VJ forums - events
Scanner (UK) presents "Borders, Unto the Edges" at Multiplicidade Festival in Rio
Image: http://blogs.estadao.com.br/jt-variedades/files/2010/07/NO_TEXT2.JPG Robin Rimbaud, also known as *Scanner*, is a music producer in...
August 13-14th: Processing for Kinect and Android: DIY Tech Workshop
As part of the DIY Tech Workshop series at FabLab in San Diego, Eric Medine is going to be giving lectures and demos on Processing and Java for...
Bring You Own Beamer @ the Roundhouse Sat 13 Aug, 7pm
Sat 13 Aug, 7pm Roundhouse, Chalk Farm Road, Camden, London, UK Hello All, Check out Whats up at the Roundhouse...
NYC Saturday 7/12 Midnight @ Don Pedro in Brooklyn
Im doing a live set with ROTWANG ( http://thanqustore.bandcamp.com/album/test-card-1-crisis ) at Don Pedro in brooklyn. The show starts at 8 and ends...
DJ Yoda Live AV Show at the Roundhouse - Sept 17th
Image: http://www.soundcrashmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/djyodaroundhouse.jpg Soundcrash presents The Wonderful World of DJ Yoda. ...
10/09/11 LOOKING SOUND PRESENTS 'Future Warehouse Visuals'-5 LIVE AV SETS-FREE ENTRY
Image: http://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/124/b5c071d7ed154103b24f164c4f2fa891/l.jpg Looking Sound presents Future Warehouse Visuals...
Multiplicidade presents: Lise + L_ar "Reações Visuais"
To create a small opera from voices, noises and all sorts of noise captured along manifestation of a shift in urban spaces is what propose *Lise +...
Moving Up to Event Promoter!
So as many of the regulars readers of VJF may know I am heavily involved in the burning man art scene, and as such, I do allot of no, or low pay...
Daedelus + Luke Vibert + Kutmah at KOKO - Sept 17th
Image: http://www.soundcrashmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Soundcrash-Daedelus_-A5-Flyer-01.jpg Soundcrash takes you on a sonic adventure...
incite/ live in Breda and Paris
*incite/ live @ e-pulse festival* incite/ live @ e-pulse festival, Breda, NL Friday, September 30th, 22:00 Venue: electron breda 7,50 ...
[LDN] 22.10. Flying Lotus in collaboration with AntiVJ @ The Roundhouse
Image: http://www.soundcrashmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Flying-Lotus_web.jpg Flying Lotus Live show in Collaboration with AntiVJ ...
Videocrash: DJ Cheeba and Friends.[LDN] 11.10.11
Image: http://www.soundcrashmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/cheeba_web.png Fresh from tearing The Roundhouse a new one as a more than worthy...
Resolume 4 Workshop in San Francisco, November 8th
Hi everybody! I'll be working with DJ Heyoka and Madrone Studios to put on a one day workshop about Resolume 4, on November 8th. We're very...
Electrovision - Saturday 22nd October - Roxy Bar and Screen
Image: http://www.electrovision-cinema.com/events/ev14/email/ev_flyer.jpg http://www.electrovision-cinema.com/events/ev14/index.html The...
Aurora in Dallas
http://dallasaurora.com Im about to do the biggest VJ performance of my life! Official announcement here: ...
Image: http://www.soundcrashmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Videocrash_web.png Videocrash returns to its magnificent birthplace to break the...
Tracks and Visuals 2011 in Innsbruck/Austria
Aufgrund der Verschiebung des Events auf den 16.12.2011 sind zwei Plätze für dj/vj teams kurzfristig freigeworden. Preisgelder sind dieses...
Mapping Festival in San Francisco?
10/12/2011 LOOKING SOUND Future Warehouse Visuals FEAT: Dead Silence Syndicate
Image: http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/383795_10150379123660124_655150123_8870663_250007987_n.jpg FREE ENTRY - 10th December 2011...
Marco Donnarumma - Premiere of a new biomedia, av performance, Madrid
Image: http://marcodonnarumma.com/wp-content/themes/Breathe1.0/works_images/marco-donnarumma_hypo-chrysos_2.jpg Dear all, this is to...