networked performance
My City: Art and Public Space Symposium [Istanbul]
My City: Art and Public Space May Symposium :: May 8, 2010: Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Conference room no:127, Taşkışla Caddesi No:1, Taksim :: May 15, 2010: garajistanbul, Tomtom Mah. Yeni Çarşı Caddesi, Kaymakam Reşat Bey sok. no:11a Galatasaray, Beyoğlu.As part of the My City project a group of international artists, writers, curators [...]
Live Stage: ScrapCycle(reUSE/ reCOMBINE) [NYC]
ScrapCycle (reUSE/reCOMBINE) creative reuse through recombination with works by Aricoco (Ari Tabei), Katherine Liberovskaya + o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi), LoVid (Kyle Lapidus + Tali Hinkis), Philip Galanter, Phillip Stearns, Pollie Barden, Ranjit Bhatnagar, Torino:Margolis (Jenny Torino + Ben Margolis) :: May 7, 2010; 7:00 pm (performances by Bora Yoon; Ranjit Bhatnagar and the Glass Bees; Tom [...]
Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders [Sao Paulo]
DEADLINE EXTENDED Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders :: October 18-21, 2010 :: Sao Paulo, Brazil :: Call for Participation — Deadline: May 7, 2010.We invite proposals of papers, posters and workshops for Soft Borders - the 4th Upgrade! International Conference & Festival on New Media Art, that will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from [...]
Tracing Mobility Symposium [Notthingham]
Tracing Mobility: Cartography and Migration in Networked Space :: May 15, 2010; 10:00 am - 7:00 pm :: Nottingham Contemporary, Weekday CrossNottingham NG1 2GB :: Free - reserve a place visit or phone 0115 924 2421.Tracing Mobility, the first of Radiator’s three international symposia, examines the emergence of a new art space, a space born [...]
Art, Technology, Cultural Heritage Workshop [Contigliano]
2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Interactive Media: Art, Technology, Cultural Heritage :: July 10 - 23, 2010 :: Contigliano, Italy :: Call for Applications — Deadline: April 30 :: More info at info [at] the castle of this breathtaking, medieval town in the heart of Italy, come to study and experiment how to merge innovative [...]
Future Tense: Alternative Arts and Economies in the University [San Diego]
The 4th annual UCIRA State of the Arts Conference: Future Tense: Alternative Arts and Economies in the University :: November 18-21, 2010 :: University of California, San Diego :: Call for Proposals — Deadline: May 28, 2010The Conference Theme: The last two years have witnessed an unprecedented crisis on college campuses around the world, as [...]
Mashup Cultures
[Image: 'Nine Steps to Collaborative Composites' qthomasbower @flickr] Mashup Cultures, Sonvilla-Weiss. Stefan (Ed.), Springeren: This volume brings together cutting-edge thinkers and scholars together with young researchers and students, proposing a colourful spectrum of media-theoretical, -practical and -educational approaches to current creative practices and techniques of production and consumption on and off the web. Along with [...]
Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders [Sao Paulo]
DEADLINE IN THREE DAYS Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders :: October 18-21, 2010 :: Sao Paulo, Brazil :: Call for Participation — Deadline: April 30, 2010.We invite proposals of papers, posters and workshops for Soft Borders - the 4th Upgrade! International Conference & Festival on New Media Art, that will take place in Sao Paulo, [...]
(O)pen S(ource) LOOM by Margarita Benitez
OSLOOM by Margarita Benitez (lead instigator), et al:The OSLOOM (pronounced O S Loom) project is about creating an open source hand loom that is computer controlled by basic software where anyone can simply weave a photo via a web browser (twill/satin). It would also be able to import weave ready files from other software (such [...]
“Sufferrosa” by Dawid Marcinkowski
Four years in the making, Sufferrosa is a non-linear, interactive web-based movie made by Dawid Marcinkowski (screenwriter, director, editor and designer) with help from an international group of filmmakers, musicians and artists. It is an experimental storytelling project combining cinema and the web.The movie is a homage to Jean Luc Godard’s movie Alphaville (1965), W.J.Has’ [...]
