Masters of Media
2012: An Offline Year for Bram van Montfoort
The How-I-met-your-MOM-Project
Click here to view the embedded video.
New Media Studies is a programme that is constantly changing, evolving and thus outdated on an annual basis. Its theoretical base is a solid one, its pragmatic learnings are however determined by the hegemonic character of the relation between man, machine and the technology that mediates meaning to both facets. The How-I-met-your-MOM-Projectgroup was
Introduction: the Facebooth
This post is a summary of the presentation held on October 20 during the final session of the New Media Practices course 2011, with some additional information about the artistic and practical background of the booth. The Facebooth is a photo booth shaped box containing physical mirror showing your digital self. The booth can be placed anywhere, and anybody who…
New Media in Brazil: An interview with the curator of FILE
FILE stands for International Festival of Electronic Language and is the biggest festival of new media in Brazil. The event happens annually in São Paulo and eventually in other cities of Brazil and holds projects, installations, screenings and presentations from all over the world. The organization of FILE is a non-governmental and non-profit group, all event entrances are free. In…
Interview: Marlus Araujo
In Brazil we can see overtime more and more designer starting to work with programming and merging those tools to create their projects. The figure of the designer/programmer has emerged and became fundamental in the web market and the quality of their work is improving as the time goes on.
Marlus Araujo is a Brazilian design…
Interview with James Robinson: Mapping the World’s Signal
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blogpost about Open Signal Maps, an application for android that maps the world’s signal. I used the application myself for several days and it worked pretty fine and gave me better understanding of signal strength in my area. But I was still curious about the story behind this application. I…
Get to know your MoM…
As new media students most of us are leading frequently updated online lives through social media.At the same time we encounter a substantial amount of research pointing to possible dangers concerning issues of privacy and identity that are connected with this wide and frequent use of social media. Since new media students will the ones eventually…
Interview with Sanne Stricker from Roamler
Sanne Stricker (26) graduated cum laude from the Master of Business Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Her master thesis focused on the influence of negative tweets on consumer attitude towards brands and received a lot of media attention from the Dutch press. Sanne is currently working at Roamler, the company behind the successful iPhone app on crowdsourcing. Her advice? Go work at a startup!
The Knight’s Move: Mark Shepard and the Sentient City
I received an e-mail in my inbox. Mark Shepard was coming to The Hague for a lecture on the sentient city. It was part of a lecture series called The Knight’s Move, which aims on cutting across disciplines and rethinking the city. Even though I was not really familiar with Shepard (besides a book review on this very blog),…
Interview with Elias Aboujaoude MD, author of ‘Virtually You’
‘Virtually You‘ is the book I reviewed some time back. It talks about the dangerous effects life online can have on our personalities and lives. I managed to get hold of the author of the book, Elias Aboujaoude MD, for a quick email interview. I approached him with the thought that perhaps he could offer some thinking points for…
What makes a good review online?
Some observations from the paper "Being Heard in Review Communities: Communication Tactics and Review Prominence".
Occupy Realism: Or How I Learned to Stop Protesting and Love Protocol.
As you may have realised, the title of this blog post is a parody of Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb. If you’ve seen the film, you know it involves bypassing a networked system, perceived to be perfectly designed, for catastrophic (and hilarious) results. It highlights the use and…
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: an interview on Chinese internet usage
How do we find happiness? I cannot answer that question for you, but it is relevant to everybody. The state of happiness was deemed so important by the Founding Fathers of the United States that they added it to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed…
The Cyber Cafe Is Dead. Long Live The Cyber Cafe!
In the Western world, cyber cafes are nearing the point of total extinction, but less protected as say, pandas. However, many seem to find a new lease on life in the various developing –soon to take over Total World Domination – countries, where they provide the poor with a marvelous opportunity to surf the infinite waves of the Free…
The Making of the MoMUvA app
We as master students New Media at the UvA rely on many different sources on the web for information regarding our course and objects of study. Our main idea for the MoMUvA app was to bring together these channels, but we had other ideas to improve communication between students as well. This is a report on how we created the MoMUvA app.
The only Polish ‘Obamalogist’ explains social media “dos and dont’s”
I have decided to make an intervirew with Magdalena Górnicka (FB, Twitter): social media manager at Publicon – a well know PR Agency in Wroclaw, the only Polish ‘Obamalogist’, co-organizer of Polish editions of Social Media Day conference. She openly admits to being a Facebook addict – spending most of her time – both at work…
First-ever online collaborative orchestra
The creation of a truly global orchestra, bringing together people from around the world and enableing, using new media, creative and enthusiastic cooperation of recognized musicians and emerging talents. This is YouTube Symphony Orchestra.
YouTube Symphony Orchestra is a project in which, via You Tube, 101 musicians from 33 countries were selected. The contestants were required to record themselves…
On Tumblr and News Curation: Interview with Ernie Smith from ShortFormBlog
It’s no news that Tumblr is one of the fastest-growing networks. Latest data from Quantcast indicate that it receives 410,180,736 visits every month, mostly young audiences with a desperate hunger for content and a strong community feel. This hybrid between blogging platform and social network is also a great and open field for new experiences in journalism and…
A corporate view on mobile app development – interview with BM&FBOVESPA’s Web Projects Coordinator, João Magalhães Lima.
BM&FBOVESPA is the Brazilian stock exchange, and one of the largest in the world.
Headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil, it has offices in Rio de Janeiro, New York, Shanghai and London.
João Magalhães Lima is the Web Projects Coordinator for the Communications Department of BM&FBOVESPA, and responsible for managing projects ranging from social media strategy to mobile applications development.…
The Limitations of Protocol
Internet is often praised for allowing people to speak up and publish freely, rather than opinions are suppressed by higher powers. On the one hand, everyone has the ability to start a blog and publish whatever they like. On the other hand, not all publishing platforms are that free as some think internet is. Every user has to agree with…