4 to 7 november 2010Maison de l’Architecture, Poitiers « in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art » make art is an international festival dedicated to free/libre arts and technologies, distributed digital artworks and net art. The sixth edition of make art focuses on works halfway between art and [...]
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