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Enough truths to cope with already
Enough truths to cope with already wondered how we could tell whether snow is white. We have morechallenging propositional conundrums.Extreme possible worldsBin Laden sprang out of bed with an AK47 in each hand. A millisecondbefore squeezing the triggers, a Navy SEAL shot him in the eye.“Shit!” exclaimed the US shooter, realizing the democratic West was introuble. There’ll be no fair trial, no hope for justice. One of hiscomrades patted him on the shoulder, “There’s nothing we could havedone.” Back in DC, Hilary Clinton covered her face, realizingimmediately the repercussions – who would believe them when they saidthat he slept with guns?Bin Laden was lying asleep, naked, in bed, with no sign of guns orexplosives. His wife woke first and started to scream on seeing theSEALS. She was shot in the leg: “Shut up bitch.” As Bin Laden woke up,he was shot in the head as the US assassin screamed, “YEEEE HAAAW!”“Mission accomplished,” said the SEAL with a smile, waving toPresident Obama via the video hookup.We must know the truthThere’s an enormous space of possibilities consistent with what wehear from the news for just about every news event. The first to comewas whether the SEALS were really engaged in a gunfight. There’s theissue of sovereignty in Pakistan: is it possible that Pakistansecretly welcomes the drone attacks? That Pakistan knew the SEALS werecoming but couldn’t admit this for fear of civil war when the localsdiscovered?Then there’s the videos of Bin Laden watching himself. News of hisporn stash. Could all be true and not fabricated. Could be a cheapPsyOp.It’s of crucial importance that we work out how to uncover the realtruth. What really happened? What were the motivations?Well, actually, it’s not important. If even a fraction of what isprobable, is actually true, e.g., that the US is executing peoplewithout trial in Pakistan using remote controlled drones, we have amajor problem. The obvious truth is bad enough. The details andconspiracies don’t matter – they just distract from what we alreadyknow.So, of all the scary news, what’s most likely to be true? And whatshould we do about it?
Yet another telephone call from Libya to The Hague…
Yet another telephone call from Libya to The Hague…May 16, 2011 by Tjebbe van TijenThe illustrated version can be found on The Limping Messenger…while the list of Libyan war criminals by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Luis Moreno-Ocampo keeps dwindling and until now only three suspects are mentioned by name: Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and Gaddafi’s brother in law Abdullah Senussi. The deserted former head of the Libyan Secret Service and last Minister of Foreign Affairs Moussa Koussa (also spelled in the Western press as Musa Kusa), part of the regime till a few weeks ago, when he crossed the border of Tunis and was welcomed as a valuable informer for NATO in Great Britain, seems not to be on the list of the International Criminal Court. We now seem to have a whole score of regime members who are defecting by telephone. This tactics seem to be much more effective than throwing big bombs from speedy airplanes onto buildings that are either emptied or are inhabited by people who were are the wrong place at the wrong moment. What to think about the British Chief of the Defence Staff General David Richards who called last Sunday for “widen targets in Libya” as NATO tries all it can to keep Gaddafi from being caught alive and being brought for the International Criminal Court in The Hague. All of this is also a show of force to topple in the near future the Assad family from power in Syria. Both politics and justice are in the hands of NATO generals now. Happily the International Criminal Court in The Hague, that has no own police force to arrest indicted war criminals, still has a telephone line, to prove things can be done differently. Or, one musty believe that the members of Gaddafi’s claque and clique needed some bombs to rain next to their front doors before they would call The Hague, as if the downfall of the Gaddafi reign had not been imminent for many months already, without NATO airplanes.[tableau with Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Moussa Koussa and an anonymous telephone caller from his villa in Libya...]Tjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
Hello.You might not be aware of what is happening in Spain right now.Today thousands of people were out in the streets of 50 Spanish citiesprotesting and many are staying there to sleep tonight. Plaza del Sol inMadrid is packed and other cities are getting organized to continuetomorrow.Of course mass media are not following. This is all I can find in English: #spanishrevolution, #acampadasol and #democraciarealya have been TTall day long.We need to keep them up there!Please help us spread it through international networks, independent andsocial media.We need your support!Maria.
Libya: I have always had a suspicion when ‘civilians’ are protected and 'soldiers' are open for lawful slaughter.
a show of force to help topple the tank based Assad family from power in Syria, in the near future. Political leaders must by now have received the message of the international legal community, that only in China it is allowed to use tanks against demonstrators. Both politics and justice in Africa and the Middle East seem to be in the hands of NATO generals, they take the initiative while parliaments have lost all control over this theatre of war. Happily the International Criminal Court in The Hague – that has no own police force to arrest indicted war criminals – still has a telephone line, to prove things can be done differently. Or, one musty believe that the members of Gaddafi’s claque and clique needed some bombs to rain next to their front doors before they would call The Hague, as if the downfall of the Gaddafi reign had not been imminent for many months already, without NATO airplanes. Why diplomatic forms of subversion have failed to be used to oust the regime of Gaddafi? Who does the body count in Libya irrespective on which side death occurs? Who are those Libyan army soldiers that are legitimate targets now? I read the army consists of 25.000 volunteers and 25.000 conscripts and that their equipment is rather outdated. So what chance they have against the ultra up to date NATO forces? NATO does not have smart bombs that can decide who to kill and who not, bombs that can distinguish between a conscript, a volunteer, a Gaddafi guard or an insurgent. Too many unanswered questions. I have always had a suspicion when ‘civilians’ are protected and soldiers are open for lawful slaughter. We need to widen our vision on such conflicts and develop new tactics for more peaceful methods of transition of power.Full text and image at: this is an extended version of an earlier postTjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
NATO disrupting the course of justice in Libya andInternational Criminal Court not reacting
NATO disrupting the course of justice in Libya and International Criminal Court not reactingMay 20, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen The illustrated and linked version can found at:[tableau: Flying NATO warrant for Gaddafi over Libyan desert.]When a court orders an alleged killer to be arrested and it notices that someone else tries repeatedly to kill ‘their killer’…. it would issue also an arrest warrant for the murderer ‘in spe’ of the indicted. Sounds logical but we see today that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court fails to do so. He did not issue any public statementordering the chiefs of NATO to stop their attempts at the life of someone who needs to face his judges here on earth.Below is the concluding statement by the ICC Prosecutor at the press conference on Libya in The Hague on 16 May 2011:My Office has not requested the intervention of international forces to implement the arrest warrants. Should the Court issue them and the three individuals remain in Libya, Libyan authorities have the primary responsibility to arrest them. Libya is a member of the United Nations and it has the duty to abide by Security Council Resolution 1970.When the time comes, implementing the arrest warrants will be the most effective way to protect civilians under attack in Libya and elsewhere. As in any other criminal case, the execution of the warrants will have a deterrent impact for other leaders who are thinking of using violence to gain or retain power.[high res photograph of the ICC Prosecutors press conference on the indictment of Gaddafi]Tjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
Expression of concern regarding the EU ACTA Agreement
The EU parliament will soon decide if they will examine the legality ofthe ACTA treaty by asking an opinion from the European Court of Justice.LabtoLab, the network of European medialabs, in which Constant takes part,expresses its concerns about the impact of the ACTA treaty on thepractices that we develop.We wrote an open letter stating these concerns, the letter can be foundat this address: you support the standpoint of the letter, we would like to ask you toco-sign this letter as a supporter. You can do this by replying to thise-mail, please incude your family name and firstname, the institute ororganisation you are part of (if relevant) and your position in it, orsimply the activity that you would like to see mentioned.The EU about Acta:
Edouard Challe: The rent of the financial industry has been captured by the highest salaries.
