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Victims to their own volatile intent Digital / Media Art and the Need for a Formal Notation SystemDigital and media art forms include Internet art, software art, computer-mediated installations, as well as other non-traditional art forms such as conceptual art,installation art, performance art, and video. It is important to point out the inclusion of digital art in the approach explored here because of its unique nature, even among media art forms, and because of how digital informatics informs models that may apply to all the above art forms.It is also important to note that the types of works discussed here are not limited to the traditional meaning of "media" art as analog, electronic media (i.e. video, film, audio, and electronics). Here, media art is intended to include digital artand other variable media art forms.These art forms have confounded traditional museological approaches to documentation and preservation because of their ephemeral, documentary, technical, and multi-part nature and because of the variability and rapid obsolescence of the media formats often used in such works. In part due to lack of documentation methods, and thus access, such forms do not often form the foundation of research and instruction. In many cases these art forms were created to contradict and bypass the traditional art world's values and resulting practices. They have been successful to the point of becoming victims to their own volatile intent.Individual works of media art are moving away from all hope ofbecoming part of the historic record at a rapid rate. Perhaps as important, the radical intentionality encapsulated in their form is also in danger of being diluted as museums inappropriately apply traditional documentation and preservation methods or ignore entire genres of these works altogether.A new way of conceptualizing media art is needed to serve the needs of documentation and preservation as well as other activities that surround media art such as education and collaborative creation. New projects from the artistic, academic, and museum communities are being formed to address these needs. This paper is a direct outgrowth and continuation of the efforts of two such projects, Archiving the Avant Garde (1) and the Variable Media Network (2). ...
Internet for Democracy. Shut down the Euro Parliament.Now!
Internet for Democracy.Shut down the Euro Parliament. Now!http://www.internetfordemocracy.net"Today the enemy is not called Empire or Capital. It's called Democracy."Alan BadiouWe think representational democracy is a thing of the past. Its days arenumbered. Few people in so-called Western Democracies can even be botheredto vote anymore. Indeed, representation can no longer be said to berepresentative.We say it's time to embrace the internet era. The internet presents anunprecedented opportunity to engage our generation, in seizing the futureand making a difference. Let people get involved directly indecision-making, let people decide what's best for them.We, digital natives, web-enthusiasts, anarcho-activists and young europeanvisionaries, strongly believe in the active rule of the Internet in thedemocratic process.With this petition, we are demanding the European Parliament: * Desists, with immediate effect, from all its activities. We don't wantto continue paying the bill of an expensive and bureaucratic machine forsomething we can do better ourselves from the comfort of our armchairs. * Transforms democracy into a real user-centric experience. We declarethat representational democracy no longer works, nor is effective. * Creates a brand new click-based model of democracy to replace theoutmoded one. Political parties are every day more distant from the will ofthe people, and this is why they have begun to use social media forpromotion. We want to take this further, to the core of the politicalprocess using the most advanced Web 2.0 technologies.Sign this petition now! Let the people decide!We demand the internet for democracy!HOMEPAGE > http://www.internetfordemocracy.netTAKE ACTION NOW > WHO HAVE ALREADY SIGNED >
Radovan Karadzic & Saddam Hussein and the advantage ofslow justice
Limping Messenger/De Hinkende Bode Karadzic & Saddam Hussein and the advantage of slow justiceMarch 10, 2010 by Tjebbe van Tijen |Karadzic his court case at the tribunal in The Hague is progressing so slowly… and is interrupted all the time, sometimes for months … contrary to Saddam Hussein who was disposed in a hurry . Are we losing justice along the track?[ image and link to documented tableau on Saddam Hussein & Radovan Kardzic]Is there and advantage in the slow turning wheels of justice? Will the hurried verdict of Saddam Hussein who was captured in December 2003 – being in hiding for nine months – and executed exactly three years later in december 2006, leave more doubts than the process of Radovan Karadzic who was arrested in July 2008 – after being at large for twelve years – and is now still tried by the court?Quick justice may be satisfying but tends to leave doubts in the long run. Slow justice is often experienced as an evasion of the trial process, but may provide the necessary opportunities for defence by the the person being indicted and thus leave less space for doubt in the end.Tjebbe van TijenImaginary Museum ProjectsDramatizing Historical Informationhttp://imaginarymuseum.orgweb-blog: The Limping Messenger
cull, culling cull (oud, strategy of poetics/poetry-poet)
cull, culling cull (oud, strategy of poetics/poetry-poet) (played with risha* 1st time) (played with risha* 2nd time) sound from everything i know on oud: "if you are going tolisten to one oud piece tonight, either of the first two are theone oud piece you should listen to." * risha = pick; these are madefrom plastic straps from a construction site.cull, culling cullworld picture culled from internet text sat dec 26 01:11:02 est 2009 -editing or culling into the texts i wrote - and i've been meaning to writethis for a long time, culling the words, that they represent, as processesor cullings of unbounded universes, dojoji has disappeared, culling deadtexts, the results of culling 'deconstruction' from the internet text:this text is culled from an outline of current work prepared for my_renitency,_ caught culling their dreams, drawn down their drowning,culled from other things, blocks are taken out - sequences culling, (frompast sins) culling nothing, i remained shaken but alive, culling onlineoffline until real or virtual disappearance, culling shadow as well asthat of others or textus vitual virtualis editing or culling into thetexts i wrote - first assembled into files, hands, my hands, my book,culled from these texts, and i'm tired of this. it doesn't make any sense,culling from the lost, everything and nothing escaping wryting withoutconclusion, culling meaning, culling in the fields of desire, culling'existentialism' from the internet text, a phenomenology of analog anddigital, culled from poetics if not poetry itself, in-formed by _culling,_Ah! ripples in forgotten corners of the universe - culled work emerging,texts culled from my everything; my commanding, perhaps grep -h culltexts/* > zz and what shall we say about these?, only that they _mean_...
