VJ forums - events
O2 Leeds Dec
3rd Dec Leeds O2 Academy, be cool to see some of the Leeds Mafia there;) Image: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4607/dsschulzweblandscape.jpg
////poor english translation//// Ouananiche is ravenous for films, cooking them up and recomposing them into musical video collages. When PHI...
Projection Painting: NYC Oct 28,29,30,2010
I will be showing paintings that I integrate with projections at a new gallery in new york city the last weekend in october. I made a trailer for...
New Zealand - Rhythm & Vines NYE
There's gonna be a good crew at R&V in NZ this year. 4 stages all with hi-spec beamers, lasers, screens and VJ's. Who else is going? Really looking...
Lab | Isadora focus on mapping + after effects for isadora 17-18-19-20 marzo 2011
Lab | Isadora focus on mapping 17-18 marzo 2011 Il corso fornira ai partecipanti una base tecnica che permetta loro di sviluppare tecniche...
vvvv workshop Birmingham UK, 23rd March 2011
As part of Flatpack FestivalFlatpack Festival (http://www.flatpackfestival.org/home/) I'm running a 1 day beginners workshop in vvvv, I'm afraid due...
LPM Quartz Workshop What would you like to be in it?
I'm heading out to the LPM this year and doing a workshop and will *hopefully* have some copies of the long overdue Quartz Composer book, I have been...
WMC VJ Challenge
anyone on forums attending / entering this? WMC VJ Challenge (http://wintermusicconference.com/events/vjchallenge/)
Big Beat Re-Union Bristol April 30th 2011 (It's a BIGGIE!!!)
Image: http://i54.tinypic.com/20rle09.jpg Rocstar Events in association with The Drop are very proud to announce- BIG BEAT REUNION BRISTOL...
22-26 April - Transahara 2011 - Sahara Desert - Morocco
Transahara 2011 - Sahara Desert - Morocco April 22nd to April 26 Image:...
11th of March: SALON FLUX feat. KELPE (Dalston, London)
*SALON FLUX Nr.2* We are thrilled to announce the second instalment of SALON FLUX, a night boasting a wild mix of music, live visuals,...
Nuit Hypnotique #4 La Filature Mulhouse France
The next in a series of nights when top class chilled electronica is combined with video. The last one which sold out was extremely well received by...
PANORAMICA - March 11, 12, 13 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hello! I'm proud to invite you to know the artists will be presented on PANORAMICA this year. PANORAMICA is an real-time audiovisual festival...
incite/ live @ Videoformes
incite/ live @ Videoformes Festival, Clermont-Ferrand March 17th 2011 @ Poco Loco 10 rue Fontgieve 63000 Clermont Ferrand other audiovisual...
Vancouver Video Arts EXPO
Drop Out Video Arts BYOBWORLDWIDE.COM and W2 Present Drop In / Drop Out: Video Arts Expo at W2 Storyeum Friday March 18, 2011 Image:...
FULLDOME CALL OUT to all VJs/ Video Performers of the world
From VJ to VJ, Have you ever thought about VJing in a Planetarium? Yes? So now it´s possible at FULLDOME UK 2011 (http://www.fulldome.org.uk/)...
[workshop] Interface Design for Live visuals performance
hi all! This post is mostly directed to the Portugal based so sorry for the portuguese use.. Irei leccionar no próximos dias 5-6-7-8 de Abril...
Call for Entries till March 15! EMERGEANDSEE media arts festival Berlin
EMERGEANDSEE media arts festival Berlin 2011 – DEADLINE March 15! /En Détail/ Since 2000 the EMERGEANDSEE media arts festival offers...
Beatburger Bites Back - Adelaide, Australia (Feb 26 & Mar 5)
3 projected video screens, B&O sound and the best live electronic performers we can wrangle in Adelaide, Australia! Rest of world, wish you were...
B-Seite 2011 /// Germany /// Mannheim
http://vimeo.com/21165779 check: http://jetztkultur.de (http://jetztkultur.de/)