For the amateurs/ connoisseurs of 'rent', enjoy!p+3D!from: Le Monde, Dossier Economie, Tuesday May 17, 2011.Edouard Challe (EC): "The rents of the financial industry have beencaptured by the highest salaries"Interviewed by Antoine Reverchon (AR)AR: Together with Pierre Calhuc, you have researched the linkages betweenfinancial bubbles and income distribution. What are the outcomes?EC: Economic research has shown a worldwide trend for the very highincomes to rise over the past twenty years. This includes not only capitalincomes, but also the highest salaries, and top level bonusses. Thefurther you are into the highest 10%, 1%, 0,1% slabs of income, thegreater this rise has been.There are two traditional ways to explain this phenomenon. The first is tosay that technological progress exert an upward pull to the remunerationsof the most qualified personel, as they master the knowledge ofinformation and communication technologies, which are the vectors of thisprogress - whereas the Industrial Revolution tended to favorise the massesof non-qualified labour. Conversely, in the second explanation,globalisation drags down the salaries on non-qualified labour, as it mustcompete with the low cost labour in emerging economies.But when one takes a much closer look at the precise structuration of thehighest salaries, one discovers that these are mostly distributed amongcorporate lawyers, CEOs, 'celebs' in sports and show business, and sector jobs. It is there that the rise has been at its mostspectacular. Thus, the managers of the 5 biggest American hedge funds earnmore together than all the CEOs of the SP500 index!AR: But aren't such high levels of earnings justified by the very highlevel of qualification demanded by the growing complexity andsophistication of the financial sector's produces and services?EC: Not at all, since earnings, at the same level of qualification, arefar higher in the financial sector than everywhere else. They areprincipaly linked to the ability of finance professionals to capture arent within the economic activity, this thanks to the monopoly status andthe asymetry in information which is characteristic of the industry.Financial relationships are by nature non-competitive, as they are basedon two-sided trust, something that is conducive to the development ofrent. During speculative bubbles, as we have seen them over the pasttwenty years, like the boom, followed by the real estate bubble,this accumulation of rent takes place at an extraordinary scale.AR: But seen in absolute numbers, does not the level of theseremunerations simply reflect the amounts of money that are currently beinghandled by the financial industries, and which qre supposed to benefitinvestments in other sectors of the economy?EC: IF markets were efficient, then for sure a redistribution of the rentthrough investments would take place. But this rent is actually captured(by the very highest incomes -PR) in the form of remunerations, and thishas two major consequences. First, there is a further increase in theoverall inequality of incomes. Second, human resources are ineficientlydistributed across the labour market. The financial sector sucks in themost qualified people, at the expense of other sectors of the economy.Three times as many Harvard graduates go to finance than was the casetwenty years ago. The same happens in Europe as well.AR: But if the financial sector creates value and jobs in numberstraditional industries are not any longer able to as they are beingdelocalised - where is the problem?EC: To believe that the financial sector is conducive to economic growthis illusory, as its own growth is based on speculative bubbles. And thereis no room on this planet for more than two global financial centres likeLondon and New York. In the long run, the ill-advised allocation of humanresources in favor of finance will lead to macro-economic inneficiencies.AR: Can these tendenties be corrected then?EC: YES, if, as consequence of the crisis, we would have embarked into areal re-regulation of the financial industry, in which case one couldhave hoped for a re-allocation of resources of qualified labour. But thisis not the sort of policy options that are being followed, especially notin the U.S. Bubbles are therefore here to stay, and the lure of very highsalaries in the financial sector will continue to disrupt the labourmarket and enhance inequalities.Edourd Challes is professor of economiccs at the Ecole Polytechnique andsenior research fellow with the CNRS.Antoine Reverchon is economist.Q&D translation by Patrice RiemensCotignac, May 19, 2011.
text for talk not given at epoetry
[the following text was to be delivered at epoetry - it's an enlargement of the outline I sent out a week or so ago. I'm sick and unable to attend in person, and Loss Glazier refused, as a matter of principle (if someone can't attend the conference in person, hir paper can't be presented), to have anyone else read it, or to have me deliver it by Skype, etc. so it's stillborn. I worked a couple of months on it, and think it might be of interest; here it is, as it was to be read.]Uncomfortable notes on the poetics of captured human behavior:[for Epoetry 2011]Hi, apologies for not being able to attend; I've been sick. The followingis an outline of my recent work, which is based on a semiotics of thehuman body that relates to political and environmental concerns,choreography, and so forth, but is not based on particular graphemes orvocabulary.I use motion capture in a variety of ways, emphasizing a poetics ofmovement that works through motion-transformation, motion-invention ordiscovery - in other words, I use motion capture for things beyond thestandard reproduction of human movement.Think of a set constituting the range of human actions, as described byRudolf Laban:Then think of different sorts of transformations T, that can be applied to this range through modified motion capture.The result is an unlimited range of actions, preserved in files, which can be used in virtual worlds, in mannequin software, or for augmented realities. I describe this as:{range of human actions, Laban A}{unlimited range of actions B}What is T?a. software interface (dynamic behavior filtering) transformations - WVU changing the software itself, some node remappings.When I was at WVU, we reworked the software for the older motion capture equipment at the Virtual Environments Lab; the result was the ability to create dynamic filtering, which modified the original actions.b. hardware (distribution, remapping) transformations - remapping the nodes on one performer, distributions as in c.Or the hardware could be mapped differently - the nodes could be assigned different positions on the body, than the usual.c. social transformations (many into one, distributed mappings)Or - and this is most pertinent - the nodes for a SINGLE AVATAR or representation could be distributed among several people, resulting in a SINGULAR BEHAVIOR, assigned to one avatar, but representing a social confluence - many people controlling one body.The REAL BODY bound by skeletal connectivity, Jordan surfaces;But the transformed body bound by skeletal connectivity, twisted/tangledsurfacesIn other words the links in the transformed body can bend in any direction; the links in the real body are confined by human skeletal potentials + topology (topological embedding in four dimensions): think of this as a tensor calculus of human movement think of this as a topography of flesh and sinewThe following typology emerges - this is where my work is taking me:Ruptures created by the general calculus above, ruptures through the calculus or in the calculus. This breaks down as follows:Ruptures in the calculus: the tortured or wounded body the body convulsed in pain the catatonic body the terrorized body the broken or 'defective' bodyRuptures through the imaginary: the nightmare the orgasm hysteria/ boundaries of laughing and crying the confined body/ body of s/m the forgotten or abandoned body the hyper-sexualized body transmitters/ receivers hallucinations and other phenomena (Dendy's Philosophy of Mystery)Ruptures of the body invaded by capital: prosthetics X-scopic surgeries rfid implantsRuptures of the body invaded by the imaginary: (capital of the imaginary, imaginary capital) psycho-tropics/overdetermined associations/disassociationsRuptures of the body by an augmented real: sports, steroids, body-building, and so forthThink of all of this together:Invasions of the imaginary, invasions of capital, of the augmented real, invasions through the imaginary: invasions or invaginations, incorporations or intensifications? These terms entangle and return to:Either the proper body, or the body as heap; the articulated body, or the dismembered and reassembled body; the body characterized by a real, or the body chararacterized by an imaginary;Either the fundamental topography of the body, or the fundamental topology of the body - invasions, dissolutions,ruptures.Ruptures as returns of the repressed - some questions to be considered:What lexicons are at work? What economies?What is it that motion capture captures?What is snared, what abandoned?What is the vocabulary of behavioral dynamics - voluntary, autonomic, involuntary, intrinsic - or involuntary, anomalous and axiomatic, extrinsic?In other words: What is going on with us, within and without the world?