fun with ACTA astrohoovering (was Re: Internet forDemocracy. Shut down the Euro Parliament. Now!)
richard.deboer-qWit8jRvyhVmR6Xm/wNWPw< at > (Wed 03/10/10 at 06:19 PM +0100): <...>You're far too kind. "Notworking Youth's" timing couldn't be better:they denounced the EP right before it voted against ACTA 663-13 -- andNWY did so as "digital natives [and] web-enthusiasts" (WTF?), purportedlyin the name of (this is really priceless) "a brand new click-basedmodel of democracy." If NWY had their way, their new democracy would besubject to a EULA under ACTA.I very, very rarely speak as a moderator of this list, but in this caseI'll make an exception. I thought that message smelled about as fishyas it gets when it came in, and partly for that reason I *approved* it --the alternative being that mods reject messages they 'don't like' forsome vague reason, which would open entirely new horizons of perverse incentives. But take a look at NWY's site, with its US-style street address in Rotterdam ('20 Robert Fruinstraat,' not 'Robert Fruinstraat 20'), thebanal American cadence to its language and (more curious) the completelack of europantoesque typos, its non-linked logos for orgs in theiralleged 'network,' the 'No © (2010) European NotWorking Youh' footer,and its host, Dreamhost. Maybe just some k-rad American expat, right? But, still, a bit unusual for a group that's flying no-globo banners.But here's the kicker: they say they're 'hosted' by something called'repetitionr' -- and again, that hosting logo isn't linked. Nothing a little typing can't fix, so take a look at's siteand what do we find? Apparently, repetitionr's hosting is really full-service, because it shares the same vector graphic files of alienated hoodie-wearing no-globo youth that NWY is pimping -- and, shall we say,a certain rhetorical style.A parsimonious theory might be that NWY is some cockamamie PR schemecooked up by some former pseudo-rads to launch their Web 2.0 startup. Maybe. So if that's the case, then maybe some or even all of theirother 'petititions' were cooked up as PR as well? Here's the completelist of this as of this writing: Global Petition to Amnesty International: Restoring the Integrity of Human Rights [by "Anon," with 707,971 votes] HEALTH CARE IS A HUMAN RIGHT! [by "Amnesty," with 716,098 votes] No Amnesty [by Sam Tackle, with 200,017 votes] I SUPPORT OBAMA!!! [by "A proud American and Obama supporter," with 750,003 votes] A Threat to Local Democracy [by "Premier Dalton McGuinty" -- with 200,053 votes] Abbassiamo Gli Stipendi ai politici! [by "Marco Severini," with 750,024 votes] Petition Against Socialized Healthcare! [by "Strunz," with 1,000,043 votes] Stop Global Warming [by "Stop Global Warming . Org," with 5,001,601 votes] In Support of A Green Revolution in Iran [by "greenrevolutioniran," with 104,873 votes]Where to begin?How about with a petition related to a city council issue in theToronto region -- East York, Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough,Toronto and York -- that's garnered 200,053 votes. I know the pietism that all politics are local, but that's some pretty bad-ass organizing for an issue related to city council politics, no?Here are the total alleged votes for all the petitions, stacked up: 5,001,601 1,000,043 707,971 716,098 750,003 750,024 200,017 200,053 104,873 45,943Notice any patterns? What's the probability that, out of ten petitions,four would be in the 700,000s and two of them at 750,0**? Or that twowould be in the 200,000s, both at 200,0**, and upper-bounded by petitionswith 5 million signatures and lower-bounded by a petition with ~100,000signatures. These 'petition' numbers were seeded -- by a really lazy motherfucker. So let's try again: notice anything that *isn't* a pattern? If not, you're not looking hard enough, because the only one that wasn't seeded with a round number, if not outright concocted, is NWY's anti-EP petition. So maybe it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that several 'petitions' are noise generated to obscure NWY's anti-EP petition.For anyone who's skeptical, here's some ~actuarial red meat -- a simple table of (a) integers from 0-9, (b) the number of times that integer occurs in repetitionr's claimed petition results, (c) _b_ expressed as a percentage of _a_, and (d) what _c_ would be if it followed Benford's Law (Wikipedia is your friend here): (a) (b) (c) (d) INT FRQ ACT% BL% 0 21 34.4% 1 7 11.5% 30.1% 2 3 4.9% 17.6% 3 5 8.2% 12.5% 4 5 8.2% 9.7% 5 5 8.2% 7.9% 6 2 3.3% 6.7% 7 8 13.1% 5.8% 8 2 3.3% 5.1% 9 3 4.95 4.6%Upshot: if repetitionr's numbers were audited by a ~professional, as opposed to a pissed-off nettime moderator, the result would be, as thekewl kids today say, FAIL. It looks a lot like the ONLY petition thatwasn't manufactured from whole cloth is NWY's -- the group that (1) istrying to pass itself off as grassroots no-globo, (2) is flogging ananti-EP petition, and (3) is doing so on the eve of the EP's anti-ACTAvote.Now, given what's at stake in ACTA -- a multilateral agreement in the service of multinational IP interests which seeks to impose a DMCA-like regime globally, with the added benefit of a three-strikes rule
Time and the Post-Information Age
Time and The Post-Information AgeMarch 2010Chad ScovilleTechnological innovation decimates the fuzzy myth of time. Higherlevels of automation, media and communication equate to progressivelevels of information. Humanity has surpassed the point of inundation;levels of information constitute an obsolescence, a totalization oftemporality where the relationship between information and time haseclipsed its zenith of interactivity; the completion of time as avariable in human consciousness. Technology will substantiate theproject of moving beyond consciousness since the completion of time isthe completion of events in time, as the micro-acceleration of eventsresults in the end of the event, hence the end of consciousness.When perception is no longer able to detect the sensible event,for the nature of events have subsumed the nano-scale, everythinghappens at once which we are now witnessing the emergence of. Thisis the post-time society. While this occurs, the electronicallystoned and neurologically desensitized perceptions of mass societybecome psychologically halved into biological agents and ephemeral,cybernetic software daemons. The obsolescence of information is theconclusive endeavor to accelerated signalization. As individualsincreasingly struggle to make decisions, the actual capability to makedecisions becomes capitalized and severely handicapped.The post-information perception is in the modality of endless debatingand terminal speculation. Accelerated and perennially increasingmessaging rates and density of program flow makes a parody of content.It is not the signal; but the management and control of millionsof signals, predicting the levels of expansion. This specificity isthe mediated image of the roundtable discussion, frequently observedon Sunday morning corporate media outlets. The binding of infinitesignals endlessly ruminating on the infinite range of collectivesignalization.Socializing becomes waveform switching through socialnetwork platforms, analogous to performance quality managementintegrated through tool-based dashboards. Watching is less theactivity of viewing content, but overcome by the decision of thedeciding what to view. We are no longer able to watch, but only ableto go through the decision loop. Government in post-information mergesall candidates into the signalized ideal candidate -- a fusion offocus-group reporting. Poll-based and sensationalized government tothe extreme at which the mediated images of career autocrats act outa nuanced irrational array of sputtering soap-operas which purposelypantomime the reality television aesthetic, seeking a discourse whichtalks-up to the bumbling electronically-stoned masses.The informationof politics has become the decimation of content as politics havedisappeared and been replaced by irrational reactions to networkpolling, assemblies and congresses of politicon clones unable todecide on anything besides terminal debate about engendering moresignalization.Policy as content is obfuscated as the product of politics is themediated poll-based image of the politcon, of more terminal debateand collective signalization all amounting to null potentiality,only functioning to massage the wants and desires as the psychicinventories of the demographic constituency massaged by the lighttubes as malware advertising creates desires for things no one everneeds.In the economic domain, financial products are scored innot the equity or bond issue, but rather the derivative contract,a meta-instrument. All constitute but surely are not limited tothe myth- effect of Time, which is not only an illusion, but is adream encountering further acceleration in reaction to the digitaltopography and it's constant progression. It is this myth whichis propagated through the screens watching us which elicits andprefigures the psychological condition of the contemporary human. As acentripetal resonator originating in the vibration of microprocessorclocking, not only is the artificiality of time creating illusionsabout the nature of what is real, the increasing reliance on mediatedforms of communications is pushing this fabrication even fartheraway from consciousness of the self, arriving at the inversion ofa totalized information field to the end of the event, and thecorresponding end of time. The capability of large-scale financialinstitutions to implement securities trading strategies which exploitsub-millisecond fluctuations in pricing and volume expose a disparitybetween levels of abstraction and scale.Beyond information and approaching the surpassing of temporality,here, the event disappears. The forces of the market are deeplycontingent on the artificial perception of Python and C++ programsadapting to fluctuations signaled by the network. Capitalization ofthe infinitely small, the speed of execution to where it ceases to bethe pricing which makes the market, it is the acceleration of signalswhich creates the market. E-speed is an electronic exchange wherebuyers and sellers of securities meet virtually over IP networks toexecute deals. In this scenario, manipulation of time, the capacityto control time by executing strategies faster than the entity onthe other side of the transaction dictates the flow of capital andpower. This is nanotechnology in operation. In economics, this assetand capitally-centered transaction matrix is a model of control,distribution, and ownership which can be critically determinedand defined through the proliferation of electronic markets, highfrequency program and algorithmic securities trading. Network-enabled,high-speed, and artificially intelligent features of market engagementripple a category of effects across the surface of contemporary humansociety and are an enterprising function of the post-information age.This is the generator of acceleration. As sentient beings in the worldwith perceptions which are interpreting the action between thought andexperience, human beings are locked into a system of value exchange inwhich the programmable interstitial frame of time radiated from therealm of global markets drives consciousness collectively towards nonevents and non time.We feel the multiple effects of electronically-amplified capitalism.This malaise as the relationship between time and capital exchangechains the western consciousness in the binding incessant accelerationtowards non-existent events, the future and the past, which do notexist. These are mental perceptions and proclivities which arecreated resulting from the anxiety of resistance to the present.The anxiety of the present and the difficulty of applying thecognitive energy towards perception of the now is a core issue andcreate problems of accumulation which provokes endemic problemsin civilization..The myth of the past and the future are the bootcode for electronically amplified capitalism. The constant imperialbarrage of the market opening and closing forces consciousness tolimit itself in its view of what is happening, segmenting experiencebetween these transitory trading signals, the buying and sellingof securities, and the movement of numbers between artificiallyintelligent clouds of silicon. Along with the proliferation ofelectronic personal media artifacts, micro-communications appliances,and pico-scale entertainment devices arrives the radical shift in themechanisms by which the human species interrelates to each other.Mobile text messaging, in which the oppression of time compressesthe word, concatenating and abbreviating expressions of emotionand intentionality, quantizing and sampling every factor and everyaspect. Within the scope of five years, the language of texting hasantiquated the conventional speech patterns of humans. We speakto each other less, and how we speak to each other reverts to ageneralist configuration of language. The sophistication and layeringof electronic interaction modifies the value and meaning of words,plying them into a general fabric of nuanced and entranced meaning.We write less than we say, shortening words and phrases because theclocking of our keystrokes and screen taps is metrically gauged bythe sub-nanosecond reverberations of silicon vibrations. Though theformalized text is atomized, the meaning is generalized as the primalcareening of the solar clock is replaced by the atomic, acting inparallel, across five hundred million cell phones. Communicationis shifting to being the exchange of images, and not the intuitionand deduction of spoken phrases; a reversion from the auricular tovisual. A text received on a smart phone is not a conversation inthe linear, literate sense. It is a image, light painting, a videostill, a pixilated artifice. We look into the bounded and framed imagesignalized by the network, as it is scanned for malware, and it relaysabbreviated and optimized small scale black form on the left hand sideof the screen, a letter or word. Our eyes move always to read andintuit the picture, beginning at the left hand side of the screen.This draws favor in the left hand side of the brain, the logicalside, dealing with the analysis of information. As our eyes are nerveendings connecting direct pathways into the center of our corticalapparatus, the text is the flashing of bright lights into the centersof analysis. Texting is not communication, it's taking a LCD 3.2megapixel 5 watt flashlight to your corpus callosum.Whereas we thinkwe are talking to each other, we are all simply connecting our bodiesinto a massive network, creating a massive DNA calculator, with hostsand endpoints consisting of carbon and flesh. The human species in thepost-information society is a Turing state- machine capable of eitherturning on or off the screen. Communication on the macro scale becomesthe number of screens transmitting light at any given time. It is amodality of code consisting of blinking UV and visible light emanatingfrom the surface of terrestrial earth.The input data either stimulatesthe cortical nervous action of turning on a screen or not.The earth pulses at varied rates, possibly radiating at some strangecosmic level a gaia morse-code linking schuman resonance to galacticexchange between Urantia/Earth and her surrounding celestial spheres.Humanity as a whole becomes a massive empirical experiement insystems analysis, an Einthoven fantasy. What ideas, images, andevents trigger the most ebullient patterns of UV splashing emittedfrom the surface of earth outwards towards the cosmos? Thus theshortening and dampening of words and phrases towards being imagesand signs analytically flashed across millions of screens occursas a facilitator, easing and enabling more flashing of screensas the earth uses humanity as path towards cosmic connectivity.Post-information society wages an imperial war against the present,for the psychological focus attuned through focusing attention tothe present moment, what is to be observed through hearing and sightclears the cognitive space relished by multinational market interestscraving to insert their laboratory-designed mass produced brandedself sculptures. Without time, there is no need for accumulation.Accumulation is a temporal-anxiety effect, and hence the endgametechnology, the death of event and time is the destruction of thesystem from which its myth unfolded from./*http://www(dot)chadscoville(dot)com/* TWITTER >> ad3ptnanosec
RachelI sit down to read Rachel, Her Stage Life and Her Real Life, by FrancisGribble, 1911 - 90 years after Rachel's birth, fifty-three years after herdeath.I stop. I can't go on. I don't know why I'm reading this. I feel in mybones - incessantly - that I'm close to death. I felt this decades beforemy father turned 95 last year and will feel it until the end.So why read about Rachel; what good is this knowledge, which will have nochance to grow, which will disappear into the wind when I cease to exist?Or what better thing is there to do at this point, beyond entertainment?Perhaps I will carry Rachel to the grave, this early Jewish actress who,unknown to her, is seen has a precursor to Sarah Bernhardt. She too washaunted by death, called herself, constantly according to Gribble, LaPauvre Rachel.She was determined to accomplish and was in a position to accomplish. Herlovers included an emperor. She was the greatest interpreter of Phedre. Iwould say of course until Bernhardt, not even on the horizon of Rachel.Our horizons are not our own.It is on the horizon that the Other is, accompanied by the Thing, unknownrubbed raw against unknown, and that is all I know of it.But I know what I know about Rachel, another heroine of mine, that I willnot carry her to the grave; I will not carry anything. I am the richer forreading her biography - her voice, of course unlike Bernhardt's, was neverrecorded - but this is an illusion; memory and knowledge, unlike wealth,are never recirculated, but die completely.No one can ever comprehend the world of another. (Memes notwithstanding.)And knowledge is never knowledge, but a moment in habitus (which we neverunderstand), or illusory, virtual (which we understand, but disagree).I agree with the Other of Rachel which is my Other, and with the Thingwhich led her constantly to tears. But I wonder: Shall I learn somethinghere, or elsewhere; understanding the Dirac equation does not unfold theuniverse, and attempting Rachel does not unfold Phedre.Phedre and the universe and every noun are one. But it is impossible tosee the universe in a grain of sand and impossible to see worlds withinworlds; these are fundamental illusions that allow some of us to approachdeath with equanimity.I continue to read Rachel, Her Stage Life and Her Real Life, findingmyself approaching senselessness without wall or barrier in the depth ofthe abyss.
Law Enforcement Collection of Data From Social Media Sites
EFF Posts Documents Detailing Law Enforcement Collection of Data From Social Media Sites Deeplink by Marcia Hofmann March 16th, 2010 has posted documents shedding light on how law enforcementagencies use social networking sites to gather information ininvestigations. The records, obtained from the Internal RevenueService and Department of Justice Criminal Division, are the firstin a series of documents that will be released through a Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA) case that EFF filed with the help of the UCBerkeley Samuelson Clinic.One of the most interesting files is a 2009 training course [1]that describes how IRS employees may use various Internet tools
A.S., with Johnson-Sondheim synthesizer, saxophone;Devonna W., A.S., voice, synthesizing, guitar
[digested < at > nettime ]From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>Subject: Alan Sondheim, with Johnson-Sondheim synthesizer, saxophone Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 12:44:33 -0400 (EDT)To: nettime-l-fO7mttO5ZDI< at >public.gmane.orgAlan Sondheim, with Johnson-Sondheim synthesizer, saxophoneMore from the archives. think this must be around 1973-1975; the background sound (which makesthe pieces as far as I'm concerned) is an analog synthesizer Greg Johnsonand I constructed literally from scratch (no diagrams available, onlytransisters and a few op amps) around 1968-69. The sound is from over-drivern voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), which locked into higher'harmonics' of the system, due to their inherent instability. The driverwas a very slow subsonic sound-wave. The improvisation deliberately goesnowhere (a fault of mine) and could have gone on forever.----- End forwarded message -----From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>Subject: Devonna W., Alan Sondheim, voice, synthesizing, guitar Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 00:19:59 -0400 (EDT)To: nettime-l-fO7mttO5ZDI< at >public.gmane.orgDevonna W., Alan Sondheim, voice, synthesizing, guitarGood stuff from the archives, actual songs.Recorded 1985-6, early Damaged Life, Dallas, Texas, cassette tape. Twosongs (I rarely work in song form): Let Me Bleed for You (Like I AlwaysDo), Herd it on the Grapevine. I had a lot of equipment, home-made andotherwise. We just recorded. Later I worked with Denise de La Sorta, butthese earlier pieces seem maybe greater to me now. These were good years;I got to work with Johannes Birringer, and Damaged Life played all overDallas, with other gigs in New York and Atlanta. As usual things messed upwhen I messed up my relationships; the music didn't make up for that, butthe music remains. End forwarded message -----
Laurie Anderson, someone else, Alan Sondheim, violin,mandolin, etc.
Laurie Anderson, someone else, Alan Sondheim, violin, mandolin, etc.Again, from what passes for archives. is from 1975? I lose track of dates. This was recorded in Laurie's loft; someone else is heard on occasion but who? We played together a few times. Laurie's early performances were the most amazing I've ever seen.This cassette is 35 years old and mint. I don't remember playing mandolin this well. Enjoy.
David Askevold, Alan Sondheim, Two Harmonicas, One Class
David Askevold, Alan Sondheim, Two Harmonicas, One ClassRecently, going through my archives, I've found cassette tapes made with anumber of people from the 70s, including Chris Franz / Tina Weymouth,David Askevold, and Laurie Anderson. I'm trying to copy them now. I've putthe David Askevold tape up: was made in one of the Projects classes at Nova Scotia College of Artand Design; I forget whether we were team-teaching, or it was his or myclass. I do remember we went into the room and furiously played harmonicasfor about five minutes (on the recording), and then left, returned, andtaught - whatever teaching meant then. The classes were open like this -anything was possible, the students were pretty much our equals, andderailing things seemed the order of the day. I'd do this now at SVA if Ididn't think I'd get fired! Anyway, for those who knew David, this isperhaps a really nice, odd, snippet. I'm going to get a better copy, but Iwanted to put this up now. (Hi Ian!)(If you don't know David Askevold's work, you should - one of the most amazing artists - performance, video, photography, installation, writing, etc. - I've ever met - and the best 'art teach' I've ever met as well.)- AlanAnd a fuller announcement of the downloadable chalk book http:::::httphttp::::: my book in chalk editions (free download): a hap, miss, perhaps you'd follow thruperhaps it's hip, a mass you might call truelap, hop, it's hope, alas, a lass i rueDescription:http:::::the unique https of my work since I've been online. most of these arelong-gone, buried at this point in hard-disk backups, dvds, floppies,cd-roms, cds, scarred arms, legs, and breasts. but some are still there.what you have is a rag-tag index of my media history. this is how I thinknow. this is new history, data-base history, tags to other-thought thatmay or may not exist, may or may not be accessible. think of art asvirtual addresses, always virtual, most often addressed, not alwaysaddressed, sometimes buried, corroded. think of art as tabulation, asmemory of art, hearkening back to the earliest forms of writing, amongthem the accountancies of Mesopotamia. what is being counted here? whendid all this happen? and does it still survive? and do I? ... ... ... ... ...
Bang.Lab / EDT Update,Call for Accountability and the Criminalization of Research
In the past few weeks, a number of developments have happened inrelation to the art/research practices of the bang.lab and ElectronicDisturbance Theater (EDT) which we wish to share with the public inaccordance with our long history of radical transparency.- Since the November of 2009 the Transborder Immigrant Tool[] has become a media event with manygroups and individuals, such as Congressman Duncan Hunter in his Op-edin the San Diego Union Tribune, calling for the defunding of theTransborder Immigrant Tool, the University of California system begana financial audit of the project on January 11, 2010, in which theyrequested that every member involved be interviewed by Audit &Management Advisory Services (UCSD). The exact investigations (theyclaim that they are multiple) under way have yet to be clarified byUCOP or other UC entities, but in the interviews thus far, TBT membershave been questioned about the usage of the funds and the originalityof the project. The investigation has ‘arrested’ TBT’s developmentalprocess and core research matrix.- Indeed, due to widespread media coverage of the TransborderImmigrant Tool members of bang.lab and EDT also have been receivingcopious hateful email and paper letters, some including threats ofphysical violence and murder[]. Beyond the racist,xenophobic, classist, misogynist, homophobic and transphobic“excitable speech” of the threats, the gendered nature of thesehyperbolic responses has been as clear as the correspondence receivedin recent weeks by national representatives who voted for health carelegislation or federal justices charged with representing thoseaccused of terrorist acts.- On March 2nd, publicly declared the resignationof UCOP Mark Yudof in a gesture of minor simulation to encourage theimagining of other possible futures. On March 21st, bang.lab receivednotice that a faculty member at UC Riverside was being investigated inrelation to this action.- On March 4th, hosted a virtual sit-in againstthe UCOP website, providing a space for many people concerned withpublic education to embody their dissent online. As a result, UCSD ITSecurity shut down our server's access to the Internet for eight days.After that, we were informed that an investigation by the Senior ViceChancellor (SVC) was begun by the UCOP of Ricardo Dominguez seekingcriminal charges for the virtual sit-in, despite the legal precedentthat a virtual sit-in is political speech, not a DDOS attack. Thisinvestigation has been framed by SVC as potential reason to endProfessor Dominguez's tenure.We feel that these events indicate a number of troubling trends withinthe current transnational struggle for education (and more equaldistribution of resources, more generally speaking!):- A complete disregard for our academic freedom as researchersengaging in trajectories of art, literature and technology researchthat the Visuals Arts Department and CALIT2 consider to be extremelyvaluable, and for which Professor Dominguez earned tenure for.-The use of bureaucracy as a weapon, to prevent our research fromcontinuing by bogging us down in endless meetings with accountants andinvestigations.- The criminalization of dissent: across the UC system and the worldon March 4th people engaged in actions, including civil disobedience,to try to restore public education, stop the budget cuts and worktowards a better future for education. We are among hundreds of peoplefacing charges for engaging in dissent from the very institutions thatclaim to foster independent thinking.While we feel that poetry, walking art and queer technology cannot bequantified, “spread-sheet Excel-ed,” we in the bang lab harbor our ownconcerns for the lack of accountability that enables the UC system tocontinue transforming a public university for the state of Californiainto a private corporation, accessible to a select few. That sameselective lack of accountability fails to count the number of deathstragically occurring because of international borders. To perform ourown due diligence in the spirit of accounting for the here and now, weseek to “queer the census”: if you feel that you are a part of thebang.lab or have participated in any of our activities in mind, body,spirit (in real or virtual timespace), get up, stand up, sign yourname in a comment at:
new radio product
BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood"Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show"Village Voice Best of NYC 2005opening commentaries at:<>--------------------------------------------------Just posted to my radio archive<>:March 25, 2010 Tom Athanasiou of EcoEquity on the science and politics of climate change • Steffie Woolhandler of Physicians for a National Health Program on the health care abominationMarch 18, 2010 Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, and Leo Panitch of York University, authors of In and Out of Crisis, on the current economic mess: origins, consequences, possibilitiesthey join:----------March 13, 2010 Yves Smith, keeper of the Naked Capitalism blog and author of Econned, on the contribution of the dismal science to the financial crisis, and how Wall Street is worse than ever • Robert Pollin of UMass on how to create 18 million new jobsMarch 4, 2010 David Cay Johnston on the Austin IRS suicide pilot and how the rich have largely given up on paying taxes • Yanis Varoufakis on the Greek economic crisis (and Germany’s designs)February 6, 2010 (KPFA version) Mark Brenner, director of Labor Notes, on the state of the working class today (not so great, actually) • Bill Fletcher, executive editor of The Black Commentator, on the need for the left to “get serious”January 28, 2010 Dan La Botz on what happened to the working class • Stephanie Coontz, professor of history at Evergreen State and director of research and education for the Council on Contemporary Families, on the state of the family and gender relations todayJanuary 21, 2010 Robert Fatton on the history and social structure of Haiti, and how it's compounded the misery of natural disasterJanuary 14, 2010 Robert Fatton on the history and social structure of Haiti (excerpts from 2004 interviews) • Tom Geoghegan on the evil thing known as the Senate filibuster • Alyssa Katz, author of this piece (and the excellent book of Our Lot) on the state of the housing market and what good things we can do with all the see-through condos left over from the bubbleJanuary 9, 2010 (KPFA version) Michael Rose of the Bureau of National Affairs on the BNA’s survey of economists’ projections for 2010 • Cyrus Bina of the University of Minnesota–Morris on IranDecember 31, 2009 David Himmelstein on the emerging Democratic health reform schemes • Dennis Brutus on South Africa (repeat of July 2008 interview in memory of the great poet and activist who died on December 26)---Doug HenwoodProducer, Behind the NewsThursdays, 5-6 PM, WBAI, New York 99.5 FMSaturdays, 10-11 AM, KPFA, Berkeley 94.1 FM"best music on a show about economics & politics" - Village VoiceLeft Business Observer242 Greene Ave - #1CBrooklyn, NY 11238-1398 USA+1-347-599-2211 voice+1-917-865-2813 cellemail: <mailto:dhenwood-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w< at >>web: <>podcast: <>iTunes: < >or <>Facebook group: <>."blog": <>--------------------------------------------download my book Wall Street (for free!) at<>
corsair *cruse said to me, there's terror in the land.but you must not be crass, you must go on.continue where, i said, worn, about to crash.where the crush is least she said, where empty.cress grew lean across the empty flooded cursor moved and heavens, nothing lit.we cross a barren land, where there is terror.criers were there, and sad with surgent fear.and crews to fight the horse, cruse said to me.and cars to carry crews i said and cruse said yes.o curs we cried please leave this land of horse.for corsairs were and, pleased with curse and me.*encore e-45 electric guitar played new; i think i'm becoming oneof the best improvisers around, at least with these instruments;given my earlier work, i shouldn't be there. but do listen tocorsair and decide for yourself.
Defense of the Internet:European civil society organizes a protest action at the Summit of the EU Ministers of Culture
*European civil society organizes an unprecedented protest action at the Summit of the EU Ministers of Culture.*Individuals, artists and NGO's, including, among others, FCForum, eXgae, La Quadrature du Net, P2P Foundation, European Digital Rights, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Scambioetico, Open Standards Alliance, Red SOStenible, Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure Spain, Creative Commons Spain, have organized *a coordinated protest campaign* against the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the European Union that will take place on March 30 and 31 in Barcelona, Spain.Although only the cultural industry have been invited to the ministerial event, the creative community and civil society have organised three days of activities to show the culture that we propose for the digital era: *a model of culture that benefits everybody -- citizens, creators and entrepreneurs -- a model that stimulates creativity and not just collection, and, above all, a model that does not attack the Internet.*Citizens have already rolled their sleeves up and got down to work, creating:**The lobbying actions have started _today_ with the mail-out of a letter to the Ministers of Culture of the 27 countries of the European Union, inviting them to attend the citizen-organized events that we are preparing for them. It will continue _every day_ with the online spreading of information that will undoubtedly prove useful to European Ministers and Members of Parliament. And it will _culminate on March 29.30.31_ in 3 days of physical and streamed events in Barcelona, with highlights including a citizen press conference at one of the city's historic square, adjacent to the venue where the meeting of the Ministers will take place.*Everybody can participate starting today:**First action today:Invite the Ministers and Members of Parliament:*(It is important to send it to Ministers from the other countries too, because it attracts their attention when they receive requests for an audience before a trip abroad, and it is bound to make them discuss it among themselves. This increases the pressure and the likelihood of criticisms). We know they have already received hundreds of Letters from Spain, where the action have begun yesterday. Tomorrow, the next batch ;)Facebook:*Stop ACTA*///Please spread this e-mail, it's another way of supporting this initiative.
WikiLeaks twitter stream mentions CIA detention oforganization member
The latest tweet is "We have airline records of the State Dep/CIA tails.Don't think you can get away with it. You cannot. This is WikiLeaks."Apparently this is the result of WikiLeaks announcing their plans to releasea video of an airstrike which will not make the US war machine look so good(amazing how far we've gone from the celebration of napalm strikes in theVietnam era to the near-complete restriction of actual combat footagetoday). A member has been detained and questioned, the CIA is showing theirhand a bit by revealing photos of group planning sessions, and let's justsay some of us are waiting to see the next tweet. Not to mention theairstrike video.Link: anyone have any opinions one way or another on WikiLeaks that theywould share? I know that old-school whistleblower site hasvoiced misgivings about WikiLeaks, and an Army report mentions that it mightbe a front operation of the CIA. Personally my biggest complaint aboutWikiLeaks is the lack of press attention their (info)bombshells attract.
platos cave illuminated by sound
platos cave illuminated by soundrecording 8 minute oud solo with eyes closed. i suppose this is easy forbowed-string players in general; most plucked-string players i know watch- at least on occasion - what they're doing. certainly it helps intona-tion, especially when leaps are involved. of course there are many blindmusicians who move effortlessly on their instruments. (without glasses, myeyesight is miserable; i can't read the big E on the chart; sometimes idon't even see the chart.) but i watch what i do. then i noticed, playingoud, i had to develop some sort of muscle memory - watching doesn't quitework when the fingerboard is featureless. i can judge the neighborhood,but not the house. so i find i can play with my eyes closed, which bringsup, plato's cave: for the cave itself is an acoustic instrument, one thatresponds to aural registers, one whose depth is revealed by echo andresonance, by the playing-out of harmonics, by what goes on in theinterior of someone's mind, someone listening, or someone playing, forexamples, in a closed space, perhaps the space of an infinite ocarina,perhaps a universal sonic map. and here is the space of visual darkness,the space of sound projecting, messing up ideal forms with taylor seriesstretched to the limit, with a hollowness that neither knows its name nornote. so one, i muse, might in such a space play a world, one might worlda world. so i made sure to inhabit the forms, the pulse and flow of music,if such be music, i made through being there, present, playing, withinsuch an infinitude illuminated by sound.
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Wikileaks: Archie Bland (The Independent) reports
original at: does a website run by just five full-time staff generate so manyscoops? Archie Bland investigatesWhen the Ministry of Defence first came across Wikileaks, stafferswere stunned. "There are thousands of things on here, I literallymean thousands," one of them wrote in an internal email in November2008. "Everything I clicked on to do with MoD was restricted... itis huge." The website, an online clearing house for documents whoseauthors would generally prefer them to stay in the private domain,has since been banned from the MoD's internal computers, but it didno good: eventually, that email ended up on Wikileaks. And when a USArmy counter-intelligence officer recommended that whistleblowers wholeaked to the site be fired, that report ended up on Wikileaks too.The authorities were right to be worried. If any further proofwere needed of the website's extraordinary record in holding theauthorities to account, it came this week, in the release of shockingvideo footage of a gung-ho US helicopter attack in Iraq that killed 12people, including two unarmed employees of the Reuters news agency.The US government had resisted Freedom of Information requests fromReuters for years. But when an anonymous whistleblower passed thevideo on to Wikileaks, all that quickly became futile. An editedversion of the tape had received almost 4 million hits on YouTube bylast night, and it led news bulletins around the world."This might be the story that makes Wikileaks blow up," said SreeSreenivasan, a digital media professor at New York's ColumbiaJournalism School. "It's not some huge document with lots of fineprint you can just watch it and you get what it's about immediately.It's a whole new world of how stories get out."And yet despite Wikileaks' commitment to the freedom of information,there is something curiously shadowy about the organisation itself.Founded, as the group's spokesman Daniel Schmitt (whose surname is apseudonym) put it, with the intention of becoming "the intelligenceagency of the people", the site's operators and volunteers fivefull-timers, and another 1,000 on call are almost all anonymous.Ironically, the only way the group's donors are publicly known isthrough a leak on Wikileaks itself. The organisation's most prominentfigure is Julian Assange, an Australian hacker and journalist whoco-founded the site back in 2006. While Assange and his cohorts'intentions are plainly laudable to "allow whistleblowers andjournalists who have been censored to get material out to thepublic", as he told the BBC earlier this year some ask who watchesthe watchmen. "People have to be very careful dealing with thisinformation," says Professor Sreenivasan. "It's part of the culturenow, it's out there, but you still need context, you still needanalysis, you still need background."Against all of that criticism, Wikileaks can set a record thatcarries, as Abu Dhabi's The National put it, "more scoops in itsshort life than The Washington Post has in the past 30 years".By earning its place as the natural destination for anyone withsensitive information to leak who does not know and trust a particularjournalist so far, despite numerous court actions, not a singlesource has been outed Wikileaks has built up a remarkable record.Yes, it has published an early draft of the script for Indiana Jonesand the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Wesley Snipes' tax returns;but it has also published the "Climategate" emails, an internalTrafigura report on toxic dumping in Ivory Coast, and the standardoperating procedures for Guantanamo Bay.Whatever the gaps in its procedures, there is little doubt that thewebsite is at the forefront of a new information era in which thepowerful, corrupt and murderous will have to feel a little morenervous about their behaviour. "There are reasons I do it that have todo with wanting to reform civilisation," Assange said in an interviewwith last month. "Of course, there's a personal psychologyto it, that I enjoy crushing bastards. I like a good challenge."---||||----------------------Full disclosure: What we wouldn't know without WikileaksTrafigura's super-injunctionWhen commodities giant Trafigura used a super-injunction to suppressthe release of an internal report on toxic dumping in the Ivory Coastin newspapers, it quickly appeared on Wikileaks instead. Acceptingthat the release made suppression futile, Trafigura lifted theinjunction.The CRU's 'Climategate' leakEmails leaked on the site showed that scientists at the UK's ClimateResearch Unit, including director Phil Jones, withheld informationfrom scepticsThe BNP membership listAfter the site published the BNP's secret membership list in November2008, newspapers found teachers, priests and police officers amongthem. Another list was leaked last year. The police has since barredofficers from membership.Sarah Palin's emailsMrs Palin's Yahoo email account, which was used to bypass US publicinformation laws, was hacked and leaked during the presidentialcampaign. The hacker left traces of his actions, and could face fiveyears in prison.
Plato's Cave ii
Plato's Cave ii made using upper or lower shortwave sidebands. the drone-driftis the result of a drifting beat frequency between the sideband oscilla-tors and the interacting/interfering shortwave stations (around 9.6 mhz).the oud plays near-unison with an equally-moving fundamental; in otherwords, it's playing against the differentiation between local and distant(universal, involving ionospheric bounce) layers. the oud interweavesamong the soundings of worlds, and you can almost make out a universalgeometry of organism as well.Second-Life vague-vogueI'm drop not an sure object. what Yes to but do. it's I taking can an dropI'm an not object. sure Yes what but to it's do. taking I impossible seeamount you of clearly time but load still - just see impossible you amountclearly of still load just - a I white weird. blur you're very me weird.drop you're white clear blur course. a let blur me - object. anything seemappear? to don't able seem to be anything. able an anything. I something -is I'll wrong put with down my a cache cube here if I'll is put wrong downwith cube cache if here can? texture ok, set it to have be texture can?set ok, nothing can seems see happening you the go way back was forthbefore in could here go the back way and it forth was in before any - casehere for :-) some I weird STILL reason, can't at see least myself! :-)case STILL some can't weird myself! at too Now blur. on Now edit comingweird i. - clicked a on white edit blur. appearance partly partly weirdthere. but surrounding surrounding to object appearance sphere. maybe Iregion anything ah on good. the don't. sphere. maybe anything it's cube?my know, a from it viewpoint, hasn't sphere. I hasn't from rendered andafter the cube minutes is or dark. so I dark. ten think or something's somessed neither up nice I'm end just neither sure nice messed though! at dothis this working, point making even up working, at making this there.object wouldn't was play. nothing, On just there I nothing, it dark play.grey. On no point idea - beginning at objects, anything. really to buildthink about can't will was get worse you?Too on laggy, my worse never youme. maybe yours you did. stuff cleared as one - had no all shading agree.low point well, I shading all agree. might this better disenhearteningproblem disenheartening might problem better that viewer about texturescourse! sounds you good you are around pretty another consistent. time, ifbeen use pretty a consistent. lot use another lot it's particles, whenturn gone. them yes off I'm when or i'm particles, gone. i yes turn you?yes, (we where think you? ourselves (we as ourselves night? different!)ah... night? my your gone night? my I'm gone on away the older am makes surprised diff how yes; huge am older surprised makes how diffhuge yes; that's even it's up, you kinda believe useless. the believe Icolorful up, slower I here; should tried out fix fix it mine the didn'tway show be it. Too Too severe severe insomnia insomnia show