Making Reality Really Real [Trondheim]
11th Consciousness International Reframed Conference 2010: Making Reality Really Real :: November 4-6, 2010 :: TEKS, PB 2227, 7412 Trondheim, Norway :: Call for Abstracts (no more than 500 words) — Deadline: May 9, 2010.Making Reality Really Real: The status of our reality is uncertain. We know that the material world experienced through our senses [...]
Uneven Geographies: Art and Globalization [Nottingham]
Uneven Geographies: Art and Globalization :: May 8 - July 4, 2010 :: The Geopolitical Turn: Art and the Contest of Globalization Conference, May 8 :: Nottingham Contemporary, Weekday Cross, Nottingham NG1 2GB, UK.Uneven Geographies focuses on projects by artists concerned variously with visualising the transnational mobility of capital, goods and people in today’s global [...]
ELO_AI: Archive & Innovate [Providence, RI]
ELO_AI: Archive & Innovate :: June 3-6, 2010 :: Brown University, Providence, RI.Archive: We are concerned with archive - although not primarily, in the context of this particular gathering, with preservation. (Preservation has been the focus of ELO attention in other contexts and fora.) Here and now we ask: what are the electronic literary, digital [...]
Visualizing Dilemmas: When Information and Biology Converge in the Visualization of Viruses
[Image: Infecter by Shannon Kennedy, 2004*] Visualizing Dilemmas: When Information and Biology Converge in the Visualization of Viruses by Roberta Buiani, NOEMA [PDF here]:Technically speaking, computer and biological viruses are affiliated to two unbridgeable and well-separated spheres, one prevalently pertaining to the domain of information and the other to the one of carbon-based life. Their [...]
Networked Organisms and Habitats (Noah)
Networked Organisms and Habitats (Noah) is a tool that nature lovers can use to explore and document local wildlife and a common technology platform that research groups can use to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.Spottings: Grab a photograph of an interesting organism that you want to share or learn more about, select the [...]
Hotel Yeoville [Johannesburg]
Hotel Yeoville by Terry Kurgan, Tegan Bristow, Wits University Forced Migration Studies Programme, et al.“Hotel Yeoville is not actually a hotel. Artist Terry Kurgan and collaborators instruct visitors to a website that their site-specific intervention, housed at the Yeoville library, is to be a chronicle of experience. Yeoville residents are encouraged to “tell stories of [...]
“Networks for Art Work” by Frédérik Lesage
Networks for Art Work [PDF] by Frédérik Lesage, PhD:ABSTRACT: The principle objective of this study is to examine the culture of networks that are implicated in the production of culture, specifically as it pertains to artists’ design and use of digitally networked information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the production of artworks. The analysis in [...]
Live Stage: De Geuzen: View by Thread [Leuven]
De Geuzen: View by Thread :: May 4 - June 6, 2010 :: Opening: May 4; 7:00 pm :: STUK kunstencentrum, Naamsestraat 96 . B-3000, Leuven, Belgium.View by Thread is an exhibition that looks at some of the key themes running through De Geuzen?s practice and explores the tactics they have employed in their unique [...]
Turbulence Spotlight: Corrupt™ by Benjamin Gaulon
Turbulence Spotlight: Corrupt™ - data corruption software by Benjamin Gaulon (aka Recyclism):Corrupt™ was originally built with Proce55ing. This PHP version has been realised in collaboration with BlueMelon. The corruption process starts by reading the binary of an image file [JPG or GIF]; then some bytes are randomly swapped. The file is then “saved as” a [...]
Bike Box: Platform for Civic Engagement + Participatory Art Making
Bike Box :: July 16-25, 2010 :: Devotion Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC :: Call for Proposals and Submissions — Deadline: June 10.Bike Box is a participatory locative media project and database created by Sabine Gruffat and Bill Brown. Using open-source software, participants will be able to listen to and contribute geotagged audio that relates or responds [...]