=========================================================================Part 2: the Wringing. This is where I consider types of ruptures in termsof Rudolf Laban's "efforts" in dance choreography:Laban, in Modern Educational Dance, distinguishes ``eight basic efforts'':Wring, Press, Glide, Float, Flick, Slash, Punch, Dab. ``Each of theseefforts contains three of the six movement elements: strong, light,sustained, quick, direct, flexible.'' Four of the group are strong: Slash,Wring, Press, and Punch. Wring and Press reconfigure the avatar; Presspreserves both topology and topography, but Wring transforms at least thelatter.Wringing slides one against another, in combination with pressure:Wringing distorts the body. With physical bodies, wringing breaksconnectionns (slashing can also break connections).Now, think of:The wrung body, the hobbled body. Wringing occurs when the body issimultaneously twisted and restrained.Gravity restrains and locates the body. With mocap, gravity may be'eliminated' through the use of harnesses, or through edge phenomena thatcarry the body elsewhere.The heaped or pressed body: the body as thing, as material: the body ofthe slave (wrung from and within capital, wrung from the socius).becoming element or token, demarcation of nothing but position, mined forits materiality.The finality of the dancing body, the dance of death - the heaps ofRwanda, Auschwitz, Abu Gharayb.Similarity, in the world of the simulacrum, the disappearing body:Argentina, U.S. prisons.Not similarity: the world of the (natural) catastrophe, the disaster: theheaped body, but the body (perhaps) recuperated for/within history.One might think through all of this as the historiography of the body.Where do we go from here?========================================================================= Part 3: the Wringing: Part 2: Addendum: Quotes from Rudolf Laban:V. WRINGING.wringing--is flexible, sustained, strong.Wringing can vary from a pulling to a twisting movement,and is felt moreeasily in the shoulders, arms and hands than in the hips and legs. Thefeeling of strength must not be lost, as the slow muscular resistance feltin pressing is also present in this effort, but wringing produces adifferent sensation as the joints move more flexibly.At first, wringing should be felt in the hands, as in wringing outclothes, and then extended, using different parts of the body. The wholebody can be set into a wringing motion--for example in yawning.Wringing movements of the arms can be directed into various zones, themost important as far as exercises are concerned being down forwardsoutwards, but there are many possibilities--with each arm separately, orboth together, wringing downwards, upwards, across, sideways, forwards andbackwards, extending into space in all directions.Wringing should also be experienced in other parts of the body, such asthe shoulders, trunk, hips, legs, not only extending into space away fromthe body, but towards it. Other possible variations are wringing simultan-eously with both arms in different directions, or wringing with differentparts of the body into various directions; for example, wringing the trunkin a backwards-bending movement and doing the same action with armssideways high, _et cetera._[...]"Indulging with" Space and Time, and "fighting against" Weight, which isthe essence of wringing, develops a valuable control and gives andentirely different movement-experience from that gained by doing simpletwisting exercises. The counter-tensions involved produce a different kindof bound flexibility from that met with in any other form of physicalactivity.(Rudolf Laban, Modern Educational Dance, 1948, pp. 63-65.)Thank you for allowing me to present this material. If you have anyquestions, please contact me; again, apologies for not being able topresent this in person.
Two New Articles on Capitalism
Hello nettime, here are two new articles on Capitalism.# Capital Doesn't Automate, It Entangles! # One is about the prospect of automation leading to increased leisure underCapitalism:"Rather than a future characterized by gleaming fully automated robotfactories producing untold wealth while humans enjoy a life of leisure andpursuit of higher consciousness, a more realistic vision of capitalistautomation is the panicked teenager frantically responding to various beepsand buzzers and flashing lights in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant."### --> # Insurgent Finance! #The other is about the prospect of a junk bond financed insurgent VentureCommunism:"Milken believed that he was a liberator that broke open the Capitalistvaults, getting Capital in the hands of a new generation ofbusinesses that would otherwise have been shut out by the conservative oldelite. In some sense that is true. Milken helped fuel the rise of manyinsurgents into a previously well-heeled old guard, notably himself and thelikes of Rupert Murdoch."### --> and feedback welcome as always. Feel free to pass on and repost.For those of you in Berlin, Stammtisch continues at Cafe Buchhandlung eachTuesday starting at 9pm. Regards,Dmytri Kleiner+
G8 vs INTERNET--call for creative action vs INTERNETOur imaginations help us protect our rights and a free Internetcall for creative actionEveryone is invited to send URIs web addresses of any bits of expression produced in answer to this call to submit-9CrpnGfog+y6AgdA8iZGRg< at >public.gmane.orgThe Internet is the place where we meet, speak, create, educate ourselves and organize. However, as we are at a turning point in early web history, it could either become a prime tool for improving our societies, knowledge and culture, or a totalitarian tool of suveillance and control.After 15 years of fighting the sharing of culture in the name of an obsolete copyright regime, governments of the World are uniting to control and censor the Internet. The black-out of the Egyptian Net, the US government’s reaction to Wikileaks, the adoption of website blocking mechanisms in Europe, or the plans for “Internet kill switches”[1] are all major threats on our freedom of expression and communication. These threats come from corporations and politicians, unsettled by the advent of the Internet.As a host of the G8, France’s president Nicolas Sarkozy wants to step up centralized control over the Internet. He has convened world leaders to a summit aimed at working towards a “civilized Internet”, a concept he borrowed from the Chinese government. By creating fears such as “cyber-terrorism”, their objective is to generalize rules of exception in order to establish censorship and control, thereby undermining free speech and other civil liberties.They will package this policy using words like “democracy” and “responsibility”, but look at their acts. Sarkozy has already enabled disconnection of citizens from the Internet and the censorship of online content in France.The Internet allows us to express our opinions universally. The Internet unites us and makes us strong. It is a space in which the common civilisation of our diverse planet meets. Our imaginations, through all kinds of media we create and publish, help us protect our rights and a free Internet. As world leaders gather at the end of this month, we must all come together and use our creativity to reject any attempt at turning the Internet into a tool of repression and control.
Fwd: [multitudes_colred] Place de la Puerta del Sol,Espagne
---------- Message transf?r? ----------De : Raul <raul-Ss5wYDU21Mf9CHvZ6l3MoQ< at >>Date : 19 mai 2011 18:45Objet : Re: [multitudes_colred] Place de la Puerta del Sol, Espagne? : multitudes_colred <multitudes_colred-LVbi7B8qMF7k1uMJSBkQmQ< at >> Un article sur le mouvement ?crit par des copains de l'Universidad N?mada.Ra?l*On 15thMay 2011, around 150,000 people took to the streets in 60 Spanishtowns and cities to demand ?Real Democracy Now?, marching under the slogan?We are not commodities in the hands of bankers and politicians?. Theprotest was organised through web-based social networks without theinvolvement of any major unions or political parties. At the end of themarch some people decided to stay the night at the Plaza del Sol in Madrid.They were forcefully evacuated by the police in the early hours of themorning. This, in turn, generated a mass call for everyone to occupy his orher local squares that thousands all over Spain took up. As we write, 65public squares are being occupied, with support protests taking place inSpanish Embassies from Buenos Aires to Vienna and, indeed, London. Youprobably have not have read about it in the British press, but it iscertainly happening. Try *#spanishrevolution*, #*yeswecamp,#nonosvamos*or #*acampadasol*on Twitter and see for yourself. What follows is a text byEmmanuel Rodr?guez and Tom?s Herreros from the Spanish collective*UniversidadN?mada.*IT?S THE REAL DEMOCRACY, STUPID**15**TH**May, from Outrage to Hope*There is no doubt that Sunday 15thMay 2011 has come to mark a turning point:from the web to the street, from conversations around the kitchen table tomass mobilisations, but more than anything else, from outrage to hope. Tensof thousands of people, ordinary citizens responding to a call that startedand spread on the internet, have taken the streets with a clear andpromising demand: they want a real democracy, a democracy no longer tailoredto the greed of the few, but to the needs of the people. They have beenunequivocal in their denunciation of a political class that, since thebeginning of the crisis, has run the country by turning away from them andobeying the dictates of the euphemistically called ?markets?.We will have to watch over the next weeks and months to see how this demandfor *real democracy now*takes shape and develops. But everything seems topoint to a movement that will grow even stronger. The clearest sign of itsfuture strength comes from the taking over of public squares and theimpromptu camping sites that have appeared in pretty much every majorSpanish town and city. Today??four days after the first march??socialnetworks are bursting with support for the movement, a virtual support thatis bolstered by its resonance in the streets and squares. While forecastingwhere this will take us is still too difficult, it is already possible toadvance some questions thatthis movementhas put on the table.Firstly, the criticisms that have been raised by the 15thMay Movement arespot on. A growing sector of the population is outraged by parliamentarypolitics as we have come to known them, as our political parties areimplementing it today??by making the weakest sectors of society pay for thecrisis. In the last few years we have witnessed with a growing sense ofdisbelief how the big banks received millions in bail-outs, while cuts insocial provision, brutal assaults on basic rights and covert privatisationsate away at an already skeletal Spanish welfare state. Today, none doubtsthat these politics are a danger to our present and our immediate future.This outrage is made even more explicit when it is confronted by thecowardice of politicians, unable to put an end to the rule of the financialworld. Where did all those promises to give capitalism a human face made inthe wake of the sub-prime crisis go? What happened to the idea of abolishingtax havens? What became of the proclamation that the financial system wouldbe brought under control? What of the plans to tax speculative gains and thepromise to stop tax benefits for the highest earners?Secondly, the 15thMay Movement is a lot more than a warning to the so-calledLeft. It is possible (in fact it is quite probable) that on 22ndMay, whenlocal and regional elections take place in Spain, the left will suffer acatastrophic defeat. If that were the case, it would be only be a preambleto what would happen in the general elections. What can be said todaywithout hesitation is that the institutional left (parties and major unions)is the target of a generalised political disaffection due to its sheerinability come up with novel solutions to this crisis. This is where thetwo-fold explanation of its predicted electoral defeat lies. On the onehand, its policies are unable to step outside a completely tendentious wayof reading the crisis that, to this day, accepts that the problem lies inthe scarcity of our resources. Let?s say it loud and clear: no such aproblem exists, there is no lack of resources, the real problem is theextremely uneven way in which wealth is distributed, and financial?discipline? is making this problem even more acute every passing day. Whereare the infinite benefits of the real estate bubble today? Where are thereturns of such ridiculous projects as the airports in Castell?n or Lleida,to name but a few? Who is benefiting from the gigantic mountain of debtcrippling so many families and individuals? The institutional left has beenunable to stand on the side of, and work with, the many emerging movementsthat are calling for freedom and democracy. Who can forgive Zapatero?s wordswhen the proposal to accept the *daci?n depago*1<#13009270aa1ab38e_sdfootnote1sym>wasrejected by parliament on the basis that it could ?jeopardise the solvencyof the Spanish financial system?? Who was he addressing with these words?The millions of people enslaved by their mortgages or the interests of majorbanks? And what can we say of their indecent law of intellectual property,the infamous Ley Sinde? Was he standing with those who have given shape tothe web or with those who plan to make money out of it, as if culture wasjust another commodity? If the institutional left continues to ignore socialmovements, if it refuses to break away from a script written by thefinancial and economic elites and fails to come out with a plan B that couldlead us out of the crisis, it will stay in opposition for a very long time.There is no time for more deferrals: either they change or they will losewhatever social legitimation they still have to represent the values theyclaim to stand for.Thirdly, the 15thMay Movement reveals that far from being the passive agentsthat so many analysts take them to be, citizens have been able to organisethemselves in the midst of a profound crisis of political representation andinstitutional abandonment. The new generations have learnt how to shape theweb, creating new ways of ?being together?, without taking recourse toideological clich?s, armed with a savvy pragmatism, escaping frompre-conceived political categories and big bureaucratic apparatuses. We arewitnessing the emergence of new ?majority minorities? that demand democracyin the face of a war ?of all against all? and the idiotic atomisationpromoted by neoliberalism, one that demands social rights against the logicof privatisation and cuts imposed by the economical powers. And it is quitepossible that at this juncture old political goals will be of little or nouse. Hoping for an impossible return to the fold of Estate, or aiming forfull employment??like the whole spectrum of the Spanish parliamentary leftseems to be doing??is a pointless task. Reinventing democracy requires, atthe very least, pointing to new ways of distributing wealth, to citizenshiprights for all regardless of where they were born (something in keeping withthis globalised times), to the defence of common goods (environmentalresources, yes, but also knowledge, education, the internet and health) andto different forms of self-governance that can leave behind the corruptionof current ones.Finally, it is important to remember that the 15thMay Movement is linked toa wider current of European protests triggered as a reaction to so-called?austerity? measures. These protests are shaking up the desert of the real,leaving behind the image of a formless and silent mass of European citizensthat so befits the interests of political and economical elites. We aretalking here of campaigns like the British *UKUncut*against Cameron?spolicies, of the mass mobilisations of *Gera?ao a Rasca*in Portugal, orindeed of what took place in Iceland after the people decided not to bailout the bankers. And, of course, inspiration is found above all in the ArabUprising, the democratic revolts in Egypt and Tunisia who managed tooverthrow their corrupt leaders.Needless to say, we have no idea what the ultimate fate of the 15thMayMovement will be. But we can definitely state something at this stage, nowwe have at least two different routes out of this crisis: implementing yetmore cuts or constructing a real democracy. We know what the first one hasdelivered so far: not only has it failed to bring back any semblance ofeconomic ?normality?, it has created an atmosphere of ?everyman forhimself?, a war of all against all. The second one promises an absolute andconstituent democracy, all we can say about it is that it has just begun andthat is starting to lay down its path. But the choice seems clear to us, itis down this path that we would like to go.Tom?s Herreros and Emmanuel Rodr?guez (Universidad N?mada)(hurriedly translated by Yaiza Hern?ndez Vel?zquez)please feel free to distribute, copy, quote...1 <#13009270aa1ab38e_sdfootnote1anc> Dation in payment or *datio insolutionem*, the possibility of handing in the keys to a property in lieu ofpaying the debt accrued on its mortgage. . .MULTITUDES_COLREDListe du Collectif de r???daction de Multitudesen "no-mail" :
German slumlords in LA
Bwo INURA list/ Tino Bucholzhi all,the article below I would not not consider unexpected but crucialinformation on advanced capitalist re/ long..tino******************************The U.S.: Where Europe comes to slum,0,3990894.storyThe newest slumlord in Los Angeles is a pillar of German capitalism.Earlier this month, the city attorney's office filed suit against DeutscheBank, the world's fourth-largest bank, for letting many of the more than2,000 L.A. homes it has foreclosed on descend into squalor and decay ...slumming in America is fast becoming a business model for some of Europe'sleading companies, and they often do things here they would never think ofdoing at home. These companies not banks, primarily, but suchgold-plated European manufacturers as BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen andSiemens, and retailers such as IKEA increasingly come to America (theSouth particularly) because labor is cheap and workers have no rights. Intheir eyes, we're becoming the new China. Our labor costs may be a littlehigher, but we offer stronger intellectual property protections and farfewer strikes than our unruly Chinese comrades.,0,58791,full.storyL.A. suit calls Deutsche Bank a slumlordOfficials charge world's fourth-largest bank with letting foreclosedproperties lapse into disrepair. Bank officials say loan servicers are toblame..............................tino.buchholz-KJIyc1CJxjQ< at >"Even though I have read a lot, I have drunk even more.I have written much less than most people who write;but I have drunk much more than most people who drink"[Guy Debord]
firewall pelting
Dan w.*MCLC LISTFrom: Kevin CarricoSubject: father of firewall pelted (2)************************************************************This affair has managed to create one of the greatest ironies of the entireCCP Internet censorship regime- Fang's name has now become a "sensitiveterm," blocked on the Sina micro-blog service.<> 新浪微博正式将“方滨兴”列为搜索敏感词。历史讽刺的一刻到来了Kevin Carrico MCLC LISTFrom: kirkSubject: father of firewall pelted***********************************************************Source: Want China Times (5/19/11): of Great Firewall pelted at Wuhan UniversityBy Staff ReporterFang Bingxing (方濱興), the principal of Beijing University of Posts &Telecommunications, also dubbed the Father of the Great Firewall, wasreportedly pelted with eggs and a shoe while giving a lecture at WuhanUniversity on Thursday afternoon (May 19).While the eggs launched at Fang seem to have missed, the shoe thrown by afemale student allegedly struck its target. Though reports of the attackhave not been confirmed, netizens in China reposted the news widely onlinesoon after and online encyclopedia Wikipedia has listed the incident in FangBingxing's entry.Fang is known for his substantial contribution to China's internetcensorship infrastructure. He began working at the National Computer NetworkEmergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China in 1999 asdeputy chief engineer and from 2000 he served as chief engineer anddirector. It was in this position that he oversaw the development of thefiltering and blocking technology that has become known as China's "GreatFirewall."Internet users regard Fang as an enemy who has stripped netizens of theability to view and download online content freely. After hearing that Fangwas due to give a lecture at Wuhan University, netizens jokingly offeredrewards to whoever could successfully pelt him with an object.Rewards on offer included a DVD of Japanese porn star Sora Aoi, one night ata five star hotel in Hong Kong, one large hug, a round trip air ticket toShanghai, a week in California, or one night stand with the person offeringthe prize. It is believed all the rewards mentioned are genuine. distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission# <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,# collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets# more info: archive: contact: nettime< at >
Protest in Spain
Analysis of the May 15 movement in Spainby Michel Bauwensthe 15thMay Movement reveals that far from being the passive agents that so many analysts take them to be, citizens have been able to organise themselves in the midst of a profound crisis of political representation and institutional abandonment. The new generations have learned how to shape the web, creating new ways of ?being together?, without taking recourse to ideological cliches, armed with a savvy pragmatism, escaping from pre-conceived political categories and big bureaucratic apparatuses. We are witnessing the emergence of new ?majority minorities? that demand democracy in the face of a war ?of all against all? and the idiotic atomisation promoted by neoliberalism, one that demands social rights against the logic of privatisation and cuts imposed by the economical powers. And it is quite possible that at this juncture old political goals will be of little or no use.?On 15thMay 2011, around 150,000 people took to the streets in 60 Spanish towns and cities to demand ?Real Democracy Now?, marching under the slogan ?We are not commodities in the hands of bankers and politicians?. The protest was organised through web-based social networks without the involvement of any major unions or political parties. At the end of the march some people decided to stay the night at the Plaza del Sol in Madrid. They were forcefully evacuated by the police in the early hours of the morning. This, in turn, generated a mass call for everyone to occupy his or her local squares that thousands all over Spain took up. As we write, 65 public squares are being occupied, with support protests taking place in Spanish Embassies from Buenos Aires to Vienna and, indeed, London.?What follows is a text by Emmanuel Rodriguez and Tomas Herreros from the Spanish collective Universidad Nomada, which was distributed on the nettime mailing list.* 15TH May, from Outrage to Hope?There is no doubt that Sunday 15thMay 2011 has come to mark a turning point: from the web to the street, from conversations around the kitchen table to mass mobilisations, but more than anything else, from outrage to hope. Tens of thousands of people, ordinary citizens responding to a call that started and spread on the internet, have taken the streets with a clear and promising demand: they want a real democracy, a democracy no longer tailored to the greed of the few, but to the needs of the people. They have been unequivocal in their denunciation of a political class that, since the beginning of the crisis, has run the country by turning away from them and obeying the dictates of the euphemistically called ?markets?.We will have to watch over the next weeks and months to see how this demand for *real democracy now* takes shape and develops. But everything seems to point to a movement that will grow even stronger. The clearest sign of its future strength comes from the taking over of public squares and the impromptu camping sites that have appeared in pretty much every major Spanish town and city. Today, four days after the first march, social networks are bursting with support for the movement, a virtual support that is bolstered by its resonance in the streets and squares. While forecasting where this will take us is still too difficult, it is already possible to advance some questions that this movement has put on the table.Firstly, the criticisms that have been raised by the 15thMay Movement are spot on. A growing sector of the population is outraged by parliamentary politics as we have come to known them, as our political parties are implementing it today, by making the weakest sectors of society pay for the crisis. In the last few years we have witnessed with a growing sense of disbelief how the big banks received millions in bail-outs, while cuts in social provision, brutal assaults on basic rights and covert privatisations ate away at an already skeletal Spanish welfare state. Today, none doubts that these politics are a danger to our present and our immediate future. This outrage is made even more explicit when it is confronted by the cowardice of politicians, unable to put an end to the rule of the financial world. Where did all those promises to give capitalism a human face made in the wake of the sub-prime crisis go? What happened to the idea of abolishing tax havens? What became of the proclamation that the financial system would be brought under control? What of the plans to tax speculative gains and the promise to stop tax benefits for the highest earners?Secondly, the 15thMay Movement is a lot more than a warning to the so- called Left. It is possible (in fact it is quite probable) that on 22ndMay, when local and regional elections take place in Spain, the left will suffer a catastrophic defeat. If that were the case, it would be only be a preamble to what would happen in the general elections. What can be said today without hesitation is that the institutional left (parties and major unions) is the target of a generalised political disaffection due to its sheer inability come up with novel solutions to this crisis. This is where the two-fold explanation of its predicted electoral defeat lies. On the one hand, its policies are unable to step outside a completely tendentious way of reading the crisis that, to this day, accepts that the problem lies in the scarcity of our resources. Let?s say it loud and clear: no such a problem exists, there is no lack of resources, the real problem is the extremely uneven way in which wealth is distributed, and financial ?discipline? is making this problem even more acute every passing day. Where are the infinite benefits of the real estate bubble today? Where are the returns of such ridiculous projects as the airports in Castelln or Lleida, to name but a few? Who is benefiting from the gigantic mountain of debt crippling so many families and individuals? The institutional left has been unable to stand on the side of, and work with, the many emerging movements that are calling for freedom and democracy. Who can forgive Zapatero?s words when the proposal to accept the ?daci?n de pago? was rejected by parliament on the basis that it could ?jeopardise the solvency of the Spanish financial system?? Who was he addressing with these words?The millions of people enslaved by their mortgages or the interests of major banks? And what can we say of their indecent law of intellectual property, the infamous Ley Sinde? Was he standing with those who have given shape to the web or with those who plan to make money out of it, as if culture was just another commodity? If the institutional left continues to ignore social movements, if it refuses to break away from a script written by the financial and economic elites and fails to come out with a plan B that could lead us out of the crisis, it will stay in opposition for a very long time. There is no time for more deferrals: either they change or they will lose whatever social legitimation they still have to represent the values they claim to stand for.Thirdly, the 15thMay Movement reveals that far from being the passive agents that so many analysts take them to be, citizens have been able to organise themselves in the midst of a profound crisis of political representation and institutional abandonment. The new generations have learned how to shape the web, creating new ways of ?being together?, without taking recourse to ideological cliches, armed with a savvy pragmatism, escaping from pre-conceived political categories and big bureaucratic apparatuses. We are witnessing the emergence of new ?majority minorities? that demand democracy in the face of a war ?of all against all? and the idiotic atomisation promoted by neoliberalism, one that demands social rights against the logic of privatisation and cuts imposed by the economical powers. And it is quite possible that at this juncture old political goals will be of little or no use. Hoping for an impossible return to the fold of Estate, or aiming for full employment like the whole spectrum of the Spanish parliamentary left seems to be doing, is a pointless task. Reinventing democracy requires, at the very least, pointing to new ways of distributing wealth, to citizenship rights for all regardless of where they were born (something in keeping with this globalised times), to the defense of common goods (environmental resources, yes, but also knowledge, education, the internet and health) and to different forms of self-governance that can leave behind the corruption of current ones.Finally, it is important to remember that the 15thMay Movement is linked to a wider current of European protests triggered as a reaction to so-called ?austerity? measures. These protests are shaking up the desert of the real, leaving behind the image of a formless and silent mass of European citizens that so befits the interests of political and economical elites. We are talking here of campaigns like the British *UK Uncut* against Cameron?s policies, of the mass mobilisations in Portugal, or indeed of what took place in Iceland after the people decided not to bail out the bankers. And, of course, inspiration is found above all in the Arab Uprising, the democratic revolts in Egypt and Tunisia who managed to overthrow their corrupt leaders.?Retrieved from ?
Spanish protests in English
Hi.I summed-up some digital resources about Spanish protests in English, sincemost of the international media are not getting its audacity andoriginality. It is not just against the government or because of theunemployment, it is smarter and more ambitious- excuse my enthusiasm ;-)So, here:, I will update it with your text as soon as I read it.On twitter I suggest to follow:< at >_globalcamp#takethesquare< at >takethesquareThanks a lot for support.Maria.
Call out to camp! < From Barcelona Square
(PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD)Dear friends of the world,See below a short declaration of principles of Barcelona Camp translated into several languages (English, Spanish, French, Neerland??s, Portugu??s, Greek, German, ?????????, Italian, and Catalan).Here a message from the International Commission to help to spread protest worldwide and coordinate internationally (sorry only in English):We want to share with as much people as possible, these unforgettable moments that we are living in #spanishrevolution and want to make this protest even more global.With this mail we want to animate others to sum more camps outside Barcelona organized by you. We propose not to focus the manifestations in reclamations in front of the Spanish embassies in your countries, the Spanish press practically does not cover those actions. Our proposal is that you make your own fight, to take the central places from your cities following the model of organization of the Arab revolutions (and Spaniards), connecting with the groups and local organizations of fight and to begin to encamp, to work in commissions and to write up your own documents (manifest, calls, proposals, minutes of meetings, etc). To do this public, spread it, use the networks to expand your message and to self-manage.What it is happening in the different Spanish cities is not accidental nor specific of our society, we fought to recover the dignity, the freedom and social justice, the direct democracy, to participate in the course of our lives. We are a network, we are spontaneous, independent, we did not need leaders for that reason we want that in each place you take the place, you think by your self and with others, the alternatives to that mercantilist and cruel world to which our governments are taking to the planet and all of us.For us the borders do not exist, the network is ours and the street also! Another world is possible now!More concretely we propose to you that you camp in your cities and countries the next days of THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 26 AND 27 OF MAY in order of taking advantage of the international days of mobilization of the anti-G8 against the world-wide oligarchy, we invited you to take the street and to establish fields in sufficiently big places to receive a consequent infrastructure that allow you to work and to mobilize in the best conditions. These two days and their night must be basic to encamped an indefinite camp and that you add encamped yours to the world-wide map of: use the social networks to coordinate and to maintain to us informed. We encourage you to create an international commission to communicate with us, to share materials and strategies of organization in the Web to look for the group and open a space with the name of the country that you represent. In that link you will find a camping guide. In the chat ( you can contact with us and others encamped simultaneously or to contact us by e-mail comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe9fmgfxC/sS/w< at >public.gmane.orgOur content commissions is working on a document which systematize the very elaborated agreements on content of the super big assembly. The document is available on web http://acampadabcn.wordpress.comTakes the street! Real Democracy Now!Hugs, International Networks of the International Commission of the Barcelona CampBarcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional coordination: # takethesquare OF PRINCIPLES(English, Spanish, French, Neerland??s, Portugu??s, Greek, German, ?????????, Italian, and Catalan)EnglishDECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES #acampadabcnWe have come here voluntarily and by free will. After the 15th of May demonstrations we have decided to remain united and grow in numbers on our fight for dignity. We do not represent any political party and they do not represent us.We are united on our rage, our discomfort, our precarious life which is derived by inequality but, above all, what keeps us together is our will for change. We are here because we want a new society that puts our life on top any political or economic interest. We feel crushed by the capitalist economy, we feel excluded from the present political system which does not represent us. We are striking for a radical change in society. And, above all, we aim at keeping society as the sole driver of this transformation.They thought we were asleep. They thought they could carry on cutting our rights without finding any resistance. But they were wrong: we are fighting ??? peacefully, but with determination ??? for the life we deserve.We have learned from Cairo, Iceland and Madrid.Now it???s time to extend the fight and spread the word.Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare de principios:??Qui??nes somos?Somos personas que hemos venido libre y voluntariamente, que despu??s de la manifestaci??n decidimos reunirnos para seguir reivindicando la dignidad y la conciencia pol??tica y social.No representamos a ning??n partido ni asociaci??n.Nos une una vocaci??n de cambio.Estamos aqu?? por dignidad y por solidaridad con los que no puedenestar aqu??.??Por qu?? estamos aqu???Estamos aqu?? porque queremos una sociedad nueva que d?? prioridad a la vida por encima de los intereses econ??micos y pol??ticos. Abogamos por un cambio en la sociedad y en la conciencia social.Demostrar que la sociedad no se ha dormido y que seguiremos luchando por lo que nos merecemos mediante la v??a pac??fica.Apoyamos a los compa??er< at >s que detuvieron tras la manifestaci??n, ypedimos su puesta en libertad sin cargos.Lo queremos todo, lo queremos ahora, si est??s de acuerdo con nosotros:????NETE!Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare DE PRINCIPES #acampadabcnQui sommes nous au campement de Barcelone?Nous sommes des personnes venues librement et de forme volontaire : apr??s la manifestation du 15 mai, nous avons d??cid?? de rester ensemble et d?????tre toujours plus nombreux dans la combat pour la dignit??. Nous ne repr??sentons aucun parti politique ni aucune association, et ne sommes repr??sent??s par personne.Nous partageons la m??me inqui??tude des vies pr??caires, des in??galit??s, mais ce qui nous unis avant tout, c???est une volont?? de changement. Nous sommes r??unis parce que nous voulons une soci??t?? nouvelle qui donne priorit?? ?? la vie par-dessus les int??r??ts ??conomiques et politiques. Nous avons le sentiment d?????tre pi??tin??s par l?????conomie capitaliste, et d?????tre exclus du syst??me politique actuel qui ne nous repr??sente pas, Nous faisons le pari pour une transformation profonde de la soci??t??, et avant tout, que la soci??t?? elle-m??me soit protagoniste de ce changement.Ils nous croyaient endormis, qu???ils pouvaient continuer ?? r??duire nos droits sans manifester d???opposition. Ils se trompaient : nous nous sommes engag??s, pacifiquement mais avec d??termination, pour une vie que nous m??ritons tous.Nous avons appris du Caire, d???Islande, de Madrid..Il est l???heure d?????tendre le combat et prendre la parole.Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare - BarcelonakampementWie zijn de deelnemers aan het Barcelonakampement?We zijn uit vrije wil en op eigen initiatief naar hier gekomen. Na de manifestatie van 15 mei hebben we beslist om samen te blijven en in steeds grotere aantallen te vechten voor onze waardigheid. We vertegenwoordigen geen enkele partij of vereniging. En niemand vertegenwoordigt ons.We voelen ons verbonden door een gevoel van onbehagen over precaire levensomstandigheden, over de ongelijkheid, maar vooral door een sterke drang naar verandering. We zijn hier omdat we een nieuwe maatschappij willen die voorrang geeft aan het leven, los van economische en politieke belangen. We voelen ons vertrappeld door de kapitalistische economie en uitgesloten door het huidige politiek systeem, dat ons helemaal niet vertegenwoordigt. We pleiten voor een diepgaande omwenteling van onze maatschappij. En we pleiten er vooral voor dat het de maatschappij zelf de hoofdrol speelt in deze omwenteling.Ze dachten dat we ingedommeld waren. Dat ze onze rechten konden blijven inperken zonder enig weerwerk. Ze hadden het fout: we zijn aan het strijden en zullen de strijd verderzetten ??? vreedzaam maar doortastend ??? voor een leven dat we alllemaal waard zijn.We hebben geleerd van El Cairo, Reykjavik en Madrid. Nu is het moment gekomen om de strijd uit te breiden en het woord te nemen. ???Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare de Principios, acampadabcnQuem estamos acampando em Barcelona?Somos pessoas que vinhemos livremente e de forma volunt??ria, que depois da manifasta????o do dia 15 de maio, decidimos seguir juntos e sermos cada vez mais pessoas na luta pela dignidade. N??o representamos nenhum partido nem associa????o, e tamb??m nigu??m nos representa.Nos unimos pelo mal estar das vidas prec??rias que levam as pessoas por causa das desigualdades mundiais, mas, principalmente nos unimos pela id??ia de mudan??a. Estamos aqu?? porque queremos uma nova sociedade que d?? prioridade ?? vida, mais que a interesses econ??micos e pol??ticos. Nos sentimos pisados pela economia capitalista e exclu??dos do sistema pol??tico atual, que n??o nos representa. Apostamos em uma transforma????o profunda da sociedade. E principalmente, apostamos em que a sociedade seja a protagonista desta mudan??a.Acreditavam que estavamos dormindo. Que podiam seguir reduzindo nossos direitos sem que nos opus??ssemos. Estavam errados: estamos lutando pacificamente mas com determina????o pela vida que todos merecemos.Aprendemos de Cairo, Islandia e de Madrid.Agora precisamos extender esta luta e tomar a palavra.Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare ?????????????? ??????????.?????????? ?????????????? ???????? ????acampada????? ?????? ????????????????????;?????????????? ???????????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ????????????????????, ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????? 15 ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????????????????????? ????????, ?????? ???? ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????????????????. ?????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????????????????????????.?????? ???????????? ?? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????????????????, ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ?????? ????????????. ?????????????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????. ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????, ?????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????????????????????????. ?????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ??????????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ???? ?????????????????? ?? ???????? ?? ???????????????? ?? ???????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????????.?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ??????????????????????????, ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ????????????????????????????. ???????????? ??????????: ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ???????? ??????.???????????? ?????? ???? ??????????, ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ??????????????.???????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???? ???????????????????????? ?????? ???? ?????????????????????? ?????? ??????????.???????????????????????? #acampadabcnBarcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional coordination: # takethesquare ist eine freiwillige Vereinigung. Nach den Demonstrationen am 15. Mai haben wir entschieden, dass wir zusammen bleiben werden, und dass wir im Kampf um unsere W??rde an Anzahl wachsen werden. Wir repr??sentieren keine politische Partei, und sie repr??sentieren uns auch nicht.Wir sind in unserer Wut, unserem Unbehagen, unserem prek??rem Leben einig, welches aus der Ungleichheit erw??chst. Was un saber vor allem vereint, ist unserer Wille der Ver??nderung. Wir sind hier, weil wir eine neue Gesellschaft wollen, welche unser Leben vor jeglichen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen stellt. Wir f??hlen uns von der kapitalstischen Wirtschaft unterdr??ckt, vom jetzigen politischen System ausgeschlossen, welches uns nicht repr??sentiert. Wir pl??dieren f??r einen radikalen Wechsel in der Gesellschaft. Vor allem m??chten wir, dass diese Transformation einzig und alleine von der Gesellschaft getrieben wird.Sie dachten, wir w??ren eingeschlafen. Sie dachten, sie k??nnten unsere Rechte weiterhin einschr??nken, ohne dass wir Widerstand leisten w??rden. Aber das war ein Fehler: wir k??mpfen ??? friedlich, aber bestimmt ??? f??r das Leben, das wir verdienen.Wir haben von Kairo, Eisland und Madrid gelernt.Es ist nun an der Zeit, dass wir den Kampf und das Wort verbreiten!Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional coordination: # takethesquare (Acampada de Barcelona) ????????????????????????????????????5???15???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare venuti qui liberamente e volontariamente. Dopole manifestazioni del 15 Maggio abbiamo deciso di restare uniti e crescere nella nostra lotta per la dignit??. Non rappresentiamo nessun partito politico e loro non rappresentano noi.Siamo uniti nella nostra rabbia, nel nostro sconforto, nella nostra vita precaria che deriva dalla diseguaglianza ma, soprattutto, ci?? che ci unisce ?? la nostra volont?? di cambiamento.Siamo qui perch?? vogliamo una societ?? nuova che mette le nostre vite al di sopra di ogni interesse politico. Ci sentiamo schiacciati dall???economia capitalista, ci sentiamo esclusi dal sistema politico presente che non ci rappresenta. Stiamo manifestando per un cambio radicale nella societ??. E , soprattutto, puntiamo a mantenere la societ?? come il motore unico di questa trasformazione.Pensavano che fossimo addormentati. Pensavano di poter continuare a ritagliare i nostri diritti senza trovare nessuna resistenza. Ma si sbagliavano: stiamo lottando ??? pacificamente, ma con determinazione ??? per la vita che ci meritiamo.Ora ?? il momento di estendere la lotta e spargere la voce.Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternacional coordination: # takethesquare de principis:Qui som?Som persones que hem vingut lliure i volunt??riament, que despr??s de la manifestaci?? decidim reunir-nos per a seguir reivindicant la dignitat i la consci??ncia pol??tica i social. No representem a cap partit ni associaci??. Ens uneix una vocaci?? de canvi. Estem ac?? per dignitat i per solidaritat amb els quals no poden estar ac??. Per qu?? estem ac??? Estem ac?? perqu?? volem una societat nova que done prioritat a la vida per sobre dels interessos econ??mics i pol??tics. Advoquem per un canvi en la societat i en la consci??ncia social. Demostrar que la societat no s'ha dormit i que seguirem lluitant pel que ens mereixem mitjan??ant la via pac??fica. Donem suport als compa??er< at >s que van detenir despr??s de la manifestaci??, i demanem la seua posada en llibertat sense c??rrecs. Ho volem t ot, ho volem ara, si est??s d'acord amb nosaltres:UNEIX-TE!Barcelona Information:#acampadabcnhttp://acampadabcn.wordpress.come-mail general: acampadabcn-mRCrAkd8dF0< at >public.gmane.orgInternational commission - Barcelona Camp: international commission: comisiointernacional-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >public.gmane.orgInternational coordination: # takethesquare`??.(*??.??(`??.?? ??.????)??.??*).????`????????????*???????? Mayo Fuster Morell ??.??.??*??`??????????`??.(??.????(??.??* *??.??)`??.??).????`????Research Digital Commons Governance: http://www.onlinecreation.infoPh.D European University InstitutePostdoctoral Researcher. Institute of Govern and Public Policies. Autonomous University of Barcelona.Visiting scholar. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute. Open University of Catalonia (UOC).Visiting researcher (2008). School of information. University of California, Berkeley.Member Research Committee. Wikimedia Foundationhttp://www.onlinecreation.infoE-mail: mayo.fuster-tSBZotL4Eu8< at >public.gmane.orgSkype: mayonetiPhone Spanish State: 0034-648877748
Fwd: Re: Spanish protests in English
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "martin hardie" <martin.hardie-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>Date: 23/05/2011 5:52 PMSubject: Re: <nettime> Spanish protests in EnglishTo: "maria ptqk" <mariaptqk-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>Mariai just translated thisMartinMindful of the attack is being prepared. Concrete ideas for specifictargets:"For a real democracy now.We have prepared the first nonviolent action and mass struggle together. Helpus spread it, participate in it wherever you are!Banks and speculators have been the main cause of the crisis so that theywill be targeted first attack our nonviolent.The 30th of May we will express our outrage against abuse practiced by thebanks against citizens not only independently but also against states.Today we launched a peaceful and subtle, yet forceful and appealing enoughto clearly show the anger we feel, and our strength and commitment to reachthe final. Today we launched the first attack non-violent show the world ourimagination, determination and commitment to achieve the goal of seeingaccomplished our ultimate vindication: to install a real democracy.We appeal to all those who agree with our demands, to participate in amassive withdrawal of capital from the banks the 30th of May.If you are, we suggest you move out in one bank the amount of 155 euros inyour account. The operation may be carried out throughout the day,preferably going to branches or using automated teller machines (withmultiples of 10 -> 150).The reason for choosing that particular number, it is because we had to picka significant and symbolic figure with enough force to demonstrate to banksthat these movements are motivated from the same indignation that made usmobilize on 15 May.Regarding the May 30, it is because we believe it is a reasonable time sothat the message can be disseminated properly and reach the greatest numberof people to help us be as effective in our non-violent attack against thevoracity of the banks, against the established economic system, against taxhavens, against speculation and the general interest, solidarity, in shortpeople. Also, on that date 15 days have elapsed since the start ofmobilization, and another good symbolic moment to remember that our movementhas only just begun.The 30th of May, will hear all the voices screaming in unison that anotherworld is possible.The 30th of May the people's voice heard more strongly than politicalparties.The 30th of May, you can count on the outrage of the people, the activedemand for real democracy, which takes into account people over theeconomic, financial, speculative ... people over the markets.The next day May 30 will give a further step towards a better world.We count on you, report the post. Involved. We continue to see every day inthe seats. "On 23 May 2011 03:41, maria ptqk <mariaptqk-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w< at >> wrote: <...>
McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the ElectronicMan
McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the Electronic ManThe birth of the Electronic Man | La nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico[italiano in fondo]*** Something wonderful is about to happen. years after McLuhan?s birth we all have the chance of becoming part ofthe body and mind of the Electronic Man.*** The Electronic ManThe happy event will take place in Rome, on May 31st, 2011, during thecelebration of McLuhan?s centennial, and it will engage everyone,everywhere.Join us in the birth of the Electronic Man by giving it one of your emotionsas a present!It will only take you a couple of minutes:* download the PDF file at the address* print it out: it contains the stickers that allow people to become part ofthe electronic man* cut the stickers apart, and attach them somewhere in your city, in youroffice, in your favourite bar, in your school, wherever you want* take a picture of the sticker and send it to us atinfo-H0WUfK1cM0SULHF6PoxzQNHuzzzSOjJt< at >public.gmane.orgIf you want can include your name, a link to your website, and a short bio:we will include all images and info at the exhibit for the big event forMcLuhan?s Centennial celebrations in Rome, and on the Electronic Man?swebsite* if you want you can scan the QRCode on the sticker with your smartphone:it will take you directly to the Electronic Man, and you will be able tojoin its ubiquitous bodyOr, if you don?t know how to scan a QRCode, you can go to this address: modes will ask you for your location: it is used to understand thedistribution of the body of the Electronic Man, we won?t do anything badwith/to your info, and we will throw it away immediately)*** Please spread this message!The Electronic Man is an opportunity to feel connected to your fellowhumans!And please come to the event in Rome if you?re close by: you will experiencethe birth of the Electronic Man.*** The Electronic Man*** CreditsSalvatore Iaconesi, concept | design | technologyOriana Persico, communication | process | networksFakePress Publishing, productionArt is Open Source, productionMaria Pia Rossignaud, curator | productionMedia2000 & Associazione Amici di Media2000, productionDerrick de Kerckove, scientific direction | inspirationMarshall McLuhan, this project could not have existed without him :)*** More info at:McLuhan Centennial in Rome is Open Sourcehttp//www.artisopensource.netFakePresshttp://www.fakepress.itMedia2000http://mediaduemila.itMcLuhan Galaxy[ITALIANO]*** La nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico*** Sta per succedere una cosa meravigliosa. anni dopo la nascita di McLuhan abbiamo la possibilit? di unirci alcorpo e la mente dell'Uomo Elettronico.*** The Electronic ManIl lieto evento avverr? a Roma, il 31 Maggio 2011, durante la celebrazionedel centenario della nascita di Marshall McLuhan, e coinvolger? tutti, inogni luogo del pianeta.Unisciti a noi per la nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico donando una tuaemozione!Ci vorranno solo pochi minuti:* scarica il PDF a questo indirizzo* stampalo: contiene gli adesivi che permettono alle persone di unirsiall'Uomo Elettronico* ritaglia gli adesivi e incollali da qualche parte nella tua citt?, nel tuoufficio, nel tuo bar preferito, nella tua scuola, dovunque tu voglia* fai una foto all'adesivo e inviacela ainfo-H0WUfK1cM0SULHF6PoxzQNHuzzzSOjJt< at >public.gmane.orgSe vuoi puoi includere il tuo nome, il link al tuo sito web e una brevebiografia: esporremo queste immagini e informazioni durante il grande eventoa Roma per le celebrazioni del centenario della nascita di McLuhan, e sulsito dell'Uomo Elettronico* se vuoi puoi usare il tuo smartphone per leggere il QRCode sullo sticker:ti porter? direttamente all'Uomo Elettronico e anche tu potrai unirti al suocorpo ubiquoOppure, se non sai come leggere un QRCode, puoi andare direttamente a questoindirizzo: e due le modalit? ti chiederanno la tua posizione geografica: serveper capire come ? distribuito geograficamente il corpo dell'UomoElettronico; noi non faremo nulla con i tuoi dati, e li cancelleremoimmediatamente)*** Per favore diffondi questo messaggio!L'Uomo Elettronico ? una opportunit? per sentirti connesso con i tuoicompagni umani!E vieni all'evento di Roma se sei da queste parti: potrai vedere la nascitadell'Uomo Elettronico.*** The Electronic Man*** CreditsSalvatore Iaconesi, concept | design | technologyOriana Persico, communication | process | networksFakePress Publishing, productionArt is Open Source, productionMaria Pia Rossignaud, curator | productionMedia2000 & Associazione Amici di Media2000, productionDerrick de Kerckove, scientific direction | inspirationMarshall McLuhan, this project could not have existed without him :)*** Ulteriori informazioni su:McLuhan Centennial in Rome is Open Sourcehttp//www.artisopensource.netFakePresshttp://www.fakepress.itMedia2000http://mediaduemila.itMcLuhan Galaxy
2006 Saddam ~ 2008 Karadzic ~ 2011 Mladic captured alive:what about Gaddafi?
2006 Saddam ~ 2008 Karadzic ~ 2011 Mladic captured alive: what about Gaddafi?May 26, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen The illustrated version of this message can be found at the arrest of General Ratko Mladic be a sign for the warring Allied Forces to stop trying to kill Colonel Gaddafi and exercise restraint and patience instead of trying to kill this dictator? Negotiations and compromise will help Libya more than dropping even more munitions from the air. We need ‘the long arm of justice’ instead of ‘the eager hand grabbing for power’ in Libya.[Tableau made in 2008 to commemorate the arrest of Radovan Karadzic on July 21st. of that year with this caption: "last resort for a haunted man is to hide behind his beard covering a face that became a public icon ~ once his zeal is betryaed and his cover is torn, it still will take generations before his defaced idol has vanished from all shrines. To ridicule and make laughing stock out of a former ennemy is missing the opportunity to come to an understanding WHY it was that such a man could hold such power ~ it is failing to learn a lesson how to prevent it happeming again and again." ]Tjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
Installing shot of Wikipedia Art at Furtherfield Today.