Masters of Media
Moaning About the Future of the Book at Edinburgh’s Book Fest
It’s always a pleasure to hear publishers hash out their anxieties about the future. You get passionate, articulate types – it takes fanatic bibliophilia to enter into the business to begin with – who pounce on the issue with impressively granular exposition. In other words, gather a bunch of publishers and writers to rant about the Internet, and you get…
GLI.TC/H seeks audio/video bumpers!
**********http://GLI.TC/H in Chicago Sept 29 – Oct 03, 2010!***********
GLI.TC/H is an international gathering of noise & new media practitioners in Chicago from September 29 thru October 03, 2010! GLI.TC/H is a physical and virtual assembly of artists, hackers, moshers, dirty mediators, noise makers, circuit benders, p/h/i/l/o/s/o/p/h/e/r/s, and those who find wonder in that which others call broken. GLI.TC/H seeks: Realtime…
From Metaphysics to Metadata – #1. Introduction
Starting from today, I will publish my thesis From Metaphysics to Metadata. Aesthetics and Politics of Interface on this blog. Since nobody wants to read some 70 pages in blog format, I’m attaching it in four separate PDFs introduced by as many short abstracts. So here it goes, I hope to receive some feedback.
INTRODUCTION – ABSTRACT [Download full PDF: NicolaBozzi_MP2MD_Introduction]
This work is…
The Politics of Social Media. Facebook: Control and Resistance
Hereby I post my MA thesis ‘The Politics of Social Media. Facebook: Control and Resistance’ for anyone who is interested in the political dimension of social media. A link to the full PDF can be found below.
This thesis examines the governance of contemporary social media and the potential of resistance. In particular, it sheds light on several cases in which…
Remediation: Will new media eat older media alive?
In their book Remediation Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin argue that new visual media achieve cultural significance by refashioning earlier media. New media define themselves in relationship to older media. Remediation operates in two directions: older media tries to appropriate and refashion digital media and digital media tries to refashion older media. Their claim is: “remediation is a defining characteristic…
The immersive and interactive qualities of literature
In “Immersion vs. Interactivity: Virtual Reality and Literary Theory” Marie-Laure Ryan explores the problematics of Virtual literature. Marie-Laure Ryan is a literary scholar and critic. She has written several books and articles concerning narratology, fiction and cyberculture, and she has been awarded several times for her work. Ryan has a diverse background. She has studied literature, linguistics, German, French and…
Automated Ontology Structure In Folksonomy
My master thesis is finished! I’ve made it available for download here for everyone interested in hybrid folksonomy/ontology Web organization.
Automated Ontology Structure in Folksonomy (.pdf, 3100 kb)
The purpose of this research is to evaluate automated folksonomy refinement through algorithms, which constitutes a hybrid folksonomy/ontology Web organization. While in most contemporary literature folksonomy and classic taxonomic organization are opposed, this study attempts…
From Metaphysics to Metadata – #2. Infrastructure and Flow. The Channels of Metadata
This is the second part of my thesis From Metaphysics to Metadata. Aesthetics and Politics of Interface. Here’s the first part.
ABSTRACT [Or download full PDF: NicolaBozzi_MP2MD_Channels]
Starting from the example of urban simulacra (in form of virtual environments, mapping applications, or augmented reality renderings), in this chapter I introduce how a virtual infrastructure actualizes into an interface by means of metadata.…
New Media Shaping of Perception and the New Space of the Body
Sandbox Berlin (2007) Aram Bartholl
The past few months I have been working on my master thesis. The aim of this thesis was to research human perception of space and of time, as well as of the body, and how digital new media have an influence on it. I believe that digital new media are changing our relational modalities toward space…
Fellow Sorcerers: Rhizomatic Animality in New Media Art
Here’s my thesis, relevant for any fan of cyborg studies: Fellow Sorcerers PDF
Beginning in the industrial revolution and possibly before, the balance of animal life has tipped away from a state of autonomy to a state of subjection and suffering under the influence of the human. The ‘Anthropocene,’ a geological era characterized by the complete dominance of mankind, is…
From Metaphysics to Metadata – #3. Interface and Choice: Types and Implications of Metadata
This is the third part of my thesis From Metaphysics to Metadata. Aesthetics and Politics of Interface. Check back to read the first part and the second part.
ABSTRACT [Or download the full PDF: NicolaBozzi_MP2MD_Figures]
In this chapter I define four main types of metadata and four stereotypical figures to exemplify each of them respectively: structural metadata (the Nerd), textural metadata (the Hipster), body metadata (the…
Persistence of Life-Streams An Inquiry Into the Implications of Mixed Surveillance
Here’s the final version of my thesis which covers the nature and implications of (participatory) surveillance in the field of social media, and specifically in life-streaming services like Twitter and Facebook. (PDF can be downloaded here).
In this thesis, I will investigate the use and organization of so-called ‘life-streams’, a term that is described by blogger John Borthwick as “real time,…
From Metaphysics to Metadata – #4. Conclusion
This is the conclusion of my thesis From Metaphysics to Metadata. Aesthetics and Politics of Interface. Click to read the first, second, and third part.
ABSTRACT [Or download the full PDF: NicolaBozzi_MP2MD_Conclusion]
In the conclusion of my work I give a few examples of how new stereotypes can be created and spread through the media, thus modifying the interface by the creation…
Using Twitter to support 3FM’s ‘Serious Request’ Campaign
Next in series on 'blog reviews'
Using Facebook, Youtube , Hyves and Twitter in particular for the good cause? It’s possible in the coming weeks with Serious Retweets . The site supports the yearly 3FM campaign ‘Het glazen huis‘ which is based on dj’s who stick together in a box of glass in december for 5 days without eating and collecting money…
The Wilderness Downtown: When New Media and Music Reinforce Each Other
Musicians are struggling, as they have always been. It seems to have to be part of the deal in one way or another. In the past decade or so however, things have gotten increasingly difficult for artists as the music industry has found itself confronted with fast declining record sales and an even faster growing competitor in the form of…
Using Twitter to support 3FM’s ‘Serious Request’ Campaign
Using Facebook, Youtube , Hyves and Twitter in particular for the good cause? It’s possible in the coming weeks with Serious Retweets . The site supports the yearly 3FM campaign ‘Het glazen huis‘ which is based on dj’s who stick together in a box of glass in december for 5 days without eating and collecting money for the International Committee of…
The regime of Justin Bieber
We’ve all seen him, heard him sing or heard the likes and dislikes of other people talking about him: Justin Bieber. Personally I am not really a fan: if you told me half a year ago that I would write a blog post about him, I would have laughed and called you silly.
But that was before I read
The reign of Justin Bieber
We’ve all seen him, heard him sing or heard the likes and dislikes of other people talking about him: Justin Bieber. Personally I am not really a fan: if you told me half a year ago that I would write a blog post about him, I would have laughed and called you silly.
But that was before I read
No school like the old school
Schools are complicated places, they not only mirror society’s obstacles and challenges but also represent our collective hopes for youth, education and knowledge. Teaching is to an extend an individual enterprise in that many teachers adopt a style of teaching suitable to their personality, interests and age. Many experience the growing attention for new media practices in education as another…
The Craigslist Circus
Last month a friend was planning a trip to the U.S and while trawling Craigslist for a short-stay apartment in New York she commented on her growing wariness of the site. This, mostly because of its well-publicized reputation for resident scammers and because she received plenty of “money first, details later” email responses to her queries.
More seriously,…