VJ forums - events
08/12/2012 [LON] Looking Sound Presents 'Future Warehouse Visuals' FEAT: DJ CHEEBA
Image: http://www.lookingsound.com/LookingSound/Images/2012/flyers/dec/LS_Dec_Poster_2.png Live Audio Visual Performances, Live Analogue Music,...
In Southampton tonight? Projections on Guildhall
http://www.solent.ac.uk/news/news-articles/2012/lighten-up.aspx Come and have a look and join in! Cheers, Mandy :)
16-24/03/2013 B-Seite Festival Mannheim Germany
*B-Seite Festival ist calling for entries* *www.jetztkultur.de (http://vjforums.com/www.jetztkultur.de)* *Calling for entries // Exhibition*...
incite/ in December
Some great news from our side: - we're proud to announce having won an award at the Visual Music Award, created by the Frankfurt/ Germany based...
monthly eclectic dance night with visuals starting up in Osaka, Japan
Hi, I've been living here 18 months and looking for a venue for a while and now found one. So I'll be running a monthly eclectic dance night here in...
scopesession berlin special: transmediale vorspiel jan 26th
For those of you in berlin this weekend: scopesessions (http://scopesessions.org/) presents a special evening of audio-visual performances for the...
09/02/2013 [LON] Looking Sound Presents 'Future Warehouse Visuals' FEAT: Bitvert
**Image: http://www.lookingsound.com/LookingSound/Images/2013/feb/LS_Feb_Poster.png *Looking Sound : Future Warehouse Visuals * Live Audio...
incite/ in February/March
3 incite/ gigs coming up in the next weeks: Sat, 02.02. klub katarakt, Hamburg, Kampnagel German Premiere of new live-set holistic glue joined...
Kernel Festival /013: Call for proposals
The [*B]Kernel Call* /013[/B] is officially open: the objective is to gather proposals form emerging artists and professionals interested in...
Genius Loci Weimar 2013: Call for Entries
We are happy to launch the international audio-visual video mapping competition for the 2nd media art festival Genius Loci Weimar. Make walls...
Electrovision - 23rd of March 2013
After a long break, electrovision is back with a new line-up of ground breaking international artists. This time we have performances from VJ Emiko...
Geneva Mapping festival expenses
Hi there. I am really newbie around these forums. Just wanted to start planning my trip to Geneva for the festival. Does anyone know roughly the...
Live Performers Meeting 2013 - Rome Edition
Hey LPM call is extended till 31 of march! Subscribe (http://2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/participate/)!! :roll: The thirteenth edition of...
Chasers performance
Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/734011_10151576352966013_1525392133_n.jpg Chasers AV pop band performance April...
incite/ live in April an May - 5 gigs for a digital revolution
1+2: incite/ live @ Bunkerrauschen (Bunker Noise) Sat, April 20th 18:00 + Sun. April 21st 16:00 Outstanding daytime performances: - incite/ -...
18.05.13 - Vagina Vomit (Paris) + DJs support @ Sameheads, Berlin
FB event: http://www.facebook.com/events/569961269690931/ *Vagina Vomit are a unique mix of audio-visual-disco-cabaret!* Samstag 18. Mai 2013 ...
Interactive audio/visual/dancing environments workshop BERLIN 25+26.05
StratoFyzika⊳⊳⊳⊳▻▻▸▸▸▸▸▸ invites you to a two day workshop for musicians, visual artists and dancers interested in interdisciplinary collaboration...
Live Broadcast / Dec 19th / Q-Dance 'XQ' / BLEEP
Tonight is X-qlusive (QDANCE) in Sydney The event will be broadcast live over the net on http://www.q-dance.nl/ and ...
IMAGINATION REBORN - Bandung, Indonesia 26.12.2008
Image: http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/5866/imaginationreborncopymlxx4.jpg THIS IS NOT AN ORDINARY PARTY THIS IS A MOVEMENT PARTY! THIS IS...
UK Iasdora Conference
A little teaser.... I have been given the go ahead to do an Isadora Confernece at Doncaster University Centre in March 2009. I